ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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Dark green 2012- 12- 28 01:37 AM

تجمع مدخل الى اللغويات+حل اسئلة الدكتور
حل اسئلة الدكتور للاخت تغريد الله يجزاها خير


تمارين نموذجية للإختبار النهائي
( مدخل إلى اللغويات )

للدكتور / حسن العماري

وجدتها في البلاك بورد فأجتهدت في حلها , وها أنا أضعها بين أيديكم للفائدة ..

1. Which language belongs to the Indo-European language family?
a. Basque
b. Finnish
c. Welsh
d. Turkish

2. Which two languages do not belong to the Indo-European language family?
a. Hungarian and Finnish
b. Norwegian and Swedish
c. Romanian and Portuguese
d. Russian and Czech

3. Which Indo-European language has most native speakers?
a. English
b. Hindi
c. Russian
d. Spanish

4. When a student´s language fails to develop any further you speak of...
a. negative transfer
b. strategic incompetence
c. recursion
d. fossilization

5. The term interlanguage is used to refer to...
a. the language used in the interaction between teacher and student
b. the language used in the interaction between students
c. the language used in the interaction between two foreign students
d. the student´s language with elements of both L1 and L2

6. The process in first language acquisition which produces forms such as mans and foots is called...
a. overcorrection
b. overgeneralization
c. overkill
d. overemphasis

7. Penguin is a ... of bird.
a. homonym
b. synonym
c. hyponym
d. prototype

8. When describing the meaning of words in terms of +animate, -human etc. we describe...
a. semantic features
b. semantic roles
c. lexical relations
d. prototypes

9. The initial sound in thanks is a ...
a. voiceless dental stop.
b. voiced dental stop.
c. voiceless dental fricative.
d. voiced dental fricative.

10. The initial sound in that is a ...
a. voiceless dental stop.
b. voiced dental stop.
c. voiceless dental fricative.
d. voiced dental fricative.

11. The last sound in please is a ...
a. voiced alveolar fricative.
b. voiceless alveolar fricative.
c. voiced palatal fricative.
d. voiceless palatal fricative.

12. The last sound in thanks is a ...
a. voiced alveolar fricative.
b. voiceless alveolar fricative.
c. voiced palatal fricative.
d. voiceless palatal fricative

13. _______________ is an old language spoken in part of modern Turkey.
a. Phrygian
b. The language of Eden
c. God-given language
d. Divine language

14. According King James the 4th of Scotland “_____________ ” is the language of the Garden of Eden.
a. God-given language
b. Hebrew
c. Sign language
d. Phrygian

15. The words that sound similar to the noises they describe are called ________.
a. Phrygian
b. Onomatopoeia
c. ordinary talks
d. Interjections

16. _____________ are sounds that are usually produced with sudden intake breath.
a. Phrygian
b. Onomatopoeia
c. ordinary talks
d. Interjections

17. “ _____________” is above the vocal cords and acts as resonator for increases range of clarity of the sounds produced
a. Human tongue
b. Human Pharynx
c. Human mouth
d. Human Larynx

18. The sounds that are produced by the tongue tip and the upper front teeth are called ___________.
a. Dentals
b. Labiodentals
c. Bilabials
d. Alveolars

19. It is the sound ____ that is only produced by Glottals .
a. [f]
b. [p]
c. [d]
d. [ h]
20. “ ______________” is the study which deals with the physical properties of speech as sound waves in a language.
a. Phonetics
b. Acoustic Phonetics
c. Articulatory Phonetics
d. Auditory Phonetics

21. We use ________ to indicate a phoneme in a language.
a. ( )
b. [ ]
c. “ ”
d. / /

22. An example of inflectional languages is “_____________” language.
a. Mongolian
b. Turkish
c. Arabic
d. Japanese



( gladiator ) 2012- 12- 28 01:43 AM

رد: تجمع مدخل الى اللغويات+حل اسئلة الدكتور
الف مليون ترليون شكراا

Dark green 2012- 12- 28 01:50 AM

رد: تجمع مدخل الى اللغويات+حل اسئلة الدكتور
1 مرفق
المعتقل هل اسئلته شاملة,,رضوان اسئلته كثيرررررره مره

اللي ذاكروو تنصحون باي ملخص:9::9:

سعاد^^ 2012- 12- 28 12:52 PM

رد: تجمع مدخل الى اللغويات+حل اسئلة الدكتور
جزاكي الله خير و تسلم يدييينك

سؤال 21 مو كنها اقواس مربعه ؟؟ []

ملآمح حلم 2012- 12- 28 03:27 PM

رد: تجمع مدخل الى اللغويات+حل اسئلة الدكتور
جزاككككككي الله خير حبيبتي ماقصرتي


Kadi li 2012- 12- 29 01:09 AM

رد: تجمع مدخل الى اللغويات+حل اسئلة الدكتور

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Dark green (المشاركة 7902351)
حل اسئلة الدكتور للاخت تغريد الله يجزاها خير


تمارين نموذجية للإختبار النهائي
( مدخل إلى اللغويات )

للدكتور / حسن العماري

وجدتها في البلاك بورد فأجتهدت في حلها , وها أنا أضعها بين أيديكم للفائدة ..

