E8 English Literature Students Level eight Forum |
أدوات الموضوع |
2016- 12- 28 | #181 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: تجمع تحليل الخطاب | الاخـتبار :الأربـعاء | | الفتره الثـانيه | 29 - 3 -1438هـ |
A semiotic aspect that is the sign systems such as language gestures, images, or other symbolic
الجانب السيميائي وهو نظام أشارة مثل الأيماءات اللغويه والصور أو غيرها من الرموز activity aspect that is the specific social activity or activities in which the participants are engaging activities are in turn made up of a sequence of action الجانب الحيوي أو الحركي وهو نشاط أجتماعي معين يتيح للمشاركين المشاركه في أنشطة تتكون من سلسلة من الأجراءات A material aspect that is the place time bodies and objects present during interaction الجانب المادي هو ذلك المكان والوقت والأجسام والكائنات الحاضرة أثناء التفاعل A political aspect that is the distribution of social goods in the interaction such as power status & anything else deemed a social good الجانب السياسي وهو توزيع السلع الأجتماعية التفاعلية مثل وضع السلطة أو أي شي أخر يعتبر جيد أجتماعياً A sociocultural aspect, that is, the personal, social, & cultural knowledge, feelings, values, identities, & relationships relevant in the interaction, including, الجانب الأجتماعي الثقافي وهو المعرفة الشخصية والأجتماعية والثقافيه والمشاعر والقيم والهوايات والعلاقات التفاعلية المتصلة All these aspects together constitute a system an interrelatednetwork كل هذه الجوانب تشكل معا نظام الشبكة المترابطة |
2016- 12- 28 | #182 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: تجمع تحليل الخطاب | الاخـتبار :الأربـعاء | | الفتره الثـانيه | 29 - 3 -1438هـ |
............................................. هذة 3 اسئلة في بداية المحاضرة الرابعة كامثلة على الاختبار غير موجودة بالمحتوى ولكن موجودة بالفديو ونسخه الجوال in general people can use more than one .......... language a-social b-psychological c-grammatical d-historical ..................................... 2-the type of meaning we discussed was a-local meaning b- situated meaning c- social meaning d-psych logical .................................. 3-Languagehas a magical property: when we speak or write we craft what we have to say to fit the situation or context in which we are communicating. But,at the same time, how we speak or write ....... that very situation or context. a- dos not create b- creates c- has nothing to do d-ignor . . |
2016- 12- 28 | #183 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: تجمع تحليل الخطاب | الاخـتبار :الأربـعاء | | الفتره الثـانيه | 29 - 3 -1438هـ |
. when we are silently reading, these building tasks are carried out in negotiation and collaboration with the writer in various guises such as the “actual writer,” “assumed writer,” and the narrator, as well as in collaboration with other, المحاضرة 13 |
2016- 12- 28 | #184 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: تجمع تحليل الخطاب | الاخـتبار :الأربـعاء | | الفتره الثـانيه | 29 - 3 -1438هـ |
We tend to think of conversations as “just words.”
نحن نميل الى الاعتقادبأن المحادثة مجرد كلمات But the sorts of conversations he is talking about involvea lot more than words; they involve, in fact,Discourses لكنها اكثر من كلمات .هي عبارة عن خطابات ("Conversations”with a “big C,” since they are better viewed as (historic المحادثة ( بحرف C كابيتال ) هي محادثات تاريخية More thanpeople, & more thanlanguage, are involved in Conversations يشترك بالمحادثات اكثر منشخص واكثر من لغة ( Tools Of inquiry ) الادوات اربع / 1- الهوية الحالية : Situated identities 2- اللغة الاجتماعية : Social languages 3- الخطاب : Discourses” with acapital “D,” 4- المحادثة : Conversations” with acapital “C 1- الهوية الحالية : SituatedidentitiesThat is, different identitiesor social positionswe enact & recognize in different settings لاحظوا هويات مختلفة في اوضاع مختلفة بالمواقف الاجتماعية .. 2- اللغة الاجتماعية : Social languages different styles of language that we use to enact &recognize different identitiesin different settings لاحظوا ااسلوب مختلف من اللغة لهوية مختلفة في وضع مختلف 3- الخطاب : different ways in which we humans integrate language with non-language “stuff,” suchas different ways of thinking هنا الخطاب طرق مختلفة لدمج الناس أو البشر الخطاب فيه بشر ..ولغوي ..وغير لغوي ..وتفكير مختلف . 4- المحادثة : long-running & important themesor motifs that have been the focus of a varietyof different texts & interactions (in different social languages & Discourses المحادثة موضوع مهم يركز على نصوص وتفاعلات مختلفة في لغات اجتماعية مختلفة |
