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((( اللغه وتقنية المعلومات )))
[أسئلة مراجعة - اللغه وتقنية المعلومات - د. عبدالله الفريدان]
مجموعة من أسئلة الإختبارات
عدد الأسئلة: 53
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1) Chapelle (2001) argues that CALL evaluation should be carried out using
a- SLA theories
b- FLA theories
2) There are two stages in Chapelle's (2001) evaluation. These are
a- Usage and evaluation
b- Implementation and assessment
c- Judgmental and empirical
3) CALL software can be defined as
a- Any potential software usable by language learners in connection with leaning
b- Any software available in the market accessible to all
4) Evaluation can be defined as
a- Using an application for learning purposes
b- Judging the price of an application
c- Deciding on the fitness of something to certain purposes
5) A corpus Is
a- Stored information
b- Stored images and videos
c-Stored collection of language data
6) Computer Assisted/Aided Language Learning. longhand for
a- calt
call -b
7) CALL stand for ................
Case application language learning
Computer assisted language learning
8) with call there are ……….elements or area
9) Three important stages in the CALL process. These are
a) Development/ usage/ evaluation
b) Purchase/assessment/selling out
10) CALL 'tasks' include what may be otherwise referred to as
games, exercises
games, exercises, activities, materials, even tests
11) CALL is the abbreviation of
c.-Computer Advanced Language Learning
d.-Computer Assisted/Aided Language Learning
12) - I.e. how teachers use software with their learners
a- Evaluation
b- Development/creation
13) I.e. how to decide what is good or bad software
a- evaluation
b- Development/creation
14) the history of CALL goes back to
a) The era of Dinosaurs
b) The era of Ice Age
c) The era of Powerful Macs and PCs
15) The computer-as-big-as-a-room era. Entire courses like that of ……….. organized at a few universities.
a- Dell
16) UUEG is an example of CALL software. It mainly facilitates learning
Grammar and structures
17) Mobile Aided Language Learning. Longhand for ..
a- mall
b- moll
18) - There are two stages in Chapelle scheme ….
a- judgmental and empirical
b- Judgmental and experimental
19) In the judgmental stage, Chapelle (2001) analyses the software using two levels ….
the program and the learner
- the program and the teacher
20) - the criteria of evaluation software are ……
a- language learning potential, learner fit
b- language learning potential, learner fit, meaning focus, positive impact, authenticity, and practicality
21) There are two stages in Chapelle’s (2001) evaluation. These are
a) Usage and evaluation
b) Implementation and assessment
c) Judgmental and empirical
22) UUEG is an example of CALL software. It mainly facilities learning
Grammar and structure
23) -……… is a matter of judging the fitness of something for a particular purpose
24) Evaluation can be defined as ......
Using an application for learning purposes
Deciding on the fitness of something to certain purposes
25) A book …….compared to a CALL software.
Is full of multimedia items
Is limited in its media capability
26) The criteria of Chapelle's (2001) evaluation scheme include……
Language learning potential
Leaner fit, meaning focus, and positive impact.
Authenticity and practicality
All the above
27) Chapelle (2001) showed that “Evaluation of CALL is a……….argument”
. Animal- specific
Situation- specific
28) Evaluation a CALL software after the program had been acquired and used with learners, involves the question of ……….
Whether this software was a success and the action is to use it or not with current or other learners.
b) Whether to buy this software or not.
29) In CALL, it is especially necessary teachers to be ……
a) Good at negotiating because there is a lot of poor materials about.
b) Good at buying because there is a lot of great materials about.
c) Good at evaluating because there is a lot of poor materials about.
30) - ……….. means relying on one's own judgment/experience, and maybe published consensus on what should be there, what is good or bad, or AL theory.
31) - thinking about Designing Call materials is the same thinking of….
a- designing a car
B- designing a text books
32) When trying out a CALL program it is especially useful often to …………………..to see how the program responds.
Work on it in different environments
Make deliberate mistakes
33) 5. Using the ‘research’ method to enhance the checklist approach means looking …………with some analytic techniques etc. at aspects under the (a) or (b)
34) CALL checklist was first inspired mainly by ………..
a) Odell (1968)
b) Odell (2001)
c) Odell (1986)
35) Specification ( External per-requisites of a CALL software) usually needs to be ……. To any consideration of real pedagogical value.
36) Chapelle likes to relate Call evaluation to…….
37) Chapelle (2001) and Skehan (1998 in Chapelle 2001) suggest some conditions which might characterize a task that draws learners' attention to the form.
modified input
modified interaction
modified interaction’ and ‘modified input’
38) In UUEG,the …………………. is very appropriate and one of the potential strengths of the software
39) according to Shchan (cited in Chapelle 2001). CALL material must the target learners, and accordingly its takes should be set at a level that is …….
Neither too simple nor too difficult
Too simple
40) . Chapelle (1998) also argues that if the input has been made salient, it …..
Will not help with language learning
Will help with language learning
41) one of the biggest evidence of corpus…..
42) we use corpus by teachers and learners to ……
help describe language, and test theories
aid language learning
43) corpus is
Stored information
Stored collection of language data
44) Some users of corpora are ……
a) Dictionary makers, computational linguistic and descriptive grammarians.
b) Slyllsticians and teachers making class takes.
c) Sociolinguists, language learning researches and writers of teaching syllabuses.
d) All the above.
45) BNC stands for the ………
a) The Brazilian National Copious
b) The British National Corpus
46) an Engineering goal of LNP means….
Design, implement, and test systems that process natural languages for practical applications .
Identify the computational machinery needed for an agent to exhibit various forms of linguistic behavior
47) NLP Scientific Goal identifies the computational machinery…….
a-Needed for an auger to exhibit a single form of linguistic behavior.
b-Needed for an agent to exhibit various forms of linguistic behavior.
48) Speech processing, summarization, machine translation, and question answering are
a) Some applications of unnatural languageprocessing
b) Some applications of natural luggage processing
c) Some applications of natural language processing
49) Three important stages in the CALL process. These are
a- Development / usage / evaluation
b- Purchase / assessment / selling out
50) A 'tree bank' refers to ………….
a) a tree with different fruits.
b) a collection of parsed sentences.
51) The Engineering goal of NLA ………. System that process natural languages for practical applications.
a) Designs, ,
b) Implements
52) According to Chappelle (2001) ……… refers to the degree of 'beneficial' focus on form that the software provides.
a) Language learning potential
b) Luggage carrying potential
53) Unlike a program, a book…….
Is not typically die manic or enter a captive
Typically has video clips and animated graphics
Is not typically dynamic or interactive
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((( اللغه وتقنية المعلومات )))
[أسئلة مراجعة - اللغه وتقنية المعلومات - د. عبدالله الفريدان]
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