اجتماع 3 طلاب وطالبات المستوى الثالث التعليم عن بعد علم اجتماع جامعة الملك فيصل |
أدوات الموضوع |
2011- 12- 21 | #171 |
أكـاديـمـي ذهـبـي
رد: شرح انقلش كتابه من قروب الزوليه الحمراااااء
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Beginning البداية القصة أسئلةالبداية Where did we go? Why did we travel? How did we feel? How did we travel? When did we travel? How was the journey? When did we arrive? Where did we stay? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Middle وسط القصة أسئلة وسط القصة What did we do? Where did we go? How did we ravel? Did we have a good time? What was especial about the trip? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= End نهاية القصة أسئلة نهاية القصة When did we come back? How did we travel? When did we get home? How did we feel? Did we have a good time? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Time Transition Words كلمات الفترةالإنتقالية during - later on - in the end - the next day - at last - before - after that - finally خلال -- في وقت لاحق -- في النهاية -- في اليوم التالي -- أخيراً -- قبل -- بعد ذلك -- وأخيرا =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Garcia family was very excited before the trip They didn’t have a lot of free time during their visit to New York On Monday, they took a train. the next day, they took a ferry On Friday, they took a subway to the city. later on, they took a bus to Central Park After they got off the bus, they looked for Maria. finally, they saw her Mr. Garcia ran after the bus. at last,the bus driver stopped in the end, Maria was safe Maria was very careful on buses and trains after that |
2011- 12- 21 | #172 |
أكـاديـمـي ذهـبـي
رد: شرح انقلش كتابه من قروب الزوليه الحمراااااء
تابع لماقبلها Lecture Components مكوناتالمحاضرة Personal Narrative - story شخصيةالروائي - للقصة First person pronouns الضمائر الشخصيةللمتحدث Transition Words الكلماتالإنتقالية Organization: a beginning, a middle, and an end تنظيم القصة : بداية ،ووسط ، ونهاية The topic sentence موضوع الجملة The supporting sentences الجمل المساندة The concluding sentence الجملة الختامية =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= عنوان الشريحة Tell a Story: Personal Narrative الراوي : شخصيةالروائي A personal narrative tells a story from the writer’s point of view. It uses the first person - I, my, me, we, our, us - الروائي يحكى لنا القصة من وجهة نظر الكاتب الخاصة . ويستخدم صيغالمتكلم الأولي . It also has a beginning, a middle, and an end كما أن لدية بداية للقصة ، ووسط ،ونهاية In a narrative, the topic sentence introduces the story في السرد : يخبرنا عنوان الموضوع بمحتوى وفحوىالقصة The supporting sentences tell about the setting, characters, and action الجمل المساندة تخبرنا عن الإعداد ، الشخصيات،الأحداث The concluding sentence ends the story and tells what it means الجملة الختامية تنهي القصة وتخبرنا عن معنها ومغزيطرحها First person pronouns الضمائر الشخصيةللمتحدث I == subject pronoun == I had an interesting trip last July أنا == ضميرفاعل == كان لي رحلة ممتعة في يوليوالماضي Me == Object pronoun == The zookeeper gave me a snake لي == ضمير مغعولبه == حارس الحديقة قدم ليثعباناَ My == Adjective pronoun == My brother held the snake, too خاصتي == ضميرصفة == أخي حمل الثعبان ،أيضاً We == subject pronoun == We watched an animal show نحن == ضمير فاعل == نحن شاهدنا عرضالحيوان Us == Object pronoun == My father drove us to the zoo نحن ضمير متكلمين == ضمير مفعول به == قاد أبي بنا إلىحديقة الحيوان Our == Adjective pronoun == It was very close to our home نا/لنا == ضميرصفة == وكانت قريبة من منزلنا First person pronouns الضمائر الشخصيةللمتحدث بالقطعة السابقة I - Me - My - We - Us - Our __________________ |
2011- 12- 21 | #173 |
أكـاديـمـي ذهـبـي
رد: شرح انقلش كتابه من قروب الزوليه الحمراااااء
