منتدى كلية علوم الحاسب و تقنية المعلومات بالدمام منتدى كلية علوم الحاسب و تقنية المعلومات ; مساحة للتعاون و تبادل الخبرات بين طالبات كلية علوم الحاسب و تقنية المعلومات و نقل آخر الأخبار و المستجدات . |
أدوات الموضوع |
Extreme Programmers
Extreme Programmers 2012 Students Programming contest هي مسابقة في البرمجة ستنظم من قبل مجموعة علوم الحاسب الآلي بكلية العلوم بجامعة السلطان قابوس بسلطنة عمان، في الفترة من 23_25/ يونيو/2012م. وأقيمت هذه المسابقة في السنوات الماضية على مستوى السلطنة بمشاركة مجموعة من الجامعات والكليات من داخل السلطنة، وتسعى المجموعة هذه السنة لإقامتها على مستوى الخليج. المسابقة عبارة عن منافسة بين مجموعة من الفرق التي تمتلك مهارات في حل المشكلات الحياتية باستخدام لغات البرمجة. للتسجيل زر الموقع الرابط التالي واتبع التعليمات: لتأكيد الإشتراك يرجى إرسال رسالة إلى إيميل المجموعة: csg@squ.edu.om Target group: The contest targets students from computer specialties and those who are interested in programming from the GCC universities students. Objectives of the competition: _ Developing the programming skills of students in computer majors. _ Assisting the courses relevant to this area by translating them into practical reality. _Guide the educational areas to show interest in developing the programming skills of computer major students. _Developing student's teamwork skills and train them on the fundamental policies of group thinking and planning. _Developing problem understanding and solving skills. _Preparing the students for ACM contest. General Rules and Regulation: 1) For the participant: _All team participants should be registered by their coach through online registration through the following website and follow the instructions: http://www.squ.edu.om/Portals/26/ExtremeProgrammers _Your name that you type it in the registration form will be used in the badges and certificates. _The accommodation will not be provided and we have enclosed a list of hotels near to the university where the contest will take place and you should restrict to the list otherwise we will not be responsible. _The lunch and dinner will be provided during the two days of the contest which are 23rd and 24th June, 2012. _The transportation between the airport to the hotels and between the hotels to the contest place will be provided during the whole contest period. _The contest organizers have the right to take images from the contest to be used in any media. _Your college has an option to nominate a Programming Teacher to be chosen among other teachers in the judges committee for the contest. You need to point out his/her name, phone number, email and CV, and then send it to the email: csg@squ.edu.om as soon you decide. _The decision of the judges will be final and binding for the contest. 2) For the contest: _Participating teams compete on solving real life problems using programming languages C/C++ or Java (eclipse, Netbeans or Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0). _Each team consists of three participants with the presence of a coach. Participants are recommended to choose a suitable name for their team. _The competition includes the following events: _Opening ceremony with an introductory presentation about the contest and itsgeneral rules and regulations. _Practice session to prepare the competing teams for the contest by introducing them to the environment being used (PC2). _The Contest. _ Closing ceremony for announcing the winning teams. _All the teams are strongly recommended to attend all the events associated with the contest. _The contest will carry on for 5 hours continuously and it consists of 7-10 questions. _The winning team is the one that delivers the largest number of properly running programs. If two teams submit an equal number of correct programs, time factor will be taken under consideration. The List of the hotels: _Golden Tulip, Seeb _The Chedi, Muscat _Park Inn by Radisson, Muscat _City Seasons Hotel, Muscat _Radisson Blu Hotel, Muscat And for more information about the hotels you could visit: http://www.booking.com |
2012- 5- 27 | #2 |
رد: Extreme Programmers
وللحصول على المزيد من المعلومات:
زوروا صفحة المسابقة على الفيس بوك http://facebook.com/ExtremeProgrammers2012 وعلى تويتر http://twitter.com/ExtremeP5th كما يمكنكم زيارة مدونة المسابقة: http://extreme-programmers.blogspot.com |
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extreme, programmers |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |