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₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية 13- 12 Lecture ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 54
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) 1) The role of technology is ........... issue in interpreting than globalization
a) No less a long-standing
b) As a long-standing
c) More a long-standing
d) Less a long-standing
2) 2) Technology role in interpreting is
a) As a long-standing issue as globalization
b) More a long-standing issue than globalization
c) Less a long-standing issue than globalization standing issue than
d) no less a long-standing issue than globalization
3) 3) The role played by technology in interpreting is
a) As a long-standing issue as globalization
b) More a long-standing issue than globalization
c) Less a long-standing issue than globalization standing issue than
d) no less a long-standing issue than globalization
4) 4) the use of electro-acoustic transmission equipment to allow for simultaneous interpreting
a) happened in the 1940
b) happened in the 1930
c) happened in the 1920
d) happened in the 1950
5) 5) the use of electro-acoustic transmission equipment allowed
a) Simultaneous interpreting to take place in the 1920s
b) Sight translationo happen in the 1930s
c) Simultaneous inter tpreting to take palce in the 1940s
d) Simultaneous interpreting to take palce in the 1950s
6) 6) The most visible manifestation of the ‘technologizing of interpreting’ is to
a) Community interpreting in impromptu speech production
b) Remote interpreting in international conference settings
c) Business interpreting in oral summary rendition in another language
d) Diplomatic interpreting and military interpreting
7) 7) The technologizing of interpreting is manifested by
a) Community interpreting in impromptu speech production
b) Remote interpreting in international conference settings
c) Business interpreting in oral summary rendition in another language
d) Diplomatic interpreting and military interpreting
8) 8) How technology is used in interpreting can be see by
a) Community interpreting in impromptu speech production
b) Remote interpreting in international conference settings
c) Business interpreting in oral summary rendition in another language
d) Diplomatic interpreting and military interpreting
9) 9) the use of technology in interpreting is manifested by
a) Community interpreting in impromptu speech production
b) Remote interpreting in international conference settings
c) Business interpreting in oral summary rendition in another language
d) Diplomatic interpreting and military interpreting
10) 10) The most visible manifestation of ' the technologizing of interpreting ', is to remote interpreting in international conference settings and ..........
a) video conferences
b) video games
c) meeting rooms
d) video projectors
11) 11) The most visible in manifestation companies' of the technologizing of interpreting
a) remote interpreting in companies' meeting rooms
b) remote interpreting in educational settings
c) remote interpreting international and videoconferences
d) remote interpreting in classroom
12) 12) The realization of the technologizing of interpreting can be seen in
a) Remote in interpreting in international conference settings
b) Indoor interpreting in educational meeting settings
c) Distance translation in international conference situations
d) Outdoor interpreting in national conference settings
13) 13) The audiovisual telecommunications equipment are used to……………When communicating with deaf and hearing-impaired people
a) Facilitate remote interpreting
b) Obstruct remote interpreting
c) Facilitate community interpreting
d) Obstruct liaison interpreting
14) 14) When communication with deaf and hearing-impaired people , audiovisual telecommunications equipment are normally used to
a) Facilitate remote interpreting
b) Obstruct remote interpreting
c) Facilitate community interpreting
d) Obstruct liaison interpreting
15) 15) Audiovisual telecommunication equipment tends to
A. facilitate community interpreting.
B. obstruct liaison interpreting.
C. facilitate remote interpreting.
D. obstruct remote interpreting.
16) 16) in communication involving deaf and hearing-impaired people, the increasing availability of audiovisual telecommunications equipments is likely to……..
a) prepare interpreting skills arrangement
b) facilitate remote interpreting arrangement
c) encourange remote interpreting arrangement
d) Obstruct remote interpreting arrangement
17) 17) whereas more efficient technologies for converting speech to text, and written input intospoken output, may favour the………………….
a)use of script-based communication and make interpreters redundant.
b)not use of script-based communication and make interpreters interrupted.
c) useless of oral-based communication and make interpreters redundant.
d)use of oral-based communication and make interpreters interrupted
18) 18) spoken to text
a) make interpreters interrupted.
