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أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة التتابعية - د. أحمد حليمة]
تجميع أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) 'Sight Translation' can be used as
A. a proficiency test
B. an aptitude test
C. an altitude test
D. a general language test
2) The most visible in manifestation companies' of the technologizing of interpreting
A. remote interpreting in companies' meeting rooms
B. remote interpreting in educational settings
C. remote interpreting international and videoconferences
D. remote interpreting in classroom
3) " رجل يعرض امه للبيع " The most appropriate interpreting of
A. a man sold his mother at his wedding
B. a man displays his mother for sale at his wedding
C. a man advertises the selling of his mother at his wedding party
D. a man calls upon buyers to buy his mother
4) The word ' interpreter' means in English means
A. 'explainer'
B. 'information processor'
C. 'expounder'
D. 'path finder'
5) is simultaneous interpreting the participants
A. wear headphones
B. don't wear headphones
C. wear protective clothing
D. wear special instruments
6) Candidates for interpreter training should have the following traits
A. 'knowledge , speaking skills and personal interests '
B. 'knowledge , colloquial skills and personal qualifications '
C. 'knowledge , cognitive skills and personality traits '
D. 'knowledge , collaborative skills and personal confidence '
7) Court interpreting task like .........
A. negotiations or the interrogation of prisoners
B. in case of war crime tribunal
C. the certified translation of documents
D. an educational interpreting
8) Interpreting is
A. The oral rendering of a spoken message
B. the oral translation of a spoken message
C. the oral informing of a written message
D. the oral translation of texts of technical problem
9) distinguishes interpreting from other types of 'translational activity is its ..........
A. concern
B. immediacy
C. conformity
D. recognition
10) interpreting is
A. ' translational activity '
B. ' written activity'
C. 'multi activity '
D. ' communication activity '
11) interpreting is performed .......... for the benefit of people who want to engage in communication across barriers
A. " here and now "
B. " any time "
C. " there and later "
D. " here and where"
12) the defining relationship between the source and target utterances and stipulates is .......
A. sameness of meaning
B. differences of meaning
C. variance of meaning
D. distinction of meaning
13) And whatever is stipulated as an essential feature of Translation i.e. notions like ........
A. transfer, ideas, sameness, intention or culture
B. transform, freedom, audience, intention or language
C. conveyance, thought, likelihood, intention or culture
D. correspondence, grammar, vocabulary, intention or context
14) Broadcasting interpreting which is mainly focused on ...........
A. TV interpreting
B. Cultural interpreting
C. Hospital interpreting
D. legal interpreting
15) Bilateral interpreting or ......... is where interpreting is modeled as "three-party interaction"
A. multilateral interpreting
B. dialogue interpreting
C. communication interpreting
D. conference interpreting
16) Conference interpreting, when used in local market, it is mainly between ............
A. English and the 'local' dialects
B. English and the 'local' culture
C. English and the 'local' accents
D. English and 'local' language
17) It was only in the 1920, when transmission equipment was developed to enable interpreters to ....
A. work later
B. work together
C. work simultaneously
D. work separately
18) consecutive interpretation of longer speeches usually involves .........
A. finger spelling
B. note-taking
C. without note-taking
D. memorizing
19) Technical equipment is essentially used to ..........
A. provide the mixing of source-and Target- language messages in the acoustic channel
B. avoid the mixing of source-and Target- language messages in the acoustic channel
C. enable the mixing of source-and Target- language messages in the acoustic channel
D. protect the mixing of source-and Target- language messages in the acoustic channel
20) In consecutive interpretation, .........
A. the interpreter waits for the speaker to finish a sentence or an idea
B. renders the speaker's words into the target language
C. the interpreter doesn’t wait for the speaker to finish a sentence or an idea
D. the interpreter and the speaker's speaks together at the same time .
21) the "classic form" of consecutive implying the rendition of at least ...........
A. one to two minutes
B. two to four minutes
C. one to five minutes
D. five to ten minutes
22) Interpreters use different systems when taking notes mainly ...........
