ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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-   -   كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2) (https://vb.ckfu.org/showthread.php?t=368786)

ميشو الخالدي 2012- 11- 19 06:44 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
لا احد يوترها يقول اتوقع او م اتوقع عشان تعرف تحل البنت

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 06:44 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
لسؤال 4

  1. My daughter is .................. me. I always help her with her homework.

    إجابة A. dependent on
    B. proud of
    C. depend on
    D. responsible

0.5 درجات
السؤال 5

  1. The exams we took yesterday ....... not difficult.

    إجابة A. was
    B. is
    C. were
    D. are

0.5 درجات

السؤال 6

  1. Her paintings are wonderful. She has a lot of .............

    إجابة A. job
    B. résumé
    C. employment
    D. skill

0.5 درجات

السؤال 7

  1. Skydiving / /teaching / is / exciting / soRearrange the words to make a good sentence.

    إجابة A. Skydiving is so exciting teaching.
    B. Teaching skydiving is so exciting.
    C. So exciting is teaching skydiving.
    D. Is teaching skydiving so exciting?

0.5 درجات

السؤال 8

  1. The word ideal means .......

    إجابة A. good
    B. perfect
    C. bad
    D. responsible

0.5 درجات

السؤال 9

  1. Every morning I .......... my coffeemaker to make myself a cup of coffee.

    إجابة A. use
    B. am used to
    C. got used to
    D. used to

0.5 درجات

السؤال 10

  1. She ........... live in Riyadh before she moved to Dammam.

    إجابة A. used to
    B. is used to
    C. was used to
    D. got used to

0.5 درجات

السؤال 11

  1. The word career means ......

    إجابة A. happy
    B. job
    C. company
    D. hobby

0.5 درجات

السؤال 12

  1. Last year I went to Dubai. I ................a very nice time there.

    إجابة A. spent
    B. spended
    C. spends
    D. spend

0.5 درجات

السؤال 13

  1. Huda has a great sense of .........; she does her homework by herself.

    إجابة A. income
    B. humor
    C. responsibility
    D. pride

0.5 درجات

السؤال 14

  1. Coke and Pepsi have ......... colors in them.

    إجابة A. artificial
    B. real
    C. healthy
    D. natural

0.5 درجات

السؤال 15

  1. Farm kids help their parents milk the cows .... feed the animals ..... water the plants ...... and build the fences ..... Use punctuation marks in the blanks.

    إجابة A. , , , .
    B. . , , ,
    C. . , , ?
    D. , ? , !

0.5 درجات

السؤال 16

  1. L Last night I ........... to the supermarket to buy some groceries.

    إجابة A. is going
    B. goed
    C. went
    D. have gone

0.5 درجات

السؤال 17

  1. She recently ............ her job to spend more time with her family.

    إجابة A. proud of
    B. worked
    C. quit
    D. income

0.5 درجات

السؤال 18

  1. The word crops means .....

    إجابة A. farms
    B. plants
    C. fields
    D. animals

0.5 درجات

السؤال 19

  1. These days farmers ....... machines to milk the cows.

    إجابة A. used
    B. used to
    C. got used to
    D. use

0.5 درجات

السؤال 20

  1. Is / your / parachute / color / what / ?
    Rearrange the words to make a good sentence.

    إجابة A. What parachute is your color?
    B. What is your parachute color?
    C. What parachute color is your ?
    D. What color is your parachute?

0.5 درجات

السؤال 21

  1. I love to see the sunrise, listen to the birds, and feel the wind. I love ........

    إجابة A. nature
    B. factory
    C. woods
    D. want ads

0.5 درجات

السؤال 22

  1. I have two sisters; ............. names are Amal and Asma.

    إجابة A. your
    B. their
    C. our
    D. her

0.5 درجات

السؤال 23

  1. She never says please or thank you; she is .............

    إجابة A. kind
    B. friendly
    C. poilite
    D. rude

0.5 درجات

السؤال 24

  1. It was hard to find a job, but I .......... my best.

    إجابة A. try
    B. tried
    C. tries
    D. tryed

0.5 درجات

السؤال 25

  1. He has an attractive .......... that makes him a ......... fit for many employers.

    إجابة A. résumé - ideal
    B. career - résumé
    C. employment - manager
    D. rewards - skill

1 درجات

السؤال 26

  1. The students in my class come from many different parts of the world.Some students are from European countries such as Germany and Italy, and others are from Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Most students are from Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Japan. My classmates are an interesting mix of people from many different countries, and we all get along very well.

