ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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الزعيم998 2012- 12- 9 12:28 PM

الترجمة الابداعية ... وامثلة الترجمة ... ارجو المساعدة
يا اخوان الترجمة الابداعية

في الامثلة اللي بالمحاضرات

تشابة الخيارات اللي يضعها الدكتور... اذا جاء مثلها بالاختبار كيف نفرق بينها ونختار منها
Let’s immerse ourselves in the following scene of a play written by Shakespeare in the 16th Century called Merchant of Venice, Act3, Scene3 and try appreciate some if not all the drama features mentioned above and try to translate it into Arabic as a homework for you (see Practical A below):
Act 3, Scene 3
SCENE III. Venice. A Street. Page 404
Enter SHYLOCK, SALARINO, ANTONIO, and Gaoler SHYLOCK Gaoler, look to him: tell not me of mercy; This is the fool that lent out money gratis:- Gaoler, look to him. ANTONIO Hear me yet, good Shylock.
المرابي: السجان، ونتطلع إلى وسلم: يقول ليس لي من رحمة؛ وهذا هو الأحمق الذي أقرض من دون مقابل المال: - السجان، والنظر إليه. انطونيو تسمعني حتى الآن، والمرابي جيد.
شايلوك: أيها السجان ، انظر إليه، لا تسألني الرحمة. هذا هو الأحمق الذي اقترض المال بدون فوائد. أيها السجان انظر إليه
نطونيو: اسمعني يا شايلوك الطيب
Cشايلوك: انظر اليه أيها السجان ولا تطلب مني أن أرحمه، هذا الذي أقترض المال بدون مقابل. يا سجان انظر اليه.. أنطونيو: على رسلك يا شايلوك الطيب.
D. شايلوك: يا سجان انظر اليه، لن أرحمه فهذا الذي استدان المال بدون مقابل. انظر. أنطونيو: لم تسمعني

Now when translating a song, as a form of musical drama, for example, the translator needs to approach the task as a written text, for page and for stage and even for vocal translation as well.
So how would you translate the following Arabic song into English? Would you translate the first part of the song below as A, B, C, D, or something else?
غسِّل وشَّك يا قمر بالصــابونة وبالحجر
وينك يا قمر ....
غسل وشي
مشِّط شعرك يا قمر بالمشط الحلو انكسر
وينك يا قمر .....
مشط شعري

Wash your face, moon, with some soap and stone
Where are you moon?
I’m washing my face!
B. Have you washed your beautiful face my moon?
Have you washed it with some soap and stone?
Where are you my cheeky moon?
I’m washing my face!
C. Wash your face, little moon!
With soap and with stones.
Where are you little moon?
‘Washing my face!’
D. Wash your face, sweet love;
With soap and stone
With a hey, and a ho,
Where are you sweet love?
Washing my face with a hey and a ho!

هذة الامثلة من المحاضرة 10
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زي هذه الامثلة من محاضرة 11 كيف اقدر اختار الجواب الصحيح وهو لم يعطي جواب
So how would you translate the first two lines into English? Is it A, B, C, or something else?
*اللهُ خالقُ دنيانا إنْ كُنْتَ حقَّاً إنسانا
من غيرِ ريْبٍ أوْ شَكِّ امْتلأ القلبُ إيمانا
A. God is the Creator of the World if you were really a man.
Without a doubt this would fill the heart with faith.
B. Allah is the Creator of the World,
If you were a man,
Without any suspicion
Your heart should have faith in God.
C. Allah is the Creator of the World,
Man must say, without a shadow of doubt,
I believe in God.
D. Etc..

Now, how would you translate the second two lines into English? Is it A, B, C, or something else?
وحياتًك يإبْن البشرِ كلقاءِ البحرِ بالنهَر
يجري يتدفق للبحرِ يَسوي يَسوي فوقَ الحجرِ
A. Your life son of Adam is like the sea meeting the river.
Running towards the sea to settle and settle above the seabed.
B. Your life man is like meeting the river with sea
Running towards the sea to join it with settlement.
C. Man’s life is passing away,
Fast like a stream in its way,
To the sea to stay.
D. Etc..