A. symbol based system
B. science-based system
C. translation based system
D. interpreting based system
23) Didactic suggestion include ............. for feedback on student performance.
A. sight translation exercises, and the use of videotapes
B. preliminary exercises, and the use of headphones
C. side translation exercises, and the use of microphones
D. oral translation exercises only
24) one can realize that specific training in ............. to improve consecutive interpreting.
A. memory
B. public speaking
C. time
D. public listening
25) public speaking including ........... could raise student's awareness of their delivery and enhance their presentation in consecutive interpreting
A. technical meetings, working lunches, small groups, field trips
B. breathing, voice control, eye contact
C. speaking , Listening , Note-taking
D. medium ,age , length
26) the spread of international English is likely ............. the market for conference interpreters there as well.
A. to Help
B. to Expand
C. to shrink
D. to Introduce
27) The market for conference interpreters is likely to shrink due to ............
A. Lack of technological equipment
B. The spread of international English
C. The increase in number of interpreters
D. Lack of interpreting training courses
28) Whispered interpretation can be used only ..........
A. for all delegates sitting or standing close together
B. for none of delegates sitting or standing close together
C. for very few delegates sitting or standing close together
D. for all delegates sitting and standing far from each other
29) The following set of eight dimensions could be adopted to map out the theoretical territory of interpreting .........
A. Medium - Setting-Mode – Language –Discourse – Participants –Interpreter -Problem
B. Process - Thought - Ideas - Situation- Related – Function -Oriented - Utterance
C. Business – Liaison – Diplomatic – Military – Court - Sign language – Community - Media
D. Mode – Modality – Directionality – technology – Professional - status
30) the following are the main problem faced by the interpreter ..........
A. stress ,memory , honesty and quality
B. quality, memory , quality and simultaneity
C. memory recalling , stress and quality
D. simultaneity , memory, stress and quality
31) the following are the mode ..........
A. speeches , debates and face-to face
B. consecutive , simultaneous, whispered and sight.
C. simultaneity , memory , quality and stress
D. Spoken language , conference language and migrant language
32) Apprenticeship , that is transfer ............. knowledge from master to student
A. of know-how and professional
B. your reading is designed to establish
C. the object and goals of a study
D. the real-life condition
33) Training by apprenticeship mainly by exercise modelled on ...........
A. virtual tasks
B. real life tasks
C. complicated tasks
D. easy tasks
34) Cognitive process-oriented paradigm have applied their models to ........... for interpreters
A. skill training
B. instruction and interaction skills
C. communication skills
D. skill components
35) Models to skill training for interpreters, highlighting aspects such as .............
A. object and goals of a study
B. speeches , debates and face-to face skills
C. instruction and interaction skills
D. component skills, strategies, processing capacity management and the development of expertise
36) traditional examination methods include holistic communicative task such as ............
A. written translation
B. bilingual or multilingual interview
C. sight translation
D. written summary in another language
37) Personality traits could be summarized as ............
A. staying up late, cooperating with others and working under pressure
B. working under pressure , quick to respond and fluent in his speech
C. motivation and learning style and coping with physical as well as emotional stress
D. fluent , hard working and helping clients
38) There is ........... between globalization and interpreting studies
A. a distant relationship
B. a separate relationship
C. a remote relationship
D. a close relationship
39) You need to gain ............ of the territory of interpreting.
A. an overview
B. a close view
C. a good view
D. an overall view
40) Having found the place you want to explore in depth, you need to ...........
A. dig deeper
B. dig shallow
C. dig exterior
D. dig surface
41) to implement your research design by collecting , processing and analyzing various ........
