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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

كويز نظرية الترجمة المحاضرات التاسعة , العاشره, الحادية عشر , الثانية عشر والثالثة عشر
اسئلة المحاضرات من 9-13
عدد الأسئلة: 29
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) Translation and interpretation are...........to writing and speech
None of the above
2) Translation has to do with............. whereas interpretation has to do with.............
written language-with speech
with speech-written language
None of the above
3) Interpretation was used.........as a means of communication between people of different languages.
before translation
after trnaslation
Abbasi Time
All of the above
4) Translation ‘s “domains” (i.e. subject-matter) of a specific field that involves in the translation of prose and poetry. )
5) Translation ‘s “domains” (i.e. subject-matter) of a specific field that involves in the translation of all sorts of scientific texts.
6) Translation ‘s “domains” (i.e. subject-matter) of a specific field that involves in the translation of texts relating to diplomacy and politics.
7) Translation ‘s “domains” (i.e. subject-matter) of a specific field that involves in the translation of to customs, traditions, habits, etc. of a particular community.
8) Translators’ aids may be divided into:
Linguistic aids
Literature aids
Mechanical aids
All of the above
9) It was born during World War 1 & held in French.
Conference interpreting
Mechanical aids
Text translation
10) Other forms of interpreting include:
Business Interpreting,
Court Interpreting,
Community Interpreting
Signed Language Interpreting.
All of the above
11) one whose office it is to translate orally the speech of participants in meetings conducted in two or more languages.
conference interpreter
None of the above
12) In this kind of interpretation, the interpreter listens to what is being said and then translates it orally and simultaneously into the TL.
Simultaneous Interpretation
Consecutive Interpretation
Whispered Interpretation
None of the above
13) normally takes place in conference meetings, where the interpreter sits in the conference room and takes of what is being said. At the end of each statement, he gives an oral statement, he gives an oral translation summarizing what has been said.This is called ...........
Simultaneous Interpretation
Consecutive Interpretation
Whispered Interpretation
None of the above
14) The Interpreter sits between delegates and whispers into their ears the oral translation of what is being said this is called .........
Simultaneous Interpretation
Consecutive Interpretation
Whispered Interpretation
None of the above
15) refers to ‘ translation in which human translation (HT) is aided by computer applications.
CAT term (Computer Aided Translation)
Computer Language translation
None of the above
16) has become the predominant mode of translation in Scientific and Technical translation where technology is employed to increase productivity and cost-effectiveness as well as improve quality.
IT technology
17) type of computerised tools that translators use to help them do their job.
General purpose applications such as word-processors, optical character recognition,etc.
Translation-oriented tools such as multilingual electronic dictionaries, corpus analysis tools, terminology extraction
All of the above
None of the above
18) allows the translator to store translations in a database and ‘recycle’ them in a new translation by automatically retrieving matched segments (usually sentences) for re-use.
Translation Memory Technology (TM)
translation units
None of the above
19) cover problems at lexical, grammatical and Textual levels
Linguistic problems
Cultural problems
All of the above
20) cover a large range of categories such as Ecology, materials, social organisation, religion , History ,etc..
Cultural problems
Linguistic problems
All of the above
21) is “the minimal formal element of meaning in language, as distinct from ‘word
All of the above
22) sequence of words or terms that co-occur more often than would be expected by chance. It is the tendency of certain words to co-occur regularly in a given language
Lexical patterning
None of the above
23) Lexical patterning can be divided into two main headings:----------
Idioms and fixed expressions
All of the above
24) ..........frozen patterns of language which allow little or no variation in form and in case of idioms, often carry meanings which cannot be deduced from their individual components
Idioms and fixed expressions
All of the above
25) ...........is the set of rules which determines the way in which units such as words and phrases can be combined in a language.
None of the above
26) It is the structure of words, the way in which the form of a word changes to indicate specific contrast in grammatical system
None of the above
27) It is the grammatical structure of groups, clauses and sentences
None of the above
28) it is a grammatical distinction according to which a noun or pronoun is classified as either masculine or feminine in some language.
Tense and Aspect
29) Types of Machine Translation are .....
Unassisted or fully automatic
Human-assisted Machine
All of the above
معلومات حول الكويز
كويز نظرية الترجمة المحاضرات التاسعة , العاشره, الحادية عشر , الثانية عشر والثالثة عشر
اسئلة المحاضرات من 9-13
تم حل الكويز 816 مرة بنسبة نجاح 68%
القسم: E5
مناقشة الكويز: كويز نظرية الترجمة المحاضرات التاسعة , العاشره, الحادية عشر , الثانية عشر والثالثة عشر
معلومات صاحب الكويز

قام بانشاء 39 كويز
كويزات العضو
أفضل الأعضاء
العضونسبة النجاح
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حلى كيوووت100%
أم يارا100%
سهام الخيير96%
ام يزن 192096%
كويزات مشابهة
نظرية المنظمات المحاضرة (10)
مراجعة الفاروق لمادة التدريب الميداني المحاضرات الثلاث الاولى ,, 1, 2 , 3 ) 60 سؤال . الجــــ@ـارح
25 سؤال على المحاضرات الاولى والثانية الحضارة الاسلامية .. الجـــــ@ـارح
حل اسئلة نهاية كل محاضره للتذوق الادبي
اسئلة محاسبة من الكتاب المقرر
تاريخ اوربا الحديث
جميع اسئلة المحاضرات المباشرة لمادة إدارة الاعمال الالكترونية 1438 الفصل الثاني - كويز54 سؤال
المحاضرة التاسعة - الفصل الثالث ( مبادئ الادارة المالية )
الأساليب الكميه في الإداره
نماذج 4 اسئلة امتحان مادة السلوك التنظيمي (الجزأ الرابع)
الكويزات الأكثر شعبية
.. المحاضرة الأولـــى تقنية معلومات 2 .. (12274)
الادارة الاستراتيجية المحاضرة الأولى د عيسى حيرش (10342)
اختبار نظرية المعرفة الفصل الأول لعام 1435- 1436 هـ (10158)
حصري .. اسئلة الاختبار لمادة الانترنت والاتصالات للفصل الثاني 1434 للدكتور محمد الزهراتي (10000)
أسئلة أختبار حقوق الإنسان 1436/7/22 (9891)
كويز المحاضرة الاولى - موضوعات خاصة بلأدارة ~ (9860)
إدارة الأعمال الصغيره .. المحاضره الأولى .. { نماذج الاختبارات السابقة } (9723)
اسئلة تبويب مقرر قضايا ثقافية معاصرة للاختبارات السابقة ☆☆ المحاضرة الاولى ☆☆ (9663)
أسئلة أختبار مادة (( النظام الاجتماعي في الإسلام )) للفصل الأول لسنة 1434 / 1435 الدكتور / حمد المر (9604)
# اسئلة الاختبار النهائي برامج الحاسب المكتبية الفصل الاول لعام 1435 (9534)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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