    The topic sentence is .......

    إجابة A. Most students are from Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Japan.
    B. Some students are from European countries such as Germany and Italy, and others are from Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
    C. My classmates are an interesting mix of people from many different countries, and we all get along very well.

    D. The students in my class come from many different parts of the world.

0.5 درجات

السؤال 27

  1. My sister gave ..................... to twins yesterday.

    إجابة A. courage
    B. raise
    C. birth
    D. responsibility

0.5 درجات

السؤال 28

  1. The farmer .......... chickens and sheep on his farm.

    إجابة A. crops
    B. fields
    C. plants
    D. raises

0.5 درجات

السؤال 29

  1. I lost my job two weeks ago. Now I am.............................

    إجابة A. out of work
    B. working
    C. employed
    D. a manager

0.5 درجات

السؤال 30

  1. Mr. Ahmad ............ a farmer until he sold his land for money.

    إجابة A. use
    B. was
    C. used to
    D. used

0.5 درجات

السؤال 31

  1. I used to be a student, but now I am a teacher.
    used to means:

    إجابة A.
    Was before, but not any more.
    B. Is now but was not before.
    Wanted to.
    D. Was before and is now.

0.5 درجات

السؤال 32

  1. He started looking for a job by reading the .........

    إجابة A. manager
    B. nature
    C. satisfied
    D. want ads

0.5 درجات

السؤال 33

  1. My hometown, Dammam, is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for its beaches, which are clean and beautiful. Second, on the other side of the town there are wonderful farms with lots of palm trees.. These two landmarks are truly amazing
    and make my hometown a famous place.
    A supporting sentence is .......

    إجابة A. My hometown, Dammam, is famous for several amazing natural features.
    B. A and C are both correct
    C. These two landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place.

    D. First, it is noted for its beaches, which are clean and beautiful.

0.5 درجات

السؤال 34

  1. He happy in the university.
    Correct the mistake in the sentence.

    إجابة A. He are happy in the university.
    B. He does happy in the university.
    C. He happy university.
    D. He is happy in the university.

0.5 درجات

السؤال 35

  1. Let's ...... Ruba. She has good experience and she can be a good teacher.

    إجابة A. manager
    B. hire
    C. CV
    D. used to

0.5 درجات

السؤال 36

  1. After living in Saudi for two years, he .............. driving for long hours.

    إجابة A. was used to
    B. used to
    C. got used to
    D. used

0.5 درجات

السؤال 37

  1. T The man is young. His hair is short.
    The possessive adjective is .........

    إجابة A. his
    B. hair
    C. young
    D. short

0.5 درجات

السؤال 38

  1. Lost my new job.Correct the mistake in the sentence.

    إجابة A. lose my new job.
    B. I lost my new job.
    C. loses my new job.
    D. Lost I my new job.

    يلا هذه كل الاسئله بسرعه اعطوني الاجوبه:9:

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 06:45 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
بسمة الجروحح يلا حطيها افضل :16:

اسيل الغامدي 2012- 11- 19 06:45 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
1 - new-Beautiful
2- crops
3- did

خلنا نرتب الاجوبه :12:

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 06:45 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
انا الي متاكد منة بكتبة الي مو متاكد ماراح ارسل شي والي متحمس ولا يعرف تكفوون البنت في الاختبار لحد يشت مخها

ميشو الخالدي 2012- 11- 19 06:46 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
يلا نزليه كله احسسسن بعد ..

Foyz 2012- 11- 19 06:46 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
Tomatoes, carrots, and rice are different kinds ofسوال الثاني

B. crops

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 06:47 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
The exams we took yesterday ....... not difficult.

