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اسئلة اختبار مادة علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الدراسي الاول 1438 /1439 هـ ، د.عبدالعزيز التركي
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة النفسي - د. عبدالعزيز التركي]
اسئلة اختبار مادة علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الدراسي الاول 1438 /1439 هـ ، د.عبدالعزيز التركي
عدد الأسئلة: 51
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) one of the goals of psycholinguistic is to:
understand how the language is structured in society
l understand how people acquire language
l underside how sociolinguistic change
Understand how hearing works
2) one example of the creatively of the human language is that :
There are many language speakers
People can produce and understand new sentence
People can repeat anything they can hear
There are several components of language
3) We can use......our thoughts. Fill in the gap by choosing the correct answer :
language to verbalize
Syntax to verbalize
Mental lexicon
4) "The set of rules that govern the creation of sentence in language The definition of :
Universal grammar
Mental lexicon
5) If someone tells a native speaker that he shouldn't say "me and Mary went to cinema ", but should say "Mary and I went to the cinema ". This will be an example of:
English grammar
Italian grammar
prescriptive grammar
Descriptive grammar
6) Linguistic performance is:
Linguistic variation
Language learning
The actual use of language by speaking or listening
7) Language is species of specific . That means:
Language is likely to he part of the genetic make up of species
Language is not part of the genetic makeup of members
Language is not specific
Language is universal
8) choose the correct sentence :
Only champion can learn human language
chimps and parrots can learn human language
Animals can learn human language
Animals can't learn human language
9) Language is universal in humans. That means :
All human are born knowing language
All human aren't born knowing language
All human born with brains that are prepared to organize language
All human are born with the ability to change the brain of localization
10) To ensure that children acquire language..............Choose incorrect opinion from the following statements:
We must use language interactively with them
We don't have to reward them imitation
We must alter the way we speak to make is easier
We should use language with them
11) According to the critical period hypothesis............. Choose the correct option to fill in the gap.
human can learn their first language after the age of 15
The optimal period for language acquisition is before the early ten years
Human can learn syntax after the early teen years
The worst period for language acquisition is before the early ten years
12) ......... is the study of the representation of language in the brain:
13) Aphasia is............. ( Fill in the gap with the correct option)
Brain localization
Language representation in the brain
Language impairment that is linked to a brain lesion
An area of the brain that is responsible for language process
14) :The speech of patients with Broca’s aphasia is characterized
Wcrneck's aphasia
15) the speech of patients with Werneck's aphasia is characterized as.............. (Choose the correct option)
fluent but incomprehensible
Fluent and comprehensible
Comprehensible and meaningful
Comprehensible and meaningless
16) "Language function is located is one of the two hemisphere of the brain " . This is the meaning of:
17) choose the correct statement :
The left hemisphere controls the left side of the body
The left hemisphere is controlled by the right side of the body
The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body
The left hemisphere controls the right hemisphere body
18) In dichotic listening task, there is a ..... ( Fill in the gap with the correct answer)
Right-car priming
Right -ear advantage
Left-car advantage
Left-ear processing
19) Language acquisition is not possible without two main ingredients , one of them is :
A biological predisposition to a quire language
A phonological predisposition to acquire language
Being spoken to slowly as a child
Having the two hemispheres controlling language
20) Our brains provide us with :
Positive evidence
The biological predisposition to a quire language
Negative evidence
the output
21) The language acquisition device contains
Universal grammar and acquisition strategics
Universal grammar only
Universal grammar and processing
Input and output
22) .......is the linguistic input the child receives from people around him. Choose the correct option
Negative evidence
Positive evidence
Preverbal message
23) Example of possible providers of positive evidence for children are:
University professors
People with no linguistic contact with the child
Parents, siblings.and care-takers
School employees
24) Choose the correct statement from the following :
Children's caregivers much encourage them to imitate the language to guarantee language acquisition
Children's caregivers should correct their mistakes to guarantee language acquisition
Children's caregivers should provide opportunities for linguistic interaction
Children's caregivers should reward them tor imitation
25) Negative evidence is the (Choose the correct option
Incomprehensible input in the child's input
Meaningful input in the linguistic environmen
Grammatical language in the child's input
Ungrammatical language in the child's input
26) Children start to babble ........ ( Choose the correct option )
In the first six months of the first year
In the second six months of the first year
In the first six months of the second year
In the second first months of the second year
27) The sounds / da da da / are possible example of :
28) One of the characteristics of the one-word stage is .. ( Choose the correct option )
A child may use incorrect sentence
A child may use a word instead of sentence
A child may produce correct sentences
A child may produce sentences instead of words
29) A child knows the word " dog", other day he sees another breed of dogs and fails to know that it's a dog . This example of:
30) What happens when the child's vocabulary reaches 50 words?
