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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

حل أسئلة اللغة وتقنية المعلومات English Language and Information Technology
حل أسئلة اللغة وتقنية المعلومات لترم الماضي English Language and Information Technology
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) Scientific Goal of NLP Identifies the ……… needed for an agent to exhibit various forms of linguistic behavior .
Living expenses
Most appropriate time
The best business company
computational machinery
2) Speech processing , machine translation , question answering and summarization are :
Some Applications of weapon industry.
Recycling or reprocessing of used material.
Psycholinguistic analysis.
Natural language processing.
3) The …….. of NLA designs, implements, and tests systems that process nature language for practical applications.) .
Scientific goal
Financial goal
Engineering goal
Indirect goal
4) BNC Stand for the ………
British national companies
The Brazilin national corpus
The Brazilin Network corpus
The British national corpus
5) If you using the checklist approach, some key things that you should not forget are ……
To be explicit about where the list come from
To be explicit about which exiting list is being uses/adapted
To have as many detailed subsections as possible
All the above
6) According to (Long & Robinson 1998), pervious research has proven that some techniques in highlighting grammatical forms and writing them in italicized, bold letters are ……
Not effective
Very effective
Partially useless
7) 7- Chapelle argues that CALL software should have the ability to let students ……….. as this would help them in internalizing the new forms
See their image
Notice their success
Notice their errors
Notice their progress
8) According to Borg ( 1999), error awareness helps students to …...
Use monitors and repeat the same errors
Monitors and self-correct their use of language
Monitors their teachers use of language
Monitors the errors that the software makes
9) When all of the answers are correct, the software displays …….. message in red at the top of the exercise.
"Incorrect answers
A "well done
A "poorly done
A :wrong answer
10) In grammar, a " tree bank" refers to ………..
A bank where can deposit orange trees
A financial institution where you can deposit money
A collocation of grammatical sentences
A collocation of parsed sentences
11) Natural language processing can best by applied in the field of ..
Human rights.
Computational linguistics.
12) The colored …… in a CALL software is of significance because it helps students form and allows the computer to take on the role of the teacher.
Food bag.
Full bag.
13) According to Shchan (cited in Chapelle 2001). CALL material must the target learners, and accordingly its takes should be set at a level that is …….
Neither too simple nor too difficult.
Too simple. Style
Too difficult.
Too simple and too difficult.
14) Some users of corpora are ……
Dictionary makers, computational linguistic and descriptive grammarians
Slyllsticians and teachers making class takes
Sociolinguists, language learning researches and writers of teaching syllabuses
All the above
15) The beginning of a CALL checklist was inspired mainly by …….
Odell ( 1986).
Chapelle ( 2001).
Al Fraidan ( 2013).
Odel ( 2013).
16) Specification ( External per-requisites of a CALL software) usually needs to be ……. To any consideration of real pedagogical value.
All the above
17) Some aspects of software that need to be looked as separately for evaluation are ………….
Place, ventilation and electricity, etc
Place, platform and management required, prerequisite software, etc
Screen protectors, dust protecting covers and chat software like Yahoo, Skype, etc
Email account, connection to the internet and IP hiding software, etc.
18) Some output of a CALL software are …..
Sound, graphics, video, written fonts, screen layout, etc
Syntax, linguistic, morphology, etc
Apples, oranges, vegetables, chasse and meat, etc
Hard dies, mouse, wires, television, keyboard, etc
19) Instead of using global judgment, one can breakdown this into a
20) Choose the sentence that exhibits ambiguity.
I go fishing every Monday.
I like fishing in the river.
I can fish.
Fishing in the river is interesting.
21) We study Natural Language Processing because ……
It helps in commutation with computer.
It helps in commutation with people
It offers insights into language
All the above
22) According to Chapelle (2001-p52). Evaluation of CALL is a argument.
Situation – Specific
Animal – specific
Arabic – specific
English – specific
23) You cannot really evaluate a CALL software without also thinking of how this software will be used in the ……….
Learning and teaching process
Eating and digestion process
Sleeping and thinking process
None of the above
24) Evaluation a CALL software after the program had been acquired and used with learners, involves the question of ……….
Whether this software was a success and the action is to use it or not with current or other learners.
Whether to buy this software or not
What learners it would suit
All the above
25) Evaluation of CALL material prior to purchasing them will …..
