منتدى الأكاديمية الدولية للعلوم الصحية منتدى الأكاديمية الدولية للعلوم الصحية ; مساحة للتعاون طلاب و طالبات الأكاديمية الدولية للعلوم الصحية و نقل آخر الأخبار الاكاديمية وتسجيل المنح الدراسية. |
أدوات الموضوع | إبحث في الموضوع |
ممكن اسئله لإختبار الهيئه بالنسبه للأسنان
بلييييز بليز ساعدوني وافيدوني بأسئله اختبار الهيئه
واللي اختبر قريب ياليت يفيدني ولكم مني جزيل الكر |
2013- 5- 23 | #2 |
رد: ممكن اسئله لإختبار الهيئه بالنسبه للأسنان
حتى انا محتاجها والله
لانى على وشك ادخل اختبار الهيئه ياليت تفيدوونا يا ناااااس اذا فيه علمونا واذا مافي احد يرد علينا على الاقل نحس ان فيه ناس تقرا كلامنا |
2013- 5- 24 | #3 |
رد: ممكن اسئله لإختبار الهيئه بالنسبه للأسنان
مره مره مآفى؟.؟
2013- 5- 26 | #4 |
رد: ممكن اسئله لإختبار الهيئه بالنسبه للأسنان
أكـــــــــــــــــيد فيه
دقايق و أنزلهم |
2013- 5- 26 | #5 |
رد: ممكن اسئله لإختبار الهيئه بالنسبه للأسنان
2013- 5- 26 | #6 |
رد: ممكن اسئله لإختبار الهيئه بالنسبه للأسنان
نموذج من اسئلة اختبار الهيئة الصحية السعودية لتخصصات الاسنان
) Vasoconstrictors are a) lidocaine b) adrenaline d) sulpha c) all of the above 2) When we extract roots we start with a) forceps b) periosteal elevators c) elevators d) needles 3) In case of bad odor in the entrance of the pulp we a) extract the tooth b) remove the pulp c) R.C.T d) none 4) Insulin is a medicine for a) hypertension b) cardiac diseases c) diabetes d) decrease in platelet count 5) In case of infiltration anesthesia we give a) sub mucosal b) intraosseous c) sub periosteal d) none 6) In case of infiltration we give a) anti inflammatory b) antibiotic c) a and b d) none 7) For the mandible we prefer a) infiltration b) block c) intraossous d) none 8) The patient who have not breakfast , we never give him anesthesia because a) hyperglycemia b) hypoglycemia c) increased heart rate d) hypertension 9) Gingivitis means a) inflammation of the periodontal ligaments b) inflammation of the bone c) inflammation of the gingiva d) inflammation of the tongue 10) Patient is suffering a pain during sleep the diagnosis is a) inflammation of dentin b) inflammation of enamel c) inflammation of cementum d) inflammation of pulp 11) Phosphoric acid is applied for a) 10-20 seconds b) 30-45 seconds c) 20-30 seconds d)none 12) The lower teeth are supplied with a) maxillary nerve b) infra orbital c) mandibular d) all of the above 13) Alginate contains calcium sulphate in concentration of a) 40% b) 50% c) 12% d) none 14) The main cause of inflammation of gingiva (gingivitis) a) smoking b) calculus c) bacteria d) fluoride 15) The peridontium is composed of a) bone + cement b) periodontal ligament + gingiva c) a+b d) none 16) Permanent restoration is a) calcium hydroxide b) amalgam c) alginate d) zinc oxide eugenol 17) Composite is used mainly for a) anterior teeth b) posterior c) a+b d) none 18) Elastic impression material is a) rubber b) Plaster c) zinc oxide d) compound 19) For injection local anesthesia in the lower jaw we use a) short needle b) long c) none 20) In case of advanced upper jaw to the lower this is called a) angle class I b) angle class II c) angle class III d) All of the above 21) The pregnant woman is suffering from a) gingival recession b) pregnant granuloma c) Periapical abscess d) none 22) The best method for brushing a) vertical b) horizontal c) bass sulcular method d) all of the above 23) Apicoectomy means a) surgical removal of the apical portion of the root b) removal of one or more roots c) the root and the crown are cut lengthwise d) none 24) Amputation means a) surgical removal of the apical portion of the root b) removal of one or more roots c) the root and the crown are cut lengthwise d) none 25) Hemisection means a) surgical removal of the apical portion of the root b) removal of one or more roots c) the root and the crown are cut lengthwise d) none 26) The instruments for examination are a) probe and tweezer b) mirror c) a + b d) amalgamator 27) Panorama x-ray is used for a) Periapical tissues b) interproximal caries c) giving complete picture for upper and lower jaw d) none 28) Adrenaline is added to local anesthesia for a- increasing the respiratory rate b- prolonging the effect of local anesthesia c- iecreasing the bleeding d-none 29) …………… is a white lesion a- lichen planus b- cancer c- heamatoma d-none 30) fordyce's spots is on a- tongue b- oral mucosa c- upper lip d- throat 31) ……………. Is an anticoagulant agent a- aspirin b- heparin c- paracetamol d- evex 32) For treatment of pericoronitis a- extraction of the tooth b- analgesic + sterility + antibiotic c- cleaning with concentrated phenol d- none 33) Duct of submandibular gland is a- warter b- bartholin