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مجرد عآبر 2018- 10- 4 07:46 PM

النقد الأدبي ..الأحد ( الفترة الاولى - 2 /4 /1440 )
12 مرفق
سلام عليكم و رحمه الله وبركاته , أسعد الله مساكم بكل خير ..

بإذن الله , سوف يكون هذا الموضوع تجمعنا لـ مذاكرة مادة النقد الأدبي ل د/ فوزي سليسلي ..

و في المرفقات اهم الملفات للمادة :

المرفق الأول
ملزمة النقد الادبي لـ ميس هيفاء ، مترجم ..

المرفق الثاني
تلخيص و شرح النقد الادبي لـ دودي ..

المرفق الثالث
سؤال و جواب لـ عيوش ، مترجم ..

المرفق الرابع
مراجعة لـ هايدي ..

المرفق الخامس
مراجعة مختصرة لـ ظل الحقيقة ..

المرفق السادس
واجبات النقد الادبي - د.فوزي سليسلي

المرفق السابع
تلخيص مترجم ل أنصاف

المرفق الثامن
47 سؤال لم تتكرر في نماذج اختبارات الأعوام

المرفق التاسع
ملخص لنقاط مهمة

المرفق العاشر
اسئلة الاعوام ل سلطانة

المرفق الأخير
اسئلة الاعوام ل عطاء بلا حدود

يتبع >

مجرد عآبر 2018- 10- 4 08:00 PM

رد: النقد الأدبي ..الأحد ( الفترة الاولى - 2 /4 /1440 )
الكويزات ....
🔴 كويزات المحاضرات 🔴

المحاضرة الاولى


المحاضرة الثانية



المحاضرة الثالثة




المحاضرة الرابعة



المحاضرة الخامسة



المحاضرة السادسة



المحاضرة السابعة



المحاضرة الثامنة



المحاضرة التاسعة


المحاضرة العاشرة


المحاضرة الحادية عشر


المحاضرة الثانية عشر


المحاضرة الثالثة عشر


المحاضرة الرابعة عشر


🔵 كويزات اسئلة الاختبارات 🔵

كويز الفصل الأول 1438 هـ


كويز الفصل الأول 1437 هـ
( مكرر لنموذج الفصل الأول 1435 هـ)


كويز الفصل الثاني 1436 هـ


كويز الفصل الأول 1436 هـ


كويز الفصل الثاني 1435


كويز الفصل الأول 1435 هـ


كويز الفصل الثاني 1434 هـ


🔵 كويز الواجبات 🔵


يتبع >

مجرد عآبر 2018- 10- 4 09:25 PM

رد: النقد الأدبي ..الأحد ( الفترة الاولى - 2 /4 /1440 )

الواجب الاول

1/ Which poet said: “A man who follows another not only finds nothing; he is not even looking”





2/ Who was the first philosopher/critic to make the distinction between Mimesis and Diegesis?

Martin Luther



Ibn Rushd

3/ Aristotle says that a good tragedy must have:

Six parts

Ten parts

Twelve parts

Twenty parts

الواجب الثاني

1/Defamiliarization” or “The Making Strange” is a technique that became famous among:

Russian Formalists

French Structuralists

Post-structuralist critics

Traditional literary critics

2/Russian Formalists had an ambition to:

To improve Russian poetry and criticism

To translate Russian poetry and criticism into English

To establish an autonomous science of literature

To establish an autonomous science of translation

3/According to Roman Jackobson, “the subject of literary science is not literature, but…





الواجب الثالث

1/In literary criticism, Structuralism…

Continued the work that was done before by Renaissance Humanism

Continued the work that was done before by Russian Formalism

Expanded the study of literature to include novels and short stories

Expanded literary criticism to include translation

2/According to structuralist critics, literary criticism should focus exclusively on:

The biography of the author

The historical background of the literary work

The text

The reactions of the reader

3/Structuralism tries to analyze literature from:

A political point of view

A scientific point of view

A psychological point of view

A sociological point of view

4/The Actantial Model was developed by:

Roman Jackobson

Roland Barthes

A.J. Greimas

Gerard Gennette

يتبع >

مجرد عآبر 2018- 10- 5 03:53 AM

رد: النقد الأدبي ..الأحد ( الفترة الاولى - 2 /4 /1440 )

المناقشة الاولى ..

