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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

كويز مراجعة المحاضرة السادسة لـ ظهور الرواية ..
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - ظهور الرواية - د/ وصفي الشقيرات]
أسئلة مراجعة لـ ظهور الرواية .. للمحاضرة السادسة .. بالتوفيق للجميع .. إعداد : مجرد عآبر
عدد الأسئلة: 48
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) it is an early form of novel, usually a first- person narrative, relating the adventures of a rogue or low-born adventure.
The Epistolary Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Historical Novel
The Picaresque Novel
2) it's deal with the ordinary, the naive, and the low life setting. it's one main features of ........
The Picaresque Novel
The Historical Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Epistolary Novel
3) it is a novel written as a series of documents. the usual form is letter :
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Epistolary Novel
The Historical Novel
4) the novel that is set in the past and focus on a specific historical plot, character, and setting in the past
The Epistolary Novel
The Historical Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Epistolary Novel
5) this novel started in 18th century when literacy was high among educated people.
The Picaresque Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
6) wisdom, personal insight and self-display of the authors who are distinguished by their different techniques. it is one of the main features in :
The Epistolary Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Historical Novel
7) it is a medium point between feudalism and capitalism. it is one of the main features in :
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
8) Recently, it has abandoned reality to fantasy and imagination. it is a one of main feature in :
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
The Picaresque Novel
9) this type of novel focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood (coming of age).
The Picaresque Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
10) Novel of formation or Education.
The Epistolary Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Historical Novel
11) it may include both fictional and real character. this is one main of feature in :
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
12) this novel started in the 19th century.
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
The Picaresque Novel
13) this novel started in 16th century to the 17th & 18th century :
The Picaresque Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
14) this novel started in 19th and 20th century :
The Epistolary Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Historical Novel
15) Charles Dickers' Great Expectations. example of :
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
16) Sir Walton scott's Waverley. Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities. example of :
The Picaresque Novel
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
17) Samuel Richardson's Pamela and Clarissa. example of :
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
18) Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders , Migul Cervantes' Don Quixote. example of :
The Epistolary Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Historical Novel
19) it is realistic and is apart from the romance and love. it is one of main feature in :
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Picaresque Novel
20) Dramatic effectiveness : the dramatic effectiveness of a work refers to the vivid and impressing means and devices by which an author engages and maintains successfully the interest of the audience . it is one of the main features in :
The Picaresque Novel
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
21) the development of the main character is philosophical, moral and spiritual. it is one of the main feature in :
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Historical Novel
The Epistolary Novel
22) Scenes of escape and exile ( because of looking for justice and freedom ). it is one of the main feature in :
The Epistolary Novel
The Bildungsroman Novel
The Picaresque Novel
The Historical Novel
23) type of novel uses self-reliance to draw attention to itself as a work of art. while exposing the 'truth' of a story.
The Regional Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Metafictional Novel
24) type of novel that ridicules a specific topic in order to provoke readers into changing their opinion of it.
The Regional Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Gothic Novel
25) type of novel that concentrate on the people in a specific location.
The Gothic Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Regional Novel
The Metafictional Novel
26) type of novel that combines element of both the uncanny and romance.
The Satirical Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Regional Novel
27) this novel seeks to stimulate strong emotion in the reader fear and apprehension by its use of desolate, mysterious, and grotesque event that are remote from everyday life.
The Regional Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Satirical Novel
28) this type of novel started mainly in 19th century :
The Gothic Novel
The Regional Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
29) this type of novel started 18th and 20th centuries :
The Metafictional Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Regional Novel
The Gothic Novel
30) this type of novel started 18th , 19th, 20th centuries :
The Satirical Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Regional Novel
31) this type of novel started 18th and 19th centuries :
The Regional Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Satirical Novel
32) detailed description of a particular geographical setting. it is one of the main features in :
The Gothic Novel
The Regional Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
33) it has a medieval setting ( haunted castles, locked rooms, gloomy and strong architecture). it is one of the main features :
The Metafictional Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Regional Novel
The Gothic Novel
34) extended uses of irony, puns, and wit. Element of humor and analogy. it is two of the main features in :
The Satirical Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Regional Novel
35) styles is quite complex (non-linear, no chronology , reversal plots). it is one of the main features in
The Regional Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Gothic Novel
36) it is convey the local color of the author in a humorous way. it is one of the main features in
The Gothic Novel
The Regional Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
37) while the style is simple and funny the content, the theme, the ideas are all serious and complex. it is one of the main features in :
The Metafictional Novel
The Regional Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Satirical Novel
38) lady in distress ( usually in prison but looking to be rescued by a noble knight ). it is one of the main features in
The Satirical Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Regional Novel
The Metafictional Novel
39) this novel may include narrative footnotes. it is one of the main features in :
The Regional Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Gothic Novel
40) Scenes related to torture done by nasty and evil villains. it is one of the main features in
The Gothic Novel
The Regional Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
41) theme related to terror, nightmares, and mysteries. it is one of the main features in :
The Metafictional Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Regional Novel
The Satirical Novel
42) the author is part of the novel and he is the main character sometimes. it is one of the main features in :
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Regional Novel
43) theme of madness and secrets related to stock characters ( Vampire, Ogre/Ogress, demons, ghosts). it is one of the main features in :
The Gothic Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Regional Novel
44) this type of novel anticipates the reader's reactions. it is one of the main features in :
The Regional Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
45) Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Jonathn Swift's Gulliver Travels. example of :
The Metafictional Novel
The Regional Novel
The Gothic Novel
The Satirical Novel
46) Lawrence Sterne's Tristram Shandy. example of :
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Regional Novel
The Gothic Novel
47) Horaco Walpole's The castle of Otranto. Bram stoker's Dracule. example of :
The Gothic Novel
The Satirical Novel
The Metafictional Novel
The Regional Novel
48) تم بفضل الله الانتهاء من كتابة الكويز , ان اصبت فمن الله و ان اخطأت فمني و من الشيطان , و بالتوفيق للجميع , و فالكم A+ ..
سبحان الله
لا اله الا الله
الله اكبر
سبحان الله و الحمدلله و لا اله الا الله و الله اكبر
معلومات حول الكويز
كويز مراجعة المحاضرة السادسة لـ ظهور الرواية ..
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - ظهور الرواية - د/ وصفي الشقيرات]
تفاصيل أخرى:
أسئلة مراجعة لـ ظهور الرواية .. للمحاضرة السادسة .. بالتوفيق للجميع .. إعداد : مجرد عآبر
تم حل الكويز 105 مرة بنسبة نجاح 47%
القسم: E5
مناقشة الكويز: كويز مراجعة المحاضرة السادسة لـ ظهور الرواية ..
معلومات صاحب الكويز
مجرد عآبر

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أسئلة مراجعة لـ ادب عصر النهضة الجزء الاول .. حياكم ..
الكويزات الأكثر شعبية
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اسئلة تبويب مقرر قضايا ثقافية معاصرة للاختبارات السابقة ☆☆ المحاضرة الاولى ☆☆ (9663)
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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