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مراجعة شاملة لمادة الترجمة التابعية (نظري) 1-5- د.حليمة
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - الترجمة التتابعية - د. احمد حليمة]
مراجعة شاملة على المنهج
عدد الأسئلة: 70
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) Interpreting is:
Translational activity, as a special form of Translation
an ancient human practice
2) The ............. of interpreting could be traced back to ........
activity /Akkadian
activity /Arabic
3) Interpreting is an ancient human practice which clearly
came before the invention Writing- and (written) translation
Came after the invention Writing- and (written) translation
Predates the invention Writing- and (written) translation
1+3 are True
4) Akkadian is :
The modern Semitic Language of Assyria and Babylonia
The ancient Semitic Language of Assyria and Babylonia
The ancient Semitic Language of Arabic
5) The activity of interpreting could be traced back to Akkadian, the ancient Semitic Language of Assyria and Babylonia around
6) The Akkadian root ................, via an etymological sideline from ...........
7) English term for interpreter "
autonomous - dragoman
targumanu - dragoman
8) The English Word interpreter
Derived from Latin "interpres"
9) The sense of "expounder", Mean..
Person explaining what is obscure
Person Translation what is obscure
Person explaining what is Idea
10) someone explaining the meaning, making sense of what others have difficulty understanding
11) is a highly appropriate semantic foundation for "interpreter" and "interpreting"
12) The distinction between interpreting from other types of "translational activity" is
13) interpreting is performed ..............for the benefit of people who want to engage in communication across barriers of language and culture.
Here and Now
14) Otto Kade, a self-taught interpreter and translation scholar at the University of Leipzig defined interpreting as a form of translation which (source-language)
text is produced under time pressure, with little chance for correction and revision
text is presented only once and thus cannot be reviewed or replayed
15) Otto Kade, a self-taught interpreter and translation scholar at the University of Leipzig defined interpreting as a form of translation which (target-language)
text is produced under time pressure, with little chance for correction and revision
text is presented only once and thus cannot be reviewed or replayed
16) a form of translation in which a first and final rendition in another language is produced on the basis of a one-time presentation of an utterance in a source language.
17) a process by which a spoken or written utterance takes place in one language which is intended or presumed to convey the same meaning as a previously existing utterance in another language (Rabin, 1958)
This definition describes translation as a process of "transfer" acting on "ideas" in the medium of language
introduces "human agents and attitudes in terms of "intention" and "expressions"
This definition foregrounds the defining relationship between the source and target utterances and stipulates "sameness of meaning" as an essential ingredient
This definition introduces a number of descriptive features such as "situation’ ,‘function’, ‘text’ and ‘culture", and stresses the target orientation of the translational product
18) The transfer of thought and ideas from one language (source) to another (target), whether the language are in written or oral form.. or whether one or both languages are based on sign (Brislin 1976a)
This definition describes translation as a process of "transfer" acting on "ideas" in the medium of language
This definition foregrounds the defining relationship between the source and target utterances and stipulates "sameness of meaning" as an essential ingredient
This definition introduces a number of descriptive features such as "situation’ ,‘function’, ‘text’ and ‘culture", and stresses the target orientation of the translational product
The target orientation is carried to the extreme in this definition, in which the theorist relinquishes any prescriptive authority and accepts as Translation whatever is treated as such in a given community
19) a situation-related and function-oriented complex series of acts for the production of a target text, intended for addressees in another culture/language, on the basis of a given source text (Salevsky, 1983)
This definition describes translation as a process of "transfer" acting on "ideas" in the medium of language
This definition foregrounds the defining relationship between the source and target utterances and stipulates "sameness of meaning" as an essential ingredient
This definition introduces a number of descriptive features such as "situation’ ,‘function’, ‘text’ and ‘culture", and stresses the target orientation of the translational product
The target orientation is carried to the extreme in this definition, in which the theorist relinquishes any prescriptive authority and accepts as Translation whatever is treated as such in a given community
