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اسئلة اختبار القواعد والمنظومة النحوية الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ
[أسئلة اختبار - القواعد والمنظومة النحوية - د عبدالرحمن السيد]
اسئلة اختبار القواعد والمنظومة النحوية الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) The largest unit of grammar is the ........
A) morpheme
B) word
C) clause
D) sentence
2) A sentence which gives information, is the .................
3) which of the following is an example of an exclamation sentence ?
A) Ahmed is here .
B) Excellent !
C) Is he studying ?
D) Open the door
4) Which of the following underlined verbs is intransitive?
A) Students study .
B)He gave me a book .
C)I saw Ahmed yesterday .
D)Ali needs a pen
5) Ali's father gave him a gift . Which of the following is an indirect object ?
A) Ali
C) him
6) Which of the following NPs is a nominal group ?
A) Ahmed
B) They
C) a green car
D) we all
7) Which of the following is NOT a pronoun ?
A) mine
B) himself
C) something
D) the
8) 'Khaled told them that someone left the door open' . What is the proper noun in this sentence ?
A) Khalid
9) Choose the sentence where the common noun "pen " is used to refer to the class as a whole (generic) .
A) Salah gave me a pen .
B) Pens are used for writing and drawing .
C) I bought a pen from the bookstore .
D) There were a lot of pens on the desk
10) Which of the following sentences is NOT correct ?
A) My family is here .
B) My family are here .
C) Bread is cheap in this shop.
D) Bread are cheap in this shop.
11) "Ahmed sold the old car to m'e . The pre-modifier in the sentence is
A) Ahmed
12) 'many people watch the program every week '. The underlined determiner is a/an :
A) article
C) quantifier
13) Which of the following is a masculine third person singular pronoun
A) he
14) Which of the following is a first person plural pronoun?
A) we
15) In an imperative , the ________ is usually unstated word in the statement ?
A) Verb
B) Complement
C) Object
D) Subject
16) 16- Verbs that do not show tense, person and number are called ?
A) possessive
B) participle
C) non -finite
D) finite
17) Which of the following underlined words is a finite verb?
A) He is making some coffee.
B) He made some coffee.
C) Spend more time Reading books.
D) Spend time together with your friends.
18) Which of the following underlined words is a non-finite verb ?
A) He is making some coffee.
B) He made some coffe.
C) reading books time Spend more .
D) spend time together with your friends .
19) The "job" or a word/phrase/clause in a sentence is called:
A) form
B) function
C) parsing
D) lexeme
20) What a word/phrase/clause looks like is called:
A) form
B) function
C) parsing
D) lexeme
21) Which of the following underlined NPs functions as a complement
A) Ahmeds uncle lives in Riyadh
B) The teacher gave the students exercises.
C) Ahmed's uncle is a successful businessman
D) My brother Saleh studies at KFU.
22) Which of the following underlined NPs functions as an objective?
A) Ahmed's uncle lives in Riyadh.
B) The teacher gave the students exercises.
C) Ahmed's uncle is a successful businessman.
D) My brother Saleh studies at KFU.
23) Which of the following underlined NPs functions as an Appositive?
A) Ahmed's uncle lives in Riyadh.
B)The teacher gave the students exercises.
C)Ahmed's uncle is a successful businessman.
D)My brother Saleh studies at KFU.
24) Dr. Omar , my Linguistics professor published an important book The underlined NP is :
A) an indirect object
B) a direct object
C) a non- restrictive appositive
D) a restrictive appositive
25) " They will visit us on Monday ". The meaning expressed by the Prepositional Phrase is :
A) place
B) instrument
C) manner
D) time
26) A complement is a/an _______ part of the sentence .Choose the missing word in this sentence ?
A) Additional
B) optional
C) necessary
D) Removable
27) The students finished their exam in 2 hours . What is the adjunct in the sentence ?
A) the students
B) finished
C) their exam
D) in 2 hours
28) "The lazy student fell asleep " . The predicative adjective in this sentence is :
A) asleep
B) lazy
C) fell
D) student
29) Adjectives that express a condition or quality of which there are degrees are called :
A) gradable adjectives
B) excessive adjectives
C) predicative adjectives
D) attributive adjectives
30) Which of the following adjectives is NOT gradable adjective ?
A) complete
B) good
C) smart
D) beautiful
31) " The elderly must be respected." What is the function of the adjective ?
A) modifier in a NP
B) head of a NP
C) object
D) complement
32) " The students have an exam this afternoon ". What is the form of the underlined adverbial ?
A) noun phrase
B) prepositional phrase
C) finite clause
D) non-finite clause
33) " in the lobby We were waiting ". What is the form of the underlined adverbial ?
A) noun phrase
B) prepositional phrase
C) finite clause
D) non-finite clause
34) " He always finishes the exam quickly ". What is the adverbial of frequency in this sentence ?
A) always
B) exam
C) quickly
D) finishes
35) Which of the following phrases has an adverb modifying a noun ?
A) directly through
B) completely new
C) nearby hotel
D) very often
36) Which of the following phrases has an adverb modifying an adverb ?
A) directly through
B) completely new
C) nearby hotel
D) very often
37) " My brother and sister went to Dammam ". What is the coordination conjunction in this sentence ?
A) to
B) my
C) went
D) and
38) " We use conjunctions to _______ grammatical units in a sentence ".
A) complete
B) connect
39) " The old man and the young boy crossed the street ". In this sentence, we have coordination of :
A) words
B) phrases
C) clauses
D) sentences
40) " Clauses in a compound sentences are coordinate . They are all _______ clauses ? Complete this statement
A) independent
B) dependent
C) complex
D) optional
41) My neighbor is going on a trip and he will take his family with him . Which of the following is Optional (can be deleted) in this sentence ?
A) my neighbor
B) he
C) his family
D) him
42) Which of the following is true when we compare ? direct and indirect reported speech ?
A) Indirect reported speech is quoting by using quotation marks .
B) Direct reported speech is rephrasing by using a subordinate that-clause .
C) Indirect reported speech is rephrasing by using a subordinate that - clause
D) Direct reported speech is rephrasing by using quotation marks
43) ' Children depend on what their parents tell them ". What is the subordinate clause ?
A) subject
B) object
C) complement
D) appositive
44) " What he discovered was important for science ". What is the subordinate clause ?
A) subject
B) object
C) complement
D) appositive
45) Which of the following complex sentences has a relative clauses ?
A) The man says that the road is closed .
B) Everyone could see that he was happy .
C) The question is what happened here .
D) The machine which makes plastic bottles is broken.
46) Which of the following is NOT a relative pronoun ?
A) who
B) which
C) whose
D) either
47) Personal relative pronouns are used to talk about :
A) objects
B) places
C) humans
D) Ideas
48) Which of the following is an adverbial clause of time ?
A) I met Ahmed in 2005.
B) I met Ahmed when I was travelling
C) He parked his car where there is a parking sign car.
D) He drives as his father did .
49) Which of the following is an adverbial clause of place ?
A) I met Ahmed in 2005.
B) I met Ahmed when I was travelling
C) He parked his car where there is a parking sign car.
D) He drives as his father did
50) " Return my book if you finish reading it ". The underlined clause is :
A) conditional clause
B) comparison clause
C) reason clause
D) purpose clause
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اسئلة اختبار القواعد والمنظومة النحوية الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ
[أسئلة اختبار - القواعد والمنظومة النحوية - د عبدالرحمن السيد]
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اسئلة اختبار القواعد والمنظومة النحوية الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ
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