ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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أم تالين 2015- 5- 6 03:31 PM

رد: تجمـع [علم الدلاله وبرغماتيك] - موعد اختبار [ 18/ 7 / 1436 هـ ]

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة GHID‘S (المشاركة 12257062)

ان شاء الله طلع اللون مسبب ازمة
تعبتكم اكثر من افدتكم :139:

ياعمري انتي والله افدتينا اكثر 3>
الله يعطيك العافيه :icon19:

GHID‘S 2015- 5- 6 03:38 PM

رد: تجمـع [علم الدلاله وبرغماتيك] - موعد اختبار [ 18/ 7 / 1436 هـ ]

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أم تالين (المشاركة 12257098)
ياعمري انتي والله افدتينا اكثر 3>
الله يعطيك العافيه :icon19:

حبيبتي انتي الله يسعدك :love080:

أفا يا قلب 2015- 5- 6 03:39 PM

رد: تجمـع [علم الدلاله وبرغماتيك] - موعد اختبار [ 18/ 7 / 1436 هـ ]
شكرا شكرا شباب هالصفحه وايد تفيدني بأختباراتي
<<< لي عوووده بعد نومه

GHID‘S 2015- 5- 6 03:43 PM

رد: تجمـع [علم الدلاله وبرغماتيك] - موعد اختبار [ 18/ 7 / 1436 هـ ]
في نقطة قالها الدكتور وافادتني
كيف نفرق بين semantics and pragmatics
semantics: دايما تتعلق ب literal word meaning
pragmatics :دايما تتعلق ب intended meaning of the context
يعني الاول معنى حرفي لكل كلمة والثاني المعنى المقصود من الجملة كلها

fajr_al.r 2015- 5- 6 03:47 PM

رد: تجمـع [علم الدلاله وبرغماتيك] - موعد اختبار [ 18/ 7 / 1436 هـ ]
حل اسئله محاضره ١٤

5-a) synonyms
6-the most characteristic instance of the category
e.g:robin is the prototype of birds
7-it is an utterance not require literal meaning
so he mean that he is hungry so he can eat any thing
8-with her new golf =instrument
Fatimah = agent
the ball=them
the woods = source
the grassy area =goal
she suddenly (she refers to Fatmah )=experiencer
9-a)+ human
b)+human ,+male ,+adult
11-a)mean person
b)mean a person who asked for ham sandwich
d)appoitment with person also
they all inference
12-a,b,f,= performative verbs
c,d,e =not performative
13- coolocations
fast food
quick glance
15-a)relation maxim

b)quantity maxim]

:confused: هذا الحل بس وين الاسئله :confused: ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

أم تالين 2015- 5- 6 03:48 PM

رد: تجمـع [علم الدلاله وبرغماتيك] - موعد اختبار [ 18/ 7 / 1436 هـ ]

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة نهرالعطا (المشاركة 12251185)
الفرق واضج بقولك الان

الدلاله ترتبط بكفاءة المتحدث يعني استخدامه الجيد للغه

While semantics is mainly concerned with speakers competence to use the language system

البرغماتيك = فهم المعنى
the chief focus of pragmatics is a person’s Ability to derive meaning from specific kinds of speech situations

وعند دمج تعريف علم الدلاله والبرغماتيك = استخدام كفاءه للغه وفهمها(فهم المعنى)

both semantics and pragmatics are concerned with people’s ability to use language meaningfully

يارب اكون قدرت اوصل المعلومه

Semantics is the study of the conventional literal meaning.¹
Semantics is mainly concerned with a speaker’s competence to use the language system.²
Pragmatics is the study of the interactional intended meaning.¹
Pragmatics is a person’s ability to derive meaning from specific kinds of speech situations.

