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أسئلة مراجعة لمادة المسرحية الحديثة - المحاضرة الثالثة
[أسئلة مراجعة - Modern Drama - ابراهيم الشناوي]
أسئلة مراجعة - المحاضرة الثالثة
عدد الأسئلة: 26
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1) Drama owes more to Ibsen than to any other dramatist since Shakespeare. Why?
a. He broke down the social barriers which had previously bounded it.
b. He was the first man to show that high tragedy could be written about ordinary people and in ordinary everyday prose.
c. His tragedy were written about high class people.
d. A and B
2) Ibsen was, of course, not the first dramatist to attempt writing about ordinary people, but he was the first to write a tragedy about ordinary people that proved a tremendous
a. Reaction
b. Rejection
c. Troubles
d. Success
3) His second great contribution was:
a. Comedy
b. Technical
c. Novel
d. All false
4) Ibsen's technical contribution is clear through:
a. Abandoning the old artificialities of plot.
b. Adapting the old artificialities of plot.
c. Not concentrating on the settings.
d. All false
5) Ibsen's third contribution was:
a. Black comedy.
b. Comedy of manner
c. Equally important.
d. All false
6) Ibsen's enduring greatness as a dramatist is due to:
a. His technical contributions.
b. The depth and subtlety of his understanding of human character (especially feminine character), and, which is rarer, of human relationships
c. Both
d. Neither
7) Yet so delicate was lbsen's understanding of human relationships that a selfish actor …………………succeed in these roles.
a. Can only partially
b. Can completely
c. Will never
d. Will certainly
8) A Doll's house written by Ibsen is:
a. A novel
b. A play
c. A poem
d. An epic
9) The genre of A Doll's House is:
a. Realistic
b. Modern prose drama
c. Both
d. Neither
10) The language of A Doll's House is:
a. English
b. Swedish
c. Finnish
d. Norwegian
11) TIME AND PLACE WRITTEN of A Doll's House:
a. 1879, Rome and Amalfi, Italy
b. 1879, Paris, France
c. 1879, London, UK
d. 1897, Oslo, Norway
a. Serious
b. Intense
c. Somber
d. All true
13) SETTING (TIME) of A doll's House:
a. Around the late 1870s
b. Around the late 1700s
c. Around the late 1970s
d. Around the late 1800s
14) The setting (place) of A Doll's House is:
a. England
b. Italy
c. France
d. Norway
15) Nora’s struggle with Krogstad, who threatens to tell her husband about her past crime, incites Nora’s journey of self-discovery and provides much of the play’s dramatic suspense. Nora’s primary struggle, however, is against the selfish, stifling, and oppressive attitudes of her husband, Torvald, and of the society that he represents. This is called:
a. The Climax
b. The rising action
c. The major conflict
d. The falling action
16) Nora’s first conversation with Mrs. Linde; Krogstad’s visit and blackmailing of Nora; Krogstad’s delivery of the letter that later exposes Nora. This is called:
a. The Climax
b. The rising action
c. The major conflict
d. The falling action
17) Torvald reads Krogstad’s letter and erupts angrily. This is called
a. The Climax
b. The rising action
c. The major conflict
d. The falling action
18) Nora’s realization that Torvald is devoted not to her but to the idea of her as someone who depends on him; her decision to abandon him to find independence. This is called:
a. The Climax
b. The rising action
c. The major conflict
d. The falling action
19) The sacrificial role of women; parental and filial obligations; the unreliability of appearances . This is called:
b. The rising action
c. The major conflict
d. The falling action
20) Nora’s definition of freedom; letters . This is called:
b. The rising action
c. Motives
d. The major conflict
21) The title “ A Doll’s House” is:
a. Appropriate
b. Inappropriate
c. Very short
d. Irrelevant
22) The word "doll" means a woman:
a. Who is very beautiful
b. Who is unfaithful
c. without any will or mind of her own.
d. All false
23) Ibsen called his play a/n ………..tragedy
a. Old
b. Imaginary
c. Modern
d. Wealthy
24) The play is a tragedy because…..
a. It has a sad ending.
b. It depicts the break-up of a family and the disintegration of the domestic life of a couple.
c. Both
d. Neither
25) The liberation of the individual from the shackles and restraints of custom -and convention. This theme is considered as:
a. The least important theme
b. The most important theme
c. The only theme in the play
d. All false
26) Ibsen…….... The social barriers which previously bounded drama
a. settled
b. broke own
c. fixed
d. Established
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أسئلة مراجعة لمادة المسرحية الحديثة - المحاضرة الثالثة
[أسئلة مراجعة - Modern Drama - ابراهيم الشناوي]
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