E8 English Literature Students Level eight Forum |
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2014- 2- 19 | #11 |
أكـاديـمـي مـشـارك
رد: جميع بحوث طلبة الدفعات السابقة المطروحة في الملتقى
ممتاز وجزا الله الجميع كل خير والي ماحط بحثه ما أقول الا الله يهديه ويحطه
2014- 2- 19 | #12 |
أكـاديـمـي مـشـارك
رد: جميع بحوث طلبة الدفعات السابقة المطروحة في الملتقى
احتاج اشوف المسودة الاولى ممكن احد يحطها ويسيولي لايك عشان اشوفها
2014- 2- 19 | #13 |
أكـاديـمـي مـشـارك
رد: جميع بحوث طلبة الدفعات السابقة المطروحة في الملتقى
^ ماهذء يا خلدون هههههههههههههه وين الملف يا بو شباب :( |
2014- 2- 20 | #14 |
أكـاديـمـي مـشـارك
رد: جميع بحوث طلبة الدفعات السابقة المطروحة في الملتقى
بارك الله فيكم على كل مجهود تقدمونه من اجل المساعدة
و جزاكم الله خير |
2014- 2- 20 | #15 |
متميزه بملتقى التعليم عن بعد - انقلش
رد: جميع بحوث طلبة الدفعات السابقة المطروحة في الملتقى
شكرا لكي علي جهودكي
وبارك الله فيكم دعواتكم لنا باجتياز هالمقرر |
2014- 2- 23 | #16 |
متميزه بملتقى المواضيع العامة
رد: جميع بحوث طلبة الدفعات السابقة المطروحة في الملتقى
الله يبارك فيك ويزيدك من فضله يارب
عمل رائع ومرتب ويفتح النفس الله يعطيك العافية وربي يوفقك |
2014- 2- 24 | #17 |
أكـاديـمـي نــشـط
رد: جميع بحوث طلبة الدفعات السابقة المطروحة في الملتقى
شكرا على الترتيب وجزاك الله خيراً
مشروع التخرج عندي : د. السقوفي + د. الهلال سؤالي يا جماعة الربع.... متى أفهم ايش اللي لي أو علي ؟؟؟؟ ما نزلت ولا محاضرة، وأملي في المحاضرة المباشرة القادمة شكراً لكم |
2014- 2- 24 | #18 |
متميزة بمسابقة الملتقى الرمضانية
رد: جميع بحوث طلبة الدفعات السابقة المطروحة في الملتقى
ماشاء الله بارك الله فيك بيون
2014- 2- 24 | #19 |
متميزه بملتقى المواضيع العامة
رد: جميع بحوث طلبة الدفعات السابقة المطروحة في الملتقى
The reasons for the weakness of the English language in Saudi society
Student Name : XXXXXXXXXXX Academic Number : XXXXXXXXX 1 Contents : Abstract .................................................. .................................................. ........................... 2 Introduction .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 2 Literature review............................................ .................................................. ................... 2 Significance of Research .................................................. .................................................. 3 Research Questions .................................................. .................................................. ........ 3 Research Methodology....................................... .................................................. .............. 3 Ethical Consideration .................................................. .................................................. ..... 3 Limitations of the study .................................................. .................................................. . 3 Expected Results........................................... .................................................. .................... 4 References .................................................. .................................................. ....................... 4 Appendix .................................................. .................................................. ......................... 5 2 Abstract : This study focuses on the causes of the weakness of the English language in Saudi society will we use the questionnaire or interviews so that we can determine more precisely these reasons, and this research will give benefits to the community and those in charge of teaching the English language and thus remove these causes. Introduction : English has become the language of basic With this in mind, we must seek to develop and interest in them, especially in our Saudi society, we need to our trade or exchange of cultures or when we travel abroad are the first language in the world . Literature review : In previous studies, there are many researchers wrote about my subject: * By Kenneth Beare, About.com Guide, he wrote about (Improve Reading Skills) he said in part of the introduction "Start by thinking about how you read different documents. How do you read the newspaper? How do you read novels? How do you read train schedules? and so on." * Strategies to improve reading fluency skills, by Nancy B. Swigert, M.A., CCC/SLP They focus on the skills of reading they are scanning, Extensive reading, intensive reading, reading comprehension activities, reading lesson plans, English learning techniques and other related articles they discuss. These studies helped me in research to learn basic reading skills, and assessment methods for students reading skills they have. Where they ranked these skills and in detail and this is what I will work in my study when applying improve reading skills among the students of the secondary stage, which aims to help them to acquire the English language 3 faster and in a manner-academic way to help them progress in their intellectual and cognitive development. Significance of Research : The significance of this research in terms of the importance of English in Saudi society, which has become the second language . Research Questions : What are the reasons for the weakness of the English language in Saudi Arabia ? What are the solutions that may be developed to remove the causes of weakness in English in Saudi society ? Research Methodology : Will be used to check out some reliable references add to the process of the questionnaire and interviews. Ethical Consideration : Will take into account in our research, taking into consideration the consent of both will participate in the questionnaire or interviews when we need to put their names in the study or any information . Limitations of the study : This study will be with a slice of the citizens of the community within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . 