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النقد الادبي لayosha م8 part1
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م8 part1 - فوزي سليسلي]
اللهم لا سهل الا ما جعلته سهلا
عدد الأسئلة: 40
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1) when did Structuralism appear in literature
in France in the 1960s
2) Whose work did they continue
the work of Russian Formalism
3) In what way??
it does not seek to interpret literature; it seeks rather to investigate its structures
4) what are the most common names associated with structuralism
Roland Barthes and Tzvetan Todorov
Gerard Genet and A.j. Greimas
5) who made the most influential contributions to structuralism
Gerard Gennete
6) How did he become the most influential contributions to structuralism
(his book Discours du récit (Paris, 1972
7) what language was it translated to
8) what was Gerard Gennete's book Discours du récit (Paris, 1972) translated to
Narrative Discourse (1980)
9) what book was so systematic and so thorough in analyzing the structures of literary discourse and narratology
Narrative Discourse (1980)
10) what are the main aspects of the narrative discourse
11) what do we mean by time
order,duration ,frequency
12) what do we mean by mood
Distance (Mimesis vs. Diegesis), Perspective (the question who sees?)
13) what do we mean by voice
Levels of narration (the question who speaks?)
14) how many forms of time are there in a narrative
15) what are they
The time of the story
The time of the narrative
16) what is the time of the story
The time in which the story happens
17) what is the time of narration
The time in which the story is told/narrated
18) what is narrative order
the relation between the sequencing of events in the story and their arrangement in the narrative
19) what do we call it when a narrator choose to present the events in the order they occurred
20) what do we call it when the vents happen in the up coming order : A – B – C – D – E – F
a chronological order
21) what do we call it when the vents happen in the up coming order : E – D – A – C – B – F
22) what is Time Zero
the time of the narration
23) what does Gennette call all irregularities in the time of narration
24) when does an Anachronies happen
whenever a narrative stops the chronological order in order to bring events or information from the past (of the time zero) or from the future (of the time zero).
25) how many types of anachronies are there
26) what are they
Analepsis ( when information is brought from the past )
Prolepsis (when information is brought from the future)
27) what is Analepsis
The narrator recounts after the fact an event that took place earlier than the moment in which the narrative is stopped
28) I woke up in a good mood this morning. In my mind were memories of my childhood, when I was running in the fields with my friends after school. when is time zero?
this morning
29) I woke up in a good mood this morning. In my mind were memories of my childhood, when I was running in the fields with my friends after school. when is the Analepsis?
memories of my childhood
30) I woke up in a good mood this morning. In my mind were memories of my childhood, when I was running in the fields with my friends after school. when is the Prolepsis?
The narrator anticipates events that will occur after the point in time in which the story has stops.
31) what do mean by the anachrony's reach
how far in the past or the future we’re going
32) what do we mean by its extent
were going to be talking about a period of how long
33) what is the function of Analepses in a narrative
it’s a filler it often take on an explanatory role, developing a character's psychology by relating events from his past
34) These breaks in chronology may also be used to disrupt what
the classical novel's linear narrative (chronological narrative )
35) hat is the only mood of literature
36) what does Genette say of all narratives
the are all diegesis (telling) and can only achieve an illusion of mimesis (showing)
37) how can it give the illusion of mimesis
by making the story real, alive, and vivid
38) what question does Genette answer
the question of imitation , in his opinion literature does not imitate
39) what is mimesis for Gennete
it’s only a form of diegesis , showing is only a form of telling
40) it is more accurate to study the relationship of the narrative under the heading of what ?
Distance and Perspective
معلومات حول الكويز
النقد الادبي لayosha م8 part1
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م8 part1 - فوزي سليسلي]
تفاصيل أخرى:
اللهم لا سهل الا ما جعلته سهلا
تم حل الكويز 140 مرة بنسبة نجاح 81%
القسم: E7
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