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كويزالمحاضرة الخامسة مدخل إلى اللغويات د.أحمد الخطيب
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - مدخل إلى اللغويات - د.أحمد الخطيب]
كويز مادة مدخل إلى اللغويات
عدد الأسئلة: 41
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1) ................the study of forms. In the 19th century, it has become a term describing the type of investigation that analyzes all those basic elements used in a language.
2) Free and bound morphemes, lexical and functional morphemes, derivational morphemes, and Inflectional morphemes are kind of :
Generative grammar
Structural ambiguity
3) they change the grammatical category of a word, e.g., teach and teacher, -er is a derivational morpheme – a change from verb to noun
Traditional analysis
Inflectional morphemes
Traditional grammar
Derivational morphemes
4) they never change the grammatical category of a word, e.g., old and older, -er here is inflectional morpheme - just a different form of adjective
Derivational morphemes
Traditional analysis
Inflectional morphemes
Traditional grammar
5) ................. A morpheme is a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function
6) ............. those morphemes which can stand alone by themselves as single words such as new and tour.
functional morphemes
Free morphemes
lexical morphemes
Bound morphemes
7) .............. those forms that cannot normally stand alone and are typically attached to another form such as re-, -ist, and -ed. (they can be considered as affixes too).
Bound morphemes
lexical morphemes
Free morphemes
functional morphemes
8) ................ set of ordinary nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that we think of as the words that carry the content of the messages we convey. (e.g., yellow, girl, man, house, tiger) .
Functional morphemes
Free morphemes
Bound morphemes
lexical morphemes
9) .............. set consists largely of the functional words in the language such as conjunction, prepositions, articles ... etc. (on, because, the, that, but, near)
Bound morphemes
Lexical morphemes
functional morphemes
Free morphemes
10) ............... refer to those words which can make new words or to make words of a different grammatical category from the stem (careful or careless –ful and –less are derivational morphemes).
inflectional morphemes
Traditional analysis
lexical morphemes
derivational morphemes
11) ....................... refer to those words which can indicate aspects of grammatical function of a word – if it is a plural or singular, comparative or possessive form. English has only eight inflectional morphemes (quieter, Jim’s).
derivational morphemes
inflectional morphemes
Traditional analysis
lexical morphemes
12) Indicating possessive and plural (‘s, s) noun-related
lexical morphemes
derivational morphemes
inflectional morphemes
Traditional analysis
13) Indicating 3rd person singular, present participle, past tense, past participle (-s, -ing, -ed, -en) verb-related
inflectional morphemes
Traditional analysis
lexical morphemes
derivational morphemes
14) Indicating comparative and superlative (-er, -est) adjective-related
Traditional analysis
lexical morphemes
derivational morphemes
inflectional morphemes
15) Teacher is a ................ morpheme
16) Teachers is an ................... morpheme.
17) The suffix -er is an inflectional morpheme as part of ..................
an adjective
18) The suffix -er is a distinct derivational morpheme as part of ........................
an adjective
19) A ................. is a phonological string (of phonemes) that cannot be broken down into smaller components.
20) Cats - '-s' morpheme is pronounced ...............
21) Dogs - '-s' morpheme is pronounced ..................
22) Houses - '-s' morpheme is pronounced ....................
23) ..................... of a particular morpheme is a group of different morphs, all versions of one morpheme.
24) .................... any of two or more actual representations of a morpheme, such as the plural endings s (as in bats ), z (as in bugs ), and ɪz (as in buses ).
25) ................. is a unit of meaning which varies in sound without changing meaning.
An allomorph
26) The ................. is just how you pronounce the morphem.
27) The ................. is the variation in pronunciation
28) ............... deals with analyzing structure, underlying rule system that we use to produce or generate sentences.
29) ........................ Refers to the description of the sequence of ordering of elements in the linear structure of the sentence.
30) The analysis of syntactic rules is based on limited set of rules that will be capable of producing a large and potentially infinite number of well-formed structures. This small and finite set of rules is described as ................
Structural ambiguity
generative grammar
Deep and surface structure
Tree diagrams
31) ...................... refers to the difference between active and passive sentences. e.g., Charlie broke the window and the window was broken by Charlie.
generative grammar
Structural ambiguity
Surface structure
Deep structure
32) ................... is an abstract level of structural organization in which all the elements determining structural interpretation are represented (that is what we will be focusing in the next slide).
Deep structure
Surface structure
generative grammar
Structural ambiguity
33) e.g., Annie bumped into a man with an umbrella. This example represents structural ................... as it has ..................
ambiguity - Annie had an umbrella and she bumped into a man with it.
ambiguity - Annie bumped into a man and the man happened to be carrying an umbrella.
all above
34) Deep structure has two distinct ideas underlying interpretations .......................
Surface structure
Structural ambiguity
Generative grammar
Tree diagrams
35) A visual representation of underlying syntactic structure ...........................
Tree diagrams
Surface structure
Structural ambiguity
Generative grammar
36) • They specify which words can be used when we rewrite constituents such as NP. - A proper noun rewrites as George, Mary … etc. - An article noun rewrites as A, the. … etc. • Help us to construct grammatical sentences
Lexical rules
Movement rules
Phrase structure rules
37) • ......................... help us to construct grammatical sentences: - George saw the dog (grammatically correct) - The helped you boy (grammatically incorrect)
Phrase structure rules
Movement rules
Lexical rules
38) • Those rules which state that the structure of a phrase of a specific type will consist of one or more constituent or components in a particular order. We can use phrase structure rule to present the information of the tree diagram in another format. • This lead to creating a more detailed set of rules.
Lexical rules
Phrase structure rules
Movement rules
39) One feature of underlying structures is that they will generate sentences with a Fixed word order. This is convenient for creating declarative forms (e.g. you can see it) but not for making interrogated forms, as used in questions (e.g., can you see it).
Phrase structure rules
Movement rules
Lexical rules
40) In making the question, we move one part of the structure to a different position. This process is based on a ..................................... In order to talk about this process, we need to expand our phase structure rules to include an auxiliary verb (Aux) as part of the sentence to be as fo
movement rule
lexical rules
phrase structure rules
41) Symbols used in syntactic analysis :
S -> Sentence
N -> Noun
V -> Verb
Art -> Article
NP -> Noun phrase
VP -> Verb phrase
Adj -> Adjective
Pro -> Pronoun
Adv -> adverb
Prep -> preposition
PP -> prepositional phrase
-> = Consists of/rewrites as o
( ) = Optional constituent o
{ } = One and only one of these constituents must be selected
all above
معلومات حول الكويز
كويزالمحاضرة الخامسة مدخل إلى اللغويات د.أحمد الخطيب
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - مدخل إلى اللغويات - د.أحمد الخطيب]
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