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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

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[أسئلة واجبات]
تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 25
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1) ₪[ تقييمات أدب الأطفال ]₪
The First Evaluation - التقييم الأول
2) Many folktales seek to explain…….
New vocabularies.
The lack of food.
The unbelievable tales.
The world around us.
3) Thomas Hardy preferred fantasy over…..
4) In children's literature, the …..is used to mean a person or personified animal or object.
5) …..characters are less important characters but essential to the action.
6) In ……the writer disrupts normal time sequence to recount some past events.
7) ₪[ تقييمات أدب الأطفال ]₪
The Second Evaluation - التقييم الثاني
8) People called the girl "Little Red Riding Hood" because she wore…
a red boot.
a red cloak with a hood.
a blue cloak with a hood.
red rings.
9) In Little Red Riding Hood, the girl was sent to see her…..
10) Little Red Riding Hood is a …..for young children.
fairy tale
11) Little Red Riding Hood teaches children that they should never talk to….
12) The girl, in Little Red Riding Hood must walk through dangerous woods……
with her younger brother.
with her mother.
with her father.
13) ₪[ واجبات أدب الأطفال ]₪
الواجب الأول
14) Which of the following themes can be developed through multicultural literature?
Restore cultural rights by emphasizing cultural equality and respect.
Prepare children for life in monolingual environments
Present people of color as “gray”
All of the these
15) Multicultural books should include all but which of the following elements?
The book should not address stereotypes.
The book should rectify historical distortions.
The dialect should have a legitimate purpose.
The vocabulary should not be offensive or degrading.
16) Which of the following statements about children's reading choices is true?
Children read more books as they grow older
Children do not enjoy reading poetry until they are well into their teenage years.
Younger children spend more of their leisure time reading than do older children.
Most children respond negatively when asked their views about reading.
17) ₪[ واجبات أدب الأطفال ]₪
الواجب الثانى
18) The earliest history of children's literature begins with________
Mother Goose
The oral tradition
The first fairy tale
The invention of movable type
19) By the mid-1800s, a genre of children's books emerged where fears could be projected onto impossible creatures of the imagination. These kinds of stories were classified as __________
Fairy tale
Real people
20) 5) Teachers should consider all but which of the following questions as they select literature for young adults
a) Do the characters face believable issues and problems ?
b) Does the literature encourage readers to use higher –level thought processes ?
c) If the literature is nonfiction, does it provide accurate information?
d) Does the author clearly identify a simple theme
21) ₪[ واجبات أدب الأطفال ]₪
الواجب الثالث
22) Researchers who investigated children's preferences in poetry concluded that_________.
Children enjoy poems about familiar experiences.
Children enjoy complex imagery in poetry.
Children prefer poems that include subtly implied emotion.
All of these.
23) The repetition of vowel sounds by a poet to create interesting and unusual sound patterns is called ___________.
24) Which of the following primary elements in poetry encourages children to see, hear, feel, taste, smell, and touch the worlds created by poets?
25) Which of the following poets is usually NOT considered a children's poet?
Cynthia Rylant
Nicki Grimes
Langston Hughes
Janet Wong
معلومات حول الكويز
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[أسئلة واجبات]
تفاصيل أخرى:
تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
تم حل الكويز 10 مرة بنسبة نجاح 54%
القسم: E8
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مطر ابن السماء

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كويزات العضو
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العضونسبة النجاح
مطر ابن السماء100%
طارق اليمانى44%
محمد بقاشي44%
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