أم تالين 2015- 5- 6 03:49 PM

رد: تجمـع [علم الدلاله وبرغماتيك] - موعد اختبار [ 18/ 7 / 1436 هـ ]
ليش احس ان التعاريف تحتلف
بديت اتلخبط

تروبادور 2015- 5- 6 03:55 PM

رد: تجمـع [علم الدلاله وبرغماتيك] - موعد اختبار [ 18/ 7 / 1436 هـ ]

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة GHID‘S (المشاركة 12257175)
في نقطة قالها الدكتور وافادتني
كيف نفرق بين semantics and pragmatics
semantics: دايما تتعلق ب literal word meaning
pragmatics :دايما تتعلق ب intended meaning of the context
يعني الاول معنى حرفي لكل كلمة والثاني المعنى المقصود من الجملة كلها

الله يجزاك خير

فني لغة 2015- 5- 6 04:22 PM

رد: تجمـع [علم الدلاله وبرغماتيك] - موعد اختبار [ 18/ 7 / 1436 هـ ]
نبغى أسئلة الترم الماااااضي الماااادة صعبة ودسمة

GHID‘S 2015- 5- 6 04:23 PM

رد: تجمـع [علم الدلاله وبرغماتيك] - موعد اختبار [ 18/ 7 / 1436 هـ ]
(1) Semantics is:

a) The study of words origins.

b) The study of words meaning.

c) The study of how words are structured in sentences.

d) The study of meaning that a word or a sentence has in a particular context

(2) Language speakers can say one thing and mean another thing through

a) The usual meaning of a word or a sentence.

b) What words mean in the dictionary.

c) The meaning that a word or a sentence has in specific contexts or circumstances
d) What sentences mean without looking at the context.

(3) All the followings are examples of paralanguage except for:

a) Nodding

b) Laughing

(4) The meaning of a word is included in another word, In the case of:

a) Polysemy

b) Synonymy

c) Hyponymy

d) Entailment

(5) What is the basic lexical relation between each pair of words listed here?

a) story & tale → Synonyms

b) heavy & light→ antonyms

c) fruit & banana → hyponymy

d) peace & piece→ homophony

(6) What does “prototype” mean? Illustrate your definition with an example
the most characteristic instance of the category
e.g:robin is the prototype of birds
(7) Waiting impatiently for food at a restaurant, the man said: “I can eat a horse right now.”

Explain the meaning of this quotation in some details.

it is an utterance not require literal meaning
so he mean that he is hungry so he can eat any thing
(8) Identify the semantic roles of the seven noun phrases in this sentence

With her new golf club, Fatimah whacked the ball from the woods to the grassy area near the hole

, .and she suddenly felt unbeatable
with her new golf =instrument
Fatimah = agent
the ball=them
the woods = source
the grassy area =goal
she suddenly (she refers to Fatmah )=experiencer

(9) Use semantic features to explain the reason these sentences sound odd. 3

a) The chicken studies mathematics.

chicken = make this sentence semantically odd
b) The train will marry Jessica.

Train = make this sentence semantically odd
+human ,+male ,+adult
(10) Tell which of the following opposites are gradable, non-gradable, or reversive.
a) fill it / empty it → reversive

b) absent / present →non-gradable

c) old / young → gradable

d) fair / unfair →non-gradable

(11) What kind of inference is involved in interpreting each of these utterances?

a) Teacher: You can borrow my Shakespeare.
Mean person
b) Waiter: The ham sandwich left without paying.
mean a person who asked for ham sandwich
c) Nurse: The hernia in room 5 wants to talk to the doctor.
Mean person
d) Dentist: My eleven4hirty canceled so I had an early lunch.
Mean person
they all inference

(12) Which of these utterances contain “performative verbs” and how did you decide?

a) I apologize.
performative verbs - apologizing
b) i bet you $20.
performative verbs –promise
c) She won the bet.

d) I drive a Mercedes.

e) You must have a lot of money.

f) I testify there is no God but Allah...
performative verbs – شرحها انه بعدها يصبح يتصرف كمسلم

(13) What would you call two or more words that often go together, as in the word blond usually

going with hair?

Give two more examples to illustrate
fast food
quick glance

(14) The Co-Operative Principle was suggested by the philosopher

(15) Each of B’s utterances below would probably flout (ignore) one of the four maxims

Say what maxim the speaker is flouting, and give a possible reason for this ignorance.

A. Do you want to go to the movies tonight?

B. My little sister is coming for a visit.

The maxim flouted? A possible reason?
a)relation maxim

A. Where are you going?
B. Out

maxim flouted? A possible reason?

quantity maxim

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