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أسئلة اختبار الأدب الانجليزي الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. إبراهيم الشناوي
[أسئلة اختبار - الأدب الانجليزي - د. إبراهيم الشناوي]
أسئلة اختبار الأدب الانجليزي الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. إبراهيم الشناوي نفس أسئلة اختبار الفصل الأول للعام 1434-1435 هـ
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) An implicit theme of Virtue is ............
A. Hostility
B. Education
C. Psychology
D. Faith
2) In his twenties, Milton wrote ............ masterful long poems.
A. Two
B. Four
C. Three
D. Five
3) Dryden gave to All For Love a sub-title which is ............
A. The World Regained
B. The World we Lose
C. The World Lost
D. The world Well Lost
4) In To Daffodils, the poet symbolically refers to the youth as ............
A. Winter
B. Summer
C. Spring
D. Fall
5) In To Daffodils the evening refers to ............
A. The song of love
B. The song of life
C. The song of death
D. The song of happiness
6) The dew is compared to pearl by the poet in ................................
A. Paradise Lost
B. Virtue
C. To Daffodils
D. The Nature
7) In Paradise Lost , Satan does not take the shape of ............
A. Cormorant
B. Toad
C. Donkey
D. Angel
8) In English literature the period from 1660-1700 is called the period of ............
A. Restoration
B. Speculation
C. Information
D. Decoration
9) Milton believes that wives should be ............ to their husbands.
A. Superior
B. Dominating
C. Controlling
D. Subservient
10) In Paradise Lost, Adam and Eve must have ............ as a punishment.
A. Health and disease
B. Pain and death
C. Strength and weakness
D. Life and death
11) In To Daffodils the poet expresses his wishes to accompany the daffodils ............ the evening prayer.
A. In the middle of
B. After
C. Before
D. At the beginning of
12) One of the symbols used in Paradise Lost is ............
A. The moon in the sky
B. The sun in the sky
C. The stars in the sky the moon in the sky
D. The scales in the sky
13) Virtue is about a struggle between rebellion and ............
A. Uprising
B. Disobedience
C. Apostasy
D. Obedience
14) In Act 4, Octavia's departure has ............ effect upon Antony.
A. No
B. A depressing
C. A slight
D. A pleasing
15) ............ was the noblest representative of the Puritan spirit.
A. Milton
B. Dryden
C. Donne
D. Shakespeare
16) In ............there was a complete closure of theatres by Puritans.
A. 1644
B. 1642
C. 1641
D. 1643
17) Personification is ............ ............ ............
A. An extended narrative poem
B. Making none-human things appear as human
C. An author's choice of words
D. Close repetition of consonants sounds
18) Virtue comprises ............ quatrains
A. Five
B. Four
C. Seven
D. Six
19) ............ is put at the head of the Restoration drama
A. Congreve
B. Milton
C. Johnson
D. Ibsen
20) One of these is not a theme in Virtue
A. Faith
B. Nature
C. Motherhood
D. Life and death
21) The deep meaning of To Daffodils is ............
A. we have long time to stay
B. we have short time to stay
C. we have no time to stay
D. we have proper time to stay
22) One of these is a tragedy of Dryden
A. Macbeth
B. The Spanish Friar
C. Cleomenes
D. The Assignation
23) Antony's wife came to see him with her two little ............
A. Sons
B. Birds
C. Animals
D. Daughters
24) In Paradise Lost, the Satan's children are ............
A. Sin and Death
B. Life and Death
C. Hell and Paradise
D. Marriage and Divorce
25) The Seventeenth Century was marked by the ............ of the Renaissance spirit
A. Rise
B. Increase
C. Decline
D. Flourishing
26) ............ is an army general owing allegiance to Antony
A. Caesar
B. Alexas
C. Ventidius
D. Octavia
27) Dryden does not give ............ ending to his Tyrannic Love
A. An open
B. A sad
C. A happy
D. A confused
28) Cleopatra kills herself by being bitten by the ............
A. Dog
B. Asp
C. Wolf
D. Lion
29) The fallen wreath in Paradise Lost represents the ............ of pure love
A. Story
B. Loss
C. Victory
D. Start
30) The plays of Congreve reflect the fashions and foibles of the ......... classes
A. Lower
B. Upper-middle
C. Upper
D. Middle
31) Metaphor is ............ ............ ............
A. A comparison between two devices
B. An author's choice of words
C. An extended narrative poem
D. The use of words with similar sounds in poetry
32) Herbert's poetry is a mixture of didactic strain and a current of quaint ............
A. Humor
B. Tragedy
C. Confusion
D. Depression
33) Herbert starts Virtue with an ............
A. Invocation
B. Irritation
C. Education
D. Estimation
34) On March 1, 1633, Herbert died of ............
A. Tuberculosis
B. Cancer
C. Fever
D. Heart attack
35) The art of ............ ............was unknown during the 16th century
A. Biography
B. Bibliography
C. Autobiography
D. Calligraphy
36) In Act 2, Alexas distributes a few ............among Antony's commanders
A. Diamonds
B. Swords
C. Guns
D. Shields
37) In All For Love, Alexandria was under a siege by the ........... troops
A. Latin
B. Arab
C. French
D. Roman
38) Dryden's greatness rests chiefly upon his ............ and his literary criticism
A. Novel
B. Drama
C. Letters
D. Poetry
39) Which statement about the earth is asserted as true in Paradise Lost?
A. Earth hangs from Heaven by chain
B. The Earth is a lotus flower
C. Earth was created before God the son
D. The Earth revolves around the sun
40) During Restoration Period, the common people had no love for the ............
A. Movies
B. Clubs
C. Museums
D. Theatres
41) To Daffodils is a poem written by ................
A. Herrick
B. Shakespeare
C. Coleridge
D. Donne
42) Anaphora is the repetition of ............... and patterns for poetic effect
A. vowels
B. letters
C. words
D. consonants
43) One of these is an early poem of Milton
A. Discipline
B. Daffodils
C. Comus
D. Virtue
44) Alliteration is ................ ............
A. An author's choice of words
B. An extended narrative poem
C. Close repetition of consonant sounds
D. A comparison between two devices
45) Cleopatra got a promise from ............. to be the queen of Egypt and Syria
A. Antony
B. Dollabella
C. Ventidus
D. Octavius
46) In Heroic tragedy the heroes and heroines possessed ............ qualities
A. Human
B. Super human
C. No
D. Normal
47) The seventeenth century up to 1660 was dominated by ............
A. Puritanism
B. Modernism
C. Humanism
D. Realism
48) The first words of Paradise Lost state that the poem's main theme will be .......
A. Man's first obedience
B. Man's first disorder
C. Man's first disobedience
D. Man's first discipline
49) George Herbert was born in Wales in ..............
A. 1593
B. 1591
C. 1592
D. 1590
50) ....................... ............ is a close friend of Antony
A. Dollabella
B. Alexas
C. Romeo
D. Caesar
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أسئلة اختبار الأدب الانجليزي الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. إبراهيم الشناوي
[أسئلة اختبار - الأدب الانجليزي - د. إبراهيم الشناوي]
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أسئلة اختبار الأدب الانجليزي الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. إبراهيم الشناوي نفس أسئلة اختبار الفصل الأول للعام 1434-1435 هـ
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