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أسئلة اختبار الشعر الانجليزي الفصل الأول للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
[أسئلة اختبار - الشعر الانجليزي - د. ابراهيم الشناوي]
أسئلة اختبار الشعر الانجليزي الفصل الأول للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
عدد الأسئلة: 70
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1) Faith in the reality of progress was the main characteristic of the ........
A. Modern Victorian Age
B. Early romantic age
C. Late Victorian Age
D. Early Victorian Age
2) The Rhyme Scheme in "The Rainbow" is ..............
A. Abccabedd
B. Aaccabbdd
C. Abccaeedd
D. Abbcabedd
3) "Daffodils" is about the everlasting effect of .......... on man
A. Mashed
B. Sickness
C. Animals
D. Nature
4) The skylark, in Ode to a skylark, does not experience the ................................ which human beings experience.
A. Sorrow
B. Elation
C. Merriness
D. Ecstasy
5) The Victorian Age was an age of ....................................
A. Modern religious belief
B. Weak religious belief
C. No religious belief
D. Strong religious belief
6) In Ode to a Skylark, the poet contrasts the sorrow and suffering of mankind with the unspeakable ....................... of the bird.
A. Hoy
B. Coy
C. Joy
D. Toy
7) " WHEN WE TWO PARTED" is a poem divided into ................................. stanzas.
A. Seven
B. Six
C. Four
D. Five
8) Byron was born in .......................................................
A. 1788 .
B. 1789
C. 1791
D. 1790
9) In the portrait, the Duchess is shown to have a faint blush on her ........................... .
A. Lips
B. Ears
C. Rose
D. Cheeks .
10) In My last Duchess The Duke shows to the messenger ............................. of the last Duchess.
A. The letters
B. The jewelry
C. The portrait .
D. The clothes
11) Alfred Tennyson died in ..........................................................
A. 1894
B. 1893
C. 1892 .
D. 1895
12) "The Tyger is a poem made of questions. There are no less than .......................question marks.
A. Fifteen
B. Fourteen
C. Twelve
D. Thirteen
13) Blake is one of the prominent figures of the ..................................................
A. Roman age.
B. Modern age.
C. Romantic Age
D. Victorian age.
14) An example of metaphor in " The Tyger is ..................................................
A. Comparison of the tiger and his eyes to the lion.
B. Comparison of the tiger and his eyes to fire.
C. Comparison of the tiger to ice.
D. Comparison of the tiger and his eyes to the rainbow.
15) To the poet, the skylark is not a bird but ..............................
A. A planet
B. A mother
C. A plane
D. A spirit
16) William Blake died in ..................................................
A. 1827
B. 1828
C. 1824
D. 1825
17) The Little Black Boy was written by ..................................................
A. Byron
B. Blake
C. Wordsworth
D. Coleridge
18) The poem "The Tyger" contains of ..................................................
A. Three stanzas
B. Five stanzas
C. Two stanzas
D. Six stanzas
19) The Victorian Poetry was an age of ......................... changes in the British society
A. Sight
B. Inappreciable
C. Drastic
D. No
20) In modern poetry ................................ modern political and social theories.
A. Has no signs of
B. Is greatly affected by.
C. Has no relation with
D. Is not affected by
21) Romantic Poetry ................................ rational intellect as the only source of poetry.
A. Accepted
B. Adopted
C. Rejected
D. Considered
22) The setting of "My Last Duchess," is the ................................ of the Duke of Ferrara
A. Car
B. Play guard
C. Couteryard
D. Palace
23) "Daffodils" illustrates Wordsworth's theory of ..........................
A. Poetic creation.
B. Poetic participation
C. Dramatic action
D. Poetic demonstration
24) "Daffodils" is one of the most popular poems of the ................................
A. Post Victorian age
B. Victorian age
C. Romantic Age
D. Modern age
25) Poetry to the Romantics is an expression of ................................
A. Anger
B. Happiness
C. Hatred
D. Emotions
26) The Little Black Boy is one of the ................................
A. Songs of Innocence
B. Songs of Pleasure
C. Songs of Tragedy
D. Songs of Experience
27) After returning back to his ordinary life, Wordsworth .............. the beautiful sight of the flowers.
A. Forgot
B. Recollected
C. Overlooked
D. Disregard
28) The skylark has a deeper knowledge of the mystery of death than ................................
A. Domestic animals
B. Wild animals
C. Other birds
D. Human beings
29) The Duke is ................................ of the conduct of his last Duchess
A. Critical
B. Satisfied
C. Pleased
D. Delighted
30) In stanza two in Break, Break, Break, the poet ............. the happiness of the fisherman's boy
A. Rejects
B. Envies
C. Shares
D. Imitates
31) For Wordsworth, Nature was his main source of ................................
A. Disappointment
B. Spiritual comfort
C. Grief
D. Sadness
32) In ................................ man is represented as a lonely exile
A. Romantic poetry
B. Victorian poetry
C. Post Victorian poetry
D. Modern poetry
33) To the Romantics, nature.................................................
A. Can share with the poet his joys only.
B. Can share with the poet his sorrows only.
C. Can share with the poet his joys and sorrows only.
D. Cannot share with the poet his joys and sorrows only.
34) " When we two parted" is all the time giving the feeling of the ............ that the poet has.