Help you decide whether to buy or not
Help you decide whether this software was a success and therefore can again
Help you decide what to eat for breakfast
Help you give the software to your learner
26) In the of CALL, it is especially necessary for teachers to be good at ……. Because there is a lot of poor material/software about.
27) Curriculum designers who evaluate to choose a suitable course books for courses less likely to extend this acetify to CALL, so this job ………
Left to teacher to do
Left to students to do
Left to parents to do
Left to lazy students to do
28) ……. Means relying on one's own judgment/experience, and maybe published on what should be there, what is good or bad, or all theory.
29) According to Chapelle (2001) ……. Refers to the degree of "beneficial" focus on that the software provides to its learners.
Language Learning Potential
Traveling aboard
Buying a new car.
Completing your master degree
30) ……………. Contribute to " input enhanccemt" of the CALL software.
Food and drink
Colorful, animated pictures and the quizzes
Colorless and bad-looking pictures
Coffee and cakes
31) The criteria of Chapelle's (2001) evaluation scheme include……
Language learning potential
Leaner fit, meaning focus, and positive impact
Authenticity and practicality
All the above
32) A CALL software can involve any software pr programs potentially usable by ……..
Soldiers in the battlefield
Language learners in connection with learning/teaching
News presenters
All the above
33) CALL software is often analogous to …….
An individual exercise or task in a book
Musical instrument
Delicious food at a restaurant.
Short story
34) Unlike a program which can usually give some response to the users dependent on what they click or type in , a book …….
Is not typically dynamic or interactive.
Is typically dynamic and interactive.
Typically has video chips animated graphics
All the above
35) A book …….. compared to a CALL software which can involve sound as well as pictures, diagram and test all in the same package.
Is full of multimedia items
Is limited in its media capability
Has various interactive exercises and media capability
Limitless is its media capability
36) The use of written material ……. Such as eyes and a desk to put them on: CALL, by contrast, requires computers, network access etc.
Requires a lot of perquisites
A large number of perquisites
Few technological perquisites
None of the above
37) The Language contact of material in a ……. Is essentially unalterable, while some CALL software allows authoring i.e. the teacher can put in his/her own choice of text, words, etc.
Course book
CALL software
None of the above
38) The three key aspects of CALL that need consideration are……
Money, guns and houses
Development, usage and Evaluation
Water, soil and air
Light, sand and water
39) When evaluation a CALL program it is especially useful to make …… to see the program responds e.g. give wrong answers and press the wrong keys etc.
Deliberate mistakes.
Unconscious mistakes
No mistakes.
All the above
40) CALL stand for ……
Case application language learning
Computer assisted language learning
Communication aided language learning
Cable assessment language learning
41) Development, usage and evaluation are ……..
Important stages in the CALL process
Expensive types of drinks
Necessary tools for traveling abroad
All the above.
42) Thanking About Designing CALL materials is similar to thinking About
Designing car
Designing house
Designing textbooks
Designing clothes
43) The history of CALL goes back to
The era of dinosaurs
The era of ice age
The era of powerful macs and PCs
The age of stones
44) UUEG is an example of CALL software. It mainly facilities learning
Meaning of word
Part of speech
Grammar and structure
45) Chapelle (2001) argues that CALL evaluation should be carried out using ……..
SLA theories
FLA theories
All LA theories
Third LA theories
46) There are two stages in Chapelle (2001) evaluation . There are ……….
Usage and evaluation
Implemental and assessment
Judgmental and empirical
Subjective and objective
47) CALL software can be defined as ……….
Any software available in the market accessible to all
Any anti –virus software that is free or shareware
Any potential software usable by language learning in connection with learning
Any multimedia software that is free or shareware
48) Evaluation can be defined as ……………
Using an application for the learning purposes
Judging the price of an application
Deciding on the fitness of something for certain purposes
Assigning the availability of an application
49) A corpus is
Stored information
Stored images and videos
Stored collection of language data
Stored files and folders
50) When a teacher subjectively judges an application this is called …….
Empirical judgment
Experimental judgment
Process judgment
Expert judgment
معلومات حول الكويز
حل أسئلة اللغة وتقنية المعلومات English Language and Information Technology
حل أسئلة اللغة وتقنية المعلومات لترم الماضي English Language and Information Technology
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مناقشة الكويز: حل أسئلة اللغة وتقنية المعلومات English Language and Information Technology
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اللــغـة وتقنية المـعـلـومـات ((((((( الإختصـــارات ))))))))
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