E6 English Literature Students Level six Forum |
ÃÏæÇÊ ÇáãæÖæÚ |
2015- 12- 7 | #371 | |
ããíÒÉ ãÓÊæì 8 E
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
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ÇáÊÚÏíá ÇáÃÎíÑ Êã ÈæÇÓØÉ ßÇÑÒãÇ ; 2015- 12- 7 ÇáÓÇÚÉ 07:12 PM |
2015- 12- 7 | #372 |
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
2015- 12- 7 | #373 | |
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
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2015- 12- 7 | #374 |
ãÊãíÒ ÈÇáãÓÊæì 7 E
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
2015- 12- 7 | #375 |
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
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2015- 12- 7 | #376 |
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ÇáãÍÇÖÑÉ ÇáËÇäíÉ: ÚÈÇÑÉ Úä äÕæÕ ÃãËáÉ ãÎÊáÝÉ ÈÇááÛÊíä ÇáÚÑÈíÉ æÇáÃäÌáíÒíÉ: Ãæá äÕ æÌÇÁ Ýí ÇáÃÎÊÈÇÑ ÊÑÌãÉ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÅÎáÇÕ: "1Þõáú åõæó Çááøóåõ ÃóÍóÏñ 2Çááøóåõ ÇáÕøóãóÏõ 3áóãú íóáöÏú æóáóãú íõæáóÏú 4æóáóãú íóßõä áøóåõ ßõÝõæðÇ ÃóÍóÏñ" Say (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "He is Allah, (the) One. "Allah-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks). He begets not, nor was He begotten; "And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him." + äÕ: Dear Valued Customer = Text2 äÕ Text6 = ÃÈíÇÊ ÔÚÑíÉ ááÔÇÚÑ: William Wordsworth Text6: (Is a poem by the famous English poet William Wordsworth.) äÕ Text8 = Small Change From The Economist Jul 16th 1998 Text 9 = "Ãä æÇÏí Ñã Ðæ ÇáÌãÇá ÇáØÈíÚí ÇáÝÇÊä íáÎÕ...." + ÇáÊÚÑíÝ Çáãåã: Katharina Reiss (1979/1989) views the text, rather than the word or sentence, as the level at which communication is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought. ÇáÃÓÆáÉ Úáì ÇáãÍÇÖÑÉ ÇáËÇäíÉ: A short story is an example of a (religious / literary / technical ) text. ØÈÚÇð ÓÃá Úä ÇáÞÕíÏÉ ÇáäÕ 6 ãÇ äæÚåÇ¿A religious text is like a (Quran Surah/ poem / short story ). A certain text talking about a certain disease is considered as ( religious / literary / technical ) text. . Katharina Reiss views the ( word / sentence / text ) as the level at which communication is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought. = Expressive æÇáäÕ 9 ãÃÎæÐ ãä ÃíÔ¿ ÇáÌæÇÈ: Tourist brochure *ßÊíÈ ÓíÇÍí |
2015- 12- 7 | #377 |
ãÊãíÒÉ ÇááÛÉ ÇáÇäÌáíÒíÉ ÇáÊÚáíã Úä ÈÚÏ
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
ÇáÓãæÍÉ ãÚáíÔ ØÈÚÇð Ýíå ÓÄÇá ÊÈÚ äÕ ÎØÇÈ Çáãáß ÚÈÏÇááå Çááå íÑÍãå æãßÊæÈ ÛáØ ÇáÎíÇÑÇÊ: The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques has addressed the nation with a speech which is considered as a ( technical / literary / religious) text. ÇáÌæÇÈ ÇáÕÍíÍ = Official Speech äØáÞ Úáì ÇáäÕ: technical áãÇ íßæä äÕ ØÈí Ãæ Ôí ãä åÐÇ ÇáÞÈíá äØáÞ Úáì ÇáäÕ: literary ÈÇáÔÚÑ æÇáäÕæÕ æÛíÑåÇ æ ØÈÚÇð religious = ÇáäÕæÕ ÇáÏíäíÉ |
2015- 12- 7 | #378 | |
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
+ ÇáÃÓÆáÉ Úáì ÇáãÍÇÖÑÉ ÇáÃæáì: The originator the text whether it is oral or written 1-speaker 2- translator 3-writer 4- author A person who totally Knows the two languages ( Chinese and Arabic ) to transfer the meaning of this contract to you 1-speaker 2- translator 3- originator 4- author According to……………: - the term "translation" can refer to : - the general subject field - the product ( the text that gad been translation) - the process ( the act of producing the translation) 1-munday 2-Newmark 3-Brislin 4-Farghal According to……………: "Rendering the meaning of text into another language in the way that the author intended the text". 1-munday 2-Newmark 3-Brislin 4-Farghal According to……………: translation is the general term referring to the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language (source) to another (target) 1-munday 2-Newmark 3-Brislin 4-Farghal 9_SL stand for : …………………… 1- The language into which the ST is translated. 2- the language in which the ST is written. 3- The text which is a translation of the ST. 4- the text requiring translation. 10_TL stand for : …………………… 1- The language into which the ST is translated. 2- the language in which the ST is written. 3- The text which is a translation of the ST. 5- the text requiring translation 11_TT stand for : …………………… 1- The language into which the ST is translated. 2- the language in which the ST is written. 3- The text which is a translation of the ST. 4- the text requiring translation. 12_ST stand for : …………………… 1- The language into which the ST is translated. 2- the language in which the ST is written. 3- The text which is a translation of the ST. 4- the text requiring translation. 14_In translation,SL refers to: 1- Two languages 2- Transfer of language 3- Target language 4- Source language 15_In translation,TL refers to: 1- Two languages 2- Transfer of language 3- Target language 4- Source language ÍáíÊåÇ Úä ÙåÑ ÛíÈ ååååååå ÈÔÑæ Íáí ÕÍ Çæ Ýí ÔíÁ ÛáØ
2015- 12- 7 | #379 |
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
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2015- 12- 7 | #380 | |
ããíÒÉ ãÓÊæì 8 E
ÑÏ: ✿⊹⊱ ....... ãÌáÓ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÊÑÌãÉ ÇáÇäãÇØ ÇáäÕíå .. ÇáËáÇËÇÁ 26-2-1437åÜÜ.....⊰⊹✿
. . ÈÑÇÝæ ÈÓ ÂÎÑ ÓÄÇá ÛáØ 15_In translation,TL refers to: 1- Two languages 2- Transfer of language 3- Target language 4- Source language ÇáÕÍ 3- Target language |
ãæÇÞÚ ÇáäÔÑ (ÇáãÝÖáÉ) |
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