A. Exuberance
B. Cheerfulness
C. Gladness
D. Pain
35) William Wordsworth was born in .................................................
A. 1773
B. 1770
C. 1771
D. 1772
36) Larkin in his poems obsessed with .................................................
A. The idea of popularity
B. The idea of marriage
C. The idea of death
D. The concept of love
37) 'Daffodils' that reminds us about the arrival of the ................................................. season.
A. Winter
B. Autumn
C. Spring
D. Summer
38) The theme of "She Walks in Beauty" is she woman's.................................................
A. Ugliness
B. Internal beauty only
C. External beauty only
D. Internal and external beauty
39) In Break, Break, Break , Tennyson' friend was only .................................... when he died .
A. 25
B. 23
C. 22
D. 24
40) The Little Blake Boy is a story of a boy who .................................................
A. Came to Know some aliens
B. Came to Know his neighbors.
C. Came to Know his own identity .
D. Came to Know his country
41) Count of ............................... is the father of the Duke's bride to be .
A. Byrol
B. Ferrara
C. Tyrol
D. Nyrol
42) Break, Break, Break was written by .................................................
A. Keats
B. Byron
C. Shelly
D. Tennyson
43) Next Please consists of .................................................
A. Eight stanzas.
B. Six stanzas. .
C. Seven stanzas
D. Five stanzas
44) The ................................................. age was an age of scientific progress.
A. post modern
B. Victorian .
C. Romantic
D. Modern
45) The rhyme scheme in My last Duchess is .................................................
46) The golden flowers in "Daffodils" were tossing their .................................
A. Hands
B. Heads
C. Legs
D. Shoulders
47) The skylark is like ......................... pouring forth her love into sweet songs
A. an alien
B. an old woman
C. a maiden
D. an ugly girl
48) In "When We Two Parted" ......................... shares sadness with the poet.
A. The wife
B. A friend
C. Nature .
D. The neighbor
49) My Last Duchess was first published in ..............................
A. Romantic lyrics
B. Dramatic romances
C. Love lyrics
D. Dramatic lyrics .
50) My Last Duchess was written by .................................................
A. Keats
B. Byron
C. Browning .
D. Shelly
51) Ode To Skylark was written by .................................................
A. Wordsworth
B. Shelly
C. Byron
D. Keats
52) In "When We Two Parted " the woman's name is .........................to the poet's ea
A. Noise
B. A ping
C. A Knell .
D. A Kick
53) The Victorian Age was the age of .................................................
A. Feminism
B. Naturalism
C. Romanticism
D. Imperialism .
54) According to Blake , the body is .................................................
A. A nightmare
B. A passing car
C. A colored cloud .
D. A sweet dream
55) The rhyme scheme in The Little Black Boy is .................................................
56) Alliteration is .................................................
A. Close repetition of consonant sounds .
B. An author's choice of words
C. A comparison between two devices
D. An extended narrative poem
57) In stanza one in Break, Break, Break, the poet expresses .................................................
A. His happiness with meeting new friends.
B. His admiration of the sea
C. His confusion towards the sea.
D. His inability to describe his thought
58) When singing, the skylark .................................................
A. Suffers greatly
B. Exerts no efforts
C. Feels pain
D. Exerts efforts
59) According to Byron, the beauty of the soul is .......................... important than physical beauty.
A. More
B. The same
C. Less
D. Equal
60) The influence of Romantic Movement ...........................................
A. Goes side by side with the Modern Poetry
B. Conducts the Victorian Movement
C. Doesn't exist any more
D. Can be felt everywhere in the literature
61) In "When We Two Parted " the ................... verse of the poem is also the title of the poem.
A. Third
B. Second
C. Fourth
D. First
62) The deeper meaning of the "The Tyger" is .................................................
A. An image of the poet's himself.
B. an embodiment of God's creative ability.
C. An image of the wild life.
D. An image of the tiger.
63) According to Byron the beauty of the night is ............................... that of the day.
A. Equal to
B. Less tender than
C. More tender than .
D. Not compared to
64) Is She Walks in Beauty the rhyme scheme of the first stanza is..............................
A. Abbabb
B. Ababab
C. Aabbcc
D. Aabcbc
65) Is My Last Duchess , the Duke was .................................................
A. A democratic husband
B. A domineering husband.
C. A submissive husband
D. A weak husband
66) " She Walks in Beauty " is a ................................................. poem.
A. dramatic
B. lyric
C. tragic
D. comic
67) In She Walks in Beauty an example of ....................... is comparing the movement of the beautiful woman to the movement of the skies.
A. Metonymy
B. Metaphor
C. Simile .
D. Personification
68) The language of .................................... is that of everyday conversation.
A. Modern poetry .
B. Romantic poetry
C. Victorian poetry
D. Post Romantic poetry
69) " She Walks in Beauty " was written in .................................................
A. 1816
B. 1813
C. 1815
D. 1814
70) In My Last Duchess the Duke was negotiating his ............................................. marriage
A. Third
B. Fourth
C. First
D. Second
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أسئلة اختبار الشعر الانجليزي الفصل الأول للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
[أسئلة اختبار - الشعر الانجليزي - د. ابراهيم الشناوي]
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أسئلة اختبار الشعر الانجليزي الفصل الأول للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
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