ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية 11- 10 Lecture ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 60
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1) 1) candidates for interpreter training are expected to have a competence profile of the following traits
a) Knowledge , qualifications and skills
b) Knowledge , expertise and personality traits
c) Knowledge , cognitive skills and experience
d) Knowledge , cognitive skills and personality traits Knowledge
2) 2) candidates for interpreter training should have the following traits
a) Knowledge , speaking skills and personal interests
b) Knowledge , colloquial skills and personality qualifications
c) Knowledge , cognitive skills and personality traits
d) Knowledge , collaborative skills and personality traits
3) 3) interpreter's cognitive skills include
a) Stress tolerance , speed and attention
b) Analysis, attention and memory
c) Attention, language and environment
d) Curiosity , speed and attention
4) 4) Another trait is (personality traits) which include ............
a) Stress tolerance
b) Intellectual curiosity
c) Both
d) Neither
5) 5) As an entry requirement in interpreting training. In many university-level programs,
a) The practicing of communication skills remains separate from the curriculum.
b) The acquisition of interpreting skillsremains part of the curriculum.
c) The acquisition of translation skills remains built into the curriculum.
d) The acquisition of interpersonal skills remains built into the curriculum.
6) 6) Examination methods used with conference interpreters' are as follows :
a) Bilingual translation of textual material into another language.
b) written translation ,bilingual interview, and sight translation.
c) Multilingual written translational activity into another oral translation.
d) Bilingual written summary in another language.
7) 7) for conference interpreting, traditional examination methods include,
a) Holistic communicative tasks, such as bilingual interview, impromptu production, and oral summery rendition in another language.
b) Holistic communicative task, such as personal interview, impromptu production, and oral summery in the source language.
c) Holistic communicative tasks such as bilingual chat speech production, and a summary in another language.
d) Holistic communicative task, such as bilingual dictionary test, speech production, and verbal speech survey in another language
8) 8) Traditional examination methods for conference interpreting include
a) Bilingual translation of textual material into another language
b) Bilingual or multilingual interview, written translation and sight translation
c) Multilingual written translational activity into another oral translation
d) Bilingual written summary in another language
9) 9) conference interpreting tend to be examination by the following
a) Bilingual translation of textual material into another language
b) Bilingual or multilingual interview, written translation and sight translation
c) Multilingual written translational activity into another oral translation
d) Bilingual written summary in another language
10) 10) traditional examination methods include holistic communicative task such as……
a) written translation
b) bilingual or multilingual interview
c) sight translation
d) written summary in another language
11) 11) For conference interpreting, traditional examination methods include holistic communicative task such as ...............
a) Bilingual or multilingual interview
b) stress tolerance or Intellectual curiosity
c) analysis memory or attention
d) Stress tolerance or Intellectual curiosity
12) 12) For conference interpreting , traditional ..............
a) Bilingual or multilingual interview, written translation and sight translation.
b) Bilingual translation of textual material into another language.
c) Multilingual written translational activity into another oral translation.
d) Bilingual written summary in another language.
13) 13) Impromptu speech means
a) Improvised speech production
b) Improved speech production
c) Impoverished speech production
d) Important ant speech production
14) 14) The term Impromptu means
a) Improvised speech production
b) Improved speech production
c) Impoverished speech production
d) Important ant speech production
15) 15) Interpreter's personality traits include
a) Hard working, staying up late, remembering task time and quick to translated
b) Encouraging, helping clients, cooperating with clients .
c) Motivation, coping with stress, quick to recall and fluent .
d) Able to answer exam questions quickly and fluent in his speech
16) 16) personality traits of interpreter include
a) staying up late, cooperating with others and working under pressure
b) working under pressure , quick to respond and fluent in his speech
c) coping with stress, motivation and quick to recall
d) fluent , hard working and helping clients
17) 17) the interpreter's personality main traits include
a) staying up late, cooperating with others and working under pressure
b) working under pressure , quick to respond and fluent in his speech
c) motivation, coping with stress and quick to recall
d) fluent , hard working and helping clients
18) 18) Interpreter's personality traits could be .............
a) Hard working style, staying up late, remembering task time and quick to translated.
b) Encouraging, helping clients, cooperating with clients.
c) Motivation and learning style , doing well at Recall, as well as ‘subskillsbased text of verbal fluency and comprehension ,coping with physical as well as emotional stress
d) Able to answer exam questions quickly and fluent in his speech.
