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اسئلة اختبار الصوتيات والنظام الصوتي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ
[أسئلة اختبار - الصوتيات والنظام الصوتي - د محمود السلمان]
اسئلة اختبار الصوتيات والنظام الصوتي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) This kind of vowel sound, called a ....................., entails some kind of change ofposition of the articulators during its production, and thus a change in the vowel quality produced
(a) diphthong
(b) maltidiphthong
(c) monophthong
(d) distung
2) to transcribe speech sound phonticians use :
(a) IPA
(b) IWA
(c) IPN
(d) All
3) One of the following is palatal
4) one of the following is stop sound
5) ........ are voiced and are articulated with constriction of open approximate
(a) consonant
(b) Alveolar sound
(c) Affricate
(d) vowels
6) /?/ is
(a) glottal
(b) pharyngeal
(c) larynxical
(d) alveolar
7) the first sound in /pit / is :
(a) unaspirated
(b) Vowel
(c) Voiced
(d) aspirated
8) one of the following is liquid :
(a) w
(b) j
(c) b
(d) R
9) . one of the following is a glides sound :
(a) r
(b) d
(c) w
(d) h
10) words such as put have the ...... vowel
(a) FOOL
(b) ROOT
(c) CUTE
(d) FOOT
11) each one of these …………………….……. In a language is described as a phoneme
(a) Meaning distinguish sounds
(b) Meaning similar sounds
(c) Conotational sounds
(d) Conventional sounds
12) the word written phonetically in this way [frnIp] is
(a) Frinship
(b) Frinsheep
(c) Friendship
(d) Friendsheap
13) a good example of vowel // is found in the word
(a) But
(b) Put
(c) Pure
(d) core
14) the sound / e / is considered ……………….. vowel
(a) mid , low
(b) mid , front
(c) mid , back
(d) high , back
15) When two sound segments occur in sequence and some aspect of one segment is taken or copies by the other, the process is known as :
(a) palatalizing
(b) nasalization
(c) assimilation
(d) deletion
16) In pronouncing these sounds the articulators involved in pronouncing them make ................
(a) complete silence
(b) complete salience
(c) incomplete closure
(d) a complete closure
17) /?/ / h / places of articulation are called
(a) Glottal
(b) Labio-dental
(c) Dental
(d) Palate-alveolar
18) ............. is seen in any diagram in a position that allows air to pass through the nose and through the mouth. In speech it is raised so that air cannot escape through the nose:
(a) The velum
(b) The alveolar ridge
(c) The tongue
(d) The larynx
19) After passing through the larynx, the air goes through what we call the vocal tract, which ends at the mouth and nostrils. Here the air from the …………. escapes into the atmosphere:
(a) Lungs
(b) Vocal tract
(c) The larynx
(d) The tongue
20) the phoneme /t/ in the word /city / could also be presented as
(a) /d/
(b) /tt/
(c) /th/
(d) /v/
21) each one of these meaning distinguish sounds In a language is described as a
(a) phoneme
(b) constant
(c) morpheme
(d) none
22) one of the following is a voiceless sound
(a) k
(b) b
(c) r
(d) i
23) one of the following is stop sound
24) / j / is considered a ........... sound
(a) morphological
(b) alveolar
(c) bilabial
(d) palatal
25) -/f/, /v/ places of articulation are called:
(a) Palate-alveolar
(b) Labio-dental
(c) Dental
(d) Palatal
26) the vowel /O/ is .................
(a) mid-unrounded
(b) unrounded
(c) rounded
(d) mid- rounded
27) the diphthong in the word write is pronounced as ............
(a) /Ie/
(b) /aI/
(c) /oo/
(d) /ao/
28) ............... is the study of the human speech sound
(a) Phonology
(b) Phonetics
(c) Philology
(d) Morphology
29) words such as pot have the ...... vowel
(a) FOL
(b) LOT
(c) CUTE
(d) FOT
30) .In all of the RP and GA vowel sounds we have considered thus far, the articulators remain more or less in the same position throughout the articulation of the vowel. This means that the vowel quality remains more or less constant. That kind of vowel is a
(a) aspiration
(b) monophthong
(c) dipothong
(d) all
31) is considered the prestige accent in English
(a) RT
(b) RS
(c) RW
(d) RP
32) ...................... is an idealization over group of accents whose speakers inhibit a vast proportion of the United States
(a) GA
(b) AA
(c) GF
(d) RE
33) . // is a ...... vowel
(a) Low- mid, back
(b) high, front
(c) back , mid
(d) Back , high
34) is high-mid, unrounded vowel. Example, pet
35) ................... = low front unrounded vowel :
36) the three nasal sound in english are .................
37) in english We have ……………….approximants
(a) Four
(b) Three
(c) Two
(d) five
38) The first sound in yes is an approximant. It is described like ……….. and it is a voiced palatal approximant. /w/, /r/, and /I/ are also considered approximants :
(a) /s/
(b) /j/
(c) /z/
(d) All above
39) The first sound in yes is an approximant. It is described like /j/ and it is a…………. /w/, /r/, and /I/ are also considered approximants:
(a) voiced Dental approximant
(b) voiced Alveolar approximant
(c) voiced Bilabial approximant
(d) voiced palatal approximant
40) one of the following is Fricatives
41) the first sound in ( Year ) is pronounced as
(a) /e/
(b) /j /
(c) /i /
(d) /y /
42) -/s/, /z/, /t/, /d/ places of articulation are called:
(a) Palate-alveolar
(b) Labio-dental
(c) Alveolar
(d) Bilabial
43) /v/ is described as :
(a) Bilabial , +v , stop
(b) Labio-dental , stop , +v
(c) -v, alveolar , fricative
(d) +v , labio dental , frcative
44) approximant / w/ is considered a ………….. sound
(a) labio-velar
(b) velar
(c) alveolar
(d) alveolar lateral
45) the word rat is written phonetically in this way :
46) the segment occupying the nucleus of the syllable is normally a ............
(a) vowel
(b) consonant
(c) Vowel and consonant
(d) diphthong
47) The segment occupying the onset of the syllable is normally
(a) vowel
(b) consonant
(c) consonant and vowel
(d) diphthong
48) all a syllable must has
(a) coda
(b) onset
(c) nucleus
(d) coda -rhyme
49) the diphthong in the word home is pronounced as ............. :
50) . an example of a word in English consisting of only one syllable, which in turn contains only a nucleus, is eye: ............................
(a) /aI/
(b) /n/
(c) /z/
(d) /ay/
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة اختبار الصوتيات والنظام الصوتي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ
[أسئلة اختبار - الصوتيات والنظام الصوتي - د محمود السلمان]
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اسئلة اختبار الصوتيات والنظام الصوتي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ
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مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة اختبار الصوتيات والنظام الصوتي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ
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