b) make interpreters unabundant
c) make interpreters discontinuous
d) maybe make the interpreter redundant
19) 19) The role of technology tend to have strong repercussions on ………….
a) interpreter training
b)interpreter speaking
c) interpreter listening
d)interpreter meaning
20) 20) The role of technology tends to have
a) strong repercussions on interpreter training
b) strong relationships on interpreter training
c) weak interrelations with interpreter training
d)weak repercussions on interpreter training
21) 21) The role of technology tend……………….
a) To have strong repercussions on interpreter training
b) strong relationships on interpreter training
c) weak interrelations with interpreter training
d) weak repercussions on interpretertraining
22) 22) The role of technology tend to have strong repercussions on interpreter training, including
a) The deployment of training stations and web-based source-text archives
b) The deployment of digital training stations and web - based source-text archives
c) The deployment of analog training stations and non web-based source-text archives
d) The deployment of digital training stations and non web-based target-text archives
23) 23) interpreting researchers will also benefit from the availability of new equipment and tools to
a) enhance the efficiency of empirical data collection and analysis
b) communicate directly with each other
c) improve their skills and collecting data
d) increase the ability to interpret
24) 24) ….…. From the availability of new equipment and tools to enhance the efficiency of empirical data collection and analysis
a) Interpreting organizers will also benefit
b) Interpreting faculties will also benefit
c) Interpreting agencies will also benefit
d) Interpreting researchers will also benefit
25) 25) availability of new equipment help researchers to make Survey
a) over the telephone
b) over the internet
c) over video
d) by interviewing people
26) 26) Fieldwork involving discourse data can rely on……………………………… will be aided by specialised software and speech recognition systems.
a) digital and more obtrusive, viewing equipment and duplication
b) computers and labs equipments
c) digital, and less obtrusive, recording equipment, and subsequent transcription
d) analog and less obtrusive, displaying equipment, and subsequent transcription
27) تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية 13 Lecture
13 Lecture
28) 1) the male steps towards completing an scripting research project are
a) an overview , a model , a topic, a writing list, problem , design
b) an overview , a model , a title , reading list, question. Framework
c) an overview , a theory, a topic, a writing list, Answer, design ic, a reading
d) an overview , a model , a topic , a reading list, question, design
29) 2) You need to gain ............ of the territory of interpreting.
a) an overview
b) a close view
c) a good view
d) an overall view
30) 3) One of the first steps towards the goal of completing an interpreting research
a) the need to maintain a close view of theterritory of interpreting
b) the need to gain an overview of the territory of interpreting
c) the need to sustain a good view of theterritory of interpreting
d) the need to retain an overall view of the territory of interpreting
31) 4) Having found the place you want to explore in depth, you need to …….
a) dig deeper
b) dig shallow
c) dig exterior
d) dig surface
32) 5) Making your basic stance …………..possible for yourself, and for others, is an important step after all.
a) As implicit as
b) As explicit as
c) As slowly as
d) As vaguely as
33) 6) one of the most important steps in designing and implement project is to be
a) as implicit and possible
b) as development as possible
c) as explicit as possible
d) d. as brief as possible
34) 7) in implementing and interpreting research design
a) it is Important to have a problem and various types of data
b) it is Important to collect a process and analyzing various types of data
c) it is Important to ask question , answer question about various types of data
d) it is important to have question and problems about various types of data
35) 8) to implement your research design by collecting , processing and analyzing various…….
a) types of data
b) types of tools
c) types of instrument
d) types of equipment
36) 9) The notion of ' activity ' in translation could be specified as ......... in interpreting
a) ‘practice’
b) ‘service’
c) ‘commercial’
d) ‘production’
37) 10) how to implement your research design by ...............