19) 19) Personality traits could be summarized as ............
a) staying up late, cooperating with others and working under pressure
b) working under pressure , quick to respond and fluent in his speech
c) motivation and learning style and coping with physical as well as emotional stress
d) fluent , hard working and helping clients
20) 20) The personality traits of the interpreter include motivation ……….quick to recall and fluent.
a) Staying up late
b) Helping clients
c) Coping with stress
d) Fluent in his speech
21) الجزء العملي
الجزء العملي
22) 1) the most appropriate interpreting of قال السكان المحليون للصحفيين انهم سمعوا انفجارات طوال الليل من الاتجاه بلده مخيم الحاميه العسكريه
a) Local people told journal they had heard explosions throughout the night coming from the direction of the garrison town's military camp
b) Local people says journal they heard bombs throughout the night coming from the direction of the garrison town's military camp
c) Domestic people talked interviewers they listens explosions throughout the evening direction of the garrison town's military camp
d) Regional people spoke journalists they heard bangs throughout the evening besides the direction of the garrison town's military camp
23) 2) the most appropriate interpreting of He saw the African troop deployment taking a good week
وراى ان نشر الفرقه الافريقيه يحتاج السبوع جيدا
وراى ان انتشار القوات الافريقيه يستغرق اسبوعا جيدا
وشاهدت ان نشر الوحدات الافريقيه يستغرق الاسبوع جيدا
ويقول ان انتشار الوحدات العسكريه الافريقيه يدخل اسبوعا جيدا
24) 3) the most appropriate interpreting of Local people told journal they had heard explosions throughout the night coming from the direction of the garrison town's military camp
وقال الصحفيون الناس انهم سمعوا انفجارات طوال الليل قادمه من مخيم الحاميه العسكريه
وقال السكان المحليون للصحفيين انهم سمعوا في جارات طوال الليل قادمه من انحاء بلده مخيم الحاميه العسكريه
وقيل للصحفيين انهم سمعوا انفجارات طوال الليل قادمه من مخيم الحاميه العسكريه
وقال الصحفيون ان الناس قد سمع في جارات طوال الليل قادمه من اتجاه الحاميه العسكريه
25) 4) The most appropriate interpreting of Local people told journalists they had heard explosions throughout the night is
وقال للصحفيين الناس انهم يسمعون انفجارات في الليل
وقال السكان المحليين للصحفيين انهم سمعوا في انفجارات طوال الليل
وقيل للصحفيين انهم كانوا يسمعون انفجارات طوال الليل
وقال صحفيون ان الناس قد سمع في انفجارات طوال الليل
26) 5) the most appropriate interpreting of : سافر رجل مسلم عربي اسمه عمر الى مدينه لوس انجلوس في الولايات المتحده الامريكيه من اجل العمل هناك
a) Omar is a Muslim man travelled to the city of los Angeles in the United States to work there
b) A Muslim with an Arabic name Omar went los Angeles in the United States to work there
c) An Arab Muslim called Omar travelled to los Angeles in the United States in order to work there
d) A Muslim called Omar flew to los Angeles in the United States to work there
27) 6) The most appropriate interpreting of :
a) The next day, a knock on the door guy wants the US View
b) The next day, an American opened the door to want to see him.
c) The following day, the American knocked on the door wanting to see him.
d) The following day, a knock on the door and la guy wants to see the American.
28) تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية 11 Lecture
11 Lecture
29) 1) There is ........... between globalization and interpreting studies
a) a distant relationship
b) a separate relationship
c) . a remote relationship
d) a close relationship
30) 2) There is a close relationship between
a) " globalization" and interpreting
b) globalization and translating
c) globalization and conferencing
d) globalization and teaching
31) 3) International conference interpreting is an early example of
a) A global transaction
b) A global frustration
c) A global communication
d) A global profession
32) 4) The following is an early example of international conference interpreting
a) A global transaction
b) A global frustration
c) A global communication
d) A global profession
33) 5) International conference interpreting itself is an example of
a) Global profession
b) Regional phenomenon
c) Global social media impact
d) Local promising career
34) 6) International conference interpreting is
a) An early example of 'a global transaction'.
b) An early example of 'a global frustration'.
c) An early example of 'a global communication'.
d) An early example of 'a global profession'.