Another example, how would you translate the following poem into English?
Is it A, B, C, or something else?
لنْ تأخُذ مالاً ومتاعاً في القبرِ كُلَّك قد ضاع
إنْ طابَ العملُ فلا خوفٌ ما يخسَر عبدٌ إن طَاع
A. You will not take with you money or goods to the grave
If your work is good don’t be afraid
He who obeys never gets lost.
B. You will take neither money no goods to the grave being lost
Don’t be afraid if you have done good deeds
As he who obeys God will never go astray.
C. Man, it’s time you stopped seeking money,
Just think of thy destiny,
Nothing you’ll take with you
To the grave but few
D. Etc…

For example, let’s now look at the following excerpt taken from AlNaimi’s Arabic short story ‘Cut & Chat’ and see how it has been translated by different translators each of which tried to achieve equivalence in English, communicative purpose of the excerpt in a style that signals that this is a translation of an Arabic short story written by an Arabic writer living in a certain ecological, social, cultural setting.

يفكر كثيراً في أن الحلاق كان يغط في ذلك الوقت في نوم عميق، غير أن فكرة الذهاب كانت تلح عليه وتغريه إغراء بوظة لطفل عطش في عز الصيف.
He did not expect that the barber might be sleeping deeply at this time! But the idea of going was tempting him, as a child gives up to the temptation of tasty ice cream on a hot summer day.
He did not think that the barber might be falling asleep, but the idea of going was persistent and tempting him like a child being tempted by an ice cream in the middle of a hot summer.
The possibility that the barber might be sound asleep at this time of the day did not cross his mind, not once because the thought of going to the barber’s was as tempting as a cold ice-cream for a child who is thirsty in the middle of a summer hot day.

*He did not think much of the possibility that the barber might be sound asleep at this time of the day. Nevertheless the thought of going to the barber was as persistent and tempting as that of the temptation of an ice cream for a thirsty child in the middle of a hot summer day.
E. He did not think a lot about the possibility that most barbers would be sleeping at this time of the day. Nevertheless, he thought more and more of going to the barbers so that the temptation grew stronger just like a young child has a big temptation for an ice cream on a hot summer day.

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وكذلك امثلة من محاضرة 12
ow how would you translate the following into English? Is it A, B, C, or D?

فقام أبو بكر في الناس خطيباً بعد أن حمد الله وأثنى عليه: أما بعد:
" فإن من كان يعبد محمداً فإن محمداً قد مات، ومن كان يعبد الله فإن الله حي لا يموت."

A. If you are used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad is dead, and those who worship God, God is alive and does not die."
B. If you were worshiping Muhammad, Muhammad has passed away, and those who were worshiping God, God is still alive and does not die."
C. Hear me out! If you were used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad is dead, and those who worship God, God is alive and does not die."
D. Hear me out, people, if you used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad is dead, but if you are worshiping Allah, Allah is alive and does not die."

Let’s look at the following short rhetorical speech by our great Khalifa Abu Bakr ALSidiq (may Allah be pleased with him) addressed to Abu Obaida bin AlJarrah on his way to lead an army and see how we can translate it into English. Is it A, B, C, or something else?
لما عزم الصِّديق على بعث أبي عبيدة بن الجراح بجيشة دعاه فودعه ثم قال له:
"اسمع سماع من يريد أن يفهم ما قيل له، ثم يعمل بما أمر به، إنك تخرج في أشراف الناس، وبيوتات العرب، وصلحاء المسلمين، وفرسان الجاهلية، كانوا يقاتلون إذ ذاك على الحمية، وهم اليوم يقاتلون على الحسبةن والنية الحسنة، أحسن صحبة من صبك، وليكن الناس عندك في الحق سواء، واستعن بالله وكفى باللله معيناً، وتوكل على الله وكفى بالله وكيلاً، أُخرج من غد إن شاء الله."
A. "Listen to hear who wants to understand what he was told, then working as ordered, you graduated in the supervision of the people, and houses the Arabs, and good Muslims, and the Knights of ignorance.

B. Listen like someone who is interest in understanding what is said to him, then does what he is ordered to do. You are leaving with the nobles of the people, and the masters of Arabs, the righteous of the Muslims and warriors of Pre-Islamic era.
C. Listen up like someone keen to understand what is being said to him, and then does what he is being ordered to do. You are leaving with the noblest of the people, and the best amongst the Arabs, the most righteous of the Muslims and the best warriors of the pre-Islamic era , who used to fight out of zeal but now they fight for God’s sake.

