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أسئلة مراجعة عامة لمادة علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الثاني للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - علم اللغة النفسي - ـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي]
أسئلة مراجعة عامة لمادة علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الثاني للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي
عدد الأسئلة: 54
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1) Language is a system that allows people immense
A. communication
B. creativity
C. consecutive
D. sppech
2) The form of language that people who study language interested in and system that underlies ordinary use.:
A. Prescriptive lexicon
B. Prescriptive
C. prescriptive grammar
D. descriptive grammar
3) The type of language knowledge in the actual processing of sentences, by which we mean their production and comprehension. it is called
A. linguistic variation
B. linguistic performance
C. linguistic mapping
D. linguistic competence
4) Language is species specific .That means :
A. language is likely to be part of the genetic make up of members of the species
B. language not part of the genetic make up of members of the species
C. language is not specific
D. language is universal
5) Human language communication system has a uniqe species? choose the correct sentence
A. yes it has
B. not all has
C. sometimes it has
D. no, it doesn't have
6) Language is universal in humans. That means :
A. All humans are does not have universal properties
B. All humans are born not knowing language
C. All human languages have universal properties
D. All humans are born with a ability to change the brain of information
7) language does not need to be taught, and acquisition cannot be suppressed. That means :
A. Language acquisition in the child is a complicated process
B. Language acquisition in the child is a natural process like walking
C. Language thought from child’s parent started from the childhood
D. Language acquisition in the child strat from childhood
8) For language acquisition , the report called " wild children," approve the
A. a person acquired the full morphological and syntactic system of English after critical period
B. a person can’t acquired words and the ability to communicate verbally after critical period
C. critical period can be the optimal period for first language acquisition
D. the optimal period for first language acquisition is before the early teen years
9) A language impairment that is linked to a brain lesion is called
A. Neurolinguistics
B. Aphasia
C. Language lateralization
D. dichotic listening.
10) The study of the representation of language in the brain is called
A. Neurolinguistics
B. Aphasia
C. Language lateralization
D. Broca’s aphasia
11) Wernicke's aphasia is :
A. a fluent aphasia
B. non-fluent aphasia
C. not caused by a brain lesion
D. a result of the lack of communication
12) Patients with Broca's aphasia speak :
A. fluently but their speech is meaningless
B. non-fluently and halting, effortful speech
C. they didn't speak at all
D. fluently and their speech is meaningful
13) agrammatic is a characteristic of the speech associated with
A. Neurolinguistics
B. Wernicke’s aphasia
C. Language lateralization
D. Broca’s aphasia
14) Language function is located in one of the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. That mean
A. language is lateralized
B. language is motorized
C. language is memorized
D. language is localized
15) The term contra- lateral indicate that :
A. the left-handed people have left- dominant motor areas
B. the right-handed people have right-dominant motor areas
C. the right-handed people have left-dominant motor areas
D. the left-handed people have rleft and right- dominant motor areas
16) the left side of the body is controlled by the right motor and sensory areas. that mean control body is
A. bi- lateral
B. contra- lateral
C. centeral - lateral
D. dual- hemisphere
17) The right-ear advantage for language , the task is called
A. aphasia
B. contra- lateral
C. acquisition strategies
D. dichotic listening
18) Language acquisition is not be possible without two crucial ingredients one of them is:
A. experience with language in the environment
B. a biologically language
C. being taught language at an early age
D. None of the above
19) in language acquisition , a human infant will acquire that system as its brain develops. This is called
A. biological model
B. predisposition model
C. nativist model
D. agrammatic model
20) Choose the correct statement from the following :
A. language acquisition will happen in a vacuum.
B. child must not be exposed to external input to acquire human language
C. predisposition to acquire language is claimed by the nativist
D. the developing brain will not provides the infant aquring human language
21) universal grammar and acquisition strategies are
A. Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
B. input process
C. external process
D. output process
22) we call ungrammatical language that the child hears
B. positive evidence
C. output
D. negative evidence
23) In the first half of the first year the sound of infants
A. soft coos and gurgles
B. start bubbling
C. like actual language
D. one word stage
24) in the second half of the first year
A. start coos and gurgles
B. start bubbling
C. like actual language
D. one word stage
25) The sound / baga baga / are possible examples of :
A. cooing
B. gargling
C. babbling
D. crying
26) the other name of holophrastic period is
A. overextension
B. a cirictal period for language acquisition
C. underextension
D. one word stage
27) A baby knows the word 'flower' for the roses ;however , tulip, he calls it 'I don't know'. This is an example of :
A. overlearning
B. underlearning
C. overextension
D. underextension
28) What happens when child's vocabulary reaches 50 words :
A. words are learned more rapidly than before
B. he starts to create complex sentences
C. overextension starts
D. underextension starts
29) to measure the length of learners' utterance we use index
A. Measure Main of Utterance (MMU)
B. Utterance Language Measure (ULM)
C. Mean Language of Utterance (MLU)
D. Measure Length Learner Utterance ( MLLU)
30) Who is more likely to produce the following sentence ' Mommy like it ' :
A. a 12-month-old child
B. a 23-month-old child
C. a 5-year-old child
D. an adult
31) Choose the correct statement from the following :
