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₪[تبويب أسئلة اختبارات اللغويات التطبيقية - الجزء الثالث]₪
[أسئلة اختبار - مرتبة حسب المحاضرات من 9 - 14 (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - د. أحمد السقوفي]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 56
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1) …………… and performance language tests are examples of tests which are based on orientation the way to tests
A. Proficiency tests
B. Language competence test
C. Placement tests
D. Diagnostic tests
2) Language competence test is a test that involves components of language such as vocabulary, ………. and pronunciation
A. listening
B. grammar
C. writing
D. Spelling
3) Language competence test is a test that involves …………..of language such as vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation
A. listening
B. components
C. writing
D. Spelling
4) Language competence test is a test that involves components of language such as vocabulary, grammar and ...............
A. spelling
B. writing
C. pronunciation
D. listening
5) In norm referenced tests, the ………………… selected is chosen by how well it discriminates among student.
A. format
B. style
C. content
D. answer sheet
6) Direct testing is a test that the process to elicit students ............... uses basic skill.
A. persistence
B. existences
C. consistences
D. competences
7) The ……….. selected in norm-referenced tests is chosen by how well it discriminates among students.
A. format
B. style
C. content
D. answer sheet
8) Content selected in norm-referenced tests is chosen by how well it............. among students.
A. communicate
B. achieve
C. discriminates
D. refers
9) Criterion-referenced tests determine what test takers, can do and what they know, not how they ..................others
A. see each
B. deal with each
C. understand each
D. compare to
10) A test is valid if it tests what it is supposed to ............
A. test
B. share
C. mark
D. master
11) A test is ............. if it tests what it is supposed to test.
A. valid
B. practical
C. reliable
D. useful
12) A test which consisted of only three multiple choice items would not convince students of its face …………….
A. reliability
B. validity
C. practicality
D. generalizability
13) If a test gives ................ result it is reliable
A. persistent
B. consistent
C. different
D. new
14) If a test gives consistent result it is ....................
A. Valid
B. Practical
C. Reliable
D. Useful
15) ………………… depends on the people who mark the tests–the scorers.
A- Validity
B- Practicality
C- Reliability
D- Usefulness
16) We can avoid subjectivity by……………………..
A- training scorers
B- Screening
C- Testing
D- aligning test scores
17) Literary Stylistics raises ............. of how there is far more at stake in the use of language than the literal meaning of the words
A. Interests
B. awareness
C. spirits
D. funds
18) ....................... raises awareness of how there is far more at stake in the use of language than the literal meaning of the words
A. Literary Stylistics
B. Psycholinguistics
C. Applied Linguistics
D. Sociolinguistics
19) if a glass is described as "half full" or "half empty" this is an example related to....
A. Semantics
B. Pragmatics
C. Critical Discourse Analysis
D. Linguistics
20) If a bottle of milk is described as either '90% fast-free' or ' 10% fat' this an example related to …………………
A. semantics
B. pragmatics
C. Critical Discourse Analysis
D. Linguistics
21) Saying ‘Genetic modification is a powerful technique’ rather than ‘Researchers who modify genes have a great deal of power’ is an example of …………………………
A. Standardization
B. Passivization
C. Organization
D. Nominalization
22) ……………….. research concerned itself with both explaining and describing the process of acquiring a second language
A. Genre analyzing
B. Corpus linguistics
C. Pragmatics
D. Second Language Acquisition
23) Second Language Acquisition research concerned itself with both explaining and describing the process of ................. a second language.
A. teaching
B. acquiring
C. overcoming
D. learning
24) In structural linguistics Only "publicly observable response" could be subject to .......
A. information
B. investigation
C. simulation
D. standardization
25) In ................. Only "publicly observable response" could be subject to investigation
A. structural linguistics
B. cognitivism
C. behavioral psychology
D. constructivism
26) Classical and operant conditioning, rote verbal learning, instrumental learning, discrimination learning are examples of ………………
A. behavioral psychology
B. cognitivism
C. constructivism
D. structural linguistics
27) in the decade of the 1960s ................. emerged through the influence of Noame Chomsky and a number of his followers.
A. generative transformational linguistics
B. cognitive psychology
C. biological
D. historical
28) The ............. was interested not only in describing language but also in arriving at an explanatory level of adequacy in the study of language
A. generative linguist
B. psycholinguist
C. sociolinguist
D. behavioral psychologist
29) The generative linguist was interested not only in describing language but also in arriving at an explanatory level of .................. in the study of language.