Let’s look at another example of a short rhetorical speech by our great Khalifa Abu Bakr ALSidiq (may Allah be pleased with him) addressed to all people when he was given Pledge of allegiance as the leader of the Muslim Ummah and see how we can translate it into English. Is it A, B, C, D or something else?
لما بايع الناس أبا بكر الصِّديق قام فخطب بالناس فقال:
"أما بعد، أيها الناس، فإني قد وُليت عليكم ولست بخيركم، فإن أحسنت فأعينوني، و إن أسأت فقوموني، الصدق أمانة والكذب خيانة، والضعيف فيكم قوي عندي حتى أرجع عليه حقه إن شاء الله، والقوي فيكم ضعيف عندي حتى آخذ الحق منه إن شاء الله، لايدع قوم الجهاد في سبيل الله إلا ضربهم الله بالذل، ولا تشيع الفاحشة في قوم إلا عمّهم الله بالبلاء، أطيعوني ما أطعت الله ورسوله فإذا عصيت الله ورسوله فلا طاعة لي عليكم، قوموا إلى صلاتكم يرحمكم الله"
*A. Having said that, O people, I have been appointed as your leader and I'm not your best, If I do well help me , and if I do bad straighten me out.
B. O people, I have been selected as your custodian but I am not the best among you. So when I do well, support me; and when I do wrong, correct me.
C. O people, I have been entrusted with the rule of you and I am not the best among you. So If I do well, support me and if not straighten me out.
D. O people, I have been elected as your leader and I am not the best of you. Support me if I do well, and correct me if I do wrong.

Now, how would you translate the following lines into Arabic? Is it A, B, C, or something else?

Dirty Hands by John P. Delaney S.J.
“I'm proud of my dirty hands. Yes, they are dirty. And they are rough and knobby and calloused. And I'm proud of the dirt and the knobs and the callouses. I didn't get them that way by playing bridge or drinking afternoon tea out of dainty cups.”

A. أنا فخور يدي قذرة. نعم، فهي قذرة. وهم الخام وعقدي ومتصلبة. وأنا فخور من الاوساخ والمقابض والمثافن . أنا لم تحصل عليها بهذه الطريقة عن طريق اللعب جسر أو شرب الشاي بعد الظهر من كؤوس لذيذ، أو لعب السامري جيدا المعلن جيد في الكرات الخيرية.

B. أنا فخور بيدي الوسخة. نعم، إنها وسخة. وهي خشنة وعليها آثار العمل. وأنا فخور بالاوساخ والزوايا . فأنا لم أحصل عليها بهذه الطريقة عن طريق اللعب لعبة االأبراج أو شرب الشاي بعد الظهر من كؤوس أنيقة.

C. يدي الوسختان الخشنتان هما مدعاة للفخر عندي، فخور بهذه الأوساخ وبعقد كفي الخشنة وبسماكتهما لأنهما من جراء عملي الجاد لكسب لقمة عيشي وليستا نتيجة حياة مرفهة ومن اللعب بالاوراق وشرب الشاي بكؤوس فاخرة.

Now, how would you translate the following lines into Arabic? Is it A, B, C, or something else?

“I got them that way by working with them, and I'm proud of the work and the dirt. Why shouldn't I feel proud of the work they do - these dirty hands of mine?”

A. حصلت عليها بهذه الطريقة من خلال العمل بها، وأنا فخور بالعمل وبالأوساخ و. فلماذا لا أشعر بالفخر من العمل الذي يقومون به - وهذه الأيدي القذرة من الألغام؟

B. حصلت عليها بهذا الشكل من خلال العمل بها، فأنا فخور بهذا العمل وبالوسخ، ولماذا لا أشعر بالفخر بالعمل الذي تقوم به يدي الوسخة هذه.