4 Expected Results : According to the data I expect that the result of the weakness of the English language because: •Lack of clarity of purpose of learning English. •Do not develop the curriculum adequately. •Lack of multiple materials in English language education. •Do not start the teaching of English in the early grades. References : •Kenneth Beare. Improve Reading Skills. Available: http://esl.about.com/od/englishreadi...dingskills.htm. Last accessed 3 Dec 2013 . •Nancy B. Swigert, M.A., CCC/SLP. (). Strategies to improve reading. Available: http://dyslexia-ca.org/pdf/files/swi...egiespart1.pdf. Last accessed 3 Dec 2013. 5 Appendix : - Questionnaire Which one of the following you think that the reason for the weakness of the English language in Saudi Arabia : •Lack of clarity of purpose of learning English. •Do not develop the curriculum adequately. •Lack of multiple materials in English language education. •Do not start the teaching of English in the early grades. •All of the above - interview What are the reasons for the weakness of the English language in Saudi Arabia ? What are the solutions that may be developed to remove the causes of weakness in English in Saudi society ? هذا الملف الاول للدكتور (السقوفي ) عذرا على التاخير ... |
2014- 2- 24 | #20 |
متميزه بملتقى المواضيع العامة
رد: جميع بحوث طلبة الدفعات السابقة المطروحة في الملتقى
هاذي مسوده لمشروع التخرج علما بأن ارسالها للدكتور في الوقت المحدد سوف يمنح الطالب او الطالبه 10 درجات بلأضافه الى 70 درجه للعمل النهائي للبحث وبالتوفيق للجميع ان شاء الله
Cover Page * Running Head * Page Header * Title, Author, Institution Table of Contents Very brief proposals with few sections ordinarily do not need a table of contents; the guiding consideration in this is the reader's convenience. Long and detailed proposals may require, in addition es) and a list of to a table of contents, a list of illustrations (or figurtables. If all of these are included, they should follow the order case Roman -mentioned, and each should be numbered with lowernumerals. The table of contents should list all major parts and it precedes the table divisions (including the abstract, even though.of contents) Abstract Typically, an informative abstract answers these questions in 100-250 words: o Why did you do this study or project? o What did you do and how? o What did you find? o What do your findings mean? Introduction Your first sentence of your introduction should identify the research problem. This sentence or two should address why the research is important and what you are hoping to accomplish. What is the problem under investigation? Literature review you should complete a literature review. Your review of the literature should only include the most recent or relevant articles. Through the use of previous research, you should develop the general background of the research problem and identify research holes to show how your experiment can further research in the field. Make sure you include your hypothesis in this section, as well as, the independent and dependent variables. Lastly, identify your research design. *Helpful Hint: Make index cards to organize all of your references. It is a good idea to include the following information: Authors Article Title Periodical Title Year Volume Pages Independent Variable(s) Dependent Variable(s) Hypotheses Conclusions Any Extra Information Significance of Research redicts the significance of the study and expected outcomes. PsThese may relate closely to aim his is only a prediction, and may be excluded if the rationale for Tlthe study has been well developed earlier in the proposa Research Question the purpose is expressed in terms of the broader context of the study the research question(s) (usually What, How, Why, or What if) should be few, so that the focus is manageable the aims will be related to the purpose and the questions Research Methodology Method In this section you should discuss how you are going to meet the goals discussed in the introduction. This portion of the proposal is broken down further into questions you should answer within each subsection. Participants *Who are your participants going to be? (i.e., What is the gender, age education, race, etc. of your participants?) *How many participants are you going to have? *How are you going to recruit them? *How are you going to assign them to groups? *How are you going to compensate them? *What criteria will you use for participation in your project? Apparatus/Materials *What apparatus are you going to use? *What materials are you going to use? *Are you going to administer any psychological tests? If so, which ones? *Are there any special supplies you require? *Do you need an apparatus or device to observe or record behavior? Procedure *What is your research design? *What will happen in your experiment? *Where is your study going to take place? (Describe where the data will be collected) Ethical Consideration Primary research involves collecting data about a given subject directly from the real world. This section includes information on what primary research is, how to get started, ethics involved with primary research and different types of research you can do. It includes details about interviews, surveys, observations, and analysis . Limitations of the study . When you're researching a topic or a sample group, there are some uncontrollable factors that will affect the quality of your research. These are the limitations of your study. The best way to identify these would be during the conceptualization and ionalization phase of your research plan. Simply outline the operatfactors you can't control, describe why, and state how they might affect your outcome. More information on limitations can be found http://education.astate.edu/dcline/Guide... :here :Limitations of study are the final topic under your Methodology Expected Results * What data will be collected ? * Are there any criteria for inclusion of data ? * How will the data be summarized, that is, what descriptive statistics will you use ? * What inferential statistics will you use ? * What will the significance level be ? . References * This is your reference list of literature cited in the proposal . |
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