A. once a child starts using a morpheme , they continue using it
B. Around the age of 3 , the child will begin to produce complex sentences.
C. child first uses a past tense correctely
D. child will not use morphemes variably first then they will not used later on
32) Children after 7, 8, and 9 years of age will start using
A. one word stage
B. short sentences
C. complex words
D. derivational morphemes
33) In speech production, the idea of a person's minds to communicate is called :
A. preverbal communication
B. preverbal message
C. syntactic representation
D. phonological representation
34) In speech production, preverbal message means
A. the speaker’s intention to communicate minds
B. the speaker’s idea to communicate an minds
C. the speaker’s intention to communicate an idea
D. the speaker’s minds to communicate itself
35) In speech production, which of the following is operation performed at the end :
A. syntactic representation
B. phonological representation
C. lexical selection
D. morphological representation
36) When a bilingual is speaking in a bilingual mode is :
A. access to both grammars must be possible
B. access to one grammar is possible
C. no access to either grammar
D. only one access to lexicon is possible
37) knowledge of two languages has at least two important consequences for language production. One of them is :
A. ntentional slips into a language active in the conversation
B. it permits intentional switching from one language to the other
C. it doesnt permit intentional switching from one language to the other
D. it permits unintentional switching from one language to the other
38) sound and meaning are two different kinds of information that retrieve words in
A. lexical retrieval
B. morphology retrieval
C. syntax retrieval
D. word retrieval
39) If someone wants to say "All I want is something for my shoulders " but he said " elbows " instead of shoulders . that gives evidence that lexical items are organized by their :
A. sound
B. meaning
C. labels
D. morphemes
40) If someone wants to say "Put the oven on at low temperature " but he said " speed " instead of temperature. that gives evidence that lexical items are organized by their :
A. sound
B. meaning
C. structure
D. morphemes
41) If someone wants to say "I left the cigar in my breifcase " but he said " left the beirfcase in my cigar" instead of it. that gives evidence that lexical items are organized by their :
A. sound
B. meaning
C. structure
D. morphemes
42) If you wants to say 'paddle tennis ' and says ' taddle tennis' . This is an :
A. error at the lexical access stage
B. error at the syntactic representation
C. error at the phonological representation
D. error at the syntactic representation
43) What kind of phonological errors is the following saying 'taddle tennis' instead of 'paddle tennis'
A. segment exchange error
B. perseveration error
C. anticipation error
D. word exchange error
44) What kind of phonological errors is the following saying 'I can't cook worth a damn' instead of 'I can't cook worth a cam'
A. segment exchange error
B. perseveration error
C. anticipation error
D. word exchange error
45) In speech Perception(hearing), which of the following operations take place at the end :
A. lexical access
B. syntactic representation
C. phonological representation
D. morphological representation
46) the speech perception system takes information anywhere it can this is called
A. consecutive speech perception
B. creative speech perception
C. general speech perception
D. constructive speech perception
47) McGurk effect is
A. If someone watches a video of a person mounting [ ga ga] together with the audio track of a person saying [ ba ba ] , he will hear neither [ba] nor [a] – but [da].
B. If someone watches a video of a person mounting [ ga ga] together with the audio track of a person saying [ ba ba ] , he will hear both [ba] and [a]
C. If someone watches a video of a person mounting [ ga ga] together with the audio track of a person saying [ ba ba ] , he will hear [ba] only
D. If someone watches a video of a person mounting [ ga ga] together with the audio track of a person saying [ ba ba ] , he will hear [a] only
48) if you use context or prior knowledge in trying to understand what the other person said you will be using : ............. .( Complete the right option )
A. top-down processing
B. bottom-up processing
C. no information processing
D. top-top processing
49) If someone says 'I will see you after the class' and you think he just wants to see you after the class that mean you using
A. top-down processing
B. bottom-up processing
C. no information processing
D. top-top processing
50) The orthography is
A. language writing system, including the characters (graphemes)
B. language reading system, including the characters (graphemes)
C. language lisening system, including the characters (graphemes)
D. language morpholgy system, including the characters (graphemes)
51) The two types of priming are
A. semantic and form
B. words and language
C. morpheme and semantic
D. syntax and form
52) Choose the correct statement from the following :
A. we learn procedural knowledge first then declarative knowledge
B. we learn declarative knowledge as the same time with procedural knowledge
C. we learn declarative knowledge first then procedural knowledge
D. we learn declarative knowledge only
53) knowledge knows as What and often Eexplicit and conscious.It is called
A. real knowledge
B. procedural knowledge
C. declarative and procedural knowledge
D. declarative knowledge
54) knowledge knows as How and often unconscious and implicit .It is called
A. real knowledge
B. procedural knowledge
C. declarative and procedural knowledge
D. declarative knowledge
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أسئلة مراجعة عامة لمادة علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الثاني للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - علم اللغة النفسي - ـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي]
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أسئلة مراجعة عامة لمادة علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الثاني للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي
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مناقشة الكويز: أسئلة مراجعة عامة لمادة علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الثاني للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي
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