إجابة A. was
B. is
C. were
D. are

Read more: http://www.ckfu.org/vb/t368786-100.html#ixzz2CgT8rgEK

C. were

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 06:47 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
وينكم ي عررررب :9:

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 06:47 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
السوال الرابع
C. depend on

بسمه الجروح 2012- 11- 19 06:48 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
السؤال 1
....... Amal visit her grandmother last night?

A. Did

B. Does

C. Didn't

D. Do
السؤال 2
I used to be a student, but now I am a teacher.
used to means:

A. Was before and is now.

B. Wanted to.

C. Is now but was not before.

D. Was before, but not any more.
السؤال 3
These days farmers ....... machines to milk the cows.

A. used

B. got used to

C. used to

D. use
السؤال 4
The farmer .......... chickens and sheep on his farm.

A. plants

B. crops

C. raises

D. fields
السؤال 5
My sister gave ..................... to twins yesterday.

A. raise

B. birth

C. responsibility

D. courage
السؤال 6
Her paintings are wonderful. She has a lot of .............

A. résumé

B. employment

C. skill

D. job
السؤال 7
She ........... live in Riyadh before she moved to Dammam.

A. used to

B. is used to

C. was used to

D. got used to
السؤال 8
He happy in the university.
Correct the mistake in the sentence.

A. He are happy in the university.

B. He happy university.

C. He does happy in the university.

D. He is happy in the university.
السؤال 9
Farm kids help their parents milk the cows .... feed the animals ..... water the plants ...... and build the fences .....
Use punctuation marks in the blanks.

A. , , , .

B. . , , ,

C. , ? , !

D. . , , ?
السؤال 10
Lost my new job.
Correct the mistake in the sentence.

A. lose my new job.

B. Lost I my new job.

C. loses my new job.

D. I lost my new job.
السؤال 11
I lost my job two weeks ago. Now I am.............................

A. working

B. a manager

C. employed

D. out of work
السؤال 12
He started looking for a job by reading the .........

A. satisfied

B. want ads

C. nature

D. manager
السؤال 13
She never says please or thank you; she is .............

A. poilite

B. rude

C. kind

D. friendly
السؤال 14
She recently ............ her job to spend more time with her family.

A. income

B. quit

C. worked

D. proud of
السؤال 15
L Last night I ........... to the supermarket to buy some groceries.


A. goed

B. have gone

C. is going

D. went
السؤال 16
My hometown, Dammam, is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for its beaches, which are clean and beautiful.
Second, on the other side of the town there are wonderful farms with lots of palm trees.. These two landmarks are truly amazing
and make my hometown a famous place.
A supporting sentence is .......

A. A and C are both correct

B. My hometown, Dammam, is famous for several amazing natural features.

C. These two landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place.

D. First, it is noted for its beaches, which are clean and beautiful.
السؤال 17
T The man is young. His hair is short.
The possessive adjective is .........


A. short

B. his

C. hair

D. young
السؤال 18
I have a new home. My home is beautiful.
The descriptive adjectives are .................


A. home -My

B. new - beautiful

C. have - home

D. new - My
السؤال 19
Huda has a great sense of .........; she does her homework by herself.

A. pride

B. humor

C. responsibility

D. income
السؤال 20
The word crops means .....

A. animals

B. farms

C. plants

D. fields
السؤال 21
Is / your / parachute / color / what / ?
Rearrange the words to make a good sentence.

A. What parachute is your color?

B. What is your parachute color?

C. What color is your parachute?

D. What parachute color is your ?
السؤال 22
I love to see the sunrise, listen to the birds, and feel the wind. I love ........

