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النقد الادبي لayosha م12
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م12 - فوزي سليسلي]
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عدد الأسئلة: 31
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1) what is Poststructuralism
a broad historical description of intellectual developments in continental philosophy and critical theory
2) when and where does it come from
Twentieth-century French philosophy
3) what does the prefix "post’ mean
primarily that it is critical of structuralism
4) Structuralism tried to deal with meaning as what
complex structures that are culturally independent
5) what does Post-structuralism see culture and history as
integral to meaning
6) what was Poststructuralism a ‘rebellion against
7) what was a critical and comprehensive response to the basic assumptions of structuralism
8) what does Poststructuralism study
the underlying structures inherent in cultural products (such as texts)
9) what does it use for linguistics, psychology, and anthropology
analytical concepts
10) what do poststructuralist study to understand a text
1)The text itself
2)the systems of knowledge which interacted and came into play to produce the text
11) what kind of study is Post-structuralism
a study of how knowledge is produced, an analysis of the social, cultural and historical systems that interact with each other to produce a specific cultural product, like a text of literature,
12) "how does Poststructuralism see the concept of “self
fictional construct, an illusion
13) "what is the concept of “self
"self" a singular and coherent entity
14) what is “self “ to Poststructuralism
a mass of conflicting tensions + Knowledge claims (e.g. gender, class, profession, etc.)
15) what must the reader do to properly study a text
the reader must understand how the work is related to his own personal concept of self and how the various concepts of self that form in the text come about and interact
16) what is Self-perception in poststructuralism
Poststructuralism requires a critical attitude to one's assumptions, limitations and general knowledge claims (gender, race, class, etc)
17) for Poststructuralism what is secondary to the meaning that the reader can generate from the text
Authorial intentions
18) what is Authorial intentions
the meaning that the author intends to “transmit” in a piece if literature
19) who rejects the idea of a literary text having one purpose, one meaning or one singular existence
20) who utilizes a variety of perspectives to create a multifaceted (or conflicting) interpretation of a text
21) who analyzes how the meanings of a text shift in relation to certain variables
22) what are the Poststructuralist Concepts
1)Destabilized Meaning
23) who does Poststructuralism displace
the writer/author
24) who does it make the primary subject of inquiry
the reader
25) what do they call this displacement
the "destabilizing" or "decentering" of the author
26) what does it disregard
the essentialist reading of the content that look for superficial readings or story lines
27) what other sources of meaning are examined
readers, cultural norms, other literature, etc.)
Such alternative sources promise no consistency, but might provide valuable clues and shed light on unusual corners of the text
28) what does Poststructuralism reject
that there is a consistent structure to texts, specifically the theory of binary opposition
29) what made the theory of binary opposition famous
the structuralism
30) what do Post-structuralists advocate
31) what is the only way to properly understand these meanings
deconstruct the assumptions and knowledge systems which produce the illusion of singular meaning
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النقد الادبي لayosha م12
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م12 - فوزي سليسلي]
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مناقشة الكويز: النقد الادبي لayosha م12
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