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₪[ تبويب أسئلة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - 11/12 Lectures ]₪
[د/محمد هلال]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 57
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1) 1) Speakers tend to use their linguistic identity in order ……..
a. to disguise their membership of a particular social or regional group.
b. to distance themselves from a particular social or regional group.
c. to move closer to another group they want to belong to.
d. All the above.
2) 2) Speakers tend to use their linguistic identity in order ……..
a. to disguise their membership of a particular social or regional group.
b. to not distance themselves from a particular social or regional group.
c. to kill one person from any group
d. to organize serial killings
3) 3) Speakers tend to use their linguistic identity in order to disguise their membership of a particular social or regional group and ………..
a. to distill the water of a particular social group and moan about another group.
b. to distance their children from a particular group and to establish another group they want to belong to .
c. to distort a particular regional group and to attack a group they want to belong to.
d. to distance themselves from a particular social or regional group and to move closer to another group they want to belong to.
4) 4) Using.... is one of the most obvious linguistic ways of establishing people’s identity.
5) 5) In the ………… religion, a child was given two names. The first name was believed to give the child strength and the second was believed to protect the child.
a. Hindu.
b. Muslim
c. Christian
d. Jewish
6) 6) In the Hindu religion, a child can be given two names ;the first name was believed…..
a. to give the child weakness and the second was believed to kill him
b. to give the child a present and the second was believed to attack him
c. to give the child the seventh present and the second was believed to defend him
d. to give the child strength and the second was believed to protect the him
7) 7) According to the ……… religion, a child was given two names , the first name was believed to give the child strength and the second was believed to protect the child.
a. Muslim
b. Jewish
c. Christian
d. None of the above
8) 8) The giving of a …… can indicate the acceptance of an individual into a particular culture.
a. Fame
b. Game
c. Name
d. Aim
9) 9) Names can cause problems, particularly if they …….… with the conventions of a community
a. don’t fit in.
b. conform
c. agree
d. are very long.
10) 10) Names can cause problems, particularly if they ……………
a. don’t fit in with the consumption of a community
b. fit in with the conventions of a community
c. don’t fit in with the conventions of a community
d. don’t fit in with the conventions of a immunity
11) 11) Choose the correct sentences
a. Names cause no proclaims, particularly if they don’t fit in with the conference of a community
b. Names can cause problems, if they fit in with the conventions of a community
c. Names can cause problems, if they don’t fit in with the universal conventions of a community
d. Names can cause problems, particularly if they don’t fit in with the conventions of a community
12) 12) if NAMES, do not fit in with the ……... of a community, they can cause problems
a. conversions
b. conversations
c. conductions
d. conventions
13) 13) Children’s playground practice of ,calling someone names’ a powerful resource for a dominant group to enforce their dominance and…….others
a. Maximize
b. Memories
c. Marginalize
d. Modernize
14) 14) To disregard the rules of the systems of address can lead to some form of ………
a. approval or can be interpreted as a complement
b. disproval or cannot be interpreted as an insult
c. disapproval or can be interpreted as an insult
d. disestablishment or can be interpreted as an implan
15) 15) To disregard the rules of the systems of address can lead to some form of ____
a- Approval
b- Removal
c- Disapproval
d- Refusal
16) 16) Read the following dialogue between a black American doctor and a White American policeman and answer the question that follows: a. What’s your name, boy? b. Dr. poussaint. I’m a physician c. What’s your first name, boy/ d. Alvin Using the address term ‘ boy ‘shows that the policeman is
a. Unintentionally insulting the doctor by acknowledging his age, rank and status
b. Deliberately interpreting the doctor’s knowledge , age , rank or status
c. Deliberately insulting the doctor by not acknowledging his age , rank or status
d. Deliberately respecting the doctor by acknowledging his knowledge , age , rank or status
17) Lecture 12
Lecture 12
18) 1) Labels of identity are imposed by people who may………….
a. speak two languages
b. be in a more powerful position
c. have no powerful position
d. live in Saudi Arabia.