He starts putting words together ( created sentences )
He starts to produce infinitive clauses
He produces his first morpheme
He starts to understand complex sentences
31) How do we use the mean length of utterance?
The total number of words divided by 50
Add the number of free and bound morphemes and divide by the number of utterance in a language sample
The number of free morphemes multiplied by the number of
Add the number of words and then divide by the number of utterance
32) Who is more likely to understand pragmatic references in discourse:
A one year old a boy
A 17 years old boy
A five year old girl
A 23 month old child
33) Choose the correct statement from the following:
Once a child starts using a morpheme, they continue using it correctly
children will use morphemes variably first then they used later on
Children will start using morphemes at age of 12
Children will not use morphemes correctly even at later stage
34) DerivationaI morphemes are expected to be acquired. answer)
In the child's second year
In the child's 32th month
In the child's 5,h and 6,h years
In the child's 7lh. 8th ,9th years
35) The idea in a person's mind before s/he produces it is called:
Preverbal phonology
Preverbal message
Post verbal message
36) In speech production, which of the following operations takes place after the phonological representation:
Syntactic representation
Lexical access
Morphological representation
37) When a bilingual speaker is speaking in a monolingual mode:
Access to two grammar is possible
Access to one grammar is possible
No access to other grammar
Access to lexicon is possible without access to grammar
38) Knowledge of two languages has two consequences for language production. One of them is :
Unintentional use of a language that is not active in the conversation
Intentional use of a language that has not been acquired
Unintentional use of grammar that is active in the conversation
Producing a word's phonemes
39) Lexical retrieval in Lexical access means :
Processing the word after remembering it
Forgetting word
Making a word ready for processing ( recalling it)
Producing a word's phonemes
40) if someone wants to say ' please give me the hose ‘But says 'nose' instead of' hose'. That gives evidence that lexical items ( words) are organized by their
41) : if someone wants to say " speak " but says' sneak” instead. That is
An error at the phonological representation stage
An error at the syntactic representation stage
An error at the lexical access stage
An error the morphological stage
42) What kind of phonological error is the following saying Steak and sake" instead of" steak and shake "
Perseveration error
Segment exchange error
Anticipation error
Word exchange error
43) In speech perception ( hearing), which of the following operations takes place after the lexical access a stage:
Phonological representation
Articulation stage
Syntactic representation
Morphological representation
44) Which of the following options of related to constructive speech perception:
McGurk effect
Chomsky's effect
Phonological anticipation
Phoneme analysis
45) McGurk effect is
Only experienced when people are tried
Is a result of inattentiveness
Truly illusory (true illusion )
Semantically ambiguous
46) You tell your friend ' bring food for the cat" but he hears the words "food " and ” cat ".He understand that you want him to buy food for the cat. This is an example of:
Top-down processing
Bottom-up processing
No information processing
Top-top processing
47) people use bottom-up information processing when ( choose the right option)
They think in English
They use the acoustic signal to understand a sentence
They have no information processing
Top-top processing
48) Which of the following are used to study lexical access in language perception:
Dichotic listening
Lexical ambiguity tasks
Lexical decision tasks
Lexical production
49) which of the following will be retrieved (remembered) slower in lexical decision tasks:
Infrequent words
Frequent words
Clear words
Frequency lists
50) In lexical decision tasks, there is a.....
Segment exchange error
McGurk effect
Priming effect
Right-ear advantage
51) تم بفضل الله الانتهاء من كتابة الكويز ،ان اصبت فمن الله وان اخطأت فمن نفسي والشيطان وبالتوفيق للجميع ،فالكم A+
سبحان الله
لاإله الا الله
سبحان الله والحمدلله ولااله الا الله والله اكبر
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة اختبار مادة علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الدراسي الاول 1438 /1439 هـ ، د.عبدالعزيز التركي
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة النفسي - د. عبدالعزيز التركي]
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اسئلة اختبار مادة علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الدراسي الاول 1438 /1439 هـ ، د.عبدالعزيز التركي
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القسم: E7
مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة اختبار مادة علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الدراسي الاول 1438 /1439 هـ ، د.عبدالعزيز التركي
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كويزات مشابهة
،الجود من المجود ،اسئلة اختبار الفصل الثاني 1439 مادة اللغة وتقنية المعلومات د.عبدالعزيز ا
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أسئلة اختبار علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الأول للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي
اسئلة اختبار الفصل الدراسي الاول 1438 ~ د. ابراهيم الشناوي ، مادة المسرحية الحديثة
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تبويب اسئلة مبادئ التوريد
أسئلة مراجعة عامة لمادة علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الثاني للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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