عنوان الشريحة Time Transition Words الكلمات الأنتقالية Transition words help to connect ideas. Time transition words tell the reader the order of events in a story after - before - Meanwhile - While بعد - قبل - وفي الوقت نفسه - بينما __________________ عنوانالشريحة Time Transition Words الكلماتالأنتقالية Look the following words up in an English-English dictionary and use them in examples of your own after - afterwards - before - during - earlier - eventually First - until - later - meanwhile - next now- once - second -soon when - then - today __________________ هذهالثلاث شراح توضح لنا تسلسل القصة من البداية ثم الوسطفالنهاية =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Topic Sentence موضوعالجملة هي الجملة الأولي التي ترد في القصة وتخبرنا هذه الجملة ما ستطرحةعلينا القطعة من أفكار وفي المقال الروائي جملة الموضوع تقدم القصة .. مثال ذلك بداية القصة بالون الأحمر . I had an interesting trip last July. My father, mother, brother, and I went to a new zoo downtown. My father drove us to the zoo. It was very close to our home. We walked around the zoo after we arrived. We saw many animals. Some animals were beautiful. Some animals were funny. I really liked the snakes. I thought they were fascinating. My brother didn’t like them. He thought they were scary. Later on, we watched an animal show. During the show, the zookeeper gave me a snake! I held it for five minutes. It was really heavy, but it was beautiful. Later on, my brother held the snake, too. Now, he doesn’t think they are scary. They are his new favorite animal. In the end, we all had a good time at the zoo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I had an interesting trip last July. My father, mother, brother, and I went to a new zoo downtown. My father drove us to the zoo. It was very close to our home. We walked around the zoo after we arrived. We saw many animals. Some animals were beautiful. Some animals were funny. I really liked the snakes. I thought they were fascinating. My brother didn’t like them. He thought they were scary. Later on, we watched an animal show. During the show, the zookeeper gave me a snake! I held it for five minutes. It was really heavy, but it was beautiful. Later on, my brother held the snake, too. Now, he doesn’t think they are scary. They are his new favorite animal. In the end, we all had a good time at the zoo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I had an interesting trip last July. My father, mother, brother, and I went to a new zoo downtown. My father drove us to the zoo. It was very close to our home. We walked around the zoo after we arrived. We saw many animals. Some animals were beautiful. Some animals were funny. I really liked the snakes. I thought they were fascinating. My brother didn’t like them. He thought they were scary. Later on, we watched an animal show. During the show, the zookeeper gave me a snake! I held it for five minutes. It was really heavy, but it was beautiful. Later on, my brother held the snake, too. Now, he doesn’t think they are scary. They are his new favorite animal. In the end, we all had a good time at the zoo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= |
2011- 12- 21 | #174 |
متميزه في ملتقى التعليم عن بعد - علم الاجتماع
رد: شرح انقلش كتابه من قروب الزوليه الحمراااااء
موفقين يارب وفالكم a+
ياذكريااااااااااااااات الزوليه الحمراءءءء |
2011- 12- 21 | #175 |
أكـاديـمـي ذهـبـي
رد: شرح انقلش كتابه من قروب الزوليه الحمراااااء
عنوان الشرايحة Practice تدريب My family took a train to Chicago last summer took train drove a train flew a train Make no change تبقى الجملةعلى ماهي عليه The scary movie was bright cloudy frightening هذه الجملةالصحية careful Make no change Later on, we eat lunch at a new café eats did ate ate Make no change We didn’t swam on our trip doesn’t swam didn’t swim doesn’t swim Make no change Where do you go last weekend Where do go Where did you go Where you go Make no change We were on the train all day. It was very nice It was terrible It was amazing It was OK It was exhausting My family took last July a trip to Abha My family took a trip to Abha last July My family to Abha took a trip last July Make no change We took a train Damman to Riyadh We took a trip from to Dammam Riyadh We took a trip from Dammam to Riyadh Make no change |
2011- 12- 21 | #176 |
أكـاديـمـي ذهـبـي
رد: شرح انقلش كتابه من قروب الزوليه الحمراااااء
