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2014- 5- 1 | #211 |
ÑÏ: @@@ ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ áÛÉ ÅäÌáíÒíÉ ÞÑÇÁÉ @@@
ÔßÑÇ Çááå íÌÒÇß ßá ÎíÑ íÇÑÈ :)
2014- 5- 1 | #212 |
ÑÏ: @@@ ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ áÛÉ ÅäÌáíÒíÉ ÞÑÇÁÉ @@@
åÐå ÇÓÆáå ÎÇÕå ÈÇáãÍÇÖÑÊíä 10-14 (ÇÓÆáå ÇáãÍÇÖÑå ÇáÚÇÔÑå) 1- An searches the scene of a crime for evidence. a. Detective b. investigator c. policeman d. oppressor 2- The word aggressive means a. Strong b. coward c. weak d. agent 3- The word apprehend means a. Catch b. steal c. leave d. escape 4- The word assertive means a. Help b. bad c. confident d. unconfident 5- The word assist means a. Try b. catch c. slit d. help 6- When you have a proof against someone or a criminal, that means you have a. evidence b. nothing c. thieves d. phone numbers 7- The destruction of public property is called a. Evidence b. vandalism c. trial d. inconsistency 8- The word assemble means to a. Gain b. collect c. get rid of d. catch 9- The word duty means a. Responsibility b. career c. evidence d. gather 10- The word witness means a. a person who saw a car b. a person who saw a crime c. a criminal d. a crime 11- The opposite of the word assertive is : a. sure b. positive c. hesitant d. state 12- Detectives concentrate on ……………. a. Providing protection b. gathering information c. catch thieves d. investigating 13- Private detectives and investigators obtain information by interviewing ……………. a. Criminals b. witnesses c. thieves' d. shopkeepers 14- The word Aggressive means ………… . a.strong b. weak c. lazy d. friendly 15- Private detectives and investigators get their cases from: a. Only clients b. clients and their managers c. only their managers d. none of the following 16- …………….detectives protect store merchandise by apprehending anyone attempting to steal merchandise or destroy store property. Compelete? a) store b) house c) building d) street 17- private detectives and investigators often work …………… hours a) irregular b) regular c) non-uniform d) average 18- early morning, weekend and holiday work for private detectives and investigators is……………… a) common b) rare c) often d) sometimes ____________________ (ÇáãÍÇÖÑå ÇáÑÇÈÚå ÚÔÑå) 1-the word literate means …………… . a.Someone who’s educated b. not educated c. not learning d. critic 2-the word vary means . a.Different things b. one thing c. wanted person d. impossible 3- the opposite of the word literate is : a. illiterate b. educated c. oppose d. critic 4-Acountry in which an immigrant lives in is a............... ÇáÇÌÇÈå(Host country) 5-(ESL)stnds for...................................... ÇáÇÌÇÈå((english as a second 6-1998 alaw was passed in california that made bilingual education.......... )legalÇáÇÌÇÈå ( 7- The opposite of the word effective is : a. Harmful b. Ineffective c. Critic d. Native 8- ……………….. is when you say something and do a different thing. a. Controversy b. Oppose c. Vary d. Burden 9- The word vary means : a. differ b. same c. proponent d. Critic 10- the opposite of the word oppose is : a. disallow b. agree c. disagree d. behave 11- The word implement means : a. put a plan b. make justice c. give d. mandate 12- The word mandate means : a. take b. give c. make d. plan 13- The opposite of the word unlimited is ……….. . a. inlimited b. limited c. delimited d. illimit |
2014- 5- 1 | #213 |
ÑÏ: @@@ ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ áÛÉ ÅäÌáíÒíÉ ÞÑÇÁÉ @@@
åá ãä ÇÍÏ ÓÈÞäí áßÊÇÈå ÇáÇÓÆáå
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2014- 5- 1 | #214 |
ÑÏ: @@@ ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ áÛÉ ÅäÌáíÒíÉ ÞÑÇÁÉ @@@
2014- 5- 1 | #215 |
ÑÏ: @@@ ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ áÛÉ ÅäÌáíÒíÉ ÞÑÇÁÉ @@@
ÌÒÇß Çááå ÎíÑÇ áßä íÇáíÊ ÊæÖÚ Ú Ôßá ßæíäÒäÇÊ íÓåá ÚáíäÇ ãÑÇÌÚÊåÇ
ÇáÊÚÏíá ÇáÃÎíÑ Êã ÈæÇÓØÉ äÌáÇÁ9 ; 2014- 5- 1 ÇáÓÇÚÉ 10:53 PM |
2014- 5- 1 | #216 |
ÑÏ: @@@ ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ áÛÉ ÅäÌáíÒíÉ ÞÑÇÁÉ @@@
Çááå íÌÒÇÇÇß ÎíÑ æáÇíÍÑãß ÇáÇÌÑ íÚäí åÐí ÎáÇÇÕ ÔÇãáå ÇáãÍÇÖÑÊíä ١٠ æ١٤ ¿
2014- 5- 1 | #217 |
ÑÏ: @@@ ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ áÛÉ ÅäÌáíÒíÉ ÞÑÇÁÉ @@@
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2014- 5- 1 | #218 |
ÑÏ: @@@ ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ áÛÉ ÅäÌáíÒíÉ ÞÑÇÁÉ @@@
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2014- 5- 1 | #219 |
ÑÏ: @@@ ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ áÛÉ ÅäÌáíÒíÉ ÞÑÇÁÉ @@@
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2014- 5- 1 | #220 |
ÑÏ: @@@ ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ áÛÉ ÅäÌáíÒíÉ ÞÑÇÁÉ @@@
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