2016- 12- 28 | #185 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: تجمع تحليل الخطاب | الاخـتبار :الأربـعاء | | الفتره الثـانيه | 29 - 3 -1438هـ |
areas of “reality”: مجالات من الواقع وهي 6 1- The meaning and value of aspects of the material world: I enter a plain, square room, and speak and act in a certain way (e.g. like someone about to run a meeting), and, low and behold, where I sit becomes the “front” of the room. 2- Activities: We talk and act in one way and we are engaged in formally opening a committee meeting; we talk and act in another way and we are engaged in “chit-chat” before the official start of the meeting. 3- Identities and relationships: peakiI talk and act in one way one moment and I am speaking and acting as “chair” of the committee; the next moment I speak and talk in a different way and I am speaking and acting as one peer/colleague sng to another 4- Politics (the distribution of social goods): I talk and act in such a way that a visibly angry male in a committee meeting (perhaps it’s me!) is “standing his ground on principle,” but a visibly angry female is “hysterical.” 5- Connections: I talk and act so as to make what I am saying here and now in this committee meeting about whether we should admit more minority students connected to or relevant to (or, on the other hand, not connected to or relevant to) what I said last week about my fears of losing my job given the new government’s turn to the right. 6- Semiotics (what and how different symbol systems and different forms of knowledge “count”(: I talk and act so as to make the knowledge and language of lawyers relevant (privileged), or not, over “everyday language” or over “non-lawyerly academic language” in our committee discussion of facilitating the admission of more minority students . . tools of inquiry ادواات التحقيق وهي 4 1- “Situated identities,” that is, different identities or social positions we enact and recognize in different settings. 2- “Social languages,” that is, different styles of language that we use to enact and recognize different identities in different settings 3- “Discourses” with a capital “D,” that is, different ways in which we humans integrate language with non-language “stuff,” such as different ways of thinking 4- “Conversations” with a capital “C,” that is, long-running and important themes or motifs that have been the focus of a variety of different texts and interactions |
2016- 12- 28 | #186 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: تجمع تحليل الخطاب | الاخـتبار :الأربـعاء | | الفتره الثـانيه | 29 - 3 -1438هـ |
. Semiotic building is one of the six building tasks through which we use language . . One of the best linguists to write about discourse analysis is Gee . . the use of the following sort of pattern of grammatical features social language . . .. مقتطفات من محاضرة 5 -ما جت بالاختبار من قبل-: Wieder and Pratt point out that real Indians “refer to persons who are ‘really Indian’ in just those words with regularity and standardization” People with such (biological) ties can fail to get recognized as a “real Indian,” and people of mixed kinship can be so recognized. |
2016- 12- 28 | #187 |
رد: تجمع تحليل الخطاب | الاخـتبار :الأربـعاء | | الفتره الثـانيه | 29 - 3 -1438هـ |
3) in order to be a particular who and to pull of a particular what (*) that, we(*)
and use language in sync with or in coordination with other people a- act, value . b- act c- value d- hand writing ممكن احد يشرح لي هذا السؤال |
2016- 12- 28 | #188 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: تجمع تحليل الخطاب | الاخـتبار :الأربـعاء | | الفتره الثـانيه | 29 - 3 -1438هـ |
Who / socially - situated identity What / socially - situated activity |
2016- 12- 28 | #189 |
أكـاديـمـي فـضـي
رد: تجمع تحليل الخطاب | الاخـتبار :الأربـعاء | | الفتره الثـانيه | 29 - 3 -1438هـ |
المحاضرات الاربع الاخيرة فيها شي مهم؟
2016- 12- 28 | #190 |
أكـاديـمـي فـضـي
رد: تجمع تحليل الخطاب | الاخـتبار :الأربـعاء | | الفتره الثـانيه | 29 - 3 -1438هـ |
Situated meanings don’t simply reside in individual minds;
very often they are negotiated between people in & through communicative social interaction |
مواقع النشر (المفضلة) |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
[ مذاكرة جماعية ] : القيادة وتنمية المجتمعات المحلية | ر يا ن | اجتماع 8 | 13 | 2015- 4- 26 01:11 AM |