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اسئلة اختبار مهارات التحدث الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
[أسئلة اختبار - مهارات التحدث - د. فهد بن دهيش]
اسئلة اختبار مهارات التحدث الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
عدد الأسئلة: 49
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1) " Smoking can cause you cancer !"The meaning of "can " here is to express ...
a. possibility
b. permission
c. prohibition
d. necessary
2) after asking about direction, you were told that the bakery is beside the post office .What does "beside " mean?
a. across the street from
b. next to
c. in front of
d. around the corner from
3) Which of the following sentences would mean "permission" ?
a. Need I say more ?
b. May I use your phone Please?
c. It may rain tomorrow.
d. You need to clean your office
4) Which modal verb can be used to express ability in the past ?
a. could
b. might
c. should
d. had better
5) " You had better ______ tonight or you might fail the test . " You need to fill in the blank with :
a. a gerund
b. a stressed verb
c. an infinitive verb
d. a verb in the past form
6) "Could I borrow your history book tonight? " Change the modal verb in this question without changing its meaning
a. Need
b. May
c. Should
d. Must
7) In what situation would you respond with : "Keep in touch "?
a. When a new person is introduced
b. When appreciation is expressed
c. When an apology is given
d. When a conversion is ended
8) It is known as a form of a verb that functions as an adjective . What is it?
a. participle
b. gerund
c. modal verb
d. infinitive
9) If you want to sound more polite and gentle when giving suggestion , which sentence should you use ?
a. Look it up in the map
b. You could look it up in the map
c. You hafta look it up in the map
d. You had better look it in the map
10) What is the reduced form of "lots of " as in "Sami has lots of problems "?
a. lotta
b. lotsa
c. lost
d. lot
11) Referring to the future plans and intentions , complete this sentence :"My brother ________ become a mechanical engineer ."
a. will
b. has to
c. becomes
d. is going to
12) "Anti" is a commonly used affix . What does it mean?
a. a prefix means against
b. a suffix means against
c. a prefix means between
d. a suffix means between
13) "If I were you I would ....." How is this phrase commonly used ?
a. to end a conversation
b. to introduce a new friend
c. to warn someone
d. to make a suggestion
14) Identify the one word that is not polite to use when talking to people?
a. to call a women ,Lady
b. to call a man , Sir
c. to call an old women , Ma'am
d. to call a young women , Miss
15) It can be defined as "feeling of sadness of missing a place" . What is it ?
a. homesickness
b. misconception
c. tradition
d. depression
16) "I guess I might live in this town for good because my family is happy here. "What does the phrase "for good" mean ?
a. happily
b. severely
c. permanently
d. lonely
17) If someone gives you a compliment like "That's a nice watch !" Your are supposed to say :
a. You can have it
b. Thank you
c. Not really . it's very old
d. Why do you say that ?
18) "Gimme that book " How can you write this reduced sentence in the long form ?
a. Give us that book
b. Give him that book
c. Give them that book
d. Give me that book
19) Fill in the two blanks with the correct choices . "I'm _____ to read this_______magazine"
a. Excited , interesting
b. Exciting , interested
c. Exciting , interesting
d. Excited , interested
20) How you can make a comparative form of a three - syllable adjective ?
a. By adding "ier" at the end of the adjective
b. By adding "iest" at the end of the adjective
c. By adding "more" before the adjective
d. By adding "most" before the adjective
21) What is the superlative of the adjective "ugly" ?
a. uglier than
b. the ugliest
c. ugliest
d. the most ugly
22) Fill in the blank : I think that your motorbike is _________ John's car .
a. fastest than
b. faster
c. faster than
d. fastest
23) What is the reduced form of "he wants to visit the family" ?
a. he wanna visit the family
b. he wantta visit the family
c. he wants to visit his family
d. he wanna to visit his family
24) When you are looking in the bookstore , someone say to you " walk two blocks " What does that person mean ?
a. to pass two streets
b. to pass two buildings
c. to pass two traffic light
d. to pass two shops
25) Complete with the tag question : These tomatoes don't look terrible , _________?