19) 2) According to Sacks 1995, Labels of identity are imposed by people who may be ……
a. in a less powerful position.
b. in a more powerful position.
c. in a more powerless position.
d. in a more forceful cohesion.
20) 3) According to sacks 1995, we do not always control the categories people use to define our…..
a. Indemnity
b. Inequity
c. Integrity
d. Identity
21) 4) our status within a social group can be constructed through ..... 
language use
Name use
22) 5) ……… is a social group to which the speaker belongs.
a. Garage
b. Outgrou
c. Ingroup
d. Accent
23) 6) The …….. comprises people who do not belong to that group.
a. Garage
b. Ingroup
c. Accent
d. Outgroup
24) 7) Gang members may use certain expressions with each other that mark them as members of a particular gang or ……...
a. Ingroup
b. Dialect
c. Accent
d. Outgroup
25) 8) Members of a gang may use certain expressions with each other that ……..
a. mark them as members of a particular outgroup.
b. mark them as members of a particular entrance or ingress.
c. mark them as members of a general jargon or dialect.
d. mark them as members of a particular gang or ingroup.
26) 9) ……..refers to the notion that speakers will take into account whom they are addressing and alter their speech style accordingly.
a. Linguistic convergence
b. Audience design
c. Linguistic maintenance
d. Linguistics
27) 10) Audience design refers to the notion that speakers will take into account ……
a. whom they are adding to the list and alter their writing style accordingly.
b. whom they are watching and alter their reading style accordingly.
c. whom they are addressing and alter their speech style accordingly.
d. whom they are working for and alter their contract strategies accordingly.
28) 11) .………..is a process in which speakers change their speech to make it more similar to that of their hearer.
a. Linguistics
b. Linguistic study
c. Linguistic convergence
d. Semantics.
29) 12) Linguistic convergence is a process in which speakers change their speech to make it more similar to that of their…….
a. Speaker
b. Hearer
c. Girls
d. Children
30) 13) ……..in which speakers change their speech to make it more similar to that of their hearer
a. Linguistic maintenance is a process
b. Linguistic divergence is a process
c. Linguistic diseases is a process
d. Linguistic convergence is a process
31) 14) …… speakers change their speech to make it more similar to that of their hearer
a. Linguistic maintenance is a process in which
b. Linguistic divergence is a process in which
c. Linguistic diseases is a process in which
d. Linguistic convergence is a process in which
32) 15) ……..…is a process in which speakers may choose not to converge, but instead to maintain their own variety.
a. Linguistic divergence
b. Linguistic convergence
c. Audience design
d. Linguistic maintenance
33) 16) The term linguistic maintenance refers to process in which …. their own variety
a. Speakers may choose not to converge but instead to maintain
b. Instructors choose not to maintain but instead to converge
c. Writers may choose not to contain but instead to diverge
d. listeners choose not to converge but instead to elevate
34) 17) Linguistic maintenance is a process in which …………….
a. speakers may choose not to maintain, but instead to converge their own variety.
b. writers may choose not to mountain, but instead to diverge their own variety.
c. may choose not to converge, but instead to maintain their own variety
d. listeners may choose not to converge, but instead to champagne their own variety.
35) 18) Choose the correct sentence.
a. Linguistic maintenance is a process in which speakers may choose not to converge, but instead to maintain their own variety.
b. Linguistic divergence is a process in which speakers may choose not to speak at all, but to maintain any variety.
c. Linguistic convergence is a process in which speakers choose not to converge nor to maintain their variety.
d. Linguistic maintenance is a process in which listener choose n to use the addressee’s variety.
36) 19) ………… is a process in which speakers choose to move away from the linguistic norms of their hearer in order to emphasise the difference between themselves and the person or people they are talking to.
a. Linguistic divergence
b. Linguistic convergence
c. Audience design
d. Linguistic maintenance.
37) 20) The term Linguistic divergence is a process in which ………………
a. speakers choose to move closer to the Linguistic norms of their hearer
b. speakers choose not to move away from the Linguistic norms of their writers
c. speakers loose to move away from the lingering norms of their harper
d. speakers choose to move away from the Linguistic norms of their hearer
38) 21) Choose the correct sentences
a. Loss of a language can be associated with a loss of cultural fortuity.
b. Loss of a luggage cannot be associated with a floss of social ideology.
c. Loss of a language can be disassociated from the loss of political identity.
d. Loss of a language can be associated with a loss of cultural identity.