20) any utterance which is presented or regarded as a translation within a culture, on no matter what grounds (Toury 1995)
This definition describes translation as a process of "transfer" acting on "ideas" in the medium of language
The target orientation is carried to the extreme in this definition, in which the theorist relinquishes any prescriptive authority and accepts as Translation whatever is treated as such in a given community
This definition foregrounds the defining relationship between the source and target utterances and stipulates "sameness of meaning" as an essential ingredient
This definition introduces a number of descriptive features such as "situation’ ,‘function’, ‘text’ and ‘culture", and stresses the target orientation of the translational product
21) is an activity consisting (mainly) in the production of utterances (texts) which are presumed to have a similar meaning and /or effect as previously existing utterances in another language and culture
22) The scope of the interpreter's task
mainly production
23) The perspective on the translational process (............) "production" rather than (...........) "transfer"
24) The normative specification of the translation product the assumption of "similarity" in
meaning or effect
utterance and meaning
25) interpreting have the key areas of theoretical framework :
The scope of the interpreter's task (mainly production)
The perspective on the translational process (target-oriented 'production' rather than source-dependent 'transfer'
The normative specification of the translation product (the assumption of 'similarity' in meaning or 'effect')
None of them
26) is a form of interpreting practiced mainly in commercial negotiations
Business interpreting
Court Interpreting
Liaison Interpreting
Military interpreting
27) where communities speaking different languages get in contact with each other for the purpose of trading and exchanging goods, or doing business
Court Interpreting
Liaison Interpreting
Business interpreting
Community interpreting
28) is when relations turn sour between two conflicting armed communities, as when it happens in talks with allies forces in during World War II, truce negotiations or the interrogation of prisoners
Military interpreting
Court Interpreting
Diplomatic Interpreting
Liaison Interpreting
29) includes task like the certified translation of documents as well as interpreting in quasi-judicial and administrative hearings
Military interpreting
Court Interpreting
Diplomatic Interpreting
Liaison Interpreting
30) is where interpreting services are established to help immigrants function in the host society as it is an important intra-social communication need
Liaison Interpreting
Care interpreting
Community interpreting or public Service interpreting
Sign language interpreting
31) where the representatives of different linguistic and cultural communities came together with the aim of establishing and cultivating political relation
Military interpreting
Diplomatic Interpreting
Court Interpreting
Community interpreting or public Service interpreting
32) where it normally takes place in educational settings (educational interpreting)
Community interpreting or public Service interpreting
Diplomatic Interpreting
Sign language interpreting
Media interpreting or Broadcasting interpreting
33) mainly focused on TV interpreting, that is obvious with sign Language interpreting or even in case of war crime tribunal
Community interpreting or public Service interpreting
Diplomatic Interpreting
Sign language interpreting
Media interpreting or Broadcasting interpreting
34) Business interpreting
commercial negotiations
purpose of trading and exchanging goods
aim of establishing and cultivating political relation
35) Liaison Interpreting
commercial negotiations
purpose of trading and exchanging goods or doing business
aim of establishing and cultivating political relation
36) Diplomatic Interpreting
talks with allies forces & truce negotiations or the interrogation of prisoners
aim of establishing and cultivating political relation
certified translation of documents
37) is as in conferences attended by delegates and representatives of various nations and institutions, mainly called Conference Interpreting
Conference Interpreting
Multilateral Communication Interpreting
Bilateral interpreting or dialogue interpreting
38) is where interpreting is modelled as "three-party interaction" with a (bilingual ) interpreter assuming the pivotal mediating role between two (monolingual) client
Conference Interpreting
Multilateral Communication Interpreting
Bilateral interpreting or dialogue interpreting
39) (for national or international organisation) is the most prominent manifestation in our time
Bilateral interpreting or dialogue interpreting
Multilateral Communication Interpreting
Conference Interpreting
40) Bilateral interpreting or dialogue interpreting is where interpreting is modelled as :
various nations and institutions
three-party interaction
41) losely associated with what is called Liaison Interpreting
