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مراجعه الدكتور لملخصه في المحاضره 14
[أسئلة مراجعة - علم اللغه النفسي - د عبدالعزيز التركي]
,, اهم ماذكره الدكتور
عدد الأسئلة: 72
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1) is an interdisciplinary field of study in which the goals are to understand how people acquire language, how people use language to speak and understand one another, and how language is represented and processed in the brain.
2) Language is a system that allows people immense ___
dont creative
3) is the primary communication system for the human species____
4) ______ought not to be confused with language
5) It is tempting to confuse_____ and language
6) Language is the primary communication system for human beings, but it is not the only way to communicate, so language can be distinguished from ____ in general
7) ______ is a formal system for pairing (signals with meanings )
8) The set of rules that creates sentences in a language is a languag
9) the words of a languag
10) It is tempting to confuse thought and language, because ____-
we verbalize our thoughts using languag
we dont verbalize our thoughts using languag
we verbalize our thoughts using signal
11) the language system that underlies ordinary use
descriptive grammar
prescriptive grammar
informal grammar
12) informs us how a language shoud be use or follow grammar
descriptive grammar
prescriptive grammar
informal grammar
13) ) Me and Mary went to the movies >>> e.g for
descriptive grammar
prescriptive grammar
14) Mary and me went to the movies. < << e.g <<<لما يجي (ضمير فاعل) mary and i تصيرprescriptive
descriptive grammar
prescriptive grammar
15) describe the sound patterns of the language;
phonological rules
morphological rules
16) involved in creating the structural organization of words and sentences
phonological rules
morphological rules
morphological rules and syntactic rules
17) refers to the knowledge of language that is in a person’s brain (or mind
linguistic competence
linguistic performance
18) , is the use of such knowledge in the actual processing
linguistic competence
linguistic performance
19) What evidence do we have that language is biological!!
Language Is Universal in Humans- Language Is Species Specific
- Language Need Not Be Taught, Nor Can It Be Suppressed
1 and 2
20) If we define communication loosely as a way to( convey messages between individuals), we can generalize that every species has a communication system of some sort. If the system is species specific – that is, –
if it is unique to that species
if it isnt unique to that species
languge isnt species specific
21) Lenneberg’s second criterion – that a biological system must be_____ to all members of the species
dont universal
22) Language acquisition in the child is a naturally unfolding process, much like other biologically based behaviors such as
23) most researchers agree that the optimal period for first language acquisition is ,
after the early teen years
before the early teen years
at the early teen years
24) linguistic competence of the first language can only be achieved if the language is learnt before puberty
critical period
good period
bad period
25) is a language impairment linked to a brain lesion
26) is the study of the representation of language in the brain, and the discovery of aphasias led to the birth of this interdisciplinary field.
27) Broca’s aphasia, also known as
non-fluent aphasia
fluent aphasia
a lot fluent
28) Wernicke’s aphasia, also called
low fluent aphasia
non fluent aphasia
fluent aphasia
29) broca's area is located in the
frontal lobe of the left hemispher of the brain
frontal lobe of the right hemispher of the brain
temporal al lobe of the left hemispher of the brain
30) wernicke's area is located in
temporal lobe of the left hemispher of the brain
frontal lobe of the right hemispher of the brain
behind lobe of the left hemispher of the brain
31) The speech associated with Broca’s aphasia has been characterized as
not agrammatic
more syntactic
32) the language function is located in one of the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex
language lateralization
language advancetion
33) control of the body is contra- lateral: the right side of the body is controlled by the_____ motor and sensory area
up right
34) evidence of the dominance of the left hemisphere for language comes from studies of______.
dichotic listening
35) a human infant will acquire that system as its brain develops. This is called______
the nativist model of language acquisition
the neutivist model of language acquisition
the nwativist model of language acquisition<<{d-alsquofii-_-
36) The nativist claim is that the developing brain provides the infant with a------
predisposition to acquire language
dont predisposition to acquire language
predisposition to hear the voice his mother
37) the child’s biological endowment is a set of____a
acquisition strategies
principle strategies
u g strategies
38) The primary purpose of a child’s linguistic environment is to provide information about the language the child is acquiring. Psycholinguists call this type of informatio____e
positive evidence
negative evidence
non evidence
39) is ungrammatical language that the child hears-------------.
