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₪[ تبويب أسئلة اختبارات الشعر الإنجليزي في العصر الروم : Lectures 10 & 11 ]₪
[أسئلة مراجعة]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 48
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1) The British society witnessed............ Change in the Victorian age
A. No
B. Drastic
C. Few
D. Slight
2) …… variations occurred during the Victorian age in the British society
a- No
b- Drastic
c- Few
d- Slight
3) The Victorian Poetry was an age of ............... changes in the British society
A. Sight
B. Inappreciable
C. Drastic
D. No
4) The Victorian Age was the age of ...............
A. Feminism
B. Naturalism
C. Romanticism
D. Imperialism
5) The ……….. age was an age of imperialism.
A- Post Romantic
B- Modern
C- Romantic
D- Victorian
6) Was the prevailing feature in the Victorian poetry
A. Grievance(imperialism)
B. Feminist
C. Romanticism
D. Naturalism
7) The ............................. age was an age of scientific progress .
A. post modern
B. Victorian.
C. Romantic
D. Modern
8) The Victorian Age was an age of……………………
A. post modern
B. scientific progress
C. Romantic
D. Modern
9) Victorian poetry always highlights the worth of ……
A. post modern
B. scientific progress
C. Romantic
D. Modern
10) Scientific progress was a dominating characteristic in the ....... poetry.
A. Romantic
B. Victorian
C. Modern
D. Post modern
11) The main characteristic of the early Victorian Age was ……
A. Faith in nothingness
B. Belief in regress
C. Disbelief in progress
D. Faith in the reality Poetry Of progress
12) Faith in the reality of progress was the main characteristic of the ...........
A. Modern Victorian Age
B. Early romantic age
C. Late Victorian Age
D. Early Victorian Age
13) ……. Was an essential feature in the early Victorian age
a- Faith in nothingness
b- Belief in regress
c- Disbelief in progress
d- Faith in the reality of progress
14) Doubt and skepticism became the main characteristic of the …… age.
Later Victorian
Modern Victorian Age
Early romantic age
15) Weak religious belief was a main characteristic in the ……
A. Victorian poetry
B. Romantic poetry
C. Roman poetry
D. Modern poetry
16) The Victorian Age was an age of ...................
A. Modern religious belief
B. Weak religious belief
C. No religious belief
D. Strong religious belief
17) The wife in My Last Duchess was …….
A. A rebellious wife
B. An atrocious wife
C. A domineering wife
D.A submissive wife
18) 18) In My Last Duchess the duke didn't like his …….
A. Rebellious wife
B. Nasty wife
C. Ugly wife
D. Submissive wifE
19) In My Last Duchess, the Duke was..........
A. A democratic husband
B. A domineering husband
C. A submissive husband
D. A weak husband
20) The duchess had the habit of
21) Lecture 11
Lecture 11
22) The messenger, in My Last Duchess, saw ………
A. The portrait
B. The diamonds
C. The dolls
D. The parents
23) The envoy, in My Last Duchess, saw …….. of the last Duchess.
A. The portrait
B. The diamonds
C. The dolls
D. The parents
24) The Duke exhibits the picture of this last wife to ….
a- The messenger
b- His wife
c- His mother
d- His friends
25) The Duke, My Last Duchess, shows .............. the portrait of the last Duchess.
A. the messenger
B. his wife
C. his mother
D. his friends
26) In My Last Duchess The Duke shows to the messenger .............. of the last Duchess. .
A. The letters
B. The jewelry
C. The portrait
D. The clothes
27) ………….of the Duchess were colored with a faint blush in the portrait.
A. Cheeks
B. Lips
C. Rose
D. Ears
28) The color of the duchess' ….. show that she is shy
a- Cheeks
b- Lips
c- Clothes
d- Diamonds
29) In the portrait, the Duchess is shown to have a faint blush on her …………
A. Lips
B. Ears
C. Rose
D. Cheeks
30) The behavior of his last Duchess made the Duke always
A. Satisfied
B. Fault-finding
C. Delighted
D. Happy
31) My first issue of My Last Duchess was in.................
A. Dramatic monolog
B. The wedding celebration
C. Romantic Lyrics
D. Dramatic Romances
32) The Duke in .............. was negotiating his second marriage
A. My Last Duchess
B. My Second Wife
C. My Coming Duchess
D. My Last Widow
33) In My Last Duchess the Duke of Ferrara was negotiating his................ marriage
A. Third
B. Fourth
C. First
D. Second
34) The issue of a second marriage is raised in …….
a- My Last Duchess
b- The Wedding Party
c- My Coming Duchess
d- My Last Widow
35) The rhyme scheme in " My last Duchess " is
36) Browning first published poem under the 9tle "I. Italy" in 1842 in
A. Love Lyrics
B. Dramatic Lyrics
C. Romantic Lyrics
D. Dramatic Romances
37) My Last Duchess was first published in ………………….
A. Romantic lyrics
B. Dramatic romances
C. Love lyrics
D. Dramatic lyrics
38) The first issue of " My Last Duchess " was in
A. Love Lyrics
B. Dramatic Romances
C. Romantic Lyrics
D. Dramatic Lyrics
39) My Last Duchess was written by .................
A. Keats
B. Byron
C. Browning
D. Shelly
40) The word monologue is derived from a/an …….. word
41) The main theme of my Last Duchess was discussed in ……..
a- Dramatic monologue
b- The wedding celebration
c- Romantic lyrics
d- Dramatic lyrics
42) The setting of "My Last Duchess," a highly acclaimed 1842 poem by Robert Browning, is..…
A. the palace
B. Car
C. Play guard
D. Courtyard
43) The ........... of My Last Duchess is the palace of the Duke of Ferrara
A. Theme
B. Rising action
C. Plot
D. setting
44) The setting of " My Last Duchess ",is the ................. of the Duke of Ferrara
A. Car
B. Play guard
C. Courtyard
D. Palace
45) The behavior of his last Duchess made the Duke always.................
A. Pleased
B. Critical
C. Delighted
D. Satisfied
46) 23) The Duke is .......................... of the conduct of his last Duchess
A. Critical
B. Satisfied
C. Pleased
D. Delighted
47) Count of ...................... is the father of the Duke's bride to be ?
A. Byrol
B. Ferrara
C. Tyrol
D. Nyrol
48) Count of Tyrol is the ….. of the duke's bride-to-be.
A. Father
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₪[ تبويب أسئلة اختبارات الشعر الإنجليزي في العصر الروم : Lectures 10 & 11 ]₪
[أسئلة مراجعة]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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مطر ابن السماء

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