A. want ads

B. factory

C. nature

D. woods
السؤال 23
I have two sisters; ............. names are Amal and Asma.

A. their

B. her

C. our

D. your
السؤال 24
Tomatoes, carrots, and rice are different kinds of ..............

A. vines

B. nature

C. farms

D. crops
السؤال 25
The word ideal means .......

A. responsible

B. bad

C. good

D. perfect
السؤال 26
Skydiving / /teaching / is / exciting / so
Rearrange the words to make a good sentence.

A. So exciting is teaching skydiving.

B. Is teaching skydiving so exciting?

C. Skydiving is so exciting teaching.

D. Teaching skydiving is so exciting.
السؤال 27
Last year I went to Dubai. I ................a very nice time there.

A. spent

B. spend

C. spends

D. spended
السؤال 28
My daughter is .................. me. I always help her with her homework.

A. depend on

B. proud of

C. dependent on

D. responsible
السؤال 29
Every morning I .......... my coffeemaker to make myself a cup of coffee.

A. got used to

B. am used to

C. use

D. used to
السؤال 30
It was hard to find a job, but I .......... my best.

A. tries

B. try

C. tryed

D. tried
السؤال 31
Mr. Ahmad ............ a farmer until he sold his land for money.

A. use

B. used to

C. was

D. used
السؤال 32
The students in my class come from many different parts of the world. Some students are from European countries such as Germany and Italy, and others are from Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
Most students are from Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Japan. My classmates are an interesting mix of people from many different countries, and we all get along very well.
The topic sentence is .......

A. Some students are from European countries such as Germany and Italy, and others are from Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

B. My classmates are an interesting mix of people from many different countries, and we all get along very well.

C. The students in my class come from many different parts of the world.

D. Most students are from Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Japan.
السؤال 33
The word career means ......

A. company

B. happy

C. hobby

D. job
السؤال 34
Coke and Pepsi have ......... colors in them.

A. real

B. natural

C. healthy

D. artificial
السؤال 35
The exams we took yesterday ....... not difficult.

A. was

B. is

C. were

D. are
السؤال 36
Let's ...... Ruba. She has good experience and she can be a good teacher.

A. hire

B. used to


D. manager
السؤال 37
He has an attractive .......... that makes him a ......... fit for many employers.

A. rewards - skill

B. career - résumé

C. résumé - ideal

D. employment - manager
السؤال 38
After living in Saudi for two years, he .............. driving for long hours.

A. was used to

B. got used to

C. used to

D. used

هذى الاسأله ي حللووييين

واسسفه علي الاتأخير :16:

huda12 2012- 11- 19 06:48 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
هذي الإجابات صحيحه

Foyz 2012- 11- 19 06:49 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
My daughter is .................. me. I always help her with her homework

dependent on

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 06:49 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
  1. Her paintings are wonderful. She has a lot of .............

    إجابة A. job
    B. résumé
    C. employment
    D. skill

Read more: http://www.ckfu.org/vb/t368786-100.html#ixzz2CgTTru49

D. skill

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 06:49 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
سؤال 38
B. I lost my new job.

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 06:49 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
أنا انزل الي مممتأككده بسسس :16:

ميشو الخالدي 2012- 11- 19 06:49 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
سوال 4

B. proud of
C. depend on
D. responsible

Read more: http://www.ckfu.org/vb/t368786-99.html#ixzz2CgTUDZZg

B. proud of
C. depend on
D. responsible

Read more: http://www.ckfu.org/vb/t368786-99.html#ixzz2CgTUDZZg

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 06:50 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
D. skill

بسمه الجروح 2012- 11- 19 06:50 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
يالله ي حلوييين حلو الاسأله لاني ماني مذاكره

نبي نجيب فل ماارك :43:

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 06:51 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
My sister gave ..................... to twins yesterday.

A. raise

B. birth

C. responsibility

Read more: http://www.ckfu.org/vb/t368786-100.html#ixzz2CgU6kZZW

B. birth

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 06:51 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
سؤال 8 B. perfect

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 06:52 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
C. So exciting is teaching skydiving

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 06:53 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
Every morning I .......... my coffeemaker to make myself a cup of coffee.