c-barvenous d-stenson 34) leukoplakia is present on a- the mouth b- eye c- heart d- lungs 35) Cranial nerves are a- 12 nerves b- 14 c- 10 d- 16 36) Muscles of the tongue are a- 17 b- 18 c- 19 d- 20 37) Attrition may be caused by a- friction due to pipe b- friction during sleep c- gastric acid d- none 38) Sterilization in dry oven a- one hour at 160 c b- 90 minutes at 160 c c- two hours at 160 c d- none 39) Sterilization in autoclave a- 20-30 minutes at 121 c b- 2-10 minutes at 134 c c- a+b d- none 40) According to the universal system 6 means a- upper left first molar b- lower left first molar c- lower right first molar d- none 41) According to two digits system 42 means a- lower right lateral incisor b- upper left lateral incisor c- upper right lateral incisor d- none 42) A preventive agent is a- composite b- Glassionomer c- fluoride d- zinc oxide eugenol 43) One of the following releases fluorides a- composite b- Glassionomer c- fluoride d- zinc oxide eugenol 44) The roots of the following teeth are closely related to the maxillary sinus a- canine and upper premolar b-lower molar c- upper molar and premolar d- none 45) Cross bite means a- upper teeth occlude inside the lower teeth b- upper teeth occlude outside the lower c- a and b d- none 46) The efficiency of the autoclave is decreased due to a- sterilization without cleaning the instruments b- over loading c- dry blood on the instruments d- all of the above 47) Sterilization is a- killing of bacteria and virus b- killing fungus and bacteria c- killing virus, bacteria. And bacteria spores d- none 48) The food which build new cells a- carbohydrates b- proteins c- fats d- minerals 49) Dental plaque is formed after a- 6 hours b- 12 hours c- 24 hours d- 48 hours 50) Brushing of the anterior teeth from the lingual side is a- vertical b- horizontal c- oblique d-none 51) Tooth paste with fluoride is a- systemic application b- topical application c- a+b d-none 52) When tooth paste is used the child is advised a- not swallow b- swallow a small amount c- do not rinse d- none 53) Fluoride in water its concentrate a- 2 ppm b- 1 ppm c- 3 ppm d- none 54) Too much ingestion of fluoride may lead to a- dental caries b- dental fluorosis c- gingivitis d- none 55) When we delay the cleaning, sterilization of instruments we put it in a- holding solution b- sodium hypochlorite c- a+b d- none 56) Burs is a- critical items b- semi critical c- non critical d- all of the above 57) Patient positions are a- upright position b- supine position c- sub supine d- all of the above 58) For the right handed dentist seated to the right of the patient the operator zone is between a- 8 and 11 o'clock b- 2 and 4 o'clock c- 11 to 2 o'clock d- all of the above 59) For right handed dentist, the static zone is between a- 8 - 11 b- 11 - 2 c- 2 - 4 d- all of the above 60) For right handed dentist, the assistant's zone is between a- 8 - 11 b- 11 - 2 c- 2 - 4 d- all of the above 61) Mouth mirror is a- critical items b- semi critical c- non critical d- all of the above 62) Before doing vitality pulp test , the tooth must be a- moist b- dry c- moist or dry not affect d- none 63) Saliva ejector is placed a- at the side of working b- under the tongue c- opposite the working side d- b+c 64) HVE is placed a- at the side of working b- under the tongue c- opposite the working side d- b+c 65) Grasping the HVE is by a- thumb to nose grasp b- pen grasp c- a+b d- none 66) Deficiency of vit C leads to a- scurvy b- anemia c- richet d- defect in blood clotting 67) Deficiency of vit K leads to a- scurvy b- anemia c- richet d- defect in blood clotting 68) Deficiency of vit D leads to a- scurvy b- anemia c- richet d- defect in blood clotting 69) Carbohydrate is digested in a- mouth b- small intestine c- large intestine d- none 70) Carbohydrate is essential for a- building the body b- supplying the body with energy c- a+b d- none |
2013- 5- 26 | #7 |
رد: ممكن اسئله لإختبار الهيئه بالنسبه للأسنان
2013- 5- 26 | #8 |
رد: ممكن اسئله لإختبار الهيئه بالنسبه للأسنان
و بالتوووووووووووووفيق للجميع ..
دعواتكـــــــــم |
2013- 5- 28 | #9 |
رد: ممكن اسئله لإختبار الهيئه بالنسبه للأسنان
يا جعلك من اكلين ثمار الجنه قولى امين
الله يوفقك |
2013- 5- 28 | #10 |
رد: ممكن اسئله لإختبار الهيئه بالنسبه للأسنان
أمــــــــــــــــــــــــــــين و أجمعيـن أن شاء الله
مواقع النشر (المفضلة) |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
كل ما يخص ادارة الاعمال المستوى الأول من اسئله اختبارات سابقه و ملخصات | بعيد النظرهـ | إدارة أعمال 1 | 23 | 2013- 4- 10 12:56 AM |
نموذج اختبار فقه السيرة لعام 1431 - 1432 | Randz | المستوى الأول - كلية الأداب | 23 | 2011- 5- 28 11:27 PM |