a) collecting , processing and analysing various types of data
b) deleting all types of data
c) relating your descition to the research question
d) be in the form of a conference presentation
38) 1) the most appropriate interpreting of رجل يعرض امه للبيع في زفافه
a) A man sold his mother at his wedding
b) A man displays his mother for sale at his wedding
c) A man advertises the selling of his mother at his wedding party
d) A man calls upon buyers to buy his mother
39) أسلئة إضافية
أسلئة إضافية
40) 1) Consective interpreting is mainly concerned with
a) producing a translation directly after hearing the source text
b) developing a verbal translation directly after hearing the source text
c) producing an oral translation directly after hearing the source text
d) producing an oral translation as the source text is being presented
41) 2) Is translation framework adaptable to cover interpreting
a) Yes, it is
b) No, it is not
c) Yes, it is, with conference translation only
d) No, it is not, except in research design
42) 3) The most appropriate interpreting of  ‘The vast majority of households anticipate that their financial wellbeing will either worsen or stagnate next year
الغالبيه العظمى من الاسر تتوقع ان رفاهيتهم الماليه سوف تتفاقم او الركود العام المقبل
من المتوقع ان تسوء الامور الماليه للغالبيه العظمى من الاسر او يصيبها الركود في السنه المقبله
الغالبيه العظمى من اصحاب العقارات تتوقع ان رفاهيه هم الماليه سوف تتفاقم او ترقد في العام المقبل
تتوقع الغالبيه العظمى من الاسر ان تسؤا احوالهم الماليه او يصيبها رقود في العام المقبل
43) 4) the most appropriate interpreting of: لـ ألامشل الخفعحر أو الترحمت  Floods forced the suspension of rail services between Exeter and Tiverton Parkway
علقت الفيضانات خدمه الخطوط الحديديه بين اكسترا و تيفرتون باركواي
علقت الفيضانات بخدمه الخطوط الحديديه بين اكسترا و تيفرتون باركواي
اجبرت الفيضانات تعليق خدمات الخطوط الحديديه بين اكسترا و تيفرتون باركواي
الفيضانات تجبر تعليق خدمات السكه الحديديه بين اكسترا و تيفرتون باركواي
44) 5) the most appropriate interpreting of: جلس سيد الغابه في عرينه حزينا واخذ يفكر في امره
a) Master of the forest sat in his den sad and taking the thinking of his life
b) The lord of the forest sat miserably in his den thinking of his misfortunes
c) The master of the of the forest sat in his house sadly thinking of his life
d) The lord of the forest sat in his home unhappily about his old age
45) 6) the most appropriate interpreting of : يشير تزايد الاهتمام بالصيام الى احتمال ان يكون مفيد لمرضى السرطان
a) Fasting indicates the possibility that it will be useful for cancer patients in deed
b) The growing interest in fasting indicates to indicates to the possibility that it will be useful for cancer patients
c) Fasting indicates show that it will be useful for cancer patients
d) Indicators of fasting shows the possibility that it will be useful for cancer patients
46) 7) the most appropriate interpreting of  It is the wish of: Every graduate of us extend it is the wish of our love and appreciation to our loving parents for their prayers love and guidance
رغبه كل متخرج ان يعبر عن حبه وامتنانه لوالديه دعواتهم او حبهما وحثهم على الطريق الصحيح
رغبه كله خريج منا ان نتقدم بالحب والتقدير للوالدين الى المحبه من اجل صلاتهم والحب والتوجيه
رغبه كلم تخرج منه ان يعبر عن حبه وتقديره لابائنا وامهاتنا لما يقدموه لنا من دعوات حبوب رشاد
رغبه كل طالب ان يعبر عن حبه وتقديره لابيه وامه لما يقدمنه له من دعوات حب نصح
47) 8) the most appropriate interpreting of الصدق امانه والكذب خيانه والضعيف فيكم قوي عندي حتى ارجع عليه حقه والقوى فيكم ضعيف عندي حتى اخذ الحق منه
a) Honesty is sacred while lying is a treachery. I consider the weak among you is strong to me until back their dues and I consider the strong among you weak until I took dues
b) Truth is honesty and lying is betrayal. The weak among you is strong to me until I bring back his right and the strong among you is weak until I take right of the weak from him
c) Truth is honesty and lying is betrayal. The weak among you are strong to me until I take truth from them and the strong among you are weak until I take the truth from him