positive evidence
negastive evidence
non evidence
40) * In the first half of the first year of life infants interact
soft coos and gurgles
, true babbling begins.
not interact
41) In the second half of the first year
soft coos and gurgles
, true babbling begins.
not interact
42) one-word stage of language, also called the holophrastic period
from 12-24 months
from 3-4 years
under 1 yeaes
43) When the child’s vocabulary approaches about 50 word
- The child starts putting words together
Words are learned more rapidly (vocabulary spurt)
1 and2
44) As sentences gradually lengthen, a useful index of language development is mean length of utterance (MLU)
preschool years
school years
2 years
45) Children sometimes ----------- the past tense -ed in situations like (he eated or he goed
46) -years of age could correctly produce words with derivational morphemes that do not alter the pronunciation of the stem to which they are attached (such as –ness, –ful, and –ment
47) The production of a sentence begins with the speaker’s intention to communicate an idea or some item of information. This has been referred to by Levelt (1989) as,,,a
a preverbal message
signal message
48) speech errors are called
slips of the tongue
code switching
tag switching
49) using more that one language in the same conversation
bilingual mode
unlingual mode
1 and2
50) using one language only in the same conversation
unilingual mode
bilingual mode
1 and2
51) is switching between two codes (two languages, or two distinct dialects of the same language) within the same discourse
none of the above
52) involves the insertion of frequently used discourse markers, like so, you know, I mean,
none of the above
53) There are five stages for Planning Speech Before It Is Produced such as
Accessing the lexicon
Building simple sentence structure
1 +2
54) A word can be retrieved using two different kinds of information
: meaning or sound
55) I just feel like whipped cream and mushrooms. {I just feel like whipped cream and strawberrie
errors give evidence that words are organised by their meaning
errors give evidence that words are organised by their sound
56) We need a few laughs to break up the mahogany. {We need a few laughs to break up the monotony
errors give evidence that words are organised by their meaning
errors give evidence that words are organised by their sound
57) A phenomenon in lexical retrieval that has fascinated psycholinguists for decades is the
tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
58) i left the briefcase in my cigar i left the cigar in my briefcase__ errors give evidence that there is
e a simple sentence structure stage
59) hass or grash ____ hash or grass
example of a perseveration error
example of a segment exchange error
example is of an anticipation error
60) i cant cook worth a cam ___i cant cook worth a damn
example is of an anticipation error
example of a segment exchange error
example of a perseveration error
61) taddle tennis___paddle tennis
example is of an anticipation error
example of a segment exchange error
example of a perseveration error
62) the speech perception system takes information anywhere it can find it to construct a linguistic percept of the acoustic signal
Constructive speech
63) – illustrates how visual and auditory information together affect the construction of a phonological percept
McGurk effect
64) kind of illusion that illustrates the constructive nature of speech perception, ____, was discovered by Warren
phoneme restoration
65) are similar to phoneme restoration effects
*Slips of the ear
slips of tongue
66) is its writing system, including the characters (graphemes
The orthography
67) A technique widely used to investigate lexical access is
the lexical decision task
the lexical decision
68) Tlat, Zner, and Mrock
violate English phonotactics. (impossible non-words) ..
possible non-words … That is non-words that don’t violate English phonotactics
69) Skern, Plim, and Floop
violate English phonotactics. (impossible non-words) ..
possible non-words … That is non-words that don’t violate English phonotactics
70) Types of priming
1- semantic priming 2- form priming
((experimental method))called masked priming
71) ,((( form priming,))))in which the prime and the target are not related semanticall
lake cake
drive car
72) Which one come first in language production
Syntactic representation
Phonological representation
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مراجعه الدكتور لملخصه في المحاضره 14
[أسئلة مراجعة - علم اللغه النفسي - د عبدالعزيز التركي]
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