a. do they
b. don't they
c. don't these
d. do these
26) What 's the meaning of the word "slum "
a. friend
b. child
c. poor neighborhood
d. great opportunity
27) All these phrases can be used to express emotions except for .........
a. Beautiful sunrise , dear
b. That's a nice dress , honey
c. This is the happiest day of my life
d. Have a nice day , Ma'am
28) Which among the following you should avoid during an argument?
a. Criticizing the person who made the comments
b. Nodding your head "yes"
c. Using the phrase "I disagree"
d. Offering solutions
29) "What is the special today ?" This question is commonly used ?
a. the bus stop
b. the restaurant
c. the post office
d. the grocery store
30) Researchers are collecting____ for their study of changing language in Singapore.
a. Database
b. Data
c. Version
d. Shortcuts
31) " You _______ study tonight or you might fail the test . " to give a warning that something bad will happen if the advice is not followed
a. must
b. have to
c. had better
d. could to
32) You have a business appointment for 10:30. It's probably best to arrive
a. at 10:25 to 10:30
b. at 10:35 to 10:45
c. at 10:30 to 10:35
d. at 9:00 to 9:30
33) If someone gives you a complaint like " Forgive me , it was my fault" Your are supposed to say :
a. You're welcome
b. That was a very kid of you
c. Don't mention it.
d. Don’t worry about it
34) Which one of these sentence is not complaint :
a. The food in the freezer is melting
b. The roof is leaking
c. There is no hot water
d. has a large storage
35) Begin by agreeing with what another person has said, but add a qualifier if you do not completely agree. For example, say " ..............
a. I agree with you, but
b. I disagree with you, but
c. The problem with that is
d. I'm against it because
36) One good way to express your an Apology is to say :
a. You're welcome
b. It was my fault
c. How thoughtful
d. That was very kind of you
37) "Ali's favorite hobby is reading " How does the gerund act in this sentence ?
a. Complement
b. Object
c. Subject
d. Present Progressive
38) Identify the expression you can use when asking for direction ?
a. Which mosque do you go to ?
b. Is this bus going to the Grand Mosque?
c. Which bus would take me to the nearby mosque ?
d. How do I get to the Grand Mosque
39) Would you like coffee or tea ? If speaker 's intonation goes up two times at the end of the question , what would be the correct answer ?
a. Tea , please
b. Coffee , please
c. Yes, please
d. Yes , Would
40) What do you call the person who steals things from stores and put in his bag or under his coat ?
a. a store detective
b. a shoplifter
c. a racist
d. a vain person
41) All these questions are considered impolite to be asked in the United States except for...
a. How old are you ?
b. Are you married ?
c. Where are you from ?
d. How much money do you make ?
42) "Whadaya do?" What is the long form of this reduced question ?
a. What do you do?
b. What are you doing?
c. What did you do?
d. What did he do?
43) The phrase "You had better ....." can be used for.....
a. encouraging a conversation
b. giving an advice
c. responding to an apology
d. stating a small talk
44) What is the goal of debates ?
a. to get to say your piece
b. to understand where each person is coming from and what makes them thinking the way they do
c. to prove that you 're right and the other person is wrong
d. to listen to the other person's perspective
45) If someone is telling you a story , what expression of encouragement you can use to show that you are interested in the story ?
a. Really ?
b. Pardon me!
c. Excuse me ?
d. Forgive me
46) All these expressions are commonly used in a restaurant except for ....
a. What's he special today ?
b. May I have the check please ?
c. What do you recommended?
d. Do you want to see the kitchen?
47) To start a small conversation with a stranger in the post office , may say :
a. Where are you from ?
b. It's nice to have a chance to celebrate , isn't it ?
c. This line is really slow , isn't it ?
d. Can you lend me some money ?
48) If you are introduced to another person , a polite way to respond is :
a. Pleased to meet you
b. I'd like to meet you
c. Have you met my friend ?
d. He is a friend of mine
49) One good way to express your appreciation is to say :
a. You're welcome
b. That was a very kind of you
c. No problem
d. Don't worry about it
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اسئلة اختبار مهارات التحدث الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
[أسئلة اختبار - مهارات التحدث - د. فهد بن دهيش]
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اسئلة اختبار مهارات التحدث الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
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