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النقد الادبي لayosha م3 part1
[النقد الادبي لayosha م3 part1 - فوزي سليسلي]
الله يوفقنا جميعا
عدد الأسئلة: 24
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) what is Western literature based on
on Greek literature
on Roman literature
2) is it the exactly the same
yes, there is no difference
no, there is a substantial amount of difference
3) Greek thought influenced Europe and the west ,did that make both cultures the same
no the difference between the two cultures were significant
yes exactly the same
4) who are the Greek thinkers that influenced the development of western literature
Plato and Aristotle
Socrates and Plato
5) what is the word for literature in Greek
they didn't have a word for literature they called it poetry
they didn't have a word for literature they called it Prose
6) what did Plato think of poetry
he thought it was influential and extremely misunderstood
he thought it was brilliant and lovely
7) what did he write
he wrote literature
he wrote dialogues
8) what did he talk about in the dialogues
9) why was he obsessed with poetry
greek literature and criticism can agree
Western literature and criticism cannot agree
10) Who wrote "the Republic"
11) what were Plato’s most important contribution
first to make the distinction between MIMESIS and DIAGESIS to ban poets and poetry from the city.
they developed all genres of literature (tragedy, comedy, different forms of poetry, short stories, and novels)
12) what are MIMESIS and DIAGESIS translated as
imitation and narration
sound and meaning
13) what is imitation
when we tell the story in the first person (I want , I did....)
telling the story in third person ( he went ,they talked...)
14) what is narration
when we tell the story in first person (I want , I did...)
telling the story in third person ( he went ,they talked...)
15) how is drama with characters normally written
mimesis (imitation)
16) how are stories in the third person written
mimesis (imitation)
17) who said” and narration may be either simple narration, or imitation, or a union of the two”?
18) why is the distinction between MIMESIS and DIAGESIS important
it is very important for the analysis of literature
it is very important for the analysis of prose
19) whats the name of plato’s book
The Republic
20) how did people react towards plato decision to ban poets and poetry from the city
it was difficult to explain because they valued poetry
it was easy to explain because they valued poetry
21) what do western cultures clam that their literature based on
it was based on Greek antiquity
it was based on roman antiquity
22) when do scholars finally show that the poetry that plato bands is different to the poetry and art that Europe and the west have ?
the 20th century
the 19th century
23) who drew attention to the fact that the Greeks did not have anything similar to the western ideas of art and literature
Paul Kristller
Joachim du Bellay
24) what genre of literature did the Greeks develop
they developed all genres of literature (tragedy, comedy, different forms of poetry, short stories, and novels)
they developed only poetry
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النقد الادبي لayosha م3 part1
[النقد الادبي لayosha م3 part1 - فوزي سليسلي]
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