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اختبار ظهور الرواية 1438 الفصل الثاني
[أسئلة اختبار - ظهور الرواية - وصفي شقيرات]
اسئلة الاختبار للفصل الدراسي الثاني 1438
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) The French Revolution took place in the
a. 18th century
b. 19th century
c. 17th century
d. 16th century
2) The French Revolution called for …………… mottos
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five
3) The American Revolution was the political upheaval during the last half of the 18th century in which thirteen colonies in North America joined together to break free from the ………………… Empire
a. Dutch
b. French
c. British
d. Spanish
4) All of the following are negative consequences of The industrial Revolution except:
a. Labor of women and children.
b. The weakness of the family structure
c. The poverty of some classes of people
d. The increase of the resources of knowledge
5) In the Medieval Era, the …………… told the people everything they needed
a. Church.
b. state
c. University
d. Court
6) .......... the man, whose wish and care, a few paternal acres bound, content to breathe his native air, in his own ground' this quote Alexander Pope description of he time before the 18th century.
a. Sad
b. Happy
c. Poor
d. Mad
7) ...................Literature is defined as the early 18th century in British literature.
a. Augustan
b. Restoration
c. Elizabethan
d. Cromwellian
8) . In philosophy and eco-politics the Augustan era was an age increasingly dominated by empiricism, development of ……………., and the triumph of trade.
a. Feudalism
b. Capitalism
c. Socialism
d. Chartism
9) All of the following novels talk about Individuals rather than about groups of people except:
a. Robinson Crusoe
b. Gulliver's Travels
c. Oliver Twist.
d. A Tale of Two cities
10) Throughout the West, and in other parts of the world as well, the …………… has been the most popular literary form of the last 250 years.
a. Novel
b. Drama
c. Short story
d. Poetry
11) The novel has shaped Western understandings of human society and human .............
a. Chemistry
b. Physics
c. psychology
d. Biology
12) The novel was established as a literary form in ……………….. in the 18th century through the work of Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, and Henry Fielding
a. France
b. England
c. America
d. Italy
13) The English novel is traditionally obsessed with a preference for ………… plots.
a. comedic
b. Tragic
c. Ironic
d. Religious
14) The main Purpose of the Novel is ………..: an illusion that the novel is a representation of real life.
a. Magic
b. Verisimilitude
c. Anachronism
d. Aphorism
15) As written collections of such stories circulated in a wide range of products, novellas were famous in the years .................
a. 1200-1600
b. 800-1000
c. 1900-2000
d. 1000-1500
16) Most critics believe that …………………….'s Pamela ( 1740 ) is the truly the first English novel.
a. Daniel Defoe
b. Samuel Richardson
c. Henry Fielding
d. Aphra Behn
17) Beowulf, As belonging to the …………………………. People, is considered one of the main Precursors to the genre of Novel.
a. Roman
b. Greek
c. Oriental
d. Anglo-Saxon
18) Al of the following reasons contributed to the rise of novel in English throughout the 18th century except:
a. The restoration of the English monarchy
b. The growing audience of illiterate women
c. The appearance of periodicals and magazines
d. The decline of drama in the eighteenth century
19) the real "masters" of the novel in the eighteenth century were four – Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, and ................
a. D.H Lawrence
b. Thomas Hardy
c. Mark Twain
d. Lawrence Sterne
20) Daniel Defoe worked as ……………. Most of the time
a. Journalist
b. Lawyer
c. Teacher
d. Clerk
21) Because novel is widely thought to be a ………………., most of the eighteen century writers were used to call their novel history, tale, od adventure to avoid censorship.
a. Genre.
b. Novelty
c. Hobby
d. Prose
22) By 1750, the population of London had reached 750,000—making it the largest city in the West, perhaps twice as large as ...............
a. Paris
b. Brussels
c. Rome
d. Berlin
23) In Pamela, …………….. stands in for the ruling classes. Grasping and possessive, impatient and explosive, he may nevertheless prove capable of reform.
a. Mr. Williams
b. Mr. B
c. Mr. Longman
d. Mr. Fownes
24) In his famous novel …………….. Lawrence Sterne exposes the limitations of novelistic Realism, suggesting that the illusion of reality is created through omission and distortion.