A. got used to

B. am used to

C. use

Read more: http://www.ckfu.org/vb/t368786-100.html#ixzz2CgUWOiZu

C. use

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 06:54 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
عطوووووني الاجوبه تكفووووووون

Ray8ah ^_^ 2012- 11- 19 06:54 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
هذي أسئلة السنه الي فاتت ..

foooz88 2012- 11- 19 06:55 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بنت العشرين (المشاركة 7546812)
سؤال الاول
I have a new home. My home is beautiful. The descriptive adjectives are
. have - home
B. home -My
C. new - beautiful
D. new - My

هذي الاجابه

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 06:56 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
B. job

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 06:56 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
The farmer .......... chickens and sheep on his farm.
A. plants
B. crops
C. raises
D. fields

D. fields

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 06:58 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
انتظروو بحلها كككلها وانزلها سسسوا :16: #عذراً كذا تلخبطت

foooz88 2012- 11- 19 06:58 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بنت العشرين (المشاركة 7546879)
Tomatoes, carrots, and rice are different kinds ofسوال الثاني

A. vines
B. crops
C. farms
D. nature

هذي الاجابه

Ray8ah ^_^ 2012- 11- 19 06:58 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بنت العشرين (المشاركة 7547016)
عطوووووني الاجوبه تكفووووووون

بنت العشرين
أدخلي هون ..
فيهـ أجوبهـ لبعض الأسئلة ..


س ع د 2012- 11- 19 06:58 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

A. spent

خفوق الروح ss 2012- 11- 19 06:59 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

foooz88 2012- 11- 19 06:59 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة т я ғ ♥ (المشاركة 7547034)
the farmer .......... Chickens and sheep on his farm.
a. Plants
b. Crops
c. Raises
d. Fields

d. Fields

لا خطأ الاجابه b لانها محاصيل

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:01 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
C. responsibility

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:01 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
The exams we took yesterday ....... not difficult


س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:02 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
A. الاصطناعي

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:04 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

سؤال 8

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:05 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
جواااااب 9 ايشش

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 07:05 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
السؤال 11
I lost my job two weeks ago. Now I am.............................

A. working

B. a manager

C. employed

D. out of work
السؤال 12
He started looking for a job by reading the .........

A. satisfied

B. want ads

C. nature

D. manager


hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:05 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
عشرينية قولي ارقام الاسئله اللي م عرفتيلها بساعدك اذا عرفت

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:06 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
B. plants

بسمه الجروح 2012- 11- 19 07:07 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
ي حلويييين الى ينزلو الاجوبه
ترى ترتيب الاسأله يتلخف عند كل وحده

ححططو السؤال مع الاجابهه
الله يجزاكم خخير ويوفقكم :16:

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:08 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
A. used

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:08 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
الحييين سؤال 12
ايش الجواب الصحيح a ولا b

اسيل الغامدي 2012- 11- 19 07:08 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
احد يححلها كلها وينزلها مرا وحده
كذا مررررره لخبطه :18:

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:08 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
am used to

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 07:09 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
My sister gave ..................... to twins yesterday.

A. raise

B. birth

C. responsibility

D. courage


+ م انزل الا شي متأكده مننه ولكم الحريهه وان اخطأت "عفي عن امته الخطأ والنسسيان

روابي العامري 2012- 11- 19 07:10 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
حطوا الأجوبه مع بعض صكتني حوله وانا أقلب الصفحات وأدور السؤال :22:

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:10 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
بسرعه عطوني الاجوبة تراي توتررررت
الله يسعدكم

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:11 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:11 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
A. nature

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 07:11 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
The exams we took yesterday ....... not difficult

C. were

ركزو الله يعااافيكم الجمله فييها We


Read more: http://www.ckfu.org/vb/t368786-100.html#ixzz2CgYxuYIq

★حًےـلٱ ٱلروِحًے★ 2012- 11- 19 07:12 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
ترف اذا تعرفي الحلول نزليه مره وحده والبنت تنتظر احسن من الحوسه اللي صايره:33:

m.7 2012- 11- 19 07:12 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
بنات ياليت تنزلون الاسئله نبي نحل

★حًےـلٱ ٱلروِحًے★ 2012- 11- 19 07:12 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
لا تتوترين دام مافي وقت محدد :16:

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 07:12 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
وحده منكم تفتححح وورد وتحاول تججمع كل سسؤال ينزززل انا حاولت بسس باتأخر بالحل عليكم كذا :36:

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:13 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
عشرينيه شنو باقي !!

