E3 English Literature Students Level Three Forum |
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أدوات الموضوع |
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#91 |
أكـاديـمـي نــشـط
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رد: ஜ]¦[‗ـ−Ξ مجلس مذاكرة قراءات مطالعات يوم الاختبار 8-7-1435 هـ Ξ−ـ‗]¦[ஜ
[mark=#33FF00]السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته [/mark]
ياشباب نصيحه انتبهوا من مواد / عمار المعاني والله اسئلته صعبه ويجيبها من بين السطور والله يعينكم عليه السمسترات الجايه حبيت انزل لكم التعاريف بهذه الماده وجزاء الله خيرا من قام بتنسيقها http://www.**********/vb/attachment....0&d=1378766002 |
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#92 |
متميزة بملتقى الفنون الأدبية
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رد: ஜ]¦[‗ـ−Ξ مجلس مذاكرة قراءات مطالعات يوم الاختبار 8-7-1435 هـ Ξ−ـ‗]¦[ஜ
مايفتح الرابط اخوي
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#93 |
أكـاديـمـي نــشـط
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رد: ஜ]¦[‗ـ−Ξ مجلس مذاكرة قراءات مطالعات يوم الاختبار 8-7-1435 هـ Ξ−ـ‗]¦[ஜ
مو على كيف أبو جده يفتح يعني يفتح
http://www.**********/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=17950&d=1378766002 |
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#94 |
أكـاديـمـي ألـمـاسـي
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رد: ஜ]¦[‗ـ−Ξ مجلس مذاكرة قراءات مطالعات يوم الاختبار 8-7-1435 هـ Ξ−ـ‗]¦[ஜ
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#95 |
أكـاديـمـي نــشـط
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رد: ஜ]¦[‗ـ−Ξ مجلس مذاكرة قراءات مطالعات يوم الاختبار 8-7-1435 هـ Ξ−ـ‗]¦[ஜ
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#96 |
متميزة بملتقى الفنون الأدبية
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رد: ஜ]¦[‗ـ−Ξ مجلس مذاكرة قراءات مطالعات يوم الاختبار 8-7-1435 هـ Ξ−ـ‗]¦[ஜ
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#97 |
أكـاديـمـي نــشـط
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رد: ஜ]¦[‗ـ−Ξ مجلس مذاكرة قراءات مطالعات يوم الاختبار 8-7-1435 هـ Ξ−ـ‗]¦[ஜ
يقولون اخر علاج الكي تحديد وارسال لعل الله أن ينفع بها جميع التعاريف المقرره علينا في القراءات والمطالعات Read the definitions below and write words or expressions that fit these definitions :- 1- A paper containing the laws that a country is based on= ..Constitution.. 2- Calculations = …….Statistic…… 3- Fees (money) for education = …Tuition …… 4- Far away from cities or towns = ………Rural \\ isolated… 5- a school for job training = …Vocational… 6- To have enough money for something = …Afford \\ can by… 7- Sides, parts, characteristics, features = …Aspects… 8- To decide on something = …Determine… 9- Another idea or point of view = …On the one hand .. 10- Covering all countries or global = …Universal\\ global… 11- On the one hand== …one point of view … 12-On the other hand ==…the other idea\\ the opposite goine view… 13-Compulsory = ….required…. 14-Universal== global\\ coverig all countries. 15-Primary==elementary 16-Rural …isolated\\ far away… 17-Free=== no money to pay 18-Egalitarian=== …equal 19-Discipline ==…control\\ systam…….. 20-Entire=== …whole…. 21-Status ==…position…. 22-Determines==…decide on… 23-Developing countries=. .poor countries\\ countries under development.. 24-Worsening =.. getting worse or bad the opposite of getting better .. 25-Actually = ..in fact \\ really.. 26-Pedestrian zone=.. an area for walkers.. 27-Predict= .. to expect something to happen in the past.. 28- gridlock= .. traffic can't move because of crowed 29-commute==.. move or travel from place to another .. 30-Peer pressure = - group members make sure that each person pay back his or her loan 31-social ills== violence and lack of education 32- poverty= == poorness 33-character=- a person/ feature 34- capacity==.. the ability to occaputy sore thing… 35-Lift = pick up 36-eradication= eliminate/detail 37-subsidiary= branch company / companies that follow other company 38-. Fund = loan / to provide with money 39- grants= money given as gift 40-Plow= what a farmer uses to dig his land 41-livelihood = profession 42-Posts = jobs 43-secure = life time job/ safe from 44-self-confidence= satisfied in one’s self 45- upgrade === to be in a higher rank 46- keep up with = follow any new event 47- telecommuting === working using internet and mobile 48- distract === not focus on/ throw attention away 49- drawback === - disadvantage 50- leisure e== a creation / relax 51- globalization === all around the world 52- flexible ===- easy to hand 53- Career councilors== people who give advice about profession and career 54- Job security == the feeling that the worker will never lose his or her job 55- Outsourcing == the movement of jobs to places with lower salaries 56-Job hopping == changing from one job to another 57-Pleasure== the feeling of being happy and satisfied 58- Enroll== join officially a school or university 59- Plain== very clear and easy to understand 60- To put on clothes == wear clothes 61- Climate== average weather condition over a long time 62-Gap== a space \\ distance between two things or persons. 