35) 7) The market for conference interpreters is likely to shrink due to
a) Lack of technological equipment
b) The spread of international English
c) The increase in number of interpreters
d) Lack of interpreting training courses
36) 8) The demand for conference interpreters is
a) Lack of technological equipment
b) The spread of international English
c) The increase in number of interpreters
d) Lack of interpreting training courses
37) 9) The spread of international English is likely to make
a) The demand for conference interpreters increase
b) The demand for conference interpreters change
c) The demand for conference interpreters shrink
d) The demand for conference interpreters charge
38) 10) The spread of international English is likely to
a) Help the market for conference interpreters.
b) Shrink the market for conference interpreters.
c) Expand the market for conference interpreters.
d) Introduce the market for conference interpreters.
39) 11) The spread of international English is likely to shrink the market for
A. diplomatic interpreters.
B. conference interpreters.
C. court interpreters
D. TV interpreters as well
40) 12) the spread of international English is likely ............. the market for conference interpreters there as well.
a) to Help
b) to Expand
c) to shrink
d) to Introduce
41) 13) With regard to localized interpreting , bilingual meetings tend to involve
a) English and the local dialects
b) English and the local culture
c) English and the local accents
d) English and the local language
42) 14) Conference interpreting, when used in local market, it is mainly between ......
a) English and the 'local' dialects
b) English and the 'local' culture
c) English and the 'local' accents
d) English and 'local' language
43) 15) As far as localized interpreting, bilingual meetings tend to involve
a) English and the local dialects
b) English and the local culture
c) English and the local accents
d) English and the local language
44) 16) The trend of ' localisation' tends to sustain the need for conference interpreting services, in bilingual meetings involving……….
a) English and the local dialects
b) English and the local culture
c) English and the local accents
d) English and the local language
45) 17) As far as localized interpreting is concerned
a) Bilingual meetings tend to involve English and the local dialects
b) Bilingual meetings tend to involve English and the local language .
c) Bilingual meetings tend to involve English and the local culture .
d) Bilingual meetings tend to involve English and the local accents
46) 18) Chinese increasing presence on the international stage
a) Tends to have serious implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
b) Tends to have no implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
c) Tends to have implications for interpreting studies only.
d) Tends to have serious implication for interpreting practice only.
47) 19) While increasing presence China on the international stage
a) Tends to have serious implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
b) Tends to have no implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
c) Tends to have implications for interpreting studies only.
d) Tends to have serious implication for interpreting practice only.
48) 20) The increasing presence of China on the international stage
a) Tends to have serious implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
b) Tends to have no implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
c) Tends to have implications for interpreting studies only.
d) Tends to have serious implication for interpreting practice only.
49) 21) Globalization manifests itself
a) In cities and industrial estates
b) International and governmental organization settings
c) In schools, colleges and universities
d) In multi-ethnic and linguistically diverse societies
50) 22) The concept of Globalization is clearly manifested in
a) In cities and industrial estates
b) International and governmental organization settings
c) In schools, colleges and universities
d) multi-ethnic and linguistically diverse societies
51) 23) Globalization is also applied to movement or migration of people which manifests itself in increasingly ..........
a) In cities and industrial estates
b) International and governmental organization settings
c) In schools, colleges and universities
d) In multi-ethnic and linguistically diverse societies
52) 24) The increasing presence of China and other Asian countries on the international stage and diverse developments in these countries tend to have some ............
a) on implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies.
b) implications for interpreting studies only.
c) broader implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies
d) serious implications for interpreting practice only
53) 25) The increasing presence of China and other Asian countries on the international stage
a) Tend to have serious implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies.
b) Tend to have on implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies.
c) Tend to have implications for interpreting studies only.