Bilateral interpreting or dialogue interpreting
Multilateral Communication Interpreting
Conference Interpreting
42) is one whose office it is to translate orally the speech of participants in meetings conducted in two or more languages
Bilateral interpreting or dialogue interpreting
Multilateral Communication Interpreting
Conference interpreter
Conference Interpreting
43) a conference interpreter is one whose office it is to translate orally the speech of participants in meetings conducted in two or more languages
Walter Keiser (Gerver 1977)
held by the European Forum at Alp Bach, Austria, in 1969
44) The notion of "activity" Translation,could be .......... as a "service"
45) The notion of "activity" Translation ,could be .......... as a "professional"
46) Interpreting is used as a ........ term to indicate to the use of spoken language in particular
47) Interpreting is used as a generic term to indicate to the use of spoken language in particular, but due to the emergence of the sign language Interpreting, it is now used as :
sign-to-sign interpreting
spoken-language interpreting
signed Language interpreting
48) Signing could refer as well to "voice-to-sign" interpreting as opposed
sign-to-sign interpreting
voicing or voice-over interpreting
sign-to-voice interpreting
49) Signing could refer as well to "sign-to-sign interpreting" interpreting as opposed
voicing or voice-over interpreting
sign-to-voice interpreting
voice-to-sign interpreting
50) signed message, including finger spelling, by resting their hands on the signer's hands
voice-to-sign interpreting
tactile interpreting
spoken-language interpreting
51) A special modality is used in communication with the deaf-blind
sign-to-sign interpreting
tactile interpreting
interpreting for the deaf
52) when transmission equipment was developed to enable interpreters to work simultaneously
53) It was only in the 1920, when transmission equipment was developed to enable interpreters to work.....
54) It was only in the 1920, when transmission equipment was developed to enable interpreters to work simultaneously, that it became meaningful to distinguish between consecutive interpreting ( ............ ) and simultaneous interpreting ( ..................... )
as the source-language text is being presented/after the source language utterance
after the source language utterance/as the source-language text is being presented
55) simultaneous interpreting was initially implemented as simultaneous consecutive
56) the simultaneous transmission of two or more consecutive renditions in
One Type output language
Different output languages
57) Subject to the individual interpreter's working
memory skills
number of situational variable (such as the presentation of slide)
None of them
58) consecutive interpreting with the use of systematic note taking
classic consecutive
short consecutive
59) without notes, which usually implies a bidirectional mode in a liaison constellation
classic consecutive
short consecutive
60) Only where the interpreter works right next to one or more than a couple listeners can he or she provide a rendition by
Simultaneous interpreting
Writing to them
whispered interpreting or whispering
61) ............. with full technical equipment is so widely established today
whispered interpreting
Simultaneous interpreting
consecutive interpreting
62) term simultaneous interpreting SI is often used as a shorthand for
spoken language interpreting
consecutive interpreting
whispered interpreting
63) Bilateral interpreting is thus typically linked with
liaison interpreting
dialogue interpreting
conference interaction
64) In the prototype case of mediated face-to-face dialogue, the interpreter will work in both directions, that is
back and forth
small router
65) In the prototype case of mediated face-to-face dialogue, the interpreter will work in both directions, that is , back and forth between the two languages involved depending on
turn-taking of the primary parties
turn-taking of the Secondry parties
66) Technical equipment is essentially used to avoid the mixing of ................ messages in the acoustic channel
source language
source-and target language
target language
67) electro-acoustic and audio-visual use :
for the deaf
healthcare, police
In conference halls or noisy conditions
68) videophone interpreting
for the deaf
healthcare, police
In conference halls or noisy conditions
69) remote interpreting - telephone interpreting
for the deaf
healthcare, police
In conference halls or noisy conditions
70) the interpreter is not in the same room as the speaker or listener or both
remote interpreting - telephone interpreting
videophone interpreting
electro-acoustic and audio-visual
معلومات حول الكويز
مراجعة شاملة لمادة الترجمة التابعية (نظري) 1-5- د.حليمة
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - الترجمة التتابعية - د. احمد حليمة]
تفاصيل أخرى:
مراجعة شاملة على المنهج
تم حل الكويز 514 مرة بنسبة نجاح 58%
القسم: E8
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معلومات صاحب الكويز

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