A. adequacy
B. importance
C. discovery
D. observation
30) instead of focusing rather mechanistically on stimulus-response connections, cognitivists tried to discover ............... principles of organization and functioning.
A. sociological
B. psychological
C. biological
D. historical
31) A refreshing characteristic of ................... is its integration of linguistic, sychological, and sociological paradigms?
A. behaviorism
B. cognitive psychology
C. structuralism
D. constructivism
32) Social constructivism emphasizes the importance of social interaction and .......... in constructing both cognitive and emotional images of reality
A. Evaluation
B. cooperative learning
C. acquisition
D. development
33) Social constructivism emphasizes the importance of social interaction and cooperative learning in constructing both cognitive and ............ images of reality
A. representational
B. personal
C. fictional
D. emotional
34) one of the most popular concepts advanced by ............ was the notion of the a zone of proximal development (ZPD) in every learner
A. Noam Chomsky
B. Vygotsky
C. Henry Sweet
D. John Swales
35) Tabula rasa is a clean slate bearing no preconceived notions about the world or about .......
A. society
B. language
C. paralanguage
D. context
36) ................... is a clean slate bearing no preconceived notions about the world or about language.
A. Lingua franca
B. Paralanguage
C. Second Language Acquisition
D. Tabula rasa
37) competence is one's underlying ........... of the system of a language
A. behavior
B. interaction
C. knowledge
D. pattern
38) ...................... is one's underlying knowledge of the system of a language.
A. practice
B. interaction
C. competence
D. performance
39) The underlying ........... of the system of a language competence
A. behavior
B. interaction
C. knowledge
D. pattern
40) The relatively permanent incorporation of incorrect linguistic forms into a person's second language competence has been referred to as .................
A. imitation
B. fossilization
C. stabilization
D. realization
41) ……. is defined as the relatively permanent incorporation of incorrect linguistic forms into a person's second language competence
A. Stabilization
B. Imitation
C. Realization
D. Fossilization
42) Cognitive information is usually conveyed by means of .......... devices
A. Affective
B. linguistic
C. Positive
D. assertive
43) ................ information is usually conveyed by means of linguistic devices.
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Cognitive
D. affective
44) L: I Lost my road. T: Oh ,yeah, i see ,you lost your way. and then what happened? This type of feedback is referred to as..................
A. metalinguistic feedback
B. elicitation
C. clarification request
D. recast
45) Which category of error treatment the example is talking about: ¨ Learner: When I have 12 years old …… Teacher: No, not have, You mean, "When I was 12 years old ….."
A. clarification request
B. metalinguistic feedback
C. explicit correction
D. elicitation
46) أسئلة الواجب
47) Language planning is the making of decisions, often supported by legislation, about the official status of……..and their institutional use, including their use in education.
a- languages
b- literature
c- people
d- letters
48) …………is bound to represent an abstract idealization of language rather than the way it is experienced in the real world.
a- Linguistics
b- Applied Linguistics
c- Sociolinguistics
d- Psycholinguistics
49) The way into the new language in the……..was always through the student's own first language.
a- Natural Language Learning
b- Grammar Translation Approach
c- Direct Method
d- Communicative Method
50) ……..means that when we speak we do not only communicate through words.
a- paralanguage
b- genre
c- pragmatics
d- Linguistics
51) Proficiency tests, diagnostic tests, placement tests,achievement tests, and language aptitude tests are examples of tests which
a- purposes
b- orientation and the way to test
c- score interpretation
d- response
52) Multiple-choice tests. true or false test, matching and problem based questions are examples of……
a- Objective tests
b- Subjective tests
c- Language Aptitude tests
d- Speed tests
53) ………………… depends on the people who mark the tests–the scorers.
A- Validity
B- Practicality
c- Reliability
D- Usefulness
54) We can avoid subjectivity by……………………..
a- training scorers
B- Screening
C- Testing
D- aligning test scores
55) If food item is described as either ‘90% fat-free’ or ‘10% fat’ this is an example related to…………………
A. semantics
B. pragmatics
c- Critical Discourse Analysis
D. Linguistics
56) 4) Saying ‘Genetic modification is a powerful technique’ rather than ‘Researchers who modify genes have a great deal of power’ is an example of ………………………….
A. Standardization
b- Passivization
C. Organization
D. Nominalization
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₪[تبويب أسئلة اختبارات اللغويات التطبيقية - الجزء الثالث]₪
[أسئلة اختبار - مرتبة حسب المحاضرات من 9 - 14 (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - د. أحمد السقوفي]
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