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 07:14 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حلا الروح 22 (المشاركة 7547151)
ترف اذا تعرفي الحلول نزليه مره وحده والبنت تنتظر احسن من الحوسه اللي صايره:33:

افتحيي وورد وجمعي حلوليي لانو لو بنزلها كلها سسسوا بتأخر عليكم:36:

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:15 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
سؤؤال 10

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:16 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
D. The students in my class come from many different parts of the world.

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:17 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
C. was used to

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 07:17 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

Every morning I .......... my coffeemaker to make myself a cup of coffee.

A. got used to

B. am used to

C. use

D. used to

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:18 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
باقي شيء ولا خلصتي !!

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:18 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
لسؤال 10

  1. She ........... live in Riyadh before she moved to Dammam.

    إجابة A. used to
    B. is used to
    C. was used to
    D. got used to

    ايشش الاجااابة

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:18 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
D. responsibility

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 07:18 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
الي ينزلون الاججابات نزلوها بالاسئئئله عشان نميزز وش باقي

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:19 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
اي توني بسؤال 11

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:19 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
جاوبت سؤال 10
C. was used to

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 07:21 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
She .................. live in Riyadh before she moved to Dammam.
used to
is used to
was used to
got used to

بنت العششرين عذراً تو انتببه

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:21 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
A. out of work

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:22 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
بحاول ارتب الاسئله *-*

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:22 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
انا قاعد احل الاسالة الي ارسلتها بنت العششرين

m.7 2012- 11- 19 07:22 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
وياليت ينزلونها مع بعض

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 07:23 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
1. I used to be a student, but now I am a teacher.
used to means:
إجابة Is now but was not before.
Was before, but not any more.
Was before and is now.
Wanted to

#موفقين يآرب

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:24 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
D. want ads

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:24 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة т я ғ ♥ (المشاركة 7547224)
She .................. live in Riyadh before she moved to Dammam.
used to
is used to
was used to
got used to

بنت العششرين عذراً تو انتببه

غلط ترف *-*
moved يتكلم بالماضي

Otaku 2012- 11- 19 07:25 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
بنات هذي هي الاسئله جمعتها وقاعده احدد أجوبتكم عليها

بعضها مانحلت للأن والابعض اشوف اكثر من إجابه لها:(

I have a new home. My home is beautiful. The descriptive adjectives are
. have - home
B. home -My
C. new - beautiful
D. new - My

Tomatoes, carrots, and rice are different kinds

A. vines
B. crops
C. farms
D. nature

....... Amal visit her grandmother last night?

A. Didn't
B. Does
C. Did
D. Do

My daughter is .................. me. I always help her with her homework.
A. dependent on
B. proud of
C. depend on
D. responsible

The exams we took yesterday ....... not difficult.

A. was
B. is
C. were
D. are

Her paintings are wonderful. She has a lot of .............
A. job
B. résumé
C. employment
D. skill

Skydiving / /teaching / is / exciting / soRearrange the words to make a good sentence.

إجابة A. Skydiving is so exciting teaching.
B. Teaching skydiving is so exciting.
C. So exciting is teaching skydiving.
D. Is teaching skydiving so exciting?

  1. The word ideal means .......

  1. إجابة A. good
    B. perfect
    C. bad
    D. responsible

  1. Every morning I .......... my coffeemaker to make myself a cup of coffee.

    إجابة A. use
    B. am used to
    C. got used to
    D. used to

  1. She ........... live in Riyadh before she moved to Dammam.

    إجابة A. used to
    B. is used to
    C. was used to
    D. got used to

  1. The word career means ......

    إجابة A. happy
    B. job
    C. company
    D. hobby

  1. Last year I went to Dubai. I ................a very nice time there.

    إجابة A. spent
    B. spended
    C. spends
    D. spend

  1. Huda has a great sense of .........; she does her homework by herself.

    إجابة A. income
    B. humor
    C. responsibility
    D. pride

  1. Coke and Pepsi have ......... colors in them.

    إجابة A. artificial
    B. real
    C. healthy
    D. natural

  1. Farm kids help their parents milk the cows .... feed the animals ..... water the plants ...... and build the fences ..... Use punctuation marks in the blanks.