‏Because European and Western literature and cultures were produced as a recreation, a revival of the classical
‏cultures ofGreece and Rome

المناقشة الثانية ..

‏Because European and Western cultures have always valued poetry, literature and
‏art, Plato‟s decision has always been difficult to explain

المناقشة الثالثة ..

‏Aristotle defines plot as “the arrangement of the incidents.” He is not talking about
‏the story itself but the way the incidents are presented to the audience, the structure of the play

‏Plot is the order and the arrangement of these incidents in a cause-effect sequence of events
‏According to Aristotle, tragedies where the outcome depends on a tightly
‏constructed cause-and-effect chain of actions are superior to those that depend
‏primarily on the character and personality of the hero/protagonist.

المناقشة الرابعة ..

‏Greek culture was a “living culture” that sprang from people’s everyday life
‏All the Greeks – old and young, aristocrats and commoners
‏literate and illiterate – participated in producing and in consuming this culture
‏In Ancient Rome, Greek culture became books that had no
‏connection to everyday life and to average people.
‏Greek books were written in a language (Greek) that most
‏of the Romans didn’t speak and belonged to an era in the
‏past that Romans had no knowledge of.
‏Only a small, educated minority had the ability to interact
‏with these books.
‏It was a dead culture, past, remote, and with no connections
‏to the daily existence of the majority of the population
‏In Rome, Greek culture was not a living culture anymore
‏It was a “museum” culture. Some aristocrats used it to
‏show off, but it did not inspire the present.

المناقشة الخامسة ..

‏Horace’s hatred of the popular culture of his day was widespread among Latin authors
‏Poetry for Horace and his contemporaries meant written monuments that would land the lucky poet’s name on a library shelf next to the great Greek names.It would grant the poet fame, a nationalistic sense of glory and a presence in the pedagogical curriculum
‏Horace’s poetic practice was not rooted in everyday life, as Greek poetry was.He read and reread the Iliad in search of, as he put it, what was bad, what was good, what was useful, and what was not
‏In the scorn he felt towards the popular culture of his day, the symptom s -were already clear of the rift between “official” and “popular” culture that would divide future European societies

المناقشة السادسة ..

‏The new conceptions of language led in the sixteenth and early seventeenth century to the undermining of Latin as the privileged language of learning. The central tactic in the attack on the monopoly of Latin was the production of grammar books for the vernacular. These demonstrated that vernaculars could be reduced to the same kind of rules as Latin.

المناقشة السابعة ..

‏It literature “makes strange” ordinary perception and ordinary language and
‏invites the reader to explore new forms of perceptions and sensations,
‏and new ways of relating to language

المناقشة الثامنة ..

‏Gennette calls all irregularities in the time of narration: Anachrobies
‏Anachronies happen whenever a narrative stops the chronological order in
‏order to bring events or information from the past (of the time zero) or
‏from the future (of the time zero).
‏Analepsis: The narrator recounts after the fact an event that took
‏place earlier than the moment in which the narrative is stopped.
‏Example (fictitious): I woke up in a good mood this morning. In my
‏mind were memories of my childhood, when I was running in the
‏fields with my friends after school
‏Prolepsis: The narrator anticipates events that will occur after the
‏point in time in which the story has stops.
‏Example (fictitious): How will my travel to Europe affect me? My
‏relationship with my family and friends will never be the same
‏again. This is what will make me later difficult to live with

المناقشة التاسعة ..

An actant, says Greimas, is extrapolation syntactic structure of a narrative. An actant is identified with what assumes syntactic function in the narrative

المناقشة العاشرة ..

‏Roland Barthes questioned the traditional idea that the meaning
‏of the literary text and the production of the literary text should
‏be traced solely to a single author
‏Structuralism and Post structuralism proved that meaning is not
‏fixed by or located in the author’s ‘intention.’
‏Barthes rejected the idea that literature and criticism should rely
‏on “a single self-determining author, in control of his meanings,
‏who fulfills his intentions and only his intentions” (Terry Eagleton)

المناقشة الحادية عشر ..