A. types of tools
B. types of data
C. types of instrument
D. types of equipment
42) The most appropriate interpreting of " It was pretty grim at that time living in a squat in Peckham with absolutely no money "
A. كان وقتا طويلا وكان وقتاً عسيراً عندما كنت أعيش في باكن في مسكن مهجور بدون أية معيشة
B. كان وقتاً مجهدأ وكان وقتا محبطاً حيث كنت انزل في باكن في بيت خالي بدون أية فلوس معي
C. كان وقتا تعيساً وكان وقتا مملاً حيث كنت أسكن في باكن في منزل مهجور بدون أية نقود معي
D. كان وقتاً مجهداً وكان وقتاً بائساً عندما كنت أعيش في باكن في بيت مهجور بدون أية نقود معي .
43) “انتقل رجل مع زوجته إلى منزل جديد بعد ان احبها حبا شديدا” The most appropriate interpreting of
A. A man moved into a new house with his wife after he fans her very much
B. A man and his wife moved into a new home later he love her too much
C. A man moved with his wife to a new house after he loved her too much
D. A man and her lady moved into a new house after he love her too much
44) “قال التلميذ: لم تعلمني اليوم شيئا يا سيدي” The most appropriate interpreting of
A. You have taught me nothing today," says the novice
B. You had educated me nothing today," saying the novice
C. You has teach me nothing today , " said the student
D. You have learn me nothing today ." says the pupil
45) The most appropriate interpreting of " Consumers are braced for another year of austerity "
A. يستعد المستهلكون لعام اخر من القسوة
B. يستقبل المستهلكون سنة التقشف بجهد كبير
C. سنة أخرى من الامساك يستقبلها المستهلكون
D. يستعد المستهلكون لسنة أخرى من التقشف
46) “وقال القحطاني الدول العربية تحظى بأكبر تجمعات من الاميين في العالم” The most appropriate interpreting of
A. Al-Qahtani said , Arab countries had the biggest areas of illiterates in the universe
B. Al-Qahtani said , Arab countries had the largest groups of illiterates in the world
C. Al-Qahtani said , Arab countries having the largest communities from illiterates in the world
D. Al-Qahtani said , Arab cities had the largest society of illiterates in the world
47) “وقال هولاند نحن نتشارك الهواجس نفسها ولكن يجب ايضا ان نتشارك الطموحات نفسها” The most appropriate interpreting of
A. We share the same premonition , but we must share the same ambitious too , Hollande said
B. We share the same concern , but we shall share the same high too , Hollande said
C. We participate the same idea , but we must part the same ambitious too Hollande said
D. We share the same attention , but we have to care the same ambitious too Hollande said
48) The most appropriate interpreting of He saw the African troop deployment taking " a good week "
A. ورأى ان نشر الفرقة الافريقية يحتاج اسبوعا جيداً
B. ورأى ان انتشار القوات الافريقية يستغرق اسبوعا جيداً
C. وشاهد ان نشر الوحدات الافريقية يستغرق اسبوعا جيداً
D. ويقول ان انتشار الوحدات العسكرية الافريقية يدخل اسبوعا جيداً
49) “اذا اردتم قضاء عطلتكم في واحدة من اجمل المدن فلا يوجد افضل من المدينة المنورة” The most appropriate interpreting of
A. if you want to set your vacation in one of the most fantastic cities there's no better place than Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah
B. if you want to expand your leave in one of the most beautiful regions there's no better place than Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah
C. if you want to spend your holiday in one of the most beautiful cities there's no better place than Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah
D. if you want to spend your festival in one of the most nice cities there's no top place than Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah
50) “غادر احمد منزله في الخالدية في الهفوف ذاهبا الى بيت امه الذي يبعد عشر دقائق سيرا على الاقدام” The most appropriate interpreting of
A. Ahmad leave his house in Khalidiya, in Hofuf , he was going to her mother’s address, just a ten minute walk away
B. Ahmad left his home in Khalidiya, in Hofuf , he was going to his mother’s address, just a ten minute walk away
C. Ahmad left his home in Khalidiya, in Hofuf , he was going to his mama home, just a ten minute walk away
D. Ahmad go out his home in Khalidiya, in Hofuf , he was going to his mam address, just a ten minute walk away
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أسئلة اختبار الترجمة التتابعية الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة التتابعية - د. أحمد حليمة]
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