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كويز أسئلة اختبار علم المعاني و البراغماتيك الفصل الثاني 1438 هـ ..
[أسئلة اختبار - علم المعاني و البراغماتيك - د/ فهد بن دهيش]
أسئلة اختبار علم المعاني و البراغماتيك الفصل الثاني 1438 هـ بالتوفيق للجميع .. مجرد عآبر ..
عدد الأسئلة: 45
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) To determine the pragmatic meaning of a sentence, we need to know ……….
the meaning of the sentence in the physical-social context
the individual words and the syntactic construction which they occur️
the direct message of article sequence of words
the semantic side of the sentence
2) let 's meet the meat What is the lexical relation between "meet and meat"
3) One of the Gricean maxims is maxim of quality. which of the following explains it ?
Make your contributions informative as is require
Do not say that which you believe to be false ️
Be relevant
Be clear, brief and orderly
4) The word mole (on the skin) and mole (the animal) are examples of ……
synonymous words
Antonymous words
Homonymous words
Polysemous words
5) Identify the reversive Antonymy among the following pairs
friendly and unfriendly
safe and unsafe
pack and unpack
fair and unfair
6) When we have two different written words that have the same pronunciation, we can refer to them as ........
Homophones ️
7) - ''Saleh heard them talking out the money''. What is the thematic role for Saleh
experiencer ️
8) Adam saw his sister leaving the house, so he where are you going? She said :"Out ! '' What maxim does the sister out in this conversation?
The maxim of Quality
The maxim of Quantity ️
The maxim of Relation
The maxim of Manner
9) What are semantic features required for the subject of this sentence ………. will travel with Sarah to France for their honey moon'' "
[+Human, -Female, +Adult ] ️
[+Human, +Female, +Adult]
[+Human, -Female, -Adult]
[-Human, -Female, +Adult]
10) What defined as "the entry that is used to perform an action''?
The instrument ️
The experiencer
The source
The agent
11) ''Ahmed borrowed a stapler from the other office'' What is the role for the NP other office
source ️
12) ''A waiter at a restaurant'' Where is the Caesar salad sitting Caesar salad in utterance is best understood as ..
just a salad
Someone named Caesar
a customer
the restaurant manager
13) "The golden medal in the race was given to Noura" what is thematic role for Noura?
goal ️
14) Sami wrote the poem with an ice of chalk" What is thematic for the poem?
15) Among the following four birds which one is considered the lest typical of the whole set?
penguin ️
16) What can be defined as the gradual mental representation of meaning or categorization ?
prototype ️
referring expression
17) Which among these sentences involves a unique referent?
a lake
Lake Ontario
the big lake
18) The referring expression " bottles of milk " is consider
a countable referent
a unique referent
a non -countable refer
an abstract referent
19) What did you learn about some food name such as "cow or pig in this course" ?
That they occur only as parallel
That could be concrete or abstract
That they come from Anglo-Saxon origin
That they come from Noman French origin
20) Which sentence among the following has temporary deixis?
These boxes are broken
She can't stay near that
You should come back later.
Can you put it there, please?
21) What can be defined as the subsequent reference to an already introduced entity?
Anaphora ️
22) It is a pair or of words that are often used together. What is it?
23) Which among these sentences involves a secondary referring expression?
Your friend is white
That one is white
The big dog white
This flower is white
24) My mother taught me that the Key to success business is being patience. " The key here is basically
a concrete referent
a literal key
an abstract referent
a nonfigurative referent
25) Scissors, tweezers, trouser, shorts, and jeans are examples of nouns that
occur only as plurals
could be concrete or abstract
must have overt speciers
have fixed referents
26) All these examples represent correct collocation except for …..
a substantial meal
a big meal
a fast meal
a quick meal
27) What was Firth referring to by saying: "You shall know word by the company it keeps"
28) which of the following is considered a fixed collocation and not an open one ?
Take a picture
Keep to the rules
Run a bath
place gently
29) identify the only one collocation that is written correctly among the following '
Did you look at TV last night?
Your car has a very strange engine
You must do an effort and study for the exam
You made a few mistakes
30) What is one obvious presupposition when the neighbor tells you "Your son is annoying?
That you need to talk to your son
That he will hit your son
that you have a son
That you regret having son
31) Determine the only spatial metaphor among the following sentence
He shot down all of my arguments
He is planting ideas in my head
He is feeling down today ️
He is living on borrow time
32) What is the lexical relation between arm (of a person) and arm (of a chair)
33) By starting an utterance with "As far as I know "the speaker is being aware of ..
The maxim of Quality
The maxim of Quantity
The maxim of Relation
The maxim of Manner
34) Mom: Have you done your homework? Son: My bicycle is broke mom What maxim does the son flout /violate in this conversation?
The maxim of Quality
The maxim of Quantity
The maxim of Relation
The maxim of Manner
35) How can we determine the meaning of an utterance such as ؟"I'm hungry"
by looking at the meanings of the individual words and the grammar
by looking at the meanings of the sentence plus the circumstances
by relating the utterance to some previous utterance
by relating the utterance *to the dictionary/literal
36) what is implicature?
two different written words that have the same exact pronunciation
a bridge constructed be the hearer to relate an utterance to a previous utterance
a word whose meaning included in the meaning of another general word
a spoken utterance which consists of more just words
37) Sarah: would you like to go shopping tomorrow Asma: We have guests coming from out of town What is the meaning of this dialogue?
That Asma will go shopping with the guests
That Asma will go shopping with Sarah
That Asma will not be to go shopping tomorrow
That Sarah is invited to Asma 's house
38) In speech, meanings are communicated not only by what is said but also by how it is said. An example of that is
non-verbal communication
39) Laughing, giggling, and crying are examples of ………
visual signs
40) what is the semantic /lexical elation between shallow and deep
41) Nodding the head in response to an utterance is a visual sign that can be equivalent to saying ..
I approve it
I don't like it
I smell something
42) This can be defined as "two or more forms with very closely related meaning, which are often interchangeable in sentences." What is it?
Synonymy ️
43) Identify the pair of non -gradable antonyms among the followings
dead and alive
pack and unpack
rich and poor
quick and slow
44) What is semantic/lexical relation between robin and bird?
45) تم بفضل الله الانتهاء من كتابة الكويز , ان اصبت فمن الله و ان اخطأت فمني و من الشيطان , و بالتوفيق للجميع , و فالكم A+ ..
ٍسبحان الله
لا اله الا الله
الله اكبر
سبحان الله و الحمدلله و لا اله الا الله و الله اكبر
معلومات حول الكويز
كويز أسئلة اختبار علم المعاني و البراغماتيك الفصل الثاني 1438 هـ ..
[أسئلة اختبار - علم المعاني و البراغماتيك - د/ فهد بن دهيش]
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أسئلة اختبار علم المعاني و البراغماتيك الفصل الثاني 1438 هـ بالتوفيق للجميع .. مجرد عآبر ..
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مناقشة الكويز: كويز أسئلة اختبار علم المعاني و البراغماتيك الفصل الثاني 1438 هـ ..
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