d) Tend to have serious implications for interpreting practice only
54) 1) the most appropriate interpreting of In February 1997 British nanny Louis wood ward was charged with the murder of toddler Mathew Eappan
في فبراير 1997 اتهم الخادمه لويز ودوارد البريطانيه بقتل ميثو ايبان
في فبراير 1997 التهمت الشرطه الخادمه لويز وودوارد البريطانيه بقتل الطفل ميثو ايبان
في فبراير 1997 اتهمت المربيه لويز وودوارد البريطانيه بقتل الطفل الصغير ميثو ايبان
في فبراير واجهته ما للمربيه لويز وودوارد البريطانيه بالقتل الطفل ميثو ايبان
55) 2) the most appropriate interpreting of Prosecutors alleged her mistreatment caused the fractured skull that killed the eight month old
زعم الادعاء ان سوء معاملتها تسببت في الجمجمه المكسوره التي قتلت ثمانيه اشهر من العمر
زعم المدعي العام ان سوء معاملتها قد تسبب في كسر الجمجمه الذي ادى لوفاه الطفل ذي الثمانيه اشهر
زعم النائب العام ان المعامله السيئه قد تسبب في شق الراس الذي ادى لوفاه الجنين ذي الثمانيه اشهر
زعيم المدعى ان سوء معاملتها قد تسبب في انفجار الجمجمه الذي ادى الى وفاه الطفل ذو ثمانيه اشهر
56) 3) the most appropriate interpreting of and amid a blaze of publicityh she was sentenced to life for second-degree murder . but on appeal the verdict was reduced to involuntary manslaughter and she was freed
وسط ضجه اعلاميه حكم عليها بالسجن مدى الحياه بجريمه قتل من الدرجه الثانيه ولكن في دعوى الاستئناف خفض حكم القتل غير العمد واطلق سراحها
واسط حريق من الدعايه حكم عليها بالحبس من الدرجه الثانيه ولكن في الاستئناف تم تخفيض الحكم الى القتل غير الطوعي و اطلق سراحها
حكم عليها وسط صدى اعلامي بالسجن المؤبد بعمليه القتل من الدرجه الثانيه ولكن اصبحت حره بعد تخفيض الحكم بعد الاستئناف
وسط صدى اعلامي الموسع اصدر حكم بالسجن المؤبد عليها ارتكابها جريمه قتل عم ولكن في دعوى الاستئناف خفض حكم القتل الغير عمد و اطلق سراحها
57) 4) The most appropriate interpreting of  “An Irish nanny living illegally in the US is facing the prospect of a murder charge after a baby was allegedly fatally injured while in her care.”
ان مربيه الايرلنديه الذين يعيشون بصوره غير قانونيه في الولايات المتحده تواجه احتمال تهمه القتل بعد اصابه قاتله بزعم طفل اثناء وجوده في رعايتها
ان المربيه الايرلنديه تعيش بصوره غير قانونيه في الولايات المتحده تواجه احتمال تهمه القتل بعد اصابه قاتله بزعم طفل اثناء وجوده في رعايتها
تواجه مربيه ايرلنديه تعيش بشكل غير قانوني في الولايات المتحده احتمال تهمه القتل بعد اصابه قاتله لطفل اثناء وجوده في رعايتها
ان مربيه الايرلنديه الذين يعيشون غير القانونيين في الولايات المتحده يواجهون احتمال تهمه القتل بعد اصابه قاتله للطفل اثناء وجوده في رعايتها
58) 5) the most appropriate interpreting of اذا اردتم قضاء عطلتكم في واحده من اجمل مدن فلا يوجد افضل من المدينه المنوره
a) If you want to set your vaction in one of the most fantastic cities there's no better place than Al- Madinah Al-munawarah
b) If you want to expand your leave in one of the most beautiful regions there's no better place than Al- Madinah Al-munawarah
c) If you want to spend your holiday in one of the most beautiful cities there's no better place than Al- Madinah Al-munawarah
d) If you want to spend your festival in one of the most nice cities there's no top place than Al- Madinah Al-munawarah
59) 6) The most appropriate interpreting of British nanny Louis Woodward was of toddler charged with the murder Mathew Eappan
اتهمت المربيه لويز وودوارد البريطانيه بقتل الطفل الصغير ميثو وايبان
التهمت الشرطه الخادمه لويز وودوارد البريطانيه بقتل الطفل ميثو ايبان
60) 7) The most appropriate interpreting of علينا ان نحرص على توافر جميع انواع الطاقه
a) We must be cautious on the availability of all types of power
b) We must be careful on the availability of types of energy
c) We must ensure the availability of all types of energy
d) We must be aware of the availability of all energy types
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية 11- 10 Lecture ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
تفاصيل أخرى:
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
تم حل الكويز 24 مرة بنسبة نجاح 41%
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مناقشة الكويز: ₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية 11- 10 Lecture ]₪
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