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أسئلة اختبار المسرحية الحديثة الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
[أسئلة اختبار - المسرحية الحديثة - د. ابراهيم الشناوي]
أسئلة اختبار المسرحية الحديثة الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) Avoiding to ................. was behind Nora`s refusal to tell Helmer about the loan .
A. Hurt his feelings.
B. Keep the money.
C. Show him the money.
D. Be caught by the police.
2) Being as .......... is the main trait in Helmer's character.
A. self- denial.
B. self sacrifice.
C. self-centered
D. selfless.
3) Barrie discovered that the theater goes needed the ......... of child
A. Atrocity and crime
B. Sincerity and innocence
C. Cruelty and harshness
D. Insincerity and falsity
4) The Boy David , Barrie`s could not make use of the element of ...................... .
A. surprise
B. surveillance
C. superstition
D. supremacy
5) Barrier's most characteristic and original play is ...........
A. The Admirable Crichton
B. Hamlet
C. The death of A Salesman
D. All for Love
6) Masefield's The Tragedy of Nan is the best modern example of ........
A. Historical play
B. A romantic writer
C. Revenge
D. Domestic tragedy
7) The importance of Barker in the 20th Century drama lies in ..........
A. Imaginative style
B. Realistic style
C. Narrative style
D. Comic style
8) Helmer promised Linde to give her ...............
A. A present
B. A baby
C. Money
D. A job
9) Helmer's claim that Nora was ............ occurred At the beginning of the play.
A. Forgetting to do the laundry.
B. Spending too much money
C. Losing her purse
D. Forgetting to cook.
10) The main reason for Linde`s coming to the city is to find ............
A. A job
B. A car
C. A friend
D. A husband
11) According to Galsworthy ,..................................... must have naturalistic technique.
A. Both drama and music
B. Both drama and the short story
C. Both the novel and drama
D. Both drama and poetry
12) .....................was interested in writing for the stage during the last five years of life.
A. Naguib Mahfouz
B. Bernard Shaw
C. Henrik Ibsen
D. Oscar Wilde
13) Galsworthy plays lack ............. which are essential element
A. Experience and practice
B. Human warmth and richness
C. Female characters
D. Male characters
14) Galsworthy`s plays shows his delicate sympathies for........................
A. The rich and unprivileged classes
B. The poor and unprivileged classes
C. The educators
D. The atheists
15) All the plays of Bernard Shaw deal with some problems concerning .......
A. Modern technology
B. Modern society.
C. The first class people
D. The struggle between man and nature
16) A tragic atmosphere prevails in A Doll`s House when Nora decides to ............
A. Desert her children only
B. desert her husband only
C. Desert both her husband and children
D. To kill her husband
17) Ibsen started his dramatic carrier by writing ...........
A. Absurd plays
B. Poetic plays
C. Realistic plays
D. Comic plays
18) Congreve failed to restore .......... to its position it held.
A. criticism
B. poetry
C. novel
D. drama
19) The cynical atmosphere ............ the con***
A. discouraged
B. demoralized
C. rejected
D. revived
20) ................... is the privilege that Helmer well get out of his new job .
A. Earning more money
B. Spending more time at home
C. Taking more vacation
D. Working shorter hours
21) Helmer seeks to ................ Nora characters .
A. develop
B. crush
C. improve
D. advance
22) The modern dramatist emphasis on the inner conflict led to make their protagonists not men but ................
A. Unseen forces
B. women
C. natural sense
D. aliens
23) At the beginning of his dramatic career Shaw tried to write ...............
A. Novel
B. Songs
C. Drama
D. Poetry
24) The greatness of Ibsen as a dramatist comes from .............
A. Misunderstanding of human character
B. Neglecting human character
C. Complicating human character
D. Understanding of human character
25) According to Helmer Nora`s offence has led him to ...................
A. earn lots of money
B. lose his whole future
C. be the manager
D. have great success
26) Bernard Shaw's plays are characterized by ..............
A. Jest and verbal wet
B. Sadness and misery
C. Tragic scenes
D. Horror scenes
27) The critics consider Shaw as the father of ..............................
A. Comedy for comedy
B. Tragic-comedy
C. Comedy of Ideas
D. Comedy of Manners
28) The doctors advised Nora to take Helmer to ..........
A. A warm climate
B. A hot climate
C. A frozen climate
D. A cold climate
29) Helmer's accusations of Nora as a spendthrift are ..........
A. False
B. True
C. documented
D. changeable
30) A Doll's House is ..................
A. A comedy
B. A tragedy
C. A poem
D. A short story
31) Nora is ........................ at the beginning of A Doll`s House.
A. A passive and subservient woman.
B. A strong and unfair woman.
C. An intelligent and educated woman.
D. A pretty and cute woman.
32) Eventually , Mrs. Linde has chosen to abandon her independence to .................
A. Find job
B. Marry Krogstad
C. Marry Helmer
D. Return to her family
33) Shaw added ................ to his plays to make his ***
A. Different themes
B. More characters
C. Prefaces
D. Tables of contents
34) Who is a close friend to Nora's family ?
A. Doctor Sank
B. Doctor Rank
C. Doctor Faustus
D. No one
35) Helmer`s reaction to Krogstad`s letter is .................................... to Nora.
A. A kind of honor
B. A shocking revelation
C. A great reward
D. An expected reaction
36) Drama flourished in the last decade of the ............
A. 16th Century.
B. 17th Century.
C. 18th Century.
D. 19th Century.
37) Nora's ......... of her role as Helmer's "doll- wife occurred at the end of A Doll's House.
A. Rejection
B. Acceptance
C. Acknowledgement
D. Consent to
38) Nora cannot find .............. in this traditional domestic realm .
A. True freedom
B. True love
C. A good job
D. A comfortable house
39) Nora describes himself as ............. at the end of the play.
A. A slave
B. A prisoner
C. A squirrel
D. A doll
40) ....................... was heard by the audience at the end of A Doll`s House .
A. A door slamming
B. A dog barking
C. A train whistle
D. A gunshot
41) .............................. was deserted by Mrs. Linde because of poverty.
A. Krogstad
B. Dr. Rank
C. Her nanny`s father
D. Trovald
42) The greatest practitioner of the ...................... was Oscar Wilde.
A. Comedy of the Romantics
B. Comedy of Manners
C. Tragedy of Manners
D. Comedy of comedy
43) Nora's generous trip to the porter shows that she was not .............
A. A selfish
B. A helpful
C. A kind
D. A merciful
44) Nora expects Helmer to ............................ after learning about forgery.
A. Kill her
B. Leave her for another women
C. Take the children away from her
D. Take the blame himself
45) Helmer considers Krogstad as ...............
A. A man of morals
B. A morally depraved person
C. A charitable person
D. A kind hearted person
46) Shaw criticized society in ..................
A. Winner’s House.
B. Wilkot’s House.
C. Widower’s House.
D. Women’s House.
47) Krogsatd was .............. before marring Linde.
A. Divorced
B. A widower
C. A widow
D. Never married
48) ....................... decided to leave Ireland when he was at the age of twenty .
A. Bernard Shaw
B. W. Shakespeare
C. H. Ibsen
D. T.S Eliot
49) .................... was the country that the doctors chose for Helmer to goes.
A. Germany
B. Italy
C. Norway
D. Sweeden
50) Helmer's reading to Krogstad's letter represents the
A. The rising action
B. The falling action
C. The introduction of the action
D. The climax of the action
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أسئلة اختبار المسرحية الحديثة الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
[أسئلة اختبار - المسرحية الحديثة - د. ابراهيم الشناوي]
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أسئلة اختبار المسرحية الحديثة الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
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