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₪[ تبويب أسئلة اختبارات الشعر الإنجليزي في العصر الروم : 3 & Lecture 1 & 2 ]₪
[أسئلة اختبار]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 49
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1) The Romantic Movement's impact ……..
A. Goes side by side with the Modern Poetry
B. Contradicts the Victorian movement
C. can be felt everywhere in literature
D. Has no place in literature
2) The influence of Romantic Movement .....................
A. Goes side by side with the Modern Poetry
B. Conducts the Victorian Movement
C. Doesn't exist any more
D. Can be felt everywhere in the literature
3) Romantic poetry displays …… in man.
A new faith
B. Conducts the Victorian Movement
4) Romantic poetry underestimates ____ as the only basis of poetry
a- Violence
b- Negotiations
c- Emotions
d- Rational intellect
5) Romantic Poetry rejected …………as the only source of poetry
A. Violence
B. Negotiations
C. Emotions
D. Rational intellect.
6) Romantic Poetry ......................... rational intellect as the only source of poetry
A. Accepted
B. Adopted
C. Rejected
D. Considered
7) Poetry to the Romantics is an expression of .........................
A. Anger
B. Happiness
C. Hatred
D. Emotions
8) The ............ Consider poetry as an expression of emotion
A. Greeks
B. Italian critics
C. Romantics
D. Modern
9) To the …… poetry is a manifestation of sentiments
a- Greeks
b- Italian critics
c- Romantics
d- Moderns
10) All Romantic literature is ………………
A- Subjective
B- Objective
C- Detached
D- Neutral
11) romantic poetry nature ………
A. Can share with the poet his sorrows only
B. Cannot share with the poet his joys and sorrows
C. Can share with the poet his joys and sorrows
D. Doesn't feel the poet
12) In Romantic poetry, every poet has his own individual …..
13) English Romanticism is a revolt against ….century traditions and customs. 
14) A close repetition of consonant sounds is ……….
A. Malapropism
B. Alliteration
C. Aubade
D. Personification
15) Alliteration is ………...
A. Close repetition of consonant sounds
B. An author's choice of words
C. A comparison between two devices
D. An extended narrative poem
16) …. Is when consonant sounds occur repeatedly close to each other
a- Malapropism
b- Alliteration
c- Abide
d- Personification
17) William Blake died in ..........................
A. 1827
B. 1828
C. 1824
D. 1825
18) The Little Black Boy was written by .........................
A. Byron
B. Blake
C. Wordsworth
D. Coleridge
19) 19) The Little Black Boy is one of the ................................
A. Songs of Innocence
B. Songs of Pleasure
C. Songs of Tragedy
D. Songs of Experienc
20) The Little Black Boy is a plea against…………………. .
B- Racial discrimination
C- Justice
D- Fairness
21) According to Blake, the body is ...................................
A. A nightmare
B. A passing car
C. A colored cloud.
D. A sweet dream
22) The body in ''The little Black Boy'' is………..
A. A nightmare
B. house
C. A colored cloud
D. of a great worth
23) After the mother's lesson the boy strongly believes that the body is …. In "the little black boy"
a- A nightmare
b- A house
c- A colored cloud
d- Of a great worth
24) Nature in Romantic poetry …………
Is a breathing thing
25) The body in The Little Black Boy is ……… 
A nightmare / highly esteemed / of no distinction / of a great value
Is a breathing thing
26) Lecture 2
Lecture 2
27) The boy in The little Black Boy is striving to………… .
A. competes with his friends
B. know his country
C. find food
D. know his own identity
28) The Little Blake Boy is a story of a boy who ...................
A. Came to Know some aliens
B. Came to Know his neighbors.
C. Came to Know his own identity
D. Came to Know his country
29) The little Black Boy consists of………………………..
A- Five stanzas.
B- Six stanzas.
C- Seven stanzas
D- Eight stanzas
30) The rhyme scheme in The Little Black Boy is ………
31) The Little Black boy is a call for ……..
A. Racial discrimination
B. Equality
C. Sleeping early
D. Eating fruits
32) …………. is the main task of the boy in The Little Black Boy
A. Getting money
B. Learning a new language
C. Finding food
D. self discovery
33) Lecture 3
Lecture 3
34) Blake is one of the prominent figures of the ........................
A. Roman age.
B. Modern age
C. Romantic Age
D. Victorian age
35) The tiger is included in Blake's …………….
A. Songs of Innocence
B. Songs of Pleasure
C. Songs of Animals
D. Songs of Experience
36) The main Idea of The Tyger revolves around ……. ? ? ?
A. who killed the tiger
B. who bought the tiger ?
C. who created the tiger
D. who hunted the tiger
37) In The Tyger, the use of questions stresses the poet's ….. at the amazingly skillful creation of the tiger.
The creator of the tiger
38) The focal idea in The Tyger revolves around ……….
The creator of the tiger
39) Comparisons of the tiger and his eyes fire is an example of ........ Is The Tiger''
A. Assonance
B. Personification
C. Caesuras
D. Metaphor
40) The tiger's eyes are compared to fire as an example of ….. in "the Tyger"
a- Assonance
b- Personification
c- Caesura
d- Metaphor
41) An example of metaphor in The Tyger is ................. ..
A. Comparison of the tiger and his eyes to the lion
B. Comparison of the tiger and his eyes to fire
C. Comparison of the tiger to ice
D. Comparison of the tiger and his eyes to the rainbow
42) An embodiment of God's creative ability expresses the ....... meaning of The Tyger
A. Peripheral
B. External
C. Superficial
D. Deeper
43) 10) The deeper meaning of the" The Tyger" is ...........................
A. An image of the poet's himself.
B. an embodiment of God's creative ability
C. An image of the wild life
D. An image of the tiger.
44) God's amazing talent is displayed in the ….. meaning of the Tyger
a- Peripheral
b- Surface
c- Deeper
d- Superficial
45) 12) The poem" The Tyger " contains of ……….
A. Three stanzas
B. Five stanzas
C. Two stanzas
D. Six stanzas
46) In The Tiger each stanza is ……………… lines long.
A- Three
B- Four
C- Five
D- Six
47) …….is a poem made of questions, there are no less than thirteen questions marks
A. The Rainbow
B. Next, Please
C. The Tiger
D. The Eagle
48) "The Tyger " is a poem made of questions. There are no less than ............. question marks.
A. Fifteen
B. Fourteen
C. Twelve
D. Thirteen
49) About thirteen questions are raised in ….
a- Next Please
b- The Tiger
c- The Eagle
d- The farm
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₪[ تبويب أسئلة اختبارات الشعر الإنجليزي في العصر الروم : 3 & Lecture 1 & 2 ]₪
[أسئلة اختبار]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
تم حل الكويز 6 مرة بنسبة نجاح 81%
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