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___ Quiz The Rise of The Novel ___ Part 2
___ Quiz The Rise of The Novel ___ Part 2
عدد الأسئلة: 25
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1) The period before 18th century was described as the age of propriety. This means
The state of being strict to religion.
The state of judging things whether good or bad.
The state of moving forward.
All false
2) It is an age that witnessed a rebellion against the values that were prevalent in the age of Pope (1688-1744).
a. The 18th century
b. The 19th century
c. The 16th century
d. All false
3) One of the following does NOT apply to the 18th century writers
a. They dreamed of becoming more natural
b. They found themselves unhappy with the way in which their fathers looked at life, with their formalism, their narrowness of sympathy, and their controlling ideals
c. They struggled for the self-complacency, the chilliness, and the aridity of the preceding age
d. They looked for becoming spontaneous in expressing themselves in literature
4) Environmental Pollution, Poor health conditions at the start of the century, Materialism and the weakness of family structure are examples of the .......of the Industrial Revolution
a. Reasons
b. Demerits.
c. Indirect causes
d. All false
5) The expansion of the British Empire led to
a. London became a very rich capital
b. British people felt very important and powerful
c. A lot of revolutions against England.
d. All false
6) Until the 18th century the novel referred specifically to:
a. A fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters. It is about 250 pages in length
b. Short fictions of love and intrigue as opposed to romances, which were epic-length works about love and adventure.
c. Stories about great people.
d. All false
7) Novelty, the noun, means
a. Writing novels
b. Something that is not welcome
c. Imagination
d. All false
8) One of the following is NOT a factor of the rise of the novel
a. Restoration of monarchy (post-Puritan)
b. Appearance of periodicals
c. Disappearance of middle class
d. Growing audience of literate women
9) A prototype of the Elizabethan literature is "arcadia" which was written by
a. John Milton
b. Sir Philip Sidney
c. Aphra Behn
d. John Bunyan
10) A prototype of the Elizabethan literature is "Oronooko or the royal slave" which was written by
a. John Bunyan
b. John Milton
c. Sir Philip Sidney
d. Aphra Behn
11) A prototype of the Elizabethan literature is the "Pilgrims Progress" which was written by
a. John Milton
b. Sir Philip Sidney
c. Aphra Behn
d. John Bunyan
12) Superstition was
(a) One of the passive effects of the Industrial Revolution.
(b) One of the positive effects of the Industrial revolution
(c) Ended with the start of the Industrial Revolution
(d) All false
13) Only believing what is concrete, what is seen, not what is spiritual or ambigiuos. This is the definition of
(a) Superstition
(b) Industrial Revolution
(c) Materialism
(d) All false
14) One of the following statements does NOT apply to the positive effects of the industrial revolution
(a) Lack of interest in education as everyone went to work to gain money
(b) Work of women and children
(c) The strength of the family structure
(d) Poverty of some classes of people
15) One of the positive effects of the industrial revolution is that it changed society from stagnation to turmoil. Stagnation means
(a) The state of being inactive for a very long time.
(b) The state of being active from a long time
(c) The state of unity
(d) All false
16) The last major form of all other literary genres to have developed in terms of history is
(a) Poetry
(b) Drama
(c) Romance
(d) Novel
17) The epics written by Homer in the 6th century BC are an example of:
(a) The existence of historical writings in the 17th century literature.
(b) The existence of ‘fictional literature’ well before the novel proper.
(c) The greatness of Roman Empire achievements.
(d) All false
18) The rise of the middle classes in Western Europe was one of the reasons contributed in
(a) The rise of poetry
(b) The rise of socialism
(c) The rise of capitalism
(d) The rise of novel.
19) One of the reasons led to the rise of novel is that the uthors became free agents in the literary market place. To explain this we can say:
(a) They became rich
(b) They became dependent on popular sales for success and sustenance.
(c) They became poor
(d) All false
20) Although the emergence of novel is considered to happen in 1st half of the 18th century in England, but early works similar to the novel date back to
(a) The Latin literature
(b) The Elizabethan literature.
(c) The medieval literature
(d) All false
21) (Imaginative writing) is considered as
(a) The young form of novel
(b) The old form of novel.
(c) The old form of poetry
(d) The young form of literature.
22) The ............ novel is 250 years old
(a) French
(b) New
(c) English
(d) American
23) (Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, and Sterne) are:
(a) The real "masters" of the novel in the eighteenth century
(b) The only writers who fulfilled the requirements to be novelists
(c) The Elizabethan period writers who wrote novels
(d) All false
24) The first significant novel in ........... was Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko
(a) Latin
(b) English
(c) Japanese
(d) Spanish
25) Oroonoko was written in
(a) 1775
(b) 1688
(c) 1810
(d) None of the above mentioned.
معلومات حول الكويز
___ Quiz The Rise of The Novel ___ Part 2
___ Quiz The Rise of The Novel ___ Part 2
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مناقشة الكويز: ___ Quiz The Rise of The Novel ___ Part 2
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