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أسئلة اختبار ظهور الرواية الفصل الثاني 1435
[أسئلة اختبار - ظهور الروايه - ,,,,,,,,,]
عدد الأسئلة: 49
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1) Robinson Crusoe’s name was after
his father’s family name
his mother’s family name
2) Crusoe was frightened because he saw a _____ on the shore of the isolated island
wrecked ship
3) The picaresque novel is usually about _________
a poor young man and his adventures
an artist and his life
4) At beginning of a novel such as Robinson Crusoe, ________ is introduced in the exposition stage
the end of the hero's adventure
the background of hero
5) The American Revolution was mainly set to ______
to free France from England
to free America from England
6) ________________ took power at the end of French Revolution
Queen Anne
Napoleon Bonaparte
7) The omniscient narrator knows ________ about characters
8) Crusoe didn’t take his wife with him when he went back to the island because she was _____________
afraid of going to that island
9) When Crusoe feels of any danger or falls in trouble he ask … from his
10) Robinson Crusoe is described as ____________ novel
A metafaction
An action
11) When Crusoe begins to look for another secure place instead of the first one, he wants this place to be ______
near fresh water
near dangerous animals
12) Which narrator is free to judge and comment on characters and events?
The omniscient narrator
The multiple narrator
13) On the island, Crusoe has put two conditions on the English Captain in order to free him from the captivity of the cannibals. One of these conditions is ______
the captain will be in control of the island
the captain will take him to England for free
14) ___________ novel tends to represent ordinary people in daily life activites and settings
A realistic
An unrealistic
15) The Glorious Revolution was called so because there was ____________
spread of diseases
no bloodshed, somehow there was no killing at large extent
16) According to some critics, the plot in Robinson Crusoe is loose plot. That means it _____
is complicated
does not have organic unity
17) The novel that is between fact and fiction is called _______
18) Most writers couldn't only depend on books they wrote in the 17th and early 18th centuries because ____________
there was not enough money or even no money gained at all from writing
there was nobody who could read
19) Drama was subjected to censorship after the Licensing Act of 1737. As a result of that novels had been ___________
20) Mathew Arnold called the 18th century “ the age of prose ” because many __________ were composed during this age
21) The social novel in the 18th century was mainly a reaction the abuses against the poor, who gained nothing from industrialization. This novel presented _______
people's problems in their lives
scientific issues
22) Crusoe wants to do anything to become rich. This is a kind of a______________ theme because he is interested in wealth.
23) Crusoe wants to bring “order to disorder”. This is clear in the relationship between Crusoe as a master and Friday as a native which can be also stated as a ________________ theme.
24) One of the main reasons behind the rise of the novel during the 18th century was the______________
increasing number of poets
political and social stability
25) When Crusoe found the print of a man's naked foot on the island, he took care of his _________
26) Lyrical Ballads was published in 1798. This date was an indication of the beginning of
27) A round character is also described as ____________ character
28) The novel that usually contains terrifying places, as graveyards .It's called the ______ novel
29) The Time Machine by H.G. Wells is an example of _____________ novel
science fiction
30) In Robinson Crusoe the reader feels so close to the narrator because __________
he is the only source of narration and he has faced adventures
he talks about the adventures of other people
31) In the picaresque novel in the eighteenth century, the picaro mainly depends on ______________ to achieve his interests
educating himself, entering a school
travelling from one place to another
32) During his stay in Brazil, Crusoe became a ___________
33) The central character that faces conflicts all over the novel and tries to find solutions for them is called the _____ character
34) A flat character called "humorous" in the 17th century. The flat character can be easily noticed and remembered by the readers because it is usually ________
constructed around a single quality
changeable from one event to another
35) Crusoe has ___________ outlook towards humanity and life that makes him happy and satisfied
a pessimistic
an optimistic
36) During the 18th century, some people from the upper class were anti-novel because they thought that most novels _________
had bad values
had degrading form of writing
were full of love stories
all of the above
37) In the eighteenth century, most of the novelists wrote about the ____ side of life in their society
38) According to Crusoe the original sin means ______________
getting married
disobeying his parents
39) In the 18th century, there were many purposes of the novelists that they wanted to achieve in their novels. ___________ not one of these purposes
Writing in verse rather than prose
Entertaining their readers
40) In most of the eighteenth century fiction, setting became ______________
imaginary, from outer space
normal, such as houses of common people
41) The covert theme in a novel is discovery by _________________
the major character
the reader himself
42) The day which Crusoe saved the life of native was ______________
43) The ____________ novel is ( fiction about fiction ) this kind of the novel deals with process of the composition of it
44) ______________ is one of the most popular themes in the eighteenth century novels
War and peace
45) The epistolary novel is written in the form of ________
46) Robinson Crusoe is narrated through a first-person narrator. That narrator is __________
47) A novel which contains a lot of facts is called a ____________ novel
48) Friday’s father was one of the __________
English sailors
captives in the boat
49) The novelist leaves his characters face their fates by having ______________ narrator
an objective
an omniscient
معلومات حول الكويز
أسئلة اختبار ظهور الرواية الفصل الثاني 1435
[أسئلة اختبار - ظهور الروايه - ,,,,,,,,,]
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