    إجابة A. , , , .
    B. . , , ,
    C. . , , ?
    D. , ? , !

  1. L Last night I ........... to the supermarket to buy some groceries.

    إجابة A. is going
    B. goed
    C. went
    D. have gone

She recently ............ her job to spend more time with her family.

  1. إجابة A. proud of
    B. worked
    C. quit
    D. income

  1. The word crops means .....

    إجابة A. farms
    B. plants
    C. fields
    D. animals

  1. These days farmers ....... machines to milk the cows.

    إجابة A. used
    B. used to
    C. got used to
    D. use

  1. Is / your / parachute / color / what / ?

    Rearrange the words to make a good sentence.

    إجابة A. What parachute is your color?
    B. What is your parachute color?
    C. What parachute color is your ?
    D. What color is your parachute?

  1. I love to see the sunrise, listen to the birds, and feel the wind. I love ........

    إجابة A. nature
    B. factory
    C. woods
    D. want ads

  1. I have two sisters; ............. names are Amal and Asma.

    إجابة A. your
    B. their
    C. our
    D. her

  1. She never says please or thank you; she is .............

    إجابة A. kind
    B. friendly
    C. poilite
    D. rude

  1. It was hard to find a job, but I .......... my best.

    إجابة A. try
    B. tried
    C. tries
    D. tryed

  1. He has an attractive .......... that makes him a ......... fit for many employers.

    إجابة A. résumé - ideal
    B. career - résumé
    C. employment - manager
    D. rewards - skill

  1. The students in my class come from many different parts of the world.Some students are from European countries such as Germany and Italy, and others are from Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Most students are from Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Japan. My classmates are an interesting mix of people from many different countries, and we all get along very well.

    The topic sentence is .......

    إجابة A. Most students are from Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Japan.
    B. Some students are from European countries such as Germany and Italy, and others are from Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
    C. My classmates are an interesting mix of people from many different countries, and we all get along very well.

    D. The students in my class come from many different parts of the world.

  1. My sister gave ..................... to twins yesterday.

    إجابة A. courage
    B. raise
    C. birth
    D. responsibility

  1. The farmer .......... chickens and sheep on his farm.

    إجابة A. crops
    B. fields
    C. plants
    D. raises

  1. I lost my job two weeks ago. Now I am.............................

    إجابة A. out of work
    B. working
    C. employed
    D. a manager

Mr. Ahmad ............ a farmer until he sold his land for money.

إجابة A. use
B. was
C. used to
D. used

  1. I used to be a student, but now I am a teacher.

    used to means:

    إجابة A.
    Was before, but not any more.
    B. Is now but was not before.
    Wanted to.
    D. Was before and is now.

  1. He started looking for a job by reading the .........

    إجابة A. manager
    B. nature
    C. satisfied
    D. want ads

  1. My hometown, Dammam, is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for its beaches, which are clean and beautiful. Second, on the other side of the town there are wonderful farms with lots of palm trees.. These two landmarks are truly amazing

    and make my hometown a famous place.
    A supporting sentence is .......

    إجابة A. My hometown, Dammam, is famous for several amazing natural features.
    B. A and C are both correct
    C. These two landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place.

    D. First, it is noted for its beaches, which are clean and beautiful.

He happy in the university.

Correct the mistake in the sentence.

  1. إجابة A. He are happy in the university.
    B. He does happy in the university.
    C. He happy university.
    D. He is happy in the university.

  1. Let's ...... Ruba. She has good experience and she can be a good teacher.

    إجابة A. manager
    B. hire
    C. CV
    D. used to

After living in Saudi for two years, he .............. driving for long hours.

إجابة A. was used to
B. used to
C. got used to
D. used

  1. T The man is young. His hair is short.

    The possessive adjective is .........