‏According to Foucault, Barthes had urged critics to realize that
‏they could "do without [the author] and study the work itself
‏This urging, Foucault implies, is not realistic
‏Foucault suggests that critics like Barthes and Derrida never really
‏get rid of the author, but instead merely reassigns the author's
‏powers and privileges to "writing" or to "language itself."

المناقشة الثانية عشر ..

‏Post-structuralism displaces the writer/author and make the
‏reader the primary subject of inquiry (instead of author / writer)
‏They call such displacement: the "destabilizing" or "decentering" of the author
‏Disregarding essentially reading of the content that look for
‏superficial readings or story lines
‏Other sources are examined for meaning (e.g. readers, cultural norms, other literature, etc
‏Such alternative sources promise no consistency, but might
‏provide valuable clues and shed light on unusual corners of the text

المناقشة الثالثة عشر ..

‏For Derrida, language is unreliable There is no pre-discursive reality. Every reality is shaped and accessed by a discourse. “there is nothing outside of the text” (Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology) Texts always refer to other texts (cf. Fredric Jameson’s The Prison House of Language) Language constructs/shapes the world Note: Derrida has a very broad notion of ‘text’ that includes all types of sign systems

المناقشة الرابعة عشر ..

‏This is one of the most important ideas of karl Marx
‏The idea that history is made of two main forces:
‏The Base: The material conditions of life, economic relations,
‏labor, capital, etc
‏The Superstructure: This is what today is called ideology or
‏consciousness and includes, ideas, religion, politics, history,
‏education, etc
‏Marx said that it is people’s material condition that
‏determines their consciousness
‏In other words, it is people’s economic conditions that
‏determine the ideas and ideologies that they hold
‏Note: Ibn Khaldoun says the same thing in the Muqaddimah

بالتوفيق للجميع ..

miss blue sky 2018- 10- 5 12:30 PM

رد: النقد الأدبي ..الأحد ( الفترة الاولى - 2 /4 /1440 )
إلى صاحب التميّز والأفكار النيّرة .. أزكى كلمات الشكر وأجملها وأنداها على هذا العمل الكبير- في الحقيقة تعجز الحروف أن تكتب كلمات الثناء والشكر لجهودكم البراقة .. وأن تصف الاعجاب والثناء بعملكم _
فما أجمل أن يكون الإنسان شمعة تُنير دروب الحائرين.!

ملاحظاتي على هذا المادة /

في المذاكرة أبدا بتصفح وقراءة ملخص دودي المختصر ثم قراءه بتركيز محتوى مَس هيفاء - وركز مرتين على الأعوام -

أقروا المادة من الان حلوة فيها دش بسيط لكنها ممتعةة

ولاتنسوا المادة ثلاث ساعات ترفع المُعدّل !


MOONa22 2018- 10- 6 09:43 PM

رد: النقد الأدبي ..الأحد ( الفترة الاولى - 2 /4 /1440 )
مجرد عابر يعطيك العافيه

عساك على القوه يارب <3

الماده حسيتها ممتعه مره

Gucci33 2018- 10- 6 11:25 PM

رد: النقد الأدبي ..الأحد ( الفترة الاولى - 2 /4 /1440 )
يديك العافية يارب

وألف شكر

zainabmohammad 2018- 10- 8 02:05 AM

رد: النقد الأدبي ..الأحد ( الفترة الاولى - 2 /4 /1440 )
ششششكررررا ,,,, يعطيك العاافية

amooon15 2018- 10- 20 11:46 PM

رد: النقد الأدبي ..الأحد ( الفترة الاولى - 2 /4 /1440 )
يعطيك العافيه اخوي

اش افضل ملخص للطباعه

Basma001 2018- 10- 22 04:05 AM

رد: النقد الأدبي ..الأحد ( الفترة الاولى - 2 /4 /1440 )

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة amooon15 (المشاركة 1061660576)
يعطيك العافيه اخوي

اش افضل ملخص للطباعه

افضل ملخص مس هيفاء هو المعتمد للماده
موجود في بداية الموضوع
باقي الملخصات تلخيص لاهم النقاط و تبسيط وشروحات للمادة

موفقه ♥

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