39) 22) Languages can be lost because …………….
a. speakers may choose to shift from one language to another as social conditions change
b. people may learn another language especially English
c. One language may be studied as a course at school or university
d. both b and c
40) 23) One language may be imposed and another suppressed by a dominant power.
imperialism language
Linguistic convergence
41) 24) Choose incorrect sentence:
a. Loss of Language can also be associated with a loss of cultural identity
b. Speakers may choose to shift from one language to another as social conditions change
c. One language may be imposed and another suppressed by dominant power
d. Non-standard English is the dialect of literacy education
42) 25) The dialect known as Standard English has special status because …………
a. It is the dialect of governmental and legal institutions and the dialect of literacy and education.
b. It is the dialect taught as ‘English’ to foreign learners and the dialect of the higher social classes
c. is the prestige form of English.
d. All the above
43) 26) The dialect known as…….is the dialect of institutions such as government and the law
a. Black English
b. Standard English
c. Accent
d. Variety
44) 27) …….…is the dialect of the higher social classes and is therefore the prestige form of English.
a. Black English
b. Accent
c. Standard English
d. Variety
45) 28) Standard English is the dialect of ……………. form of English.
a. the lower social classes and is therefore the prestige
b. the higher social classes and is therefore the prestige
c. the higher economic classes and is not however the prestige
d. the higher political classes and is therefore the shameful
46) 29) Standard English is the dialect of the ……..…. and is therefore the prestige form of English.
a. lower social classes
b. higher social classrooms
c. higher social classes
d. huger social classes
47) 30) Choose the sentence that involves multiple negation.
a. I did not see anything
b. I do not know anybody
c. I did not know anything
d. I didn’t know nothing
48) 31) Choose the sentence that involves multiple negation.
a. We do not know anybody
b. We didn’t see nothing
c. We did not see anything
d. We did not know anything
49) 32) Choose the sentence with multiple negation.
a. Nadia did not hear anything
b. Nadia does not see anybody
c. Nadia didn’t not eat anything
d. Nadia didn’t eat nothing.
50) 33) Which of the following sentences that contains multiple negation.
a. He did not know anything
b. He didn’t see nothing.
c. He did not see anything
d. He do not know anybody
51) 34) The grammar of standard American…….. because it contains multiple negation.
a. does not allow a sentence like I didn’t know anything
b. does not allow a sentence like He didn’t know the answer
c. does not allow a sentence like She didn’t see nothing.
d. does not allow a sentence like We did nothing yesterday
52) 35) In Standard American English, a sentence like……..is not allowed because of the multiple negation it has
a. I didn't eat anything
b. She didn't understand the question
c. She didn't see nothing
d. They did nothing last week
53) 36) ………… of Standard English is a process where scholars analyse and record the vocabulary and grammatical patterns of a language.
a. Codification
b. Translation.
c. Writing
d. Confiscation
54) 37) ......a process where scholars analyze and record the vocabulary and grammatical patterns of a language.
Codification of Standard English is
Translation of Standard English is
55) 38) The Codification of Standard English is a process where scholars analyse and record the ………… … of a language.
a. contemporarily and granite patterns
b. vocabulary and grammatical patterns
c. vocabulary and groomed patterns
d. voice blurry and grammatical patterns
56) 39) Codification of Standard English is a process where …………...
a. scholars describe and videotape the vocabulary and grammatical patterns of a language
b. scholars analyse and record the idiomatic expressions of a language
c. women analyse and record the minority and majority groups of a language
d. scholars analyse and record the vocabulary and grammatical patterns of a language
57) 40) Choose incorrect sentence :
a. Standard English is related to dialects, not accents
b. Standard English is difficult to isolate and but linguistic boundaries around
c. Standard English is the difficult of the middle and upper classes
d. Forms of non-standard English are socially prestigious
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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