الكويزات - قراءة المقال
A It is clear that women mountain climbers have _____1_____ to explore _____2_____regions and ascend high peaks for many years. On Top of the World: Five Women Explorers in Tibet describes five of the many women who explored the high Himalayas between 1850 to 1920. One of them, Isabella Byrd, had been sickly for most of her life in England, but she experimented a dramatic change as she traveled at high elevations in Kashmir. Unlike her experience in England, as a _____3_____and traveler she laughed at fatigue, she was unafraid of danger, and she didn't worry about her next meal
B Another woman explorer of her time was Alexandra David-Neel from France. Her journeys across the high Tibetan plateau from 1911 to 1944 have been characterized as the most remarkable ever made the by any explorer, man or woman, in Tibet. At the age of 55 she disguised herself as a Tibetan beggar woman and walked two thousand miles across numerous high snowy passes to reach the forbidden city of Lhasa.

C Fanny Bullock Workman and her husband, Dr. W.H. Workman, of Massachusetts, traveled and explored in the Himalayas between the 1890 and 1915. They wrote six books about their adventures. Fanny, an _____4_____suffragette, was once photographed on a high pass in the Himalayas carrying a newspaper bearing the headline "Votes for Women."

D Another early woman and climber and ____5_____of Mrs. Workman Was Annie S. Peck New England professor. She began her climbing career with an _____6_____of the Matterhorn when she was 45, In1908, at the age of 58, she made the first ascent of Huascaran, the highest mountain in Peru. At 21.837 feet, she claimed it was the altitude record for any American. Peck described herself as a "firm believer in the equality of the sexes …[A]ny great achievement in any line of _____7_____would be an advantage to my sex) " Annie S. Peck, High Mountain climbing in Pure and Bolivia, 1912.)."

E In the years since World War II, have made numerous significant climbs in the Andes and the Himalayas. One of the most remarkable of them was the late French climber Claude Kogan. British women have also been successful climbers. From the 1950s, onward, they have carried out many small, well- organized expeditions to previously unexplored regions of the Himalayas and written about them in an understated, characteristically British fashion. In addition to the British and other small expeditions, woman climbers throughout the world have made significant contributions to climbing in the last 100 years.However, until quite recently, women have been _____8_____on the world's highest mountains. There are 14 mountain in the world that soar above 8,000 meters ( 26,200 feet ) --- all located in the Himalayas. For many years, mountaineers have wanted to figure out a way to reach their summits. Attempts to climb them began in the nineteenth century; in the first half of the twentieth century, hundreds of men participated in dozens of expeditions to theses peaks. But even after Fanny Workman's example, only a handful of women participated in such climbs. Elizabeth Knowlton was a member of the joint German-American climb to Nange Parbat in 1932.In 1934 Hettie Dyhrenfurth took part in an expedition that explored and mapped the Baltoro Glacier region of the Karakoram Himalaya; she reached the top of Queen Mary Peak (24,370 feet(. which gave her the world altitude record for women for which Annie Peck and Fanny Workman had competed.

F It was not until 1950 that an 8,000- meter peak was climbed by anyone. The _____9_____ascent of Annapurna I by Maurice Herzog's French team was closely followed by successes on all 8,000- meter giants over the next 14 years—and all by men. During this period the only attempt on an 8,000-meter peak by a women's team was the ill-fated 1959 international women's Expedition to Cho Oyu in Nepal. Tragically, four climbers, including the leader, Claude Kogan, died in this attempt. By 1972, when the idea our all-woman expedition to Annapurna was originally conceived, no women from any country had yet reached the _____10_____of an 8,000- meter peak