1. Which language belongs to the Indo-European language family?
a. Basque
b. Finnish
c. Welsh
d. Turkish

2. Which two languages do not belong to the Indo-European language family?
a. Hungarian and Finnish
b. Norwegian and Swedish
c. Romanian and Portuguese
d. Russian and Czech

3. Which Indo-European language has most native speakers?
a. English
b. Hindi
c. Russian
d. Spanish

4. When a student´s language fails to develop any further you speak of...
a. negative transfer
b. strategic incompetence
c. recursion
d. fossilization

5. The term interlanguage is used to refer to...
a. the language used in the interaction between teacher and student
b. the language used in the interaction between students
c. the language used in the interaction between two foreign students
d. the student´s language with elements of both L1 and L2

6. The process in first language acquisition which produces forms such as mans and foots is called...
a. overcorrection
b. overgeneralization
c. overkill
d. overemphasis

7. Penguin is a ... of bird.
a. homonym
b. synonym
c. hyponym
d. prototype

8. When describing the meaning of words in terms of +animate, -human etc. we describe...
a. semantic features
b. semantic roles
c. lexical relations
d. prototypes

9. The initial sound in thanks is a ...
a. voiceless dental stop.
b. voiced dental stop.
c. voiceless dental fricative.
d. voiced dental fricative.

10. The initial sound in that is a ...
a. voiceless dental stop.
b. voiced dental stop.
c. voiceless dental fricative.
d. voiced dental fricative.

11. The last sound in please is a ...
a. voiced alveolar fricative.
b. voiceless alveolar fricative.
c. voiced palatal fricative.
d. voiceless palatal fricative.

12. The last sound in thanks is a ...
a. voiced alveolar fricative.
b. voiceless alveolar fricative.
c. voiced palatal fricative.
d. voiceless palatal fricative

13. _______________ is an old language spoken in part of modern Turkey.
a. Phrygian
b. The language of Eden
c. God-given language
d. Divine language

14. According King James the 4th of Scotland “_____________ ” is the language of the Garden of Eden.
a. God-given language
b. Hebrew
c. Sign language
d. Phrygian

15. The words that sound similar to the noises they describe are called ________.
a. Phrygian
b. Onomatopoeia
c. ordinary talks
d. Interjections

16. _____________ are sounds that are usually produced with sudden intake breath.
a. Phrygian
b. Onomatopoeia
c. ordinary talks
d. Interjections

17. “ _____________” is above the vocal cords and acts as resonator for increases range of clarity of the sounds produced
a. Human tongue
b. Human Pharynx
c. Human mouth
d. Human Larynx

18. The sounds that are produced by the tongue tip and the upper front teeth are called ___________.
a. Dentals
b. Labiodentals
c. Bilabials
d. Alveolars

19. It is the sound ____ that is only produced by Glottals .
a. [f]
b. [p]
c. [d]
d. [ h]
20. “ ______________” is the study which deals with the physical properties of speech as sound waves in a language.
a. Phonetics
b. Acoustic Phonetics
c. Articulatory Phonetics
d. Auditory Phonetics

21. We use ________ to indicate a phoneme in a language.
a. ( )
b. [ ]
c. “ ”
d. / /

22. An example of inflectional languages is “_____________” language.
a. Mongolian
b. Turkish
c. Arabic
d. Japanese



ايوة انا بغيت الاجوبة يعطيك العافية..لكن السؤال

3. Which Indo-European language has most native speakers?
a. English
b. Hindi
c. Russian
d. Spanish متاكدة من جوابه..الدكتور ما تكلم قال الاكثر استخداما وانا اخذتها بمادة ثانية(الفكر والثقافة الانجليزية )انه الانجليزية ثالث لغة كاكثر انتشارا كلغة اوم والاولى كثاني لغة ..الترتيب في اللغة الام ..الصينية ثم الاسبانية ثم الانجليزية..يبغى لنا نتاكد من الدكتور وكمان دا السؤال ما عرفت له
22. An example of inflectional languages is “_____________” language.
a. Mongolian
b. Turkish
c. Arabic
d. Japanese

:19::19::19::19: يعطيكي العافية

Kadi li 2012- 12- 29 01:13 AM

رد: تجمع مدخل الى اللغويات+حل اسئلة الدكتور

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة dark green (المشاركة 7902510)
المعتقل هل اسئلته شاملة,,رضوان اسئلته كثيرررررره مره

اللي ذاكروو تنصحون باي ملخص:9::9:

الدكتور حسن لا يمكن توقعه..ذاكري وافهمي عادته يركز ع محاضرة ويجيب معظم الاسئلة منها وما كرر..كل سمستر غير.خلي الاسئلة مراجعة..دوبني اخذ المادة لكن سالت اللي سبقوني عنها

l0l0 2012- 12- 29 08:35 AM

رد: تجمع مدخل الى اللغويات+حل اسئلة الدكتور
انا بذاكر المحتوى كامل وبشوف ترجمة رضوان وبراجع من اسئلة المعتقل .. والله يوفقنا يارب :2:

Dark green 2012- 12- 29 07:58 PM

رد: تجمع مدخل الى اللغويات+حل اسئلة الدكتور
اجوبة الاسئلة تاكدو منها

الله يعين علئ اللغويات الله يسهلها:12:

um lara 2012- 12- 29 08:17 PM

رد: تجمع مدخل الى اللغويات+حل اسئلة الدكتور
انا للحين تحت تأثير صدمة قواعد الممنظومه النحويه

لين استوعب الوضع بعدين اقدر اذاكر:23:

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