C. إنهما هكذا لأنني عملت جاهدا بهما، إني فخور بالعمل الذي قامتا به هاتين اليدين وبالأوساخ العالقة عليهما،

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وهذه الامثلة من محاضرة 13
For example, let’s look at the following contemporary poem by Alistair Hedley (2001) and see how we can translate it and achieve equivalence in Arabic, communicative purpose of the poem whether in a prosaic style or in poetry. Remember this poem is written for children!
Now how would you translate the following into Arabic? Is it A, B, C, D, E or something else?
*When pain and sickness made my cry,
Who gazed upon my heavy eye,
And wept, for fear that I should die?
My Mother

A. عندما جعلني الألم والمرض أبكي
من حدَّق بعيني الثقيلة
وبكى خوفاً أن أموت؟
B. عندما أبكي من ألم أو مرض
من ينظر بعيني الثقيلتين
ويبكي خوفا من أن أموت؟
C. ألم ومرض يبكيني
عينيا من تسهر وترضيني
وتبكي خوفا من موتي؟
D. عندما يتملكني المرض وأبكي ألماً
تسهر على راحتي وتبكي خوفا من موتي

E. أبكي للمرض وللألمِ
من حدَّق في عيني الورمِِ
من يَبكيني خوف العدمِ
أمي تبكي، أمي أمي
F. إلخ.......

Now how would you translate the following into English? Is it A, B, C, D or something else?
*ليسً العيبُ أن يكونً الفتى فقيراً *** ولكن العيبَ أن يعيشَ الفتى ذليلا ً
It is not shameful to be poor but it is shameful to live in humiliation
To be poor it is not a shame but it is to live in humiliation
It is not a shame to be poor but it is to live in degradation
It is not a shame to be poor but it is to live in disgrace

Now, how would you translate the following oratory into Arabic? Is it A, B, C, or something else?

“Bribery is a religious crime, and a national betrayal. Help us fight against bribery.”

A. الرشوة هي دين الجريمة ووطن الخيانة فساعدنا على محاربة الرشوة.
B. الرشوة إثم تعاقب عليه، وخيانة للوطن، لنحاربها معاً.
C. أيها الناس ،الرشوة جريمة دينية، وخيانة وطنية. كن عوناً في محاربة الرشوة.

Now, how would you translate the following lines into Arabic? Is it A, B, C, or something else?

أيها الناس، الفساد كالوباء إذا سكتنا عنه انتشر، وإذا حاربناه انحصر، فلكن معاً ً في مكافحة الفساد .
A. O people, if we remained silent about epidemic of corruption it would spread, and if we fought against it we would limit it, let’s be together in the fight against corruption.

B. O people, corruption is like an epidemic which would spread if we were quiet about it. But if we fought it, it would shrink, so be a partner in the fight against corruption.

C. O people, corruption is like an epidemic which spreads if we are silent about it, but it shrinks if we fight it. So let’s unite in our fight against it

For example, let’s now look at the following excerpt taken from AlNaimi’s Arabic short story ‘Cut, Cut, Cut’ and see how it has been translated by different translators each of which tried to achieve equivalence in English, communicative purpose of the excerpt in a style that signals that this is a translation of an Arabic short story written by an Arabic writer living in a certain ecological, social, cultural setting.
«عندما وصل باب دكان الحلاق وجده مفتوحاً على غير عادته, فسرت في كيانه موجة من الاستغراب، لكن سرعان ما خيمت عليه الخيبة، إذ أنه لم يجد عند دخوله العتبة سوى صبي لم يتجاوز الثانية أو الثالثة عشرة من عمره.»
A. When he arrived at the barber shop, he found the door open as usual. He was surprised and very glad, but quickly a cloud of disappointment filled him, because he did not expect to find a young boy, who was about twelve or thirteen years old working alone.
B. When he reached the door of the barber shop, he found the door open unusually. This brought into him a wave of astonishment but suddenly he was disappointed because he saw a boy of 12 or 13 years old inside as he entered the shop.
C. When he reached the door of the barber shop, he unusually found the door open. Initially he was happily surprised but his happiness quickly disappeared and a wave of disappointment went through his veins because he only found a boy of around twelve or thirteen years old as he stepped in the shop.

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كل المحاضرات اللي سبقت من الاولى الى التاسعة نفس الشيء

صراحة شيء يخوف

اذا جاء الاختبار بنفس الطريقة ولاتفرق بين الاختيارات

ارجو من عنه حل او اي فكرة طرحه هنا والفائدة للجميع

نغم الانجلش 2012- 12- 9 08:18 PM

رد: الترجمة الابداعية ... وامثلة الترجمة ... ارجو المساعدة
الاختيارات متشابهه والله شي يخوف
لازم نرسل للدكتور ونقوله يعطينا الحل مانقدر نفرق بينهم

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ملتزمون بحذف اي مادة فيها انتهاك للحقوق الفكرية بشرط مراسلتنا من مالك المادة او وكيل عنه