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₪[ تبويب أسئلة اختبارات الشعر الإنجليزي في العصر الروم : 6 & Lectures 4 & 5 ]₪
[أسئلة اختبار]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) William Wordsworth was born in. .............................
A. 1773
B. 1770
C. 1771
D. 1772
2) Daffodils 'that reminds us about the arrival of the ......... season
A. Winter
B. Autumn
C. Spring
D. Summer
3) "Daffodils' belong to the………………..
A. Romantic age
B. modern age
C. roman age
D. Elizabethan age
4) Daffodils is an outstanding demonstrative of……..
A. Romantic age
B. modern age
C. roman age
D. Elizabethan age
5) Daffodils can best express the …..
a- Romantic age
b- Modern age
c- Roman age
d- Elizabethan
6) ''Daffodils'' is one of the most popular poems of the .................
A. Post Victorian age
B. Victorian age
C. Romantic Age
D. Modern age
7) The fantastic shape and smell give a special beauty to ……
A. The sky
B. The daffodils
C. The Eagle
D. The Dust
8) " Daffodils" is an excellent representative of ……..
A. Romantic age
B. Suffering of modern man
C. Hallucination of the poet
D. Elizabethan age
9) In................. the heads of the flowers were tossing.
A. In Memoriam
B. Daffodils
C. Break, Break, Break
D. To Daffodils
10) In …… the cheerfulness of the flowers is exemplified in tossing their heads
a- In memoriam
b- Daffodils
c- Break Break Break
d- To Daffodils
11) The golden flowers in "Daffodils" were tossing their …………..
A. Hands
B. Heads
C. Legs
D. Shoulder
12) The strong influence of........ On man is obviously clear in "Daffodils".
A. technology
B. nature
C. sickness
D. globalization
13) " Daffodils " is about the everlasting effect of .......... on man
A. Mashed
B. Sickness
C. Animals
D. Nature
14) The strong impact of ……….n man is noticeably clear in Daffodils.
A. Mashed
B. Sickness
C. Animals
D. Nature
15) In Daffodils, Wordsworth emphasizes his identification with……... . .
A- His family
B- His friends
C- His society
D- Nature
16) ….. inspires wordsworth and gives him inner peacefulness
a- Football
b- Writing
c- Family
d- Nature
17) The tossing of the flowers' heads in Daffodils is a sign of the
A. Sadness
B. Happiness
C. Size
D. Hunger
18) The rhyme scheme of Daffodils is ………………………
19) Poetic creation is an obvious demonstration of ......... In "Daffodils''
A. Wordsworth's theory
B. Milton's view
C. Byron's theory
D. Herrich's theoy
20) Wordsworth recalled the beautiful sight of ...............after returning back to his ordinary life
A. His family
B. The eagle
C. Flowers
D. His daughters
21) Daffodils" illustrates Wordsworth’s theory of .....................
A. Poetic creation
B. Poetic participation
C. Dramatic action
D. Poetic demonstration
22) In Daffodils, Wordsworth's theory is clearly presented by …..
A. Poetic creation
B. Poetic participation
C. Dramatic action
D. Poetic demonstration
23) After returning back to his ordinary life, Wordsworth .............. the beautiful sight of the flowers
A. Forgot
B. Recollected
C. Overlooked
D. Disregard
24) The delightful sight of flowers was evoked Wordsworth after ……
Returning home
Returning to His city
25) Lecture 5
Lecture 5
26) The Rhyme Scheme in "The Rainbow" is …….
A. Abccabedd
B. Aaccabbdd
C. Abccaeedd
D. Abbcabedd
27) …….. for Wordsworth, was his main source of spiritual comfort
A. Football
B. Writing
C. Family
D. Nature
28) For Wordsworth, Nature was his main source of............
A. disappointment
B. spiritual comfort
C. grief
D. sadness
29) Lecture 6
Lecture 6
30) Byron was born in ................
A. 1788
B. 1789
C. 1791
D. 1790
31) She Walks in Beauty is a ....................................... poem .
A. dramatic
B. lyric
C. tragic
D. comic
32) She Walks in Beauty " was written in ............................
A. 1816
B. 1813
C. 1815
D. 1814
33) Byron wrote a masterpiece entitled …….
A. She Walks in Beauty
B. She Eats in Beauty
C. She Talks in Beauty
D. She Sleeps in Beauty
34) is the central idea in She Walks in Beauty
A. Internal beauty only
B. Wisdom
C. Internal and external beauty
D. External beauty only
35) The theme of " She Walks in Beauty " is she woman'
A. Ugliness
B. Internal beauty only
C. External beauty only
D. Internal and external beauty
36) The pivotal idea in she Walks in Beauty is ….
a- Internal beauty only
b- Wisdom
c- Internal and external beauty
d- External beauty only
37) To Byron the beauty of the night is more tender than
A. evening
B. spring
C. winter
D. the day
38) According to Byron the beauty of the night is ..................... that of the day.
A. Equal to
B. Less tender than.
C. More beautiful than
D. Not compared to
39) According to Byron the beauty of the night is ..................... that of the day. .
A. Equal to
B. Less tender than
C. More tender than
D. Not compared to
40) To Byron the splendor of the night is more affectionate than
A. evening
B. spring
C. winter
D. the day
41) 12) According to Byron, the beauty of the soul is ....... important than physical beauty
A. High
B. The same
C. Less
D. Equal
42) Byron believes that the beauty of the............ Is more important than physical beauty
A. soul
B. face
C. nature
D. features
43) Byron paid much consideration to the prettiness of ……
A. soul
B. face
C. nature
D. features
44) Byron paid much attention to the beauty of ……..
A. Soul
B. Words
C. Nature
D. Technology
45) According to Byron, the beauty of the soul is .......... important than physical beauty.
A. More
B. The same
C. Less
D. Equal
46) In She Walks in Beauty, the lady wears……………… dress.
A- A red
B- A blue
C- A white
D- A dark
47) ABABAB is the rhyme scheme of the ...................in She Walks in Beauty
A. Third Stanza Stanza
B. Fourth
C. First stanza
D. Second Stanza
48) Is She Walks in Beauty the rhyme scheme of the first stanza is...................
A. Abbabb
B. Ababab
C. Aabbcc
D. Aabcbc
49) In" She Walks in Beauty " an example of ....................... is comparing the movement of the beautiful woman to the movement of the skies.
A. Metonymy
B. Metaphor
C. Simile.
D. Personification
50) An example of simile in she walks in beauty is comparing the movement the beautiful............... To the movement of the skies .
A. birds
B. women
C. little girls
D. eyes
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₪[ تبويب أسئلة اختبارات الشعر الإنجليزي في العصر الروم : 6 & Lectures 4 & 5 ]₪
[أسئلة اختبار]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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