d) The secretariat of honesty and lying betrayal and the weak among you is strong to me after I return his right and the strong is weak among you until it take people's dues
48) 9) the most appropriate interpreting of علقت ايطاليا اليوم الثلاثاء انشطة قنصليتها في بنغازي واجلت طاقمها لأسباب أمنية
a) Italy on Tuesday closed its consulate in Benghazi and vacate the staff for security
b) Italy put off its consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday and asked its staff to leave for security
c) On Tuesday Italy ased the staff of its consulate in Benghazi to vacate for safety reasons
a) Italy on Tuesday closed its consulate in Benghazi and vacate the staff for security b) Italy put off its consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday and asked its staff to leave for security c) On Tuesday Italy ased the staff of its consulate in Benghazi to vacate for safety reasons d) Italy on Tuesday suspended the activities of its consulate in Benghazi and evacuated its staff for security reasons
49) 10) the most appropriate interpreting of Business leaders are starting to sound the alarm warning that British withdrawal represents a serious danger to our fragile economy
الى دق جرس الانذار محذرا من ان التراجع البريطاني يعتبر خطر كبيرا على اقتصادها المتهاوي
الى دق جرس الخطر محذرين من ان الانسحاب البريطاني يعتبر خطرا جديا على اقتصادنا الهش
بدأ قادة الأعمال في دق ناقوس الخطر محذرين من ان الانسحاب البريطاني يمثل خطرا كبيرا على اقتصادنا الحش
الى ضرب ناقوس الانذار المبكر محذرا من ان الانسحاب البريطاني يعتبر خطر كبيرا على اقتصادها الهش
50) 11) the most appropriate interpreting of I am an Arab- inheritor of glorious past hostage to the uncertain future
انا اعرابي وريث لماضي مجيد واسير لمستقبل مجهول
انا عربي صاحب ماضي مميز ورهينة مستقبل غير مامون
اننا اعرب ذوي ماضي عريق ورهناء لمستقبل غير معروف
انا عربي وريث ماضي عريق , ورهينه مستقبل غير مامون
51) 12) the most appropriate interpreting of فاجاب الاسد اسمعني ايها الذئب ارسلت اليك لا تشاور معك في امر مهم .. لقد اصبحت حالتي لا تساعدني على المضي في حكم الغابه
a) Hear me wolf the Loin said I have sent for you to consult a very serious issues my status stopped helping me with looking after the forest and it is becoming retired
b) Listen up Wolf the Loin spoke I sent for you to argue with you serious matter my situation dento help me with ruling the jungle and it is becoming worse
c) Listen Wolf the Lion replied I have sent for you to discuss a serious matter ny status has stopped helping me with ruling the forest and it is becoming sick
d) Hear me out Wolf the Loin replied I have asked for you to contact you for an urgent situation my body has stopped helping me with governing the forest and it becoming unhealthy
52) 13) the most appropriate interpreting of Life is a warfare : A warfare between two standards life is a warfare the standard of right and the standard of wrong
الحياه حرب ، حرب بين معيارين , معيار الحق و معيار الباطل
الحياه حرب : حرب بين مقياسين : مقياس الصح ومقياس الخطا
الحياه الصراع بين الخير و الشر
الحياه اختلاف بين رايتي الخير والشر
53) 14) the most appropriate interpreting of ولماذا لا اشعر بالفخر بالعمل الذي تقوم به يدي المتسخه هذه
a) Why cannot I feel the work they do – these dirty hands of mine?
b) Why shouldn't I feel proud of the work they do these dirty hands of mine
c) Why shouldn't I sense these dirty hands of mine and be good about them
d) Why why shouldn't I feel these dirty hands of mine?
54) 15) The most appropriate interpreting of A body found by police today is believed to be that of a dad who went missing six weeks ago
واعتقد ان الجثه التي عثر عليها من قبل الشرطه اليوم ان يكون ذلك من ابي الذي يختفي قبل سته اسابيع
واعتقد ان الجثه التي عثر عليها الشرطه اليوم ان يكون لذلك الاب الذي اختفى منذ 6 اسابيع
واعتقد ان الجثه التي عثر عليها من قبل الشرطه اليوم ان يكون لذلك من ابي الذي اختفى منذ 6 اسابيع
واعتقد ان الجثه التي عثرت عليها الشرطه اليوم هي جثه الاب الذي اختفى قبل 6 اسابيع
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة التتابعية 13- 12 Lecture ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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