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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

₪[ تبويب أسئلة اختبارات الفكر والثقافة الإنجليزية :9 & 7 Lectures ]₪
[أسئلة اختبار]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 45
- بعد إنهاء حل الكويز يمكنك تحميله بصيغة PDF.
- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) Believing in or worshipping idols, plant, rocks, mountains, rivers , animals or other objects:
A- Hinduism
B- Paganism
C- Atheism
D- Christianity
2) Believing in or worshipping idols status plants rocks mountain rivers animals or other objects:
A. Buddhism
B. Christianity
C. Paganism
D. Atheism
3) Is the rejecting of belief in the existence of deities in a narrower sense atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities (god):
A. Buddhism
B. Christianity
C. Paganism
D. Atheism
4) Rejection of belief in the existence of God:
A- Hinduism
B- Paganism
C- Atheism
D- Christianity
5) Before …..... Century the existence of God was so universally accepted in the western word
A. 18th century
B. 17th century
C. 20th century
D. 19th century
6) Before 18th century the existence of God was so universally accepted in the western word
A. Movement theory
B. Darwins theory evaluation
C. Aristotle theory
D. None of the above
7) They belief in many gods:
A. Buddhism
B. Christianity
C. Judaism
D. Hinduism
8) Buddha was taken as god.
A. Buddhism
B. Christianity
C. Judaism
D. Hinduism
9) Belief in one god for the Jews only
A. Buddhism
B. Islam
C. Judaism
D. Christianity
10) Trinity is:
A. Buddhism
B. Islam
C. Judaism
D. Christianity
11) God the father, god the son, god the holy spirits
A. Judaism
B. Islam
C. Christianity
D. Buddhism
12) Believe in one true god Allah for all
A. Islam
B. Christianity
C. Buddhism
D. Judaism
13) Lectures 9
Lectures 9
14) Darwin defined evaluation as: "Descent with modification, the idea that species change over time, give rise to…... "
A. New species and share common ancestor
B. Old species and share common ancestor
C. New species and share specific ancestor
D. English thought and culture
15) Darwin defined evolution as :
Descent with modification
New species
16) Your great ancestor was
A. Snake
B. Not a monkey
C. a monkey
D. Chimpanzee
17) The French revolution had a major impact on :
All over Europe
18) Darwin's theory of evolution led to:
A- Atheism
B- Hinduism
C- Christianity
D- Islam
19) Because of the Darwin's theory people started to believe in
a- Atheism
b- Hinduism
c- Christianity
d- Islam
20) Before Charles Darwin's theory most of the countries believe in
A. Natural
B. Chimpanzee
C. Catholic Church
D. God
21) The French revaluation was in ……
A. Italy
B. United state
C. France
D. Turkey
22) The French revaluation was a revolution in French from ……. To …….
A. 1789-1799
B. 1798-1800
C. 1801-1805
D. 1987-1997
23) The French Revolution led to:
A. The end of the king and many wars
B. Became emperor
C. Charles Darwin
D. Atheism
24) The French revaluation ended when ……….. Took power in November 1799
A. Socrates
B. Aristotle
C. Plato
D. Napoleon Bonaparte
25) Napoleon Bonaparte became:
A. King
B. Prince
C. Emperor
D. Chief
26) Before 1789, France revolution France was ruled by
A. Kings – Catholic church
B. Nobles - Catholic church
C. Princes - Catholic church
D. None of the above
27) The ideas of France revaluation were to make the ordinary people gain more …
A. Money
B. Experience
C. Power
D. Muscles
28) The idea behind the French revolution was :
The ordinary people gain more political power
The ordinary people gain more Money
The ordinary people gain more Muscles
29) The French Revolution had a great impact on the
A. Western culture
B. Northern culture
C. Eastern culture
D. All of the above
30) The renaissance: a cultural movement from…..to…. century
A- 14-17
B- 15-16
C- 19-18
D- 11-22
31) A cultural movement stated from the 14th to the 17th century
a- The Renaissance
c- The concept
d- The French revolution
32) The renaissance is:
A. Industrial movement
B. Thought movement
C. Political movement
D. Cultural movement
33) The renaissance beginning from:
A. 14th to 17th century
B. 13th to 18th century
C. 12th to 15th century
D. 14th to 20th century
34) Cultural movement beginning in:
A. Russia
B. France
C. Italy
D. United state
35) The renaissance started in:
A- English
B- Italy
C- France
D- Germany
36) It started as a cultural movement in Italy : T
he Renaissance
The Enlightenment
37) Cultural movement bringing in Italy in the:
A. Early middle ages
B. Late middle Ages
C. Early ages
D. Middle Ages
38) The renaissance started in:
A. Modern period
B. Late period
C. Early period
D. The Medieval period
39) The renaissance spread to the rest of ……..
A. Asia
B. North America
C. Europe
D. South America
40) The renaissance spread to the rest of Europe, marking the beginning of the
A. The Medieval period
B. Modern age
C. Late age
D. Early age
41) The renaissance encompasses the flowering of
A. Latin language
B. France language
C. English language
D. Arabic language
42) The Renaissance best known for :
Development of Financial
Development of language
43) Greek affected our life today they were the first who introduced the …
a- Right of the citizens
b- Right of the rulers
c- Right of the county
d- Right of the foreigners
44) Humanism is:
A. Movement which emphasized the importance of creating citizens who were able to engage in the civil life of their community
B. Movement which emphasized the crating Charles Darwin theory who were able to engage in the civil live of their community
C. Movement which emphasized the importance of creating citizens who were not able to engage in the civil life of their community
D. Movement which emphasized the crating Charles Darwin theory who were not able to engage in the civil live of their community
45) Types of Invasion
A- Political
B- Financial
C- Intellectual
D- All of them
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[أسئلة اختبار]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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