E6 English Literature Students Level six Forum |
ÃÏæÇÊ ÇáãæÖæÚ |
2015- 12- 2 | #21 | |
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
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2015- 12- 2 | #22 |
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2015- 12- 2 | #23 |
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2015- 12- 2 | #24 | ||
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2015- 12- 3 | #25 |
ããíÒÉ ãÓÊæì 8 E
. ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã in the name of allâh, the most beneficent, the most merciful Þá åæ Çááå ÇÍÏ (1) say (o muhammad (peace be upon him)): "he is allâh, (the) one Çááå ÇáÕãÏ (2) allâh-us-samad (the self-sufficient master, whom all creatures need, he neither eats nor drinks) áã íáÏ æáã íæáÏ(3) he begets not, nor was he begotten. (3 æáã íßä áå ßÝæÇ ÇÍÏ(4) and there is none co-equal or comparable unto him."(4 |
2015- 12- 3 | #26 |
ããíÒÉ ãÓÊæì 8 E
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
. A certain language system has it is own feature and that people use to communicate with each other According to Newmark SL writer and TL readership are two component of the dynamic of translation All texts are different - not the same The first step to suitably translate a text is to identify the text type The core of an expressive text type is the writer Poetry fiction and drama are part of literary genre |
2015- 12- 3 | #27 |
ããíÒÉ ãÓÊæì 8 E
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
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2015- 12- 3 | #28 |
ããíÒÉ ãÓÊæì 8 E
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
Newmark depends on Buhler’s functions of language to deal with text types. According to Buhler, there are three language functions: äíæãÇÑß íÚÊãÏ Úáì ÊÞÓíãÇÊ ÈæáÑ ¡ æÈæáÑ íÚÊãÏ Úáì ËáÇË ÊÞÓíãÇÊ Expressive: serious imaginative literature, authoritative statements, autobiography, essays and personal correspondence ÊÚÈíÑíå íÚäí ãÍæÑåÇ Úä ÇáßÇÊÈ ( originat or writier ) æÇãËáå ÚáíåÇ Informative: a textbook, a technical report, a scientific paper or agenda of a meeting ãÚáæãÇÊíå Çæ ÃÈáÇÛíå ÈÍÊå íÚäí (topic of knowledge ) ãËá ÇáÊßÓÊ Èæß æÇáÊÞÑíÑ ÇáÊÞäí ¡ æÇáÃæÑÇÞ ÇáÚáãíå Ãæ ÌÏæá ÇáÇÚãÇá Ýí ÇÌÊãÇÚ agenda = ÌÏæá ÇÚãÇá Vocative: notices, publicity, propaganda, persuasive writing and advertisements ÃÞäÇÚíå ¡ íÚäí ÇáßÇÊÈ íÍÇæá íÞäÚß ÈÔíÁ íÞäÚ ÇáÜ ( readership ) ãËá ÇáãáÇÍÙÇÊ æÇáÓíÇÓå æ æÇáßÊÇÈå ÇáãÞäÚå æÇáÏÚÇíÇÊ æÇáäÏÇÁ propaganda = ÏÚÇíÉ advertisements = ÃÚáÇäÇÊ " Few texts are purely expressive informative or vocative: most include all three functions, with an emphasis on one of the three" ( Newmark,1988: 42) íÚäí Þáíá ãä ÇáäÕæÕ ãÍÊæÇåÇ ÈÍÊ Úä ÃÍÏ åÐå ÇáÊÞÓíãÇÊ ¡ ÃÛáÈåÇ ÊÌãÚ ÇáËáÇËå æÊÑßÒ ÇßËÑ Úáì ÃÍÏ åÐå ÇáÊÞÓíãÇÊ ~ |
2015- 12- 3 | #29 |
ããíÒÉ ãÓÊæì 8 E
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
ÇáãÍÇÖÑÉ ÇáËÇáËÉ )ÃÓÆáÉ ãÑÇÌÚÉ( - Choose the right answer: 1_All texts are ….. 1- different 2- the same 3- argumentative 4- informative 2_We can distinguish between political and medical texts 1-True 2- False 3-always 4-All the above 3_Identifying the text type is: 1-the definition of translation 2-the last step of translation 3- the first step of translation 4-the title of translation 4_The first step to suitably translate a text is to : 1- determine the long and short sentences 2- identify the text type 3- recognize the title 5_Hatim and Mason classified text types according to their 1- rhetorical purposes 2- length of paragraphs 3- language functions 4- All the above 6_Hatim and Mason classified text types into three major categories. One of them is 1- Argumentative 2- Expositive 3- instruction-based. 4- All the above 7_Instruction without option includes texts such as ….. 1- laws. 2- Advertisement 8_Instruction with option includes texts such as……. 1- laws. 2- Advertisement 9_Newmark depends on …………. functions of language to deal with text types 1- Buhler’s 2- Basil Hatim 3- Ian Mason 4- Katharina Riess 10_According to Buhler, there are three language functions: 1- Expressive 2- Informative 3- Vocative 4- All the above |
2015- 12- 3 | #30 |
ããíÒÉ ãÓÊæì 8 E
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
11_According to Newmark, serious imaginative literature, authoritative statements, autobiography, essays and personal correspondence are text types which are: 1- expressive 2- vocative 3- informative 4- argumentative 12_According to Newmark, a textbook, a technical report, a scientific paper or agenda of a meeting are text types which are: 1- expressive 2- vocative 3- informative 4-argumentative 13_According to Newmark, notices, publicity, propaganda, persuasive writing and advertisements are text types which is: 1- expressive 2- vocative 3- informative 4-argumentative 14_The core of an expressive text type is: 1-the topic 2-the readership 3- the writer 4- the translator 15_The core of an Informative text type is: 1-the topic 2-the readership 3- the writer 4- the translator 16_The core of Vocative text type is: 1-the topic 2-the readership 3-the writer 4-the translator 17_Katherina Reiss classified text types as follows: 1-Informative& Expressive 2-Operative& Audiomedial 3-Vocative 4-Both 1&2 |
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