التاسعة عنوان الشريحة WHAT IS A SENTENCE ماهـي الجملة Lecture Components مكونات المحاضرة What is a sentence ماهيالجملة Subject and Predicate المبتدأوالخبر Compound subject & compound predicate الجملة ذات فاعل متعدد وجمله ذات فعل متعدد Subject – verb agreement التوافق بين الفاعلوالفعل Building sentences بناءالجملة And/or حرف العطف و ،أو Combining sentences الجمع بين الجمل WHAT IS REQUIRED IN EVERY SENTENCE ما المطلوب في تكوينالجملة Not every group of words is a sentence. To be a sentence, a group of words must make a complete thought AND contain : SUBJECT + PREDICATE ليس كل مجموعة من الكلمات هي جملة ، ولكي تكون جملة فيجب على تلكالكلمات أن تكون جملة مفيدة مفهومة تحتوي علي : فعل/ فاعل . أمثلة على تكوين الجملة My roommatelost his keys My familylives in an apartment Idon’t like warm milk or cold coffee Wedon’t have class on Tuesday __________________ Compound Subject الجملة ذات فاعلمتعدد =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The subject can be compound الفاعل يمكن أن يكون مركباً أومتعدد Examples أمثلة My sister speaks English well فاعل واحد My mother and my father speak English well فاعلين My brother, sister, and mother speak English well أكثر منفاعلين =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Compound predicate جملة ذات فعلمتعدد The verb can be compound الفعل يمكن أن يكونمتعدد Examples أمثلة - طبعاً كلها أفعالمتعددة My brother speaks and writes English well He laughed and cried at the same time She lives and works in Jeddah Ahmad and his sister live and work in Jeddah We watched TV and had dinner at home =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Transitive Verbs: Subject + Verb + Object أفعال متعدية : فاعل + فعل + مفعول به Some verbs require an object. They are called transitive verbs بعض الأفعال تطلب مفعول به واحد وأفعالمتعددة Subject + verb + object فاعل + فعل + مفعول به Ahmadboughta new car Khalid and Ahmadhadlunch at a restaurant Franciscogota shopping cart Ieatbreakfast at 7:00 every morning =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= |
2011- 12- 21 | #177 |
أكـاديـمـي ذهـبـي
رد: شرح انقلش كتابه من قروب الزوليه الحمراااااء
عنوان الشريحة Intransitive verbs: Subject + complement الأفعال اللازمة : الفاعل + تكملة =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= An intransitive verb is a verb that does not take an object after it The sun rises in the east The dog barks The child has fallen asleep The tea is hot She called again and again She waited for the bus |
2011- 12- 21 | #178 |
أكـاديـمـي ذهـبـي
رد: شرح انقلش كتابه من قروب الزوليه الحمراااااء
عنوان الشريحة Subject-verb Agreement التوافق بين الفاعلوالفعل ملاحظة/ إجتهاد شخصي للمعلومة... التوافق بين الفاعل والفعل أوالإتفاق بين الفاعل والفعل له ثمان قواعد كل مايهمنا فى هذا الدرس هو هذه القاعدة . A singular subject demands a singular verb; a plural subject demands a plural verb. That is the simple principle behind subject-verb agreement Things here in Miami are fine My friend Salim and Iplay basketball every day My friendplays basketball every day __________________ |
2011- 12- 21 | #179 |
صاحبة مدونة متميزة
رد: شرح انقلش كتابه من قروب الزوليه الحمراااااء
ع القوووووووة
آآآسوووري رآحت علي نومةة زيك انـآ تو آصحصح جوري نورتي الحتةة نبي نشوفك عـآآآآآآآآآد ي دوبآ آسوري الله يعطيك ع كل حرف انجليزي ولا عربي "حسنة" ي رب ويوفقك آآمممين |
2011- 12- 21 | #180 |
أكـاديـمـي ذهـبـي
رد: شرح انقلش كتابه من قروب الزوليه الحمراااااء
عنوان الشريحة Combining sentences الجمع بين جملتين I am a cartoon man* I am famous* I am a famous cartoon man. - adjective + noun صفة + اسم I have big ears* I have black ears* I have big blackears. - Two adjectives + noun صفتين + أسم I always wear red shorts* I always wear white gloves* I always wear red shorts and white gloves I live in a place called Disneyland* I work in a place called Disneyland* I live and work in a place called Disneyland |
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الكلمات الدلالية (Tags) |
الحمراااااء, الزوليه, انقلش, شرح, قروب, كتابه |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
[ جميع التخصصات ] : ايميل د . منى النصر عشان ترسل المحاضرات + جدول اختبار سنه تحضيري + انقلش كتابه الاء العصفور | holsten | منتدى كلية الآداب بالدمام | 9 | 2011- 11- 1 09:09 PM |
.. ●●|الدخول للمحاضرة المباشرة الأولى لمقرر الانجليزي كتابه |●● .. | вяιgнт мσση | المستوى الثاني - كلية الأداب | 37 | 2011- 10- 16 11:22 AM |
[ جميع الأقسام ] انقلش كتابه | كبرياء بدويه | منتدى كلية الآداب بالأحساء | 0 | 2011- 9- 12 04:28 AM |
قروب انقلش مستوى 1 (للبنات فقط) | AL-Maram | قسم المحذوفات و المواضيع المكررة | 3 | 2011- 9- 11 07:32 PM |
[ السنة التحضيــرية ] : بناااات سنه تحضيري اللي حاملين ماده انقلش كتابه / قراءه ادخلوا | ● » ω ά н ṃ | منتدى كلية الآداب بالدمام | 17 | 2011- 6- 30 02:36 PM |