a. The Mysteries of Udolpho
b. Tom Jones
c. Evelina
d. Tristram Shandy
25) ........... works are often passionate and angry, echoing the revolutionary sentiments of the 1840s.
a. Walter Scott
b. b. The Brontes
c. William Thackeray
d. Henry Fielding
26) A ………………….. focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood.
a. Regional Novel
b. Gothic Novel
c. Novel of formation
d. Satirical Novel
27) Metafictional Novel systematically draws attention to its status by using ………………….. style
a. Complex
b. Easy
c. Journalistic
d. Optimistic
28) Queen Victoria reigned the English Parliament from 1837-1901. Mostly, these years were marked by ............
a. Disorder
b. Pessimism
c. Optimism
d. Distrust
29) Dickens' Great Expectations was written in the year ...........
a. 1812
b. 1861
c. 1851
d. 1870
30) Dickens' Great Expectations comprises ……………chapter
a. 56
b. 57
c. 58
d. 59
31) One of Dickens' friends, watching the author at work, described him as so: "It was interesting to watch ... the ………….. and muscles working".
a. Eye
b. Hand
c. Leg
d. mind
32) By the early 1820s, Charles was living with ………………. siblings and his parents in a four-room house, with bill collectors banging at the door.
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
33) A common criticism of Dickens is that his …………….. are exaggerated
a. characters
b. Symbols
c. Motifs
d. Themes
34) Dickens uses ……………… narrator in Great Expectations
a. Stream of consciousness
b. First person
c. Third person limited
d. Third person omniscient
35) Pip is an orphan living on the Kent marshes with his abusive sister and her husband, Joe Gargery, the village .....................
a. Shoe marker
b. Carpenter
c. Blacksmith
d. Butcherer
36) what does the convict ask Pip for ?
a. A map of his town
b. Food and file
c. A place to stay for the night
d. Cigars
37) At her first meeting with Pip, Estella treats him ........................
a. Respectfully
b. Eagerly
c. Passionately
d. Rudely
38) How does Pip explain his time at Miss Havisham's house ?
a. He tells the truth about it.
b. He lies about it.
c. He refuses to talk about it.
d. He says he never wants to go back.
39) What does Miss Havisham offer Pip ?
a. A formal education
b. To make him Joe's apprentice
c. Estella's hands in marriage
d. Financial security
40) Pip believes ……………… to be his/ her benefactor.
a. Wopsle
b. Orlick
c. Pumblechook
d. Miss Havisham
41) who does Pip learn has died ?
a. Orlick
b. Biddy
c. Mrs. Joe
d. Miss Havisham
42) At the end of Great Expectations, ……….. is revealed as the protagonist's benefactor.
a. Pip's convict
b. Miss Havisham
c. Jaggers
d. Mr. Pocket
43) How does Miss Havisham get injured ?
a. She catches on fire
b. She falls down the stairs
c. She leaps of the balcony
d. Orlick attacks her.
44) .................... is the name of Miss Havisham's manor.
a. Lux house
b. Satis house
c. satyr house
d. Locker house
45) What happens to Compeyson at the end of the novel ?
a. He escapes with Havisham's fortune.
b. He is shot by the police.
c. He is killed by Orlick.
d. He drowns in the river.
46) All the following themes can be found in Great Expectations except:
a. Colonialism
b. Guilt
c. Social Class
d. Ambition
47) The old English word ' wittles: ' is used in the novel to mean ...................
a. Water
b. Food
c. Wood
d. Fire
48) Great Expectations is regarded as Dickens "………………. tragicomic" conception, probably because of the mix of comedy and tragedy that adorns most of his novels.
a. Grandiloquent
b. Grand
c. Great
d. grotesque
49) " All other swindlers on Earth are nothing to the self- swindlers". In this quote understanding the only person that harmed him was .............
a. His sister
b. His brother in law
c. His convict
d. himself
50) " I give Pirrip as my father's name on the authority of his tombstone". In reading this opening quote, We discover immediately that Pip is an orphan and one with whom we .............
a. sympathize
b. Antagonize
c. Misunderstands
d. Disagree
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اختبار ظهور الرواية 1438 الفصل الثاني
[أسئلة اختبار - ظهور الرواية - وصفي شقيرات]
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اسئلة الاختبار للفصل الدراسي الثاني 1438
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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