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[أسئلة اختبار - The Rise of The Novel - Mahmoud Alahras]
اسئلة اختبار عام 1434-1435
عدد الأسئلة: 43
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1) . Robioson served as a……………in north Africa .
2) The day which Crusoe saved the life of the native was……
3) According to some critics, the plot in Robinson Crusoe is …
Loose, there is no organic unity
multiple, there are a lot of plots
4) Crusoe prays to God when he is
At home with his family
In trouble
5) When Crusoe found the print of a man's naked foot of the island , he took care of his …………………
6) One of the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution was…
Air pollution
7) The length of novel is ………….…pages
More than a hundred
Between forty or fifty and hundred
8) Some people from the ……...…..were anti-novel the 18'' century because novels were written in the poor language
. Upper class
Middle class
9) ………… was one of the main reasons behind the rise of the novel
The wording of the children
The growing number of the middle class
10) The gothic novel usually contains
Peaceful places, as hospital
Terrifying places, as graveyards
11) The met fiction novel often deals with …
The process of the novel's composition
Scientific process
12) The …………novel is written in the form of letters
13) The novel grew due to the spread of …….. in the eighteenth century
. Drama
14) most of the eighteenth century novelists used simple language because their readers were
Simple people, from the middle class.
Fiction about fiction
15) A novel which is about vampires is called …………………. novel.
16) The …………. Character faces conflicts in the novel and tries to find solutions for them
17) Which narrator is free to judge and comment on characters and events?
The objective
The omniscient narrator
18) The novelist leaves his characters face their fates by having ………..narrator
. A multiple
An objective
19) The ……….novel is also described as a fantastic novel
Science fiction
20) 9 In the picaresque novel in the eighteenth century, the picaro mainly depends on ………..to achieve his interests
Traveling from one places to another
Trading, buying and selling things
21) An example of science fiction novel is
A tale of tow cities by dickens
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
22) The omniscient narrator knows ………..about characters
23) Crusoe has ……….out look towards humanity and life that makes him happy and satisfied
An optimistic
A negative
24) The cannibals' captive in the boat was ………..
Defoe's father
Friday's father
25) Crusoe didn't take his wife with him when he went back to the island because she was……
26) When Robinson find the print of a men's naked foot on the island, he spend …………in fear
Tow years
All his life
27) 7 In the eighteenth century. Most of the novelists wrote about the ………….side of life in their society
. External
28) Which language was used by most of the novelists in the eighteenth century ?
The poetic language
Everyday life language
29) ………………novel tends to represent ordinary people in daily life activities and settings
A realistic
. An unrealistic
30) Robinson Crusoe is narrated through using …………………
. Multiple narrators
A first-person narrator
31) The relation between Robinson and Friday can be described as a relation between ……………..
a colonist and a slave
a colonist and another colonist
32) setting is not so important for a …………
33) ) in most of the eighteenth century fiction , setting became……..
Imaginary , from outer space
. Normal ,, such as houses of common people
34) ….... is one of the most popular themes in the eighteenth century novels :
. Individualism
Death .
35) In which stage of the plot is setting normally introduced?
Exposition .
36) The ………….. is discovered by the reader , not stated directly ?
Covert theme
Overt theme .
37) Daniel Defoe was a …………. before writing Robinson Crusoe?
. Journalist.
38) ) Crusoe went to Africa to buy …………
wood .
39) after a lot of thinking , Crusoe decides he cannot kill the …………
40) Robinson Crusoe's name was after ______
His mother's family name
A. His father's family name.
41) According to Crusoe the original sin means .........
Getting married
42) has not a great part in the novel but he helps the major character
minor character (secondary)
major character (central)
43) Major character (central) :simply , most of the events in the novel revolves
around this events
around this character
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[أسئلة اختبار - The Rise of The Novel - Mahmoud Alahras]
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اسئلة اختبار عام 1434-1435
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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