    إجابة A. his
    B. hair
    C. young
    D. short

  1. Lost my new job.Correct the mistake in the sentence.

    إجابة A. lose my new job.
    B. I lost my new job.
    C. loses my new job.
    D. Lost I my new job.

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:25 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
كمل سعدد وانا برتبها ع حلك

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 07:25 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
The farmer ......................... chickens and sheep on his farm.

ي بنات هذ السؤال حله كذا ويلي صصحتتيه لي ترا تصحيحك خطأ واسفه مرا ثانيهه "*

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:25 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
السؤال 11

The word career means ......

إجابة A. happy
B. job
C. company
D. hobby

ايش الاجابه

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:26 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
thank u Σąha

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:26 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
D. He is happy in the university.

hanoufx 2012- 11- 19 07:27 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
B. job

Otaku 2012- 11- 19 07:28 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بنت العشرين (المشاركة 7547259)
السؤال 11

The word career means ......

إجابة A. happy
B. job
C. company
D. hobby

ايش الاجابه


بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:29 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
ليتكم تحلووون بالترتيب الله يخليكم:44:

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:30 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
ياجمعة اعذروني الباقي مو متاكد منة ولا حليتة الي متاكد يحط بس

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:30 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
السؤال 13

Huda has a great sense of .........; she does her homework by herself.

إجابة A. income
B. humor
C. responsibility
D. pride

*وعـد 2012- 11- 19 07:33 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
ترف كملي حلك انا انسخ كل اجوبتك
واحطه بالورد مرتبه وملونةة :16:

вά∂яỷ 2012- 11- 19 07:33 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
مطررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر >>>وحده فاااضيه

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:35 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

Ray8ah ^_^ 2012- 11- 19 07:35 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ضفافــ أمنيهــ (المشاركة 7547308)
مطررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر >>>وحده فاااضيه

وين مافي :/
الله يرزقنا

مُترفه ..! 2012- 11- 19 07:35 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
# موفقين صحياً ممنوعه من الجهد والتركيز

نزلو الحلول وبششوفها واكمل الي اقدر جهد زيدهه مقدر :18:

يلا ششدو الهمه نبي الفل مممارك

Otaku 2012- 11- 19 07:36 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
حرام ردوا على بنت العشرين :44::18:
مابي اوهقها بإجاباتي:12:

روابي العامري 2012- 11- 19 07:36 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
She ........... live in Riyadh before she moved to Dammam.

إجابة A. used to

B. is used to
C. was used to
D. got used to

وش الجواب ؟ خلونا نمشي حبه حبه

Ray8ah ^_^ 2012- 11- 19 07:37 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة т я ғ ♥ (المشاركة 7547322)
# موفقين صحياً ممنوعه من الجهد والتركيز

نزلو الحلول وبششوفها واكمل الي اقدر جهد زيدهه مقدر :18:

يلا ششدو الهمه نبي الفل مممارك

الله يجزاكـ خير .. ويرضى عليك ..
ماقصرتي ..

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:37 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
حراااااااام عليكم
وينكم فيه ساعدوني
جازفت بالاختبار ابي مساعدتكم لاتخذلوني

Foyz 2012- 11- 19 07:37 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
ي ناس ترف تتعب ؤتحل معنا وهي تعبانه ومو شعبتنا اصلن

قدرؤا شؤي ؤلا تتناقشؤن حلها صحيح

شوي شوي عليها =(

س ع د 2012- 11- 19 07:38 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
يام عشرين اي سوال انتي

بنت العشرين 2012- 11- 19 07:39 PM

رد: كل مايخص مادة الانجليزي شعبة (2)
السؤال 13

Huda has a great sense of .........; she does her homework by herself.

إجابة A. income
B. humor
C. responsibility
D. pride

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المواضيع والمشاركات في الملتقى تمثل اصحابها.
يوجد في الملتقى تطوير وبرمجيات خاصة حقوقها خاصة بالملتقى
ملتزمون بحذف اي مادة فيها انتهاك للحقوق الفكرية بشرط مراسلتنا من مالك المادة او وكيل عنه