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النقد الادبي لayosha م10
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م10 - فوزي سليسلي]
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عدد الأسئلة: 26
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1) who wrote "What is an Author"
Michel Foucault
2) what does Foucault questions
the most basic assumptions about authorship
3) who said It "came into being,” he explains, at a particular moment in history, and it may pass out of being at some future moment ?
Michel Foucault
4) what is he talking about
5) how does Foucault describe the way we see authors
as individuals, heroic figures who somehow transcend or exist outside history
6) who urged critics to realize that they could "do without [the author] and study the work itself
7) what did Foucault think of that
it's not realistic
8) Foucault suggests that critics like Barthes and Derrida never really get rid of the author but do what
instead merely reassigns the author's powers and privileges to "writing" or to "language itself
9) Foucault doesn't want his readers to assume that the question of authorship has what
already been solved by critics like Barthes and Derrida.
10) Foucault says the names of authors often serve as what
a "classifactory" function.
11) how is an average bookstore is organized
by author
12) who introduced the concept of the "author function
13) hat is the "author function"
It is not a person and it should not be confused with either the "author" or the "writer." it’s more like a set of beliefs or assumptions governing the production, circulation, classification and consumption of texts.
14) Foucault identifies and describes how many characteristics of the "author function
15) what are they
1. The "author function" is linked to the legal system
2. The "author function" does not affect all texts in the same way
3. The "author function" is more complex than it seems to be
4. The term "author" doesn't refer purely and simply to a real individual
16) what do we mean by linked to a legal system
There is the need here to have names attached to statements made in case there is a need to punish someone for transgressive things that get said.
17) explain does not affect all texts in the same way
it doesn't seem to affect scientific texts as much as it affects literary texts. If a chemistry teacher is talking about the periodic table, you probably wouldn't stop her and say, "Wait a minute--who's the author of this table?" If I'm talking about a poem, however, you might very well stop me and ask me about its author
18) what do we mean by doesn't refer purely and simply to a real individual
The "author" is much like the "narrator," Foucault suggests, in that he or she can be an "alter ego" for the actual flesh-and-blood "writer.”
19) Foucault shows that the "author function" applies not only to individual works but what
larger discourses
20) who raises the possibility of doing a "historical analysis of discourse
21) what has operated differently in different places and at different times
author function
22) how did Foucault begin his essay
by questioning our tendency to imagine "authors" as individuals isolated from the rest of society
23) who argues that the author is not a source of infinite meaning, but rather part of a systemof beliefs that serve to limit and restrict meaning ?
24) what does Foucault agree with Barthes on
that the "author function" may soon "disappear
25) what does he disagree with him
that instead of the limiting and restrictive "author function," we will have some kind of absolute freedom
26) what does he think will happen
one set of restrictions and limits (the author function) will give way to another set there must and will always be some "system of constraint" working upon us
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النقد الادبي لayosha م10
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م10 - فوزي سليسلي]
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لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
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مناقشة الكويز: النقد الادبي لayosha م10
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