63- Detective ===== An inspector who looks for criminals 64- Informania === The constant flood of information cell phones and emails. هذه جميع معاني الكلمات الي بالانجليزي سواء بالجدول او بالتمارين )الاختياري( 1- Determine=== decide on 2- Afford== have enough money for 3- Reflect=== show 4- Nontraditional=== unusual 5- Drawback== disadvantage 6- Statistic== fact in the form of a number 7- Discipline== control 8- Aspect= side, part, or characteristic 9- Involve=== includes 10- Tuition== fees(money) for school 11- Entire=== whole 12- Creative== developing new ideas 13- Poverty== poorness 14- Character== honesty 15- Capacity== a bility to do something 16- Lift== get someone rid of 17- Eradication== elimination 18- Subsidiary=== branch company 19- Fund== loan 20- Grant=== given money not lent 21- Plow=== invest for dige the land for planting 22- Overseas== in another country across an ocean 23- Drawback== disadvantage 24- Overwork== too much work 25- Work force== people who are working 26- Upgrade=== improve 27- Online=== using the internet 28- Background= one's experience and education 29- Overestimate== give an estimate that is too high 30- Overcrowding== too many people in one place 31- Gridlock== terrible traffic jam 32- Reflect== throw back; give an image of 33- Survive== continue to live or exist 34- Transit==== moving people or things across places 35- International== among other countries 36- Invest==== put money into a business in the hopes of making profit 37- Experience== get knowledge from life 38- Replace == put back, provide something again 39- Prevent== stop something before it happens 40- Combination== joining together of people or things 41- Counterclockwise== in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock 42- Harbor=== a place by sea for ships and boats 43- Gap== a space between two things \ a difference 44- Nutrients==== very useful food 45- Obstacles=== hindrances 46- Benefits== advantages 47- Areas== places 48- Detective== an inspector who looks for criminals 49- Look for== search 50- Reduce== make less 51- Require== need or want 52- Astonish== surprise 53- Gestures== hints 54- Pick up== choose\\ select or carry 55- Creatures== living things like animals and plants 56- Echo== a repeated \ or sent back sound 57- Claim== to demand \ advocate 58- Species== similar kinds or sorts 59- Coin== a metal piece of money 60- Acquire== to get or obtain or win 61- Shed light on== concentrate on \ focus on 62- Upright== honest and responsible\ straight back 63- Focus== central point \ concentrate 64- Capacity== what a container can hold 65- Respond== reply \ answer 66- Realize== understand 67- Head of something== the main point \ the centre 68- Return=== give back \ come back 69- Vast== big and wide 70- Depict== show in the form of the picture 71- Merchant== tradesman 72- Sum up== conclude 73- Point out=== indicate 74- Handsome== looks beautiful and attractive 75- Route== way or road street 76- Region== area \ district 77- Found== establish 78- Mature== fully grown 79- Varies== differs 80- Differentiate=== distinguish 81- Survive== stay alive 82- Established== founded 83- Walk behind=== follow 84- Old==== fashioned 85- Dream== job 86- Cell== phone 87- Technology== field 88- Computer=== lab 89- Career== counseling 90- Employment== egency 91- Self== confidence 92- High=== school 93- City=== life 94- College== tuition 95- Wash === clean 96- Path==== way 97- Root== solution 98- Make less== reduce 99- Lose power === fall 100- Benefits== advantages 101- Surprise== astonish 102- Excite ==== make happy 103- Relax ===== to rest 104- Interest ===== concent \ benefit 105- Challenge ===== stand against 106- Frighthen ==== horrify \ terrify\ make others feel afraid 107- Holod back ====== stop or prevent 108- Alone ====== away from others \ no body with hime \her 109- Need=== require 110- Hindrances === obstacles 111- Special=== private 112- Literally== word by word 113- Hints== gestures 114- Return== give back 115- Get or obtain == acquire 116- Honest or responsible ===== upright 117- A metal piece of money == coin 118- Poisons === toxin لاتنسوني من دعواتكم |
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#98 |
أكـاديـمـي فـعّـال
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رد: ஜ]¦[‗ـ−Ξ مجلس مذاكرة قراءات مطالعات يوم الاختبار 8-7-1435 هـ Ξ−ـ‗]¦[ஜ
الله يعطيكم العافية جميعآ ويجزاكم كل خير ع جهودكم
<< ضيف من مستوى ثامن حسبي عليك ي اللي في بالي :( لوسمحتوا مين حل أسئلة المراجعة الـ 20 يضعها لنا فضلآ وليس أمرآ |
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#99 | |
أكـاديـمـي فـعّـال
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رد: ஜ]¦[‗ـ−Ξ مجلس مذاكرة قراءات مطالعات يوم الاختبار 8-7-1435 هـ Ξ−ـ‗]¦[ஜ
معليش الفقرة الأخيرة كيف السؤال عليها ؟! في شرح لتروك السمستر الماضي كان كثير اعرفهم يتابعوه و يمدحو الشرح .. قلت أحطه للفائدة http://www.ckfu.org/vb/t511681.html |
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#100 |
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رد: ஜ]¦[‗ـ−Ξ مجلس مذاكرة قراءات مطالعات يوم الاختبار 8-7-1435 هـ Ξ−ـ‗]¦[ஜ
السلام عليكم زملائي اﻷعزاء
مساعدتكم بسؤال بالله Last week ايش نوع كلمة last هنا جا ببالي انها adverb بما انها ظرف لكن ما كان من ضمن الخيارات |
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مواقع النشر (المفضلة) |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
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الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
[ كويز ] : أسئلة إختبار قراءات و مطالعات الفصل الأول - 1435 هـ | خـــاطـــر | E